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SOL Supratentorial at Left Clinoid extend to Bilateral Cavernous Sinus, Sellar Region, Left Sphenoid Wing,
1 Ny. Cucu Juaningsih 51 thn P 0001888257 SKULLBASE 01/12/2022 Kemuning 4 1.2 RS FJ R/ CTR
Left Intraorbita and Clivus due to Suspect Meningioma

SOL Supratentorial at Sellar Region Extend to Suprasellar due to Suspect Craniopharyngioma DD/ Rathke
2 Tn. Gregorius Riko 34 thn L 0002053602 SKULLBASE 02/12/2022 Fresia 3 3.2 Cleft Cyst AB FJ Transphenoid Tumor Removal PB

Myeloradiculopathy at Level Vertebrae Th7-Th8 due to Pathological Fracture Vertebral Th7-Th8 due to
3 Ny. Neneng Nurlatifah 61 thn P 0002091171 SPINE 01/12/2022, Konsul Neuro RIK 3 304 W RD-SV MW R/ Laminectomy Debridement + Abscess Drainage + Posterior Stabilization
Susp. Spondylitis TB + Paravertebral Abscess

Myeloradiculopathy at Level Vertebrae Th 3 - Th 6 due to SOL Intramedullary at level Th 3- Th 6 due to

4 Ny. Cantika 27 thn P 0002091989 SPINE 01/12/2022, Konsul Neuro Azalea 7.2 Suspect Ependymoma DD/ Astrocytoma + Syringomyelia at Th 3 - Th 9 + Pressure Injury unstageable at RD-SV MW R/ Laminectomy Tumor Removal + Posterior Stabilization

Spinal Cord Injury Asia Impairment Scale A due to Compression Injury + Burst Fracture at Level Vertebra L1 +
5 Tn. Aang Ridwan 72 thn L 0002092149 SPINE 23/11/2022 Kemuning 5 9.6 RD-SV MW R/ Laminectomy Decompression+ Posterior Stabilization
Fracture of Right Lamina Vertebra L1

Myeloradiculopathy at Level Verberal C2-C3, C3-C4, dan C6-C7

6 Ny. Yani Rochaeni 51 thn P 0002091353 SPINE 02/12/2022, Konsul Neuro Fresia 2 4.3 RD-SV MW R/ ACCF PB
+ Suspek Chiari malformation tipe 1 + Syringomyelia

7 Ny. Linda Andriyanti Sofyan 49 thn P 0002092896 VASCULAR 27/11/2022 Kana 1.1 Spontaneous SAH due to Suspect Aneurysm Rupture DD/Hypertension + Hypertension Stage II FZ FJ R/ DSA

Congenital Hydrocephalus due to Suspect Aqueduct Stenosis + Right Bronchopneumonia due to Confirmed
8 An. Mutiara 6 bln P 0002084254 PEDIATRIC 30/11/2022, Konsul IKA Kemuning 2 6.1 FM PO R/ VP shunt
Covid 19 + Focal to bilateral Epilepsy + Cerebral Palsy Spastic Quadriplegic Type

Moderate Head Injury + Close Depressed Fracture < 1 table at Right Parietal + Traumatic SDH at Right
9 Ny. Yani Ratna 56 thn P 0002094216 TRAUMA 02/12/2022 IGD Bedah GN SM R/ Craniectomy Decompression + Evacuation PB
Temporoparietal + Traumatic ICH at Right Parietal


12 Tn. Indra Prasetya 32 thn L 0001986834 SKULLBASE 18/11/202, Op 21/11/20222 Kemuning 4 9.2 SOL Supratentorial at Sellar Region due to Suspect TSM DD/ MAH RS YU Trans Sphenoid Tumor Removal

Acute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Spontaneous ICH at Right Basal Ganglia (Globus Pallidus,
14/11/2022, Konsul Neuro, Op
13 Tn. Rastomo 60 thn L 0002089622 VASCULAR HCU Asnawati 4.2 Putamen, Caudate Nucleus) & Right Internal Capsule + IVH due to Suspect Hypertension + Hypertension AD HN VP Shunt
Emergency + AKI Stage III + Right Bronchopneumonia + Confirmed Covid 19

Wound Dehiscence due to Post Laminectomy Debridement + Cement Removal + Posterior Stabilisasi due to
29/10/2022. Op 17/11/2022. Op
5 Tn. Hidayat Sugilar 54 thn L 0001462571 SPINE Fresia 3 5.2 Post Vertebroplasty due to Cauda Equina Syndrome due to SOL Extradural at Level L2-L4 + Pathological RD-SV NU R/ Resuturing + Debridement
Fracture at L4-L5 due to Suspect Spinal Metastasis + Suspect Lymphoma

Post Vertebroplasty due to Myeloradiculopathy at Level Vertebrae L2-L5 due to HNP at Lumbal L2-L5 +
15 Tn. Hidayat Sugilar 54 thn L 0001462571 SPINE 29/10/2022. Op 17/11/2022 Fresia 3 5.2 RD-SV ME Laminectomy Tumor Removal + Posterior Stabilisasi
Pathological Fracture at L4-L5 due to Suspect Spinal Metastasis + Suspect Ca Prostat

Myeloradiculopathy at Vertebrae Level C5 due to SOL Extradura at Level Vertebrae C4-C6 due to Suspect
30/09/2022. Konsul Neuro, Op
16 Ny. Sri Kusumandari 65 thn P 0002076555 SPINE GICU 1 Wing A Bed 9 Metastasis + Post Nephrectomy due to Right Renal Carcinoma + Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding + Right RD-SV YP Perivertebral Biopsy
Pleural Effusion

SOL Extradura at level C1-C2 due to Susp Retropharingeal, Paravertebral and Epidural Abscess +
17 Tn. Cucu Wahyudin 41 thn L 0001987942 SPINE 02/12/2022, Konsul Neuro Azalea 2.1 Rheumatoid Arthitis on Therapy RD-SV NU Transoral PB

Moderate head injury + Closed linear fracture <1 tabula at right temporal + SDH at right temporo parietal +
18 Tn. Bowo Kustanto 67 thn L 0002086527 TRAUMA 01/10/2022, Op 03/11/2022 GICU Wing A Bed 10 RS YL Craniectomy Decompression
EDH at left parietal + traumatic SAB
Moderate Head Injury + Closed Linear Fracture at Mid Frontal et Right Temporal + Closed diastasis fracture
19 An. Lukman 6 thn L 0002089622 TRAUMA 21/11/2022, op 22/11/2022 HCU Asnawati 1.2 RS SL Craniotomy Evacuation
of right squamous suture + EDH at Right Temporoparietal

Bone Defect at Right Frontotemporoparietal due to Moderate Head Injury + Closed Depressed Fracture >1
20 An. Alfian 14 thn L 0002069467 TRAUMA 01/12/2022, Op 02/12/2022 IGD Transit Bed 12 AF SL Cranioplasty Post Op
Lamina at Right Frontal + Traumatic SDH at Right Frontotemporoparietal

Moderate Head Injury + Closed Linear Fracture at Left Frontoparietal + Traumatic SDH at Left
21 Tn. Dayat 68 thn L 0002094156 TRAUMA 01/12/2022, Op 02/12/2022 GICU Wing A Bed 12 FZ FR Craniectomy Decompression + Evacuation Post Op
Frontotemporoparietooccipital + Traumatic ICH at Right Frontotemporal et Left Frontal

22 An. Gerald Rafael 4 bln L 0002063743 PEDIATRIC 30/11/2022, Op 1/12/2022 Kemuning 3 6.1 Shunt Migration due to Post VP Shunt due to Post Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage Grade III FM NR Repair Shunt

Post Burrhole Aspiration due Suspect Cerebral Abscess + Post Craniotomy Tumor Removal due to SOL
23 An. Azkal Azkia 10 thn L 0001914216 PEDIATRIC 22/11/2022, Op 25/11/2022 Kemuning 3 6.5 FM RE Burrhole Drainage
supratentorial at Right parietoocipital due to Ependymoma (WHO grade II)


Myeloradiculopathy at Level Vertebrae C2 due to Pathological Fracture at V. C2 due to Susp. Spinal

25 Ny. Tiktik Rostika 60 thn P 0001717319 SPINE 16/11/2022 Kemuning 4 10.4 Metastasis + Post Mastectomy and Chemotherapy due to Residive Left Carcinoma Mammae + Elevated RD-SV MW R/ MRI Craniocervical
Liver Enzyme + Hypoalbuminemia

Post VP Shunt due to Post Externalization Shunt + EVD due to Shunt Malfunction due to Post Shunt Repair
26 An. Hana Haura 10 bln P 0002073378 SKULLBASE 24/11/2022, Leader IKA Kenanga 1 4.2 due to Shunt Malfunction due to Post VP Shunt due to Acute Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Susp. RS FJ Closed Observation
Serous Meningitis DD/ Meningitis TB + Cerebral Palsy Spastic Quadriplegia

Moderare Head injury + Closed Linear Fracture at rigth Occipital + Traumatic ICH at left temporoparietal +
27 Tn. Jaja Zakaria 53 thn L 0002093398 TRAUMA 29/11/2022 Kana 9.4 RS RX Closed Observation
traumatic SAB

28 Tn. Jerri 19 thn L 0002094554 TRAUMA 03/12/2022. Leader ortho IGD Bedah Mild Head Injury + Multiple Vulnus Excoriasi a.r Facialis + Fraktur Comminutive Terbuka a.r Genu Dextra AF DC Konservatif PB

29 An. Granitia 16 thn L 0002094543 TRAUMA 03/12/2022 Kana 2.2 Mild Head Injury + EDH at Left Parietal AF DC Observasi Ketat PB

30 Tn. Sukmanagara 20 thn L 0002094559 TRAUMA 03/11/2022 IGD Bedah Mild head injury + Multiple VL at regio fasialis and regio parietal AF DC Observasi Ketat PB

Multiple SOL Supratentorial et Infratentorial at Right Frontal, Bilateral Parietal, Bilateral Occipital,
31 Tn. Soedira Darma Syah 64 thn L 0002091182 ONCOLOGY 30/11/2022, Konsul Neuro Fresia 2 9.5 FM LQ Closed Observation
Mesecephalon and Bilateral Cerebellum due to susp. Metastasis + Bronchopneumonia Bilateral

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