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Name: ___________________ Date:______________

SWBAT: _______________________________________________________________________

Essential Question:______________________________________________________________

There are many ways to solve quadratic equations to find the roots and or discriminant.
Some of these ways include:

- _______________________

- _______________________

- _______________________

- _______________________

- _______________________

Today we are going to focus on _______________.

Examining a Quadratic Equation!

Quadratic Equation: ________________________

Where a,b,c = ____________________ and a ≠ 0

x is the _______________ (what we are trying to solve for)

Why is 3x - 36 = 0 not a quadratic equation?


Let a = 1 b = - 8 c=-9

What is our new quadratic function? _______________________

Example 1)

Example 2) x² + 5x + 6 = 0

In groups, work together to factor the quadratic equation from the slip of
paper given:

After work on the independent practice.

Exit Ticket: Solve and factor: 𝑥 − 2𝑥 − 15 = 0

**Extra Credit**

Challenge Question:

Factor: 20x² -15x - 10 = 0

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