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Cassie B.

Lim – Grade 12
Lesson 1: Developmental Task and Challenges during Adolescence

Directions: Make a comparison of your life style when you’re still a child and your lifestyle when you’re
already an adolescent in terms of physical, emotional and behavioral aspect.


When I was a kid, I didn’t go through puberty yet Now, I’ve gone through the puberty stage and a
so there was not much physical changes yet. I lot of things changed about my body. I grew a
was still very short, thin, and very active. My body little inches compared to how short I was before.
felt very light so I practically just ran everywhere Some of my body parts have developed and
and caused ruckus. matured as well.
I always felt positive, excited, and was curious I’ve been through a lot which, I think, contributed
about everything. I felt very gleeful and was and influenced how much I’ve changed
happy. emotionally right now. I feel like I carry a much
heavier burden but I do try to cheer up at times.
I was very enthusiastic, cheerful, jolly, bubbly, I now have a calmer demeanor compared to how
positive, and was always thrilled by everything. I was before. I am not the type to move that
much anymore unless necessary. Also, I am
conscious of what I do and say because of my

1. What has changed over the years?

- Over the years, everything changed physically, emotionally, and in behavior too.
2. What are those significant changes that you had?
- My significant changes would be basically everything, in regards to behavior, emotional, and physical.
3. What makes it significant to you as an adolescent?
- With how mature I’ve become and more adept at handling things and matters.

Directions: Recall the unforgettable events in your life during each stage and complete the timeline
below. You may include the date, specific place, and significant people in your life

Timeline of My Development

18 One of my unforgettable experience during this stage is that I am now slowly learning to
above drive.
12-18 One of my unforgettable experience in this stage is that I rode the rollercoaster and other
yrs thrilling theme park rides for the first time.
6-12 yrs One of my unforgettable experience in this stage is that I went to another country for the
first time and had a lot of fun.
2-6 yrs One of my unforgettable experience in this stage is that I had a very fun kindergarten
phase and fun classmates to be with.
1-2 yrs One of my unforgettable experience in this stage is that my mother brought me to a very
nice pool resort in Mindanao.
0-1 yr One of my unforgettable experience in this stage is that I had a grand celebration for my 1 st

1. If you will give a title for your timeline what would it be and why?
- I would give it the title ‘The Story of my Life’ since it literally is about my story and about what I
experienced in each stage of life.
2. What were the thoughts, feelings, and actions that you experienced?
- Through the stages, I’ve experienced a lot like having fun, being cheerful, being clumsy, and more.
3. How did those significant people in your life influence you?
- The significant people in my life, like my family, parents, siblings, friends, classmates, relatives have
influenced me so much in how I behave, on what I feel emotionally, on how I’ve changed physically, and
on how all of these people influenced me to be who I am right now.
4. How would each of the changes affect your life?
-Each of those changes affected me in a way that it has changed a lot of my aspects which became my
foundation to be who I am now.
5. What do you expect your future timeline will be?
- I honestly don’t know how my future would turn out but I do hope that my family and I would be alright
in the future and that I would be able to find a good-paying job.
Process Questions:
1. In what stage do you think you are most developed?
- I think the stage that I would be most developed is in the adulthood stage.
2. In what stage do you think you need to cover up for you to develop?
-The stage I would need to make up for it would be young adulthood and adolescent stage.
3. Can you identify the people or individual who contributes for your development?
-People that have been and will be contributing to my development would be my parents, siblings,
family, cousins, friends, close peers, and myself.
Directions: Enlightened with Erik Erikson’s Stages of Personality Development, you are going to write
below of each step those tasks which you think you were not able to fulfill during that specific stage.
Above the steps, you are going to write those tasks which you think you were able to fulfill.

