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There are three exercises for you to complete in this worksheet.

You can complete the

exercises in this document or print and complete by hand. The three exercises are:

Exercise 1: Building Your Leadership Brand

Exercise 2: Identity Exercise

Exercise 3: Self-Assessment

Get started below.

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Exercise 1: Building Your Leadership Brand
We will experiment with constructing a personal leadership brand statement. This is not an
exercise in being highly precise or crafting a polished piece, but a simple way to articulate some
of what you know (and continue to learn) about yourself and what you want to accomplish as a

We will follow five steps

adapted from the Building
a Leadership Brand work
of Ulrich and Smallwood.

There’s a well-known
quote from Lee Iacocca
that goes something like
this - The discipline of
writing something down is
the first step toward
making it happen. In
conversation you can get
away with all kinds of
vagueness and nonsense.
But there’s something
about putting your
thoughts on paper that forces you to get down to specifics. That way, it’s harder to deceive

Let’s work on getting down to specifics. As we go through the exercise, write down your own
responses at each of the steps.

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Step 1
Write down 3 to 4 results below that you want to achieve in the next 12 months.

Think about WHAT you and your team are accountable for and the results you need to deliver
and for WHOM - patients, families, co-workers, your boss, your organization.

1. Acquire the required number of nursing staff as per the 2022 staffing plan to minimize
the number of overtime hours.
2. Deliver the required key performance indicator with excellent results
3. Accomplish all learning and development activities to all Saudi and non Saudi staff
targeting the enhancement of their knowledge and skills
4. To pass the the CBAHI-ESR visit to maintain the organizational accreditation

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Step 2
Refer to the descriptors listed in Appendix A of this worksheet. Pick six descriptors that best
capture what you want to be known for. What you see on the screen are examples only to help
stir your thinking. List the six descriptors that work for you.

1. Compassionate
2. Sociable
3. Proactive
4. Results oriented
5. Logical
6. Nurturing

Step 3
Experiment with combining the six works you selected to create three two-word phrases that
reflect your desired identity.

1. Proactive-Results oriented
2. Compassionate-Result oriented
3. Nurturing-Logical

Step 4
Draft a first version of your leadership brand statement by combining the elements selected in
steps 1, 2 and 3.

Your statement:
I nurture people with compassionate leadership that is centered on achieving logical results.

Step 5
Try it out. Share what you’ve created with a colleague whom you trust and that knows you well.
Ask for their feedback on whether this:
● Echoes your voice --- it is authentic and sounds like something you would say,
● Drives home what differentiates you,

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● Pinpoints your unique combination of strengths, talents, and drivers,
● Links your brand attributes with your value
● proposition, and
● Balances the fine line between boasting and illuminating your unique value.

Also, do YOU think this best represents who you are and what you can do, and is something you
can demonstrate on a daily basis?

Step 6

How will you communicate and live the brand through your actions and words with others? The
objective of this exercise was to ask you to think more deliberately about the leadership brand
you want to build. You are hopefully clearer on the type of leader you want to be, but right now
it’s just words on a page. How will you demonstrate this on a daily basis? What will you do or
not do?

My work revolves around collaborating with other people in the organization. Building the
capability of our staff requires planning that should translate to development. There are
instances that some staff are experiencing difficulty in their practice. As a nurturing leader I
believe that it requires a lot of patience and this is what I'm practicing. We nurture our staff by
continuously coaching them by being their preceptor, so that I could transfer the knowledge
that will help them in their practice. Doing the daily rounding can also promote informal
coaching which can help them refocus on their targets of promoting quality and safe care.
Speaking calmly, communicating in a clear non threatening voice, understanding what they are
going through, and prioritizing their welfare will be some of the steps which i will take daily so i
can translate my brand to other people.

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Exercise 2: Identity Exercise

Our individual identities are complex and have multiple layers that develop over time. What
exists in each of your identity layers – who are you today?

Capture your initial thoughts now and continue to refine these as you explore other aspects of
leadership. There are no right or wrong answers, but there are unique answers for each of us.
This is a personal exercise and not intended to be shared with others unless you choose to do

Identity layers Who are you today?

Talents and Preferences Enjoy time with friends outside work.

