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Solving Quadratic

Rossaura De La Cruz

SWBAT: Solve and Construct quadratic equations using solving techniques.

Essential Questions:
- How do we solve quadratic equations?
- What techniques do we use for quadratic equations when it is equal to zero?
- What are some ways we can find roots of a quadratic equation?
Do Now:
What are some ways you think we can solve quadratic equations


● Quadratic equation
● Roots
● Factoring
● Discriminant
● Derive exponents
There are many ways to solve quadratic equations to find the roots and or discriminant.
Some of these ways include:

- Factoring
- Completing the Square
- Using the Quadratic Formula
- Graphing
- Root test

Today we are going to focus on Factoring


Where a,b,c = known numbers and a ≠ 0

x is the unknown (what we are trying to solve for)

Why is 3x - 36 = 0 not a quadratic equation?

Let a = 1 b = - 8 c=-9

What is our new quadratic function?

Using our equation: x2-8x-9=0

Factoring is often a guess and check process. To find the factors, you want to find two
numbers that multiply to equal your c value and the sum is equal to your b value.

Let’s look at our factors of 9:

We can look at these factors and using those combinations there is only one where the sum
or difference can equal -8

Factored form will be: (x-9)(x+1)=0 what we need to find is whether we need + or - in the

We know that since c is negative, one will be + and one will be -

We need b to be negative as well so we can confirm that factored form will be (x-9)(x+1)=0
Now we solve: (x-9)(x+1)=0
x-9=0 x+1=0
x=9 x=-1

Example #2: Modeling with Mathematics

x² + 5x + 6 = 0
Work Together!
In groups, you will be given a slip of paper with
an example of a quadratic equation. Work
together to factor the equation and explain your
answer with mathematical reasoning
Independent Practice
Exit Ticket:

Solve and factor the following quadratic


x² - 2x - 15 = 0

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