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UNIT I – DEFINITION OF A TREND religion—Christianity—did not save his

empire from falling apart but paved the way

LESSON 1 – The Process of Identifying a Trend
for the establishment of the Catholic Church
What are Trends? which became highly significant in the future
political decisions that shaped human
A Trend is a “recurrent phenomenon that
takes place over time and gives rise to speculation
3. Gigatrend – it is a megatrend that goes on for
on the future” (Sanders et. al., 2002). A trend is
half a century or more. These are the trends
“recurrent”, which means it may disappear in one
that are so general they affect most areas of
instance, and appear again in another, depending on
human life. The trend of a Laissez-Faire
social context. Also, a trend may become irrelevant
economy, for example. Building on the
in a span of time, and yet possess an influence that
principles of the father of modern
resonates even in the years of its absence.
economics, Adam Smith, it became an
For example, the genre of Rock and Roll has economic system that served as the
its roots in Blues and a rebellious tendency towards springboard to Capitalist society, which is still
Jazz. This new genre gave birth to a myriad of the structure of the status quo.
musicians, from Elvis Presley to the Beatles. As time 4. Nanotrend – these are the trends that are
passed, various artists experimented and pushed yet to be expected. It can be an alternative
Rock to its extremes. These new artists challenged trend that exists in trends. An example of
the observed limitations of rock and applied other this could be the development of already
musical styles, genres, and even introduced new established technology the likes of mobile
modes of music (electronic or analog) thus phones and gaming consoles.
creating a new genre, which would again be
challenged by new musicians. However, despite all
these innovations and musical experimentations, we Spotting a trend involves being a Cool Hunter
can trace it all back to its origin. This is what we and a Trendspotter. Cool Hunting refers to finding
mean when we say that a trend may disappear—but the next big thing whether it is conventional or not
remain relevant. while Trendspotting underscores the general study
of trends and how they develop and affect society.
Furthermore, Cornish (2004) and Canton
(2006) defined trends as a “...collage of present There are many ways as to how one can spot a trend.
circumstances that extend current patterns into the It is simplified in the following listicle:
future...”. Since it is an aspect of culture, it is
• Patterns - Trends have emerging patterns.
inevitably dynamic. We can predict which trends will
For example, in economic trends, the
appear, and such a trend may also serve as the lens
inflation of vegetables and other agricultural
we can use to speculate about the future—of
products due to natural calamities. This
upcoming trends or effects of those trends.
phenomenon is recurring, and thus we
Kinds of Trends immediately expect that when typhoons
come, the prices of agricultural products rise.
Trends are classified according to the
duration of their existence and their relevance.
For political and cultural trends, at certain
These classifications are as follows:
times what most trend spotters do is utilize a
1. Microtrend – these are the little things that more historical mode of analysis. You may
happen all around us. Trends that are so have heard of a common phrase thrown
common we have gotten used to it. Examples about that goes “history repeats itself”, but
of these include most cultural traditions this should not be taken in its literal sense.
(local holidays, celebrations, and religious The endearing meaning of the phrase is that
festivities) as well as the rising and falling of certain scenarios, characteristics, and/or
the prices of goods and services due to patterns that enabled a specific historical
external factors influencing it. event to take place seem to be occurring
2. Macrotrend – these are the trends that can again. By “seem”, we mean that similar
endure for a long time. It’s also the trends scenarios, characteristics, and/or patterns
that affect the society. Political decisions are observable and could lead to the same
made by significant people in history and phenomenon (with similar or vastly different
most technological developments, outcomes) albeit in a different context.
Philosophical movements, and art
movements are examples of these. In World Traditions (which may vary from one country
History, the decision of Roman Emperor to another) play a significant role in
Constantine to unite his empire under one identifying trends. We look at specific
months and try to identify the common of people, a company, that amplifies the
occasions practiced by the majority. influence of the driver of a trend. For
December, for example, is Christmas season example, because of the surge in idol culture
for a lot of Christians, thus certain products in the Philippines, companies produced
the likes of ham, Edam cheeses, among massive amounts of promotional material
others become in demand. The same thing (posters, shirts, face-masks, shoes –with a
goes with Summer, Halloween, and others. specific idol group’s branding), organized
concerts, fan meet-ups, and the
Another aspect that we need to look at in entertainment industry in general hyped-
terms of the role of tradition to the up the trend by creating their own idol
emergence of trends is when certain groups, making covers, etc.
individuals breakaway from conventions. • Friction – refers to the resistance to change
These non-conformity to traditions that occurs naturally and inevitably due to
introduces new cultures and subcultures, learned habits of seeing. This comes in the
that become a trend, which may in the long form of people, consumers, or any of those
run introduce new trends. An example of this affected by the trend who express their
is the Renaissance which occurred in 14th negation to the trend in question.
Century Italy. It began as nostalgia for Greco- • Blockers – refer to laws against a trend,
Roman aesthetics but with their modern politicking, street protests, or something
(medieval) sensibilities i.e. Humanism and that will make the trends nonexistent.
Christianity. The same “Renaissance” People disliking trends are normal (haters,
effect—nostalgia and contextualizing a past bashers—friction!) but another cultural
culture to a contemporary one—still force working to disable the existence of a
happens today specifically when we look specific trend is a different thing altogether.
back to the cultures and subcultures of the
1960s – 1990s and try put our modern
sensibilities into them, thus creating a new
culture and/or subculture that may
influence new trends.
• Popularity and Following - Oftentimes,
specifically for cultural trends, it is easy to
spot a trend once it incurs a “following”—
a term we use interchangeably with
popularity. Basically, it describes how
popular a cultural phenomenon is, but says
nothing of its relevance. To understand the
relevance of a trend, an analysis must be
done. Trend analysis will be covered in the
upcoming topics. But for now, what you
should understand is that while popularity of
a phenomenon may introduce a new trend,
it does not mean that that trend may
become relevant because it may turn out
be a fad which is our topic for the next
There are also other means of projecting trends.
This is done by identifying a trend’s Drivers,
Enablers, Friction, and Blockers.

