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1 - Family – Family is the thing that I value the most because they are my biggest motivation. Even if I
grow older, they are my constants, they continue to give me their love, their support, and their wisdom.
My family never fails to show me that they value me ,that is why I do my best to return the feeling to
them and show them that I value them.

2- Spirituality- I have always believed that everything has a purpose. I am driven everyday by the
wonderful promises that the He has given. I am able to face and overcome the challenges in my life
because I hold onto my spiritual values

3- Reason- Reason is the explanation of how something occurs or happens. Just as I believe that I
everything has a purpose, I follow it up with the saying that “there is a reason for everything”. When
faced with uncertainty or difficulty, I always weigh things subjectively and objectively before I
react/response. As much as possible I avoid being impulsive.

4- Morals- I believe that morals is the foundation of other traits. In making decisions in different
aspects whether that is in life, in work, or personally, there will always be its pros and cons. And
sometimes when were stuck in making judgements, it is our morals that guide us to make a fair

5- Love- It is the greatest thing that we can receive and we can give. Love is not limited to one’s
significant other; it is far beyond that. It can be love towards yourself, towards your friend ,your family,
your life and even your work. When we love something, it is another great drive for us to keep going.

6- Respect- Respect is like a biggest honor that we can give to everybody. I truly believe that in order to
gain other people’s respect, we should also know how to give it to others. I may rank “Fairness”
alongside respect because I believe they work hand in hand, if you respect people, then you treat them
fairly and equally without judgement or prejudice. If you do not show respect then it just means you do
not value being fair.

7- Stability- Stability and peace are two peas in a pod. Stability is having the feeling of peace- being
content with what you have. It does not have to be something grand like being financially stable ,
stability is having comfort and fulfillment with whatever or whichever your have whether they are big
or not.

8- Knowledge- Knowledge is a very important weapon that we can always bring with us whenever or
wherever. Having knowledge of different things prevents us from making wrong decisions or avoids us in
compromising the stability and peace that we have already achieved.
9-Calmness- I value calmness because it is what helps me keep a strong mindset in tough times. In my
family, I am someone whom everyone relies on, so it is very important that I am calm especially when
there certain instances wherein everyone is already frantic. I always try to be the calm and composed
person in the bunch and I hope and I believe that by doing so, I am somehow able to give them the
sense of comfort.

10- Relaxation- At the end of each day or task, I see to it that I have my time to relax and replenish my
energy and motivation. This helps me to avoid burn out.

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