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October 25, 2022 Caribbean Studies

If you’re white, you're right

If you’re brown, stick around
If you’re black, stay back.

Age of Discovery -
Colonization/ Slavery -
Emancipation/ Independence -
Globalization –

Diaspora –

Ways in which the historical processes/ experiences of Caribbean people have shaped or influenced
Caribbean society

1. Economic –
i. Entrepreneurship (Chinese/Indians)
ii. Small Farming (Agrarian) – Monoculture/ Mixed Farming
iii. Land Tenure (Capture land) (Cost of Land)
iv. Urbanization
2. Social and Cultural –
i. Social hierarchy (Upper class, middle class, lower strata)
ii. Cuisine
iii. Religion – (Christianity, Revivalism, Hinduism, Buddhism)
iv. Language – (English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Creole/Patios)
v. Music, Dance and Dress code
vi. Practice of Obeah
vii. Education – Traditional schools
viii. Family Structure
ix. Justice system
x. Architecture – Spanish, Georgian
xi. Celebrations/ Festivals
xii. Political parties
xiii. Trade Unions
xiv. Judicial system
3. Physical –
i. Flat, fertile lands belong to large plantations – Urban/hilly infertile areas
ii. Not paying much attention to the environment  Slash & Burn, deforestation/
very little planning
NB  Indigenous – environment (Stewards)

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