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Krisha Anne Nicole Miranda
Red Jewel Irang
Karl Vincent Ibe
RDIII Tal Placido
Jeffrey Natividad
Aaron john Yalung
Mark Justine Mendoza

1. Imagine your team is assigned to organize a seminar. Device a

concrete plan from planning to execution of the event. Put
emphasis on the importance of communication in the process.
Give a concise summary of your narrative.
Firstly, Planning, it's the most vital and most important step to
organize a seminar. This is where we put the topic, the flow, the audience,
and the meaning or message you want to deliver towards the seminar.
Second, Speaking, in this section, our team would choose speakers that
have prior knowledge about the seminar, can give a proper gesture towards
the audience, and can exactly execute the message clearly with ease. Third,
connect with the audiences, trying to make the seminar more interesting
is the right flow for the audience, the more the audience are interested, the
more they listen and cooperate with your event, which is the seminar.
Being able to connect to the audiences, being able to connect the
message to the minds of your audience, having the courage to speak in
front, being able to deliver the message clearly. These are the importance
of communication, that we, precisely executing for.

2. Discuss how wireless communication works.

The force performing all the work called electromagnetism moves

information like text messages, pictures, videos, and voice between wireless
connected phones, computers, laptops, and cameras. It uses wireless
transmission to transmit radio waves through the air at the speed of light.
Signal changes based on how fast the signal from the transmitter creating
waves with different frequencies. Various frequencies can be used for
different purposes. We call a range of different frequencies a spectrum and
are divided into areas of specific usage or bands. With the help of short,
medium and wide range wireless options, wireless communication can be
deployed easily to transmit data to areas eliminating the requirement to run
expensive cable.

3. Enumerate the Network hardware devices and explain their purpose in the

• Switch - In order to send incoming packets to the correct location, switches

can read their hardware addresses.
• Bridge - Bridges are utilized to link up many hosts or network segments.

• Hub - Computer networking equipment are linked together via hubs.

• Router - By navigating the sea of linked networking devices utilizing various

network topologies, routers assist in the transmission of packets to their
intended locations.

• Modem - Utilizing analog telephone connections, modems are utilized to

send digital signals.

• Network Interface Cards - Computers can be connected to networks by

plugging network cables into ports on network interface cards.

• Network Cable - Computers with wired network interface cards are linked
to the network by plugging in network cables.

• Hub - hub connect all other computers in one network so they can
communicate to each other or play some game through LAN
• Gateway - Gateways normally work at the Transport and Session layers of
the OSI model. At the Transport layer and above, there are numerous
protocols and standards from different vendors; gateways are used to deal
with them.
• Repeater - repeater works as from the word itself it repeats or amplify the
signal of the receiver. it will just receive signal and transmit again so you
have a wide area for your internet, most of the time they use this repeater
to widen the signal of a modem/router

• Access Point - While an access point (AP) can technically involve either a
wired or wireless connection, it commonly means a wireless device. An AP
works at the second OSI layer, the Data Link layer, and it can operate either
as a bridge connecting a standard wired network to wireless devices or as a
router passing data transmissions from one access point to another.

4. In our "DNA age" today, your group as a whole; how will you combat the
proliferation of fake news in our everyday "telecommunication."

In today's technologically linked society, fake news and

disinformation are a serious issue. With just a few clicks, false or misleading
information may quickly be generated and disseminated over international
web networks. In our opinion, in order to combat the rapid increase of fake
news in our daily lives, it is important to start it by ourselves first. We can
stop the spread of fake news in telecommunication by analyzing the source,
if it is accurate information or not, we can assure legitimacy by checking
other's documents and information related to the topic or subject to
strengthen our claims.

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