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Danger Signs of

Complications of Pregnancy
(danger signs)
3. Chills and fever or pain
1. Vaginal Bleeding on urination
* a urinary infection

2. Persistent
Vomiting 4. Sudden escape of
clear fluid from the
• membranes have
• umbilical cord may
• fetal oxygenation can
be compromised
• Nitrazine paper
Complications of Pregnancy
(danger signs)
5. Abdominal or chest pain
• Abdominal pain - tubal (ectopic) pregnancy, separation
of the placenta (abruptio placenta), preterm labor
(regular contractions, cervical changes), appendicitis,
ulcer, or pancreatitis.
• Chest pain -and shortness of breath may indicate a
pulmonary embolus, a complication that can follow

6. Increase or decrease in fetal movement

• *Sandovsky method= Normal: 10-12x/hr.
Complications of Pregnancy
(danger signs)
7. Gestational hypertension
• usually after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
• S/Sx:
1. Rapid weight gain
* Over 2 lbs/week in 2nd tri, 1 lb/week 3rd tri (Normal: 3-12-12)
2. Swelling of the face or fingers
3. Flashes of light or dots before the eyes
4. Dimness or blurring of vision
5. Severe, continuous headache
* may signal cerebral edema or acute hypertension.
6. Decreased urine output (Normal: 30 ml/hr)
7. Right upper quadrant pain unrelated to fetal position
* ischemia of the liver
8. Blood pressure increased above 140/90 mmHg

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