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Leslie Judith Suarez

1. Conjugue verb to be simple present.

I am I am Mr. Suarez Yo soy el señor Suarez
You are You are the teacher Tu eres el profesor
He, she, it is It is a cat Es un gato
We are We are boys Nosotros somos chicos
You are You are tall Vosotros sois altos
They are They are police Ellos son policias

2. Conjugue verb to be simple present contraction form.

I contratar Yo contrato
You contratar Tu contratas
He, she, it contratars El, ella, usted contrata
We contratar Nosotros contratamos
You contratar Vosotros contratais
They contratar Ellos, ellas, ustedes contratan

3. Investigar Subject pronouns.

I Singular -first person male or female
You Singular - second person male or female
He Singular - third person male only
She Singular - third person Female only
It is Singular - third person object /thing / animal
We Plural - first person male or female
You Plural - second person male or female
They Plural - third person male or female
4. Investigar el alfabeto en inglés.
Letra Fonética Pronunciación
A /eɪ/ [ei]
B /bi/ [bi]
C /ci/ [ci]
D /di/ [di]
E /i/ [i]
F /ef/ [ef]
G /lli/ [yi]
H /eɪchʃ/ [eich]
I /aɪ/ [ai]
J /lleɪ/ [jei]
K /keɪ/ [kei]
L /el/ [el]
M /em/ [em]
N /en/ [en]
O /ou/ [ou]
P /pi/ [pi]
Q /kju/ [kiu]
R /ɑrr/ [ar]
S /es/ [es]
T /ti/ [ti]
U iu/ [iu]
V /vi/ [uvi]
W /dobloiu/ [dabliu]
X /ex/ [ex]
Y /guay/ [uai]
Z /zi/ [set]

5. Investigar las ocupaciones en inglés.

 Artista: artist
 Astronauta: astronaut
 Cocinero/cocinera: chef
 Constructor: construction worker
 Bombero: firefighter
 Doctor/doctora: doctor
 Policía: police
 Maestra/maestro: teacher
 Veterinario: veterinarian
 Actriz/actor: actress/actor
 Arquitecta/arquitecto: architect
 Cantante: singer
 Dentista: dentist
 Detective: detective
 Escritora/escritor: writer
 Granjera/granjero: farmer
 Enfermera/enfermero: nurse
 Piloto: pilot
 Ingeniero/a: engineer
 Contador/a: accountant
 Carnicero/a: butcher
 Cajero/a: cashier
 Barbero/a: barber
 Carpintero/a: carpenter
 Pastelero/a: baker
 Electricista: electrician
 Asistente de vuelo: flight attendant
 Plomero/a: plumber
 Fotógrafo/a: photographer
 Recepcionista: receptionist
 Científico/a: scientist
 Abogado/a: lawyer
 Conductor/a de autobús: bus driver
 Diseñador/a: designer
 Periodista: journalist
 Salvavidas: lifeguard
 Músico: musician
 Pintor/a: painter
 Florista: florist
 Asistente de ventas: sales assistant
 Mecánico/a: mechanic
 Modelo: model
 Asistente de tienda: shop assistant
 Político: politician
 Traductor/a: translator
 Peluquero/a: hairdresser
 Taxista: taxi driver
 Farmaceuta: pharmacist
 Agente de viajes: travel agent
 Limpiador: cleaner
 Biólogo: biologist
 Empresaria: businesswoman
 Empresario:businessman
 Bailarín/a: dancer
 Jardinero/a: gardener
 Meteorólogo: meteorologist
 Cartero: postman
 Programador: programmer
 Niñero/a: nanny
 Guía turística: travel guide
 Vendedora: saleswoman
 Vendedor: salesman
 Investigador/a: researcher

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