Very sociable
Sometimes i prefer to work on my own to accomplished a task
Values and Beliefs Working under pressure
Always calm even though stressed out
Pleasant to all people
Skills and Knowledge Experienced nurse educator
Patient safety professional/advocate gained through
Learning and development professional gained through
experience and formal certification
Excellent in events planning
Symbols, Behaviors, Routines People would usually call me “Mr. Competency”as i always
bring along with me the evaluation tool for competency
assessment. Staff know me as the one who always gives
awards and certificates. That's why people in the organization
always ask for it even jokingly asking for some certificates.

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Exercise 3: Self-Assessment

After having viewed the Unit 1 Lessons, complete the following “Your Development as an
Authentic Leader Self-Assessment” (Adapted from True North by Bill North and Peter Sims).

Your Development as an Authentic Leader Self-Assessment

Part 1: What leaders, past or present, do you admire most?

What is it about them that you admire?
Which of these leaders do you consider to be authentic leaders?

I have been in different organizations and I could say that every leader that I have worked with
has different qualities which I admire and I think I was able to imbue it in my practice. One of
the best qualities I admire in a leader is his/her humanistic touch, the ability to connect to
people, their ability to combine being straightforward yet know how to understand their
supporters. Being in a leadership role is not an easy role, it requires support and what I have
seen with the leaders i worked with is that they know how to use their power. Whether it is an
expert or charismatic power to influence others and for this make them an authentic person in
a leadership role.

Part 2: Thinking back over all your leadership experiences (formal or informal),
which are you most proud of?
I would say being the nursing dean/dept head makes me really proud. At my young age after
having my master degree I was designated to have the position in the nursing department. In
my young age I was able to deal with the most senior and youngest instructor in the faculty
without creating any issues or problems. Managing people and students in the academic aspect
of nursing is too demanding yet I was able to surpass all the hurdles of this role. I wasn't ready
at that time but having the support of people because they believe in me and trust me makes
one a successful leader.

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Part 3: Think about the basis for your leadership and the kind of leader you
would like to be as you answer these questions:
What qualities do you bring to leadership?
What leadership qualities would you like to develop further?

As a leader I always bring a lot of changes and even challenge the status quo. I always believe in
the mantra that change is the only constant in this world. And as a leader we have to be
visionary and a change agent. That's the most important quality I can bring to leadership. And if
I could develop something in me it would be the ability to say to a person straightforward
without considering his/her feelings because sometimes i always consider their feelings before i
speak to them. I want to be a more straightforward person.

Part 4: Assess whether you demonstrate the five dimensions of an authentic

leader (from this Unit’s Lessons).
Do you understand your purpose as a leader?
Do you practice your values?
Do you lead with your heart?
Do you establish connected relationships?
Do you demonstrate self-discipline?

I believe that our leadership ability emerges in the most difficult situations and in the most
difficult time. Yet, one shouldn't forget to value the most important qualities of an authentic
leader. I would answer yes to all these dimensions. Yes I understand my purpose as a leader
more than being delegated the task to lead, leadership is more of an influence to others to
keep track of our goals and objectives in the organization while valuing relationships with our
staff. And as a leader, I believe I have modeled the qualities that our staff is seeking because
they would also like to be one like me. And it brings me great pride and joy to be an example to
them in seeking excellence in their professional life.

Part 5: Do you feel that you are more effective as a leader when demonstrating
these five dimensions? Can you provide an example?

Yes very much indeed! Demonstrating these dimensions of leadership always assisted me to
accomplish what I have always envisioned. It is important that being in a leadership role one
must master each dimension. Among these dimensions, u would consider one as the most
important and that is keeping connected in a sense of being good collaborator and being
cooperative.In or organization where a multitude of nationality works is it essential to establish

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your support system and that through connected relationship with people. My department
depends on the support of each individual leader in our organization and that is what I always
value to enable me and my team to accomplish our goals. And indeed we always succeed!

Part 6: What are you doing to proactively develop your leadership abilities at
this time?

I applied for a leadership scholarship, and I'm grateful to DHGE for allowing me and grantingg
me this opportunity. I believe that taking this course will increase my confidence in my ability to
lead more effectively in my own practice. And as I go along this course I believe that it would
further hone my knowledge, skills and be more aware of whether I am being an effective leader
or not. For now this is what I'm focusing on to develop myself and my ability.

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