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Panel Forum Agenda

Group : 4

Forum Tittle : LGBT Virus Among Malaysians Nowadays




Role : PANEL 1 ( Professor and Dean of UNISZA Medical Faculty )


Role : PANEL 2 ( Professor of UKM Islamic Studies Faculty )

3 Name : FARHAH BINTI ADAM (050631)

Role : PANEL 3 ( Phychologist in HUSM )

4 Name : AMIRAH BINTI ZAINAL (050699)

Role : PANEL 4 ( University’s Counselor )

Time Activity Action


Opening :
Will be lead by the
Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention. moderator
Good afternoon/evening. I’m …… as this
forum’s moderator.
2 minutes First of all, I would like to welcome you all to the
Ok guys, what is LGBT? Did you guys know
about this group of peoples? What is their
benefits ? Or did they only bring harm to our
generation? Yes, that is the topic that we want to
discuss today with our panel members.

Introduction of Panels :
3 minutes Moderator will introduce
Let me introduce the panels ….. each of the panel members
Each of the panel members will help us to to the audiences
understand more about this hot topic.

Panel’s Speech :
minutes Moderator will start the forum by asking
questions to panel members.

Panel 1 : Masturah (the definition and the

origin of LGBT) Panel 1 will deliver her
L stand for Lesbian, G stand for Gay, B stand for
Bisexual and T stand for transsexual.

The first homosexual group in France is formed

1955- The Daughters of Bilitis (DOB) was
founded in San Francisco by four lesbian couples
(including Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon) and was
the first national lesbian political and social
organization in the United States.

Panel 2 : Farah Izzati (factors of LGBT)

- Family factor.
Lack of giving religious education to children
Panel 2 will state the factors
about the prohibition of LGBT in Islam.
- Social media factor.
Bad influence to kids and teenagers because
many LGBT agenda in it.

Panel 3 : Farhah ( effects of LGBT)

- Individual
Mostly Malaysian did not accept this group of Panel 3 will talk about the
people, so they will be excluded/ removed from effects of LGBT.
society because what they are doing is contrary to
the human norm of life.

- Health
65% patient of HIV AIDS are from LGBT
Can lead to many veneral diseases, mental illness
and bad lifestyle.

Panel 4 : Amirah Zainal (ways to prevent from

involving LGBT )
- Parents roles
Should know more about their children’s
activities and who they associate with. Panel 4 state how and who
can prevent this sick
- Authorities activities
Such as JAKIM should play roles in preventing
LGBT in our society.
Tolerate and keep checking on them.

Panel’s Closing Remarks :

3 minutes Each panels give their own
Each panels will close their speeches with their comments about this topic.
own stance

Question and Answer :

Based on times left, if we have enough times

there will be Q & A.

Closing :
3 minutes Moderator will thank the
Thank you to all the panel members for their panel members and
contribution in enlightening us about the issue. audiences to end the forum.
I’m really appreciate the support from the
audiences and I hope that this forum will help us
gain more knowledge and resolve our enquiries
about LGBT community.
Thank you.

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