• Drivers – the forces of change behind a trend

this what make trends what they are. The
socio-cultural forces that push for a trend.
For example, it is the driving force of K-Pop
music that drove the immediate surge of
idol culture not only in East Asia but
South East Asian countries as well, like the
• Enablers – are catalysts that enhances the
driver. This can come in the form of a group
Lesson 2 – Differentiating Trend from a Fad donations for further research on the
disease, it was heavily criticized by
Passing Fads
celebrities and personalities alike for its
It is undeniable that certain trends have a emphasis on the stunt and not on the
very short presence in our cultural experience. And donations. Add to that the fact that the
while their presence is directly observable, the money was used for questionable means.
amount of time they linger is very short. These are 4. Bottle Flipping - This fad plagued a lot of
still trends, but to avoid confusion, they are labeled classrooms because it was highly popular
as Fads. among students. There are dozens of
YouTube videos that offer varied techniques
Fads have a short-term existence. It emerges
on how to perfect that flip. Small-scale
often suddenly yet disappears quickly; and while it
tournaments were held, but soon enough,
possesses the ability to recur, it is short lived as
the fad died out.
compared to trends. Fads are still trends, yet the
5. Harlem Shake - What started as a mere
issues that usually come from them are not as
content from anti-vlogger Filthy Frank
relevant as the ones that come from trends.
became an instant internet meme after
Here are some examples of recent trends. How vloggers and celebrities adopted its format
many can you remember? and started creating their own versions of
the “Harlem Shake”. It became a craze all
1. Gotye - Gotye is a Belgian-born Australian
over the world and other YouTubers
singer-songwriter known for his 2011 single,
capitalized on the craze to create content on
“Somebody that I Used to Know” which
their channels through Top 10 lists and
reached number one in the Billboard Hot
popularity lists. The meme lasted for months
100. The same song received hours of
and was superseded by other dance
airtime in radios all over the world, its music
challenges qua fads e.g., Teach me How to
video has been viewed by millions in music
Doogie, Dab, among others.
channels or on the Internet. A few months
6. Suntukan sa Ace Hardware -This fad made
later, however, Gotye’s new songs received
became popular and instantly became a
mixed reactions from listeners worldwide.
meme after it made rounds over a lot of
His next works received less attention than
people’s Facebook timelines. The meme was
his 2011 hit. Gotye was someone that we
an event made by a user telling of a “brawl”
used to know.
that was to happen in a famous hardware
2. 2016 Clown Sightings - It started as a
store in a mall. The management of the
Halloween prank but evolved into an off-
store was quick to catch on what was
season hobby where certain citizens of the
happening and immediately issued a
United States and Canada started dressing
statement to the public on how they
up and stood by intersections to freak out
condone any action that may hurt other
pedestrians and passers-by. This fad
people. Days later, however, this statement
reached the Philippines with the pranksters
was followed by a PR move—an actual
posting their clown outfits on Facebook.
photo-op event. The meme died afterward
Some capitalized on this fad and began
but was replicated by other “parody” events
spreading creepy pastas about murderous
like Batuhan ng Siomai sa Morayta, Mag-Yosi
clowns. The fad lasted for a few months
sa Tapat ng Malacañang among others.
before incidents of harassment and
criminals taking advantage of the trend. Remember: fads are still trends. Fads may not
3. Ice Bucket Challenge - The Ice Bucket possess the same relevance as most trends do, but
Challenge was heavily popular when it was its short-lived existence is anything but full of
introduced because it fronted an awareness insight. Fads can gather a huge following in a
campaign for the disease amyotrophic relatively short amount of time, something that
lateral sclerosis (ALS). Basically the most trends get slowly. It is vital also to analyze the
challenge invokes the participants to dump a motivations for their emergence and sudden death.
bucket of iced water on themselves to get This will help a trendspotter predict changes that
the feeling of numbness usually associated may happen to a trend.
with the disease, and afterwards they are
to name another person to do the challenge.
Famous celebrities and personalities the
likes of Bill Gates (pictured) and Charlie
Sheen participated in the event. And while
the point of the challenge was to gather
Lesson 3 – Elements and Characteristics of a Trend
Duration of Time refers to the length of the
phenomenon’s existence. Trends have long staying
power and enjoy a long period of popularity. As
trendspotters, we ask, “How long has the trend been
here? How did it affect other trends? Did it affect
political decisions? Did it help shape a generation?”
Acceptability pertains to the popularity and
following of a specific trend. It highlights the
response it received from an audience and how such
a response contributed to the duration of its
existence. As trendspotters, we ask “Initially, what
was the response to this trend? Will that response
remain the same or drastically change throughout
the duration of its existence? Will it be revived?”
Also, trendspotters try to determine the reasons for
the positive and negative reception of the trend and
compare it to another phenomenon / trend.
Cultural Basis is related to a trend’s
acceptability because one may argue that the reason
of the acceptability of a trend is because one’s
cultural biases. Trends overlap and interlock with
one another (and in so doing, formulate a new
trend) and if a microtrend, is appropriated into a
new trend, then an individual may find himself
greatly in favor or gravely offended (should negative
reception factor in) of the new cultural trend. As
Trendspotters, we try to understand a group of
people’s cultural backgrounds to determine the
trends that may develop or be embraced by them.
Transitory Increase or Decrease spotlights
how trends rise and fall in time. There are certain
trends that disappear after a span of time, but then
recur after some time. These rising and falling
should be of interest to Trendspotters because it
provides an open-door for analyzing the factors that
contributed to such transition—from something
highly trending to something that is forgotten, only
to be revived again.
UNIT II – UNDERSTANDING LOCAL NETWORKS phenomenon, that may use the
trends weakness against itself.
LESSON 1 – Strategic Analysis
2. P.E.S.T Analysis - This is an analytical tool
Strategize? Analyze? that is more social science oriented since it
attempts to determine the relevance of a
Strategic Analysis is the theoretical
histo-cultural phenomenon by examining its
understanding of an organization’s or, in the case of
factors and implications that revolves around
this subject, a trend’s (as a cultural phenomenon)
a specific aspect.
relationship with its environment. It may help a
a. Factors refer to the contributing
trendspotter, to an extent, identify the emerging
elements that contributed to the
patterns a trend may possess, paving the way for
emergence or disappearance of a
an effective and efficient understanding of the
trend. Implications, on the other
trend’s intricate properties—the length of its
hand, highlights the impact of the
existence, the trends that may emerge from it,
trend in accordance to the aspects to
be looked upon by the trend spotter.
1. S.W.O.T Analysis - This is often used by b. Political factors and implications
businesses, organizations to examine the underscore the effect and affect of
internal strengths and weaknesses, the a trend in terms of power dynamics
opportunities for growth and improvement, and governance. Power dynamics
and the threats the external environment refer to the wielder of power in a
presents to its survival. In the context of given phenomenon Did new laws
trends analysis, SWOT analysis will help needed to be written to
the trend spotter identify emerging accommodate the trend? How does
patterns, make predictions and the trend affect the dynamics of
assumptions that may help in understanding power in a society? Who holds the
the trend’s impact and relevance to its time power in a phenomenon, and who
and even the future, if possible. are the powerless?
a. Strengths refer to the qualities a c. Economic factors and implications
trend possess. Usually, a spotter highlight the consequences to the
asks: what is this trend doing great Economic process. Most of the
that enabled it to exist for this time, trend spotters try to answer
long? What qualities enabled it to the following questions: Did new
be accepted by the population jobs open because of this trend?
following it? Assessing the strength How did it pave the way for
of a trend may help the spotter opportunities for businesses? Does
determine if emerging trends their revenue contribute to a
would possess the same country’s GDP? What products were
characteristics—thus making it removed or got phased out from
easier to spot a trend. the market as a result of the trend’s
b. Weaknesses, on the other hand, rise?
does not immediately mean the d. Social factors and implications are
opposite of strength; rather, these the trend’s contributing elements
are the identified vulnerabilities and and impacts to society and its
stark limitations a trend may members. Often, trend spotters
possess. Any attempted analysis would ask the question: what is its
would often begin asking about the immediate demographic’s response
scope and limitations of the trend; to its presence? How do people feel
who or what are vastly affected and about it? Why do they hate it, why
who or what are being left out? do they like it? Does it contribute
Moreover, to current discourses regarding
c. Opportunities refer to the chances of social issues? Was the trend able to
other trends to emerge from create new social groups and social
already occurring trends. Spotters norms?
tend to ask: what more can this e. Technology almost immediately
trend bring to its time? corresponds to the role of technology
d. And lastly, Threats refer to the in the emergence or disappearance
external factors that may hinder the of a trend. Also, it underscores if new
existence of a trend. Here, the technologies were introduced
spotter looks for factors, because of the trend.
Lesson 2 – Intuitive Thinking trend beneficial? How does this trend affect
the people? Is it good or bad?”
Trust your Gut
2. Class Analysis -This mode of analysis builds
Intuition is something that is known or on the works and philosophy of Karl Marx,
understood without knowing the reason why. We particularly his notion of Historical
normally follow a set of beliefs embedded in our Materialism and Dialectical Materialism.
culture without knowing the history or the He was a staunch follower of Hegel, but
rationale behind it. Intuitive Thinking is about later on rejected such “absolute idealism”
making decisions according to hunches or gut and instead asserted that such ideas (and its
feelings. It can arise as suspicion, an assumption, clashing) are motivated by certain material
without prior evidence. It motivates investigation conditions. He formulated this thesis while
and agitates one to look for patterns or proofs. studying the situations of the working class
in London, and later on committed his life
However, a Trendspotter cannot rely on mere
to building a framework that shall embody
hunches and gut-feelings alone. The study of trends,
the ideal (and materialistic) society
its patterns, and its analysis cannot be based on
through the abolition of classes.
mere rumors or hunches. There must always be an
analysis of its motivations, its elements and
According to Marx, there is an existence and
characteristics. Which is why a good analysis of a
persistence of class struggles in all aspects of
trend will always stem from what has become
society (see PEST); that includes cultural
“intuitive” in this critical undertaking: and that is
phenomenon. These classes are usually
to use all modes of tools such as those presented in
categorized into an oppressor and those
this module. What becomes “intuitive” then is to
being oppressed. Then followed by
instinctively use these tools whenever one attempts
determining the material conditions that
to analyze a trend and emphasize its histo-cultural if
motivated them. When we say material
not socio-cultural relevance.
conditions, we mean the social, economic,
1. Hegelian Dialectics - Spearheaded by the political, and even historical factors that
philosopher Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel, pushed an oppressor or an oppressed on
this mode of dialectic aims to provide a becoming such.
critical window shop of the progress of
phenomenon (be it cultural or otherwise)
through the clashing of a thesis (a
proposition; an idea) and an antithesis (a
proposition or idea that contradicts the
thesis) to formulate a synthesis (the result of
the tension between the two; a new
proposition or idea that finds agreement
with the former two) which can become
another thesis that is subject to another
form of clashing.

Hegelian Dialectics is highly idealistic in

nature—idealistic in the sense that it is a
mere clashing of ideas which then lead to the
formation of new ideas that can clash with
other ideas. It is through this framework
that disciplines, concepts, and eventually
historical phenomenon progresses. Hegel’s
philosophy was so vital at this point that
thinkers often argue that all those that
followed him are but products of clashes
with his philosophy.

For Trends analysis, what we usually do when

using Hegelian Dialectics is to determine the
thesis and antithesis that clashed to form
this trend; if not that, then gather varying
opinions from consumers or those affected
by the trend—we ask questions like “is this
Unit III Lesson 1: Globalization Globalists Anti-Globalists
Accelerates economic Subjects the peoples
Understanding Global Networks
growth, of the world to
The postmodern era is characterized by increasing standards of financial crises and
the increasing interdependence among countries. living, but poverty in the name
Such interdependence in economic, social, political, there are winners and of corporate greed
and cultural spheres through this global network has
Benefits the consumer Has resulted in record
resulted in a new set of social implications and
by increasing corporate profit
patterns creating power relations between countries
income and offering a rates while the
and sub-political units. The emergence of greater variety worldwide income gap