The Staircase of My Development

Able to fulfill Not able to fulfill

6. Intimacy Isolation
7. Identity Role Confusion
4. Industry Inferiority
3. Initiative Guilt
2. Autonomy Shame
1. Trust Mistrust

Directions: Go back to your answers in the activity entitled “The Staircase of My Development”. Focus on
the answers you have written under each step of the stair. Decide on what are the ways you are going to
make to cope up those unfulfilled tasks that can be of help for you to face the challenges as an
adolescent as you prepare yourselves for adult life.

Unfulfilled Tasks Ways to cope with it Possible result Is it beneficial to you,

to your family, and the
Isolation Open up to more Intimacy Yes, it is beneficial
Role Confusion Build up self-concept Identity Yes, it is beneficial
Inferiority Practice self-confidence Industry Yes, it is beneficial
Guilt Learn from your Initiative Yes, it is beneficial
Shame Apologize for the Autonomy Yes, it is beneficial
mistakes done
Mistrust Talk to people you’re Trust Yes, it is beneficial
close with

Directions: Below is a crossword puzzle, find the word/s that is described in the statements found inside
the boxes as clue. The words can be horizontal, vertical or slant, in both opposite directions.

Developmental Stage
1. Infancy
2. Early Childhood
3.Late Childhood
4. Adolescence
5.Early Adulthood
6. Middle Age
7.Maturity/ Old Age

Lesson 2: Factors Affecting Period of Adolescence

Directions: below are different situations that a child may experience as he/she grows. What could be
the possible result if the child experienced in each situation?

Directions: Read and reflect in each line of the poem.

Children Learn What They Live

by Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
1. How are you as an adolescent? Were you able to relate yourself in any of those lines from the poem?
-Yes, I was able to relate to a lot of lines from the poem just like:
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy, and also
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.

2. How do people around treat you as an adolescent?

-Different types of people treat me differently. Some may be kind, some may be hostile, some may be
caring, some may be very controlling, and some give me an unpleasant treatment.
3. If you were to choose a line from the poem, what is it? why?
-If I were to choose a line from the poem, it would be ‘If children live with fear, they learn to be
apprehensive.’ I chose this because this is a line that I can relate to very much, especially in my
circumstance right now. I’ve been through a lot this quarantine because of the people that have made
me live with fear and eventually engraved this apprehensiveness or anxiety in me. Unfortunately, my
anxiety has worsen so much because of what I experienced.

Directions: For each item below, write the word TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement
is false.
TRUE 1. Learning reinforcement can leads an individual to gain maturity.
TRUE 2. Rich kid can have a better education than the less fortunate.
TRUE 3. The schools are one of the factors affecting a child’s development.
TRUE 4. In child’s development, it is the family has the most profound impact.
TRUE 5. A balanced diet is essential for the development of the brain and body.
TRUE 6. A hormone helps in the development of the human person.
FALSE 7. Outdoor play exposes the child to microbes that helps in development.
TRUE 8. The place the child lives greatly influenced his/her development.
FALSE 9. Sexes do not affect much in the development of the child.
TRUE 10. Significant people of the child contribute many influences in his/her development.
TRUE 11. A negative person has its fair share of influences in child’s development.
TRUE 12. Few aspects of our physical appearance is influenced by heredity.
TRUE 13. Exposing yourself to successful persons can open opportunities for your development.
TRUE 14. Today’s social media feeds can often lead to your development.
TRUE 15. An individual do have control over the factors affecting his/her development.

Activity 3
My dear mother unlike any other,

You taught me how to walk,

And you taught me how to talk.
You provided a roof over my head,
And always made sure I was fed.

You taught me morals and standards,

The meanings of living and all about giving.
What a wonderful, beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent mother I have,
And you make me truly glad.

You always go out of your way for everyone each day.

You always listen to what I say even if I'm having a bad day.
Whenever I've had issues
You have always been my tissues.

You always hugged me tight

And loved me with all your might.
You were always there for me when I needed someone.
I'm so very thankful to have a mother like you,
With your kindness and all that you do.
All these words are perfectly true,
And mother, I love you.
You are a mother unlike any other.
A little poem I wrote for you to let you know
I love you and appreciate you every day
In every single way.

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