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One of the most challenging times of our life is the adolescent stage

when we make a lot of conscious and unconscious changes in this phase

called 'growing up'. There are some key events that everybody should

keep in mind. Beginning adolescence, it is appropriate to make sure our

priorities are straightened out before we get into serious situations. We

must understand that we are no longer a child, but on the other hand,

we are not yet an adult either.

I learned many things during the interview, it is all about the transition

from being a teenager to adult. As people approach adolescence, they

must begin to handle feelings that are new to them. Adolescence is a

transition period from childhood to adulthood. This transition is a key

part of everyone's life, and I can also relate to them. I was struck with

awareness in ways such as realizations about the thought of growing up

and becoming an adult. Becoming an adolescent was quite a surprise

for me. I didn't know what was going to happen and I was totally

unprepared for the events that happened. As Aron said, “As I grow older,

I observe changing physically and emotionally” As I hit puberty, I also

noticed that I have changed, my body, personality, and even the way I

think changed. For as long as I can remember, I have been different.

Growing up, and in my teenage years especially, has always been

difficult because of the constant struggle to fit in. I would try to perfect

my look, my style, even my personality and character to match what

people say they liked. I would change everything about myself just to be

liked. Emotionally, I also became more sensitive like Ate Joy, I became

more aware in the outside world, I became more mature, I’ve also faced

a lot of problems and I became more responsible.

The process of growing up as an adolescent is a challenging journey and

at times can be dark and depressing. Yes, it is hard, and we must go

through a lot of phases, not only in our bodies but also in our behavior,

but that is life, and that is part of developing ourselves.


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