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ICT 10: Robotics 2

Activity 2
Soil Moisture Sensor Module

Name: Paula Thea Coleen B. Nacua Grade/Section: Grade 10 STE Vikings

Teacher: Maverick O. Pacamalan Score/Remarks: ________________

I. OBJECTIVE: In this activity, you will learn how to reprogram your Arduino microcontroller and Soil
Moisture Sensor Modules to control the LEDs by turning On or Off if the soil is moist (wet) or not.

II. MATERIALS: Arduino Uno, Jumper Wires, Soil Moisture Sensor Module, LEDs, Breadboard, other
materials needed please indicate here: 220K ohm resistor

III. Experimental Principle: The Soil Moisture Sensor Module determines the amount of soil moisture by
measuring the resistance between two metallic probes that is inserted into the soil to be monitored. In other
words, using the Soil Moisture Sensor Module the machine or device can now determine if the soil is wet or not
(moist or not).
In line with this activity 2, if the soil is Wet or Moisturized then LEDs will turn ON (energized) if not
then stay turn Off.

IV. Physical Diagram: Draw and label all the physical connections and electronics components on this
Jumper Wires


Control Board
220K ohm resistors

V. Sketch Codes: Write the complete functional codes.

#define soilSensor A0
#define greenLED
#define redLED

int goodMoisture = 300;

void setup() {
pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);


void setup() {
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:

Soil Moisture Sensor

void loop() {
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);


It’s really amazing that we can do these basic robotic things but I think it’s better if we do it personally
and hands-on. It is really important to label every physical connections and electronic components in
this activity. I’m looking forward on doing these things hands-on.

Additional Tasks:

a.) Discus the function and purposes of the Soil Moisture Sensor Modules?
The Soil Moisture Sensor Module measures the resistance between two metallic probes put into
the soil to be monitored to detect the quantity of soil moisture.
b.) What is significant contribution of Soil Moisture Sensor of this activity? (Discuss)
The Soil Moisture Sensor determine’s if the soil is dry or wet. I think it is the main component in
this activity.
c.) On this activity 2, Discuss how do you know or determine that the Soil is Moisturized (wet) or
I would know or determine that the soil is Moisturized or Not by looking at the LED if the Red
light is on, then the soil is dry if the green light is on, the soil is moisturized.
d.) What do think a soil moisture sensor module can contribute to us? (Discuss)
It can help us if we want to start planting in our home. We can actually upgrade this product and
add a water pump so that if the soil moisture sensor will detect that the soil is dry, then it will be
automatically watered.
e.) What do think the other applications or benefits on Soil Moisture Sensor Modules? (Discuss)
Soil moisture sensors are incredibly helpful in determining water levels, greatly assisting farmers
and lowering costs. A soil sensor allows you to more efficiently schedule watering events by
increasing or lowering their frequency and/or intensity, without washing away important
nutrients or leaving the plants thirsty. Agriculturalists can evaluate water levels without having to
be physically present in the field thanks to a remote soil moisture sensor.
f.) On the sketch codes of this activity, please explain the things you clearly:
a. understand
b. and not clearly understand
I honestly don’t clearly understand and know how to do a sketch code. I researched
about codes in Arduino but I really don’t understand how to and I’m not sure about the
sketch codes I wrote above.

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