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Flight Slayers

2:49pm. 1 minute left. Summer holidays in 54 seconds. The
pressure built on my back as if each second a new 500-page
long book piled over my back. It didn’t matter though. I had a
detention at the end of the day. I received it from the worst
teacher in school. Her name was Miss Strict. It’s funny. Her
name and personality were similar, yet you could tell when
you saw her face that the two were miles apart. Strict is
different from pure cruel. My detention was given when Miss
Strict caught me on my phone during break. The thing is she
has no right to wander this school like she owns it because she
had been given a suspension from teaching and a £10,000 fine
when it was discovered she called a black boy the N word
after he accused her of being the worst person ever. He wasn’t
wrong. Luckily for me, the teacher that loves me the most and
is the absolute best is monitoring the detention so it will only
be 10 minu- BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! There goes the bell. 10
minutes till 6 weeks of freedom.

Finally! My detention is over! I dashed over to the parking lot
and- Uh Oh. Miss Strict is over there seemingly waiting for
someone. She glanced in my direction and spotted me, “SAM
FLEDGING BLAKLING! What do you think you’re doing?
Your detention is far from over. Meet me in my classroom in
precisely 3 minutes,” She demanded. My mind was so busy
telling myself off that I got a splitting headache. Miss Strict
gleamed at me with her evil eyes and walked off. Her wrinkly,
old face and pale white skin disappeared from view and her
dark, brown hair as well as her flimsy, green cardigan and
grey jeans were the only images of her I could view. I banged
my fist against the wall and shouted dang it. 3 minutes passed
and I was in Miss Strict’s classroom. She still wasn’t there.
“That’s strange,” I thought to myself. Miss Strict is all about
being orderly and organised. From behind me a whoosh and
slam pierced my ears and the light bulb shattered. I jumped to
face the other direction in alarm. There Miss Strict stood. No.
She levitated. That’s when I noticed wings had sprouted from
her back causing her ugly cardigan to tear away revealing
fiery darkness spreading through her body. Her hands became
talons. Sharp, lethal talons that could make anyone whimper
in fear. The shadowy streak spread to her face and uncovered
the true form of our horrible Miss Strict. She was a crow. But
not any crow. A dangerous huge crow with a high held head
and vicious eyes that paralyzed any prey she chose. I fell to
my knees and terrified tears sprouted from my eyes. I prayed
that I was dreaming when all of a sudden, a sword with a hilt
of gold and a razor sharp edge zoomed through the door and
impaled itself into the small of Miss Strict’s back.

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