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A novel movie that is a box-office smash in 2019 that took away the tears of the

million of viewers. Mắt Biếc or Dreamy Eyes is a movie version of the novel of the
same name released in 1990 by writer Nguyễn Nhật Ánh glorified the Vietnamese
cinema at that time. This masterpiece by director Victor Vũ was highly appreciated
by critics and each representative of Vietnam was sent to the pre-qualification for
the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 93rd Academy Awards but was
excluded from the short list of nominations.
The film future star Trần Tuấn Nghĩa in the role of Ngạn - the male lead of the movie
has a one-sided love with Hà Lan, the girlfriend has attractive eyes but a stubborn
personality. Both experienced so many memories in this poor village, gradually in
Ngạn a silent love for Hà Lan arose. When growing up, both went to school in Hue
city. Hà Lan lives with her aunt while Ngạn shared a house with his uncle - Huấn. It
seems that the plot will develop in a way that benefits for Ngạn và Hà Lan but this is
when the climax comes. Uncle Huan has a son named Dũng, who is Ngan's cousin.
Although he is rich, stylish, and good at martial arts, Dũng is not a decent person
because after getting the love from Hà Lan and even making Hà Lan pregnant, Dũng
left her and married another girl name is Bích Hoàng. Hà Lan gave birth to a
daughter named Tra Long. Because Ngạn still loves Hà Lan, he asked her to let him
take care of Trà Long so that she could focus on her work. And the special thing is
that Trà Long looks a lot like her mother Hà Lan, but the only difference between
the two is that Trà Long loves Ngạn. And how the ending is, I will let you see and
have your own feelings.
After watching this film, I feel understand for Ngạn, maybe he's very good, but luck
isn't always on his side. As for the acting, in my opion, Trần Tuấn Nghĩa is
underrated, Although this was the first big movie that he performed, he did
extremely well and inspired many young people who want to be an actor.
If you like overblown films full of action and special effects, then this film is definitely
not for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for something thought-provoking
and inspiring, you owe it to yourself to see Mắt Biếc.

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