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(Study at SMPN 2 RANCAH)
NURHANDAYATI, NIM. 82351920010.
This research is motivated by the fact that the COVID-19 outbreak continues to increase
and spread to various regions in Indonesia at the beginning of 2020 so that it has an
impact in various sectors, ranging from restrictions on religious activities, schools,
workplaces, public places or facilities, social and cultural activities, modes of
transportation, and other activities related to defense and security aspects with several
requirements that must be met by regions that apply for PSBB (Large Scale Social
Distancing). Where learning activities are carried out with a remote system which is a
new challenge for all educational institutions, especially in physical learning. This study
aims to obtain an overview of service learning strategies through modification of requests
during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMP Negeri 2 Rancah to students so that they can
increase participants' learning motivation. Therefore, this study uses a qualitative
approach and quantitative discovery that supports the data which is then interpreted so
as to produce descriptive data in the form of written words from people and observable
behaviors. From the results of the study, there is a learning strategy for students through
game modification during the Covid-19 pandemic in increasing the learning motivation
of students at SMP Negeri 2 Rancah consisting of explaining learning objectives to
students, material selection, task communication, material progress, feedback and
evaluation. Obstacles The learning strategy of the learner through the modification of
softball games during the Covid-19 pandemic in increasing the learning motivation of
students at SMP Negeri 2 Rancah consists of social distancing, isolation and quarantine,
lockdown, OTG (Asymptomatic People), PDP (Patients Under Supervision) and ODP
(People Under Monitoring), and PSBB (Large Scale Social Restrictions). Efforts to
overcome obstacles to physical learning strategies through modification of softball games
during the Covid-19 pandemic in increasing student learning motivation at SMP Negeri 2
Rancah consist of efforts to explain learning goals to students, efforts to give gifts to
outstanding students, teachers' efforts to hold competitions among their students to
improve their learning achievement, efforts to give praise to outstanding students, Efforts
to punish students who make mistakes during the teaching and learning process, efforts to
arouse encouragement to students to learn, efforts to form good learning habits, efforts to
help students' learning difficulties, efforts to use various methods, and efforts to use good
media and in accordance with learning objectives
Keywords : Student Learning Motivation, Softball Game Modification

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