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Nurses are a necessary part of the health care. Like doctors, they have two jobs.
They heal sick people and take care of patients. Most nurses who work in
hospitals are general-duty nurses. They supervise the care of the patients and
assist doctors. However, many nurses work in other places, such as clinics,
schools, factories, and private homes. There are also jobs in the offices of doctors
and dentists. Therefore, there are many different kinds of nursing jobs.
There are two kinds of nurses: professional and practical. Professional nurses are
registered nurses (RN’s). They have two to five years of medical education. Both
kinds of nurses study anf learn in classes and in clinics. In their classroom studies,
nurses learn about the anatomy of the body, chemistry, the nutrition of foods,
drugs and medicine, and psychology. They also learn about general nursing care.
In their clinical studies, they work with patients. They learn to take a patient’s
temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate. They learn to care for all kinds of
patients. They also learn about different jobs in hospital.
Practical nurses are another kind of nurse. These nurses also study about nursing
care, but they study for only a year or two. Practical nurses usually help
professional nurses with the patients. Professional nurses, on the other hand,
usually assist doctors.
Most nurses contiunue their education. They learn about new medicines, new
machines, and new treatments. Some nurses continue their education to become
specialists. For example, some nurses specialize in surgenry, emergency care, or
pediatrics. In surgency, nurses assist doctors during operations. In emergency
rooms, nurses treat people with injuries from accidents. In pediatrics, they care
for sick children.
Nursing jobs are difficult, but most nurses want to help sick people. They work
hard to heal sick patients and to prevent illness. Nurses are an essential part of
health care.
nursing: điều dưỡng
supervise: giám sát
assist: giúp đỡ
clinic: phòng khám/ bệnh viện tư/ lâm sàng
clinical: thuộc về lâm sàng
clinical studies: học về lâm sàng
general-duty nurse: y tá đa khoa
registered nurse: điều dưỡng viên có đăng ký hành nghề
 professional nurse are registered nurses
anatomy: giải phẫu học
nutrition: dinh dưỡng
nutritionist: chuyên gia dinh dưỡng
nutritious: dinh dưỡng
psycho: tâm lý
psychology: tâm lý học
sociology: xã hội học
psychosociology: tâm lý xã hội học
take someone’s temperature (blood pressure/ pulse rate): đo nhiệt độ (huyết áp/
nhịp tim)
treat: chữa trị
treatment: sự chữa trị
paediatrics: chuyên khoa nhi
injury: vết thương
accident: tai nạn
illness: bệnh
essential: cần thiết

marital status: tình trạng hôn nhân
next to kin: người thân
intake: lượng thuốc, thức ăn nạp vào cơ thể
admit: cho vào/ nhập vào
admit somebody to/into a hospital: cho ai nhập viện
admission: sự nhập viện
mental illness: bệnh tâm thần
diabetes: tiểu đường
tuberculosis: bệnh lao
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
immunodeficiency:suy giảm miễn dịch
immune: suy giảm
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
acquired: mắc phải
syndrome: hội chứng
ladder: cầu thang
slip: trượt
concussion: choáng, chấn thương não
allergic (to something): dị ứng (bởi cái gì đó)
suffer (from something): bị (gì đó)
maternal: họ hàng bên ngoại (bên mẹ)
paternal: họ hàng bên nội (bên cha)
sterilize: khửu trùng
sterilization: việc khử trùng
spread: lây lan
bacterium: vi trùng, vi khuẩn (số ít)
bacteria: vi trùng, vi khuẩn (số nhiều)

microscope (n): kính hiển vi
microscopic (a): rất nhỏ
infect (v): nhiễm bệnh
infection (n): sự nhiễm bệnh
per cent: tỉ lệ
percentage: tỉ lệ phần trăm
instrument: dụng cụ/ thiết bị
spray: phun, xịt
chemical: hoá chất
germ: vi trùng, vi khuẩn
medical workers: nhân viên y tế
visible ( invisible): có thể nhìn thấy ( không thể nhìn thấy)


Doctors and nurses are part of health care. They have two important jobs. They
heal sick patients, and they try to prevent disease. Doc tors study eight to twelve
years. Many doctors specialize. There are two kinds of nurses: professional and
practical. Practical nurses study only a year or two. Professional nurses study up
to five years. Both doctors and nurses sometimes specialize. There are nany
speciaties, such as surgency, dentistry, and opthalmology. Doctors who specialize
in surgency are called surgeons. Nurses who care for children are pediatric nurses.
Doctors and nurses try to cure sick people and to stop disease.

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