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A nurse decided to do a home check-up and obtained the following data:

 The family has nine members with a gross income of P500.00 per day and three children are


 The mother is a vegetable vendor in the community and earns a profit of P200.00 a day. At child

bearing period. Mrs. V verbalized. With the meager daily income of P300.00 my husband earns,

I need to help Increase through selling vegetables. I am so busy that I can’t find time to have my

urine examined. But I did not have during my previous pregnancies and even with my present

pregnancy. That is why I seldom go for a check up at the clinic. It just happened that I passed by

the health center on my way home, so I thought of dropping by the clinic to have my prenatal

check up. But I actually feel alright. But the doctor mentioned that my blood pressure was

slightly elevated. The doctor want me to go back to the clinic to have my prenatal follow up. She

wants to see the result of my urine examination , my problem is I have plenty of things to do.

But I don’t think I have to worry because I have 7 pregnancies and they were all normal. ALL of

them were home deliveries attended by a “hilot”

 The family lives in a two-room house of light materials situated in a congested area about 4 km

from the health center. They kept the garbage at the back of their house.

 The two children have a varying degree of infected and healed skin eruptions and scabs on

their hands and feet

 The other child looks pale, lethargic and spathetic with scabies too, underweight and


 The mother verbalized that her husband wants to give the children a better future.

Prioritize the following health problems and justify using the scoring criterion.

1. Malnutrition

2. Scabies

3. Inadequate living space

4. Family size beyond family resources

1. Malnutrition
Criteria Computation Actual score justification
1. Nature of the problem 3/3 x 1 1 health deficit, there is a
problem in maintaining
health maintenance.
2. Modifiability of the 2/2 x 2 2 Easily modifiable, the risk
problem factor can be modified.

3. Preventive potential 3/3 x 1 1 Highly, it can prevent

having malnutrition, by
consulting to dietician
and/or giving proper
amount of food.
4. Salience of the problem 2/2 x 1 1 problem needing urgent
attention, its urgent and
need medical attention.
Total score 1+2+1+1 5 It shows that there is a
problem in maintaining
health maintenance and its
urgent need for medical
attention. But it can be
2. Scabies
Criteria Computation Actual score Justification
1. Nature of the problem 2 /3 x 1 0.67  Health threat have a
varying degree of infected
and healed skin eruptions
and scabs on
their hands and feet. It can
be worsened if left
2. Modifiability of the 2/2 x 2 2 Easily modifiable, the risk
problem factor can be modified.

3. Preventive potential 3/3 x 1 1 Highly preventive, it can

use as a preventive
equipment is lotion that
contains insecticides and
avoid skin to skin contact.
4. Salience of the problem 2/2 x 1 1 Problem needing urgent
attention, because scabies
are highly contagious and
need immediate treatment.
Total score 0.67+2+1+1 4.67 According to the criteria, it
can lead to health threat
and needed urgent
attention. But its highly
3. Inadequate living spaces
Criteria Computation Actual score Justification
1. Nature of the problem 2 /3 x 1 0.67 Health threat

2. Modifiability of the 1/2 x 2 1 Partially modifiable


3. Preventive potential 2/3 x 1 0.67 Moderate

4. Salience of the problem 1/2 x 1 0.5 Problem not needing

urgent attention

Total score 0.67+1+0.67+0.5 2.84 It can be health threat to

their health, there are some
potential prevention that it
may help to their problem
that may affect their health.

4. Family size beyond family resources

Criteria Computation Actual score Justification
1. Nature of the problem 2/3 x 1 0.67 Health threat

2. Modifiability of the 1/2 x 2 1 Easily modifiable


3. Preventive potential 1/3 x 1 0.33 Highly

4. Salience of the problem 2/2 x 1 1 Problem needing urgent


Total score 0.67+1+0.33+1 3 It can be health threat but

there is a highly preventive
measures to suggest for
there health problem
because it is urgent

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