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Literary Elements

Round Symbolic
A rounded character is
Elements of literature A character can be any anyone who has a A symbolic character is any
are present in every person, a figure, an complex personality; major or minor character whose
literary text. They are inanimate object, or animal. he/she is often very existence represents some
the essential portrayed as conflicted major idea or aspect of society.
ingredients required to and contradictory. A
create any piece of round character has
literature, such as; many layers of
poems, plays, novels, personality.
short stories, feature Foil
articles, nonfiction A foil is any character
books, and etc. They (usually the antagonist
make up the story. or an important
Together, let’s find out Types of Characters supporting character)
how each of the Dynamic whose personal
elements are is a character that changes qualities contrast with
beautifully crafted over time, usually as a result another character
together to make a of resolving a central conflict (usually the
story with an impact. or facing a major crisis. protagonist). By
Static providing this contrast,
a type of character that does we get to know more
not change over time; about the character.
personality does not evolve.
He/she remains the same
throughout the story.

Conflict 6 Types of Conflict 4. Man vs. Self - This is 6. Man vs. Supernatural - Pitting
The essence of fiction. an internal conflict, characters against phenomena
It creates plot. Essential 1. Man vs. Man - This is a meaning that the like ghosts, gods, or monsters
to plot, opposition ties common type of conflict in opposition the raises the stakes of a conflict by
incidents together and which one character’s needs character faces is creating an unequal playing
moves the plot. Not or wants are at odds with coming from within. field.
merely another’s. This may entail a
limited to arguments, 2. Man vs. Nature - In a struggle to discern what
conflict can be any of nature conflict, a character is the moral or “right”
struggle the main set in opposition to nature. choice is, or it may also
character faces. Within 3. Man vs. Society - Characters encompass mental
a short story, there may be motivated to take health struggles.
may be only one action against their society by 5. Man vs. Technology -
central struggle, or a need to survive, a moral a character is in conflict
there may be many sense of right and wrong, or a with some kind of
minor obstacles within desire for happiness, freedom, technology. Commonly
a justice, or love. seen in science fiction,
dominant struggle. the protagonist must
prevail against the
dictate of a mechanical
failure or robot’s
Setting 1) Place - Geographical 5) Mood or atmosphere
The background against location; where is the action - What feeling is created
which the incidents of of the story taking place? at the beginning of the
the story take place. story? Cheerful or
Not merely a place, it 2) Time - Historical period, eerie?
Literary Elements
includes the place time of day, year, etc; when is
where, the time when, the story taking place?
and social conditions 3) Weather conditions - Is it
under which the story rainy, sunny, stormy, etc.?
moves along. 4) Social conditions - What is
the daily life of the character's
like? Does the story contain
local colour (writing that
focuses on the speech, dress,
mannerisms, customs, etc. of
a particular place)?

PLOT 1) Exposition – is the 2) Rising action- is all 3) Climax – all these actions
The background against beginning of the story. It is a the action leads up to lead up to the story’s most
which the incidents of fancy way of saying the set-up the climax, or the important part. This is where
the story take place. to the story. This where the pivotal part of the story. the story hits its peak, it’s also
Not merely a place, it author introduces the main This where the conflict the peak of the story’s arc
includes the place characters and sets up the is being revealed. diagram. This is the high point of
where, the time when, story’s problem, or conflict. the story, and now it can start
and social conditions heading toward its ending.
under which the story
moves along.

4) Falling action – also known 5.) Denouement is

by fancy people as the derived from the French
denouement, is so named word denoue, which
because it consists of means “to untie.”
everything that falls out from Denouement is a
the climax. literary device that can
be defined as
the resolution of the
issue of a
complicated plot
in fiction.

Point of View First Person – is a character in Third- Person Limited- is

the angle the story who can reveal only an outsider who sees
or perspective from personal thoughts and into the mind of one of
which a story is told. feelings and what he or she the characters.
Essentially, point of sees and is told by other
view refers to the characters. He can’t tell us the Omniscient- is an all
“eyes” of thoughts of other characters. knowing outsider who
the narrative voice that Third Person Objective- is an can enter the minds of
determine the position outsider who can report only more than one of the
or angle of vision from what he or she sees and characters.
which the story is being hears. This narrator can tell us
relayed. what is happening, but he
can’t tell us the thoughts of
the characters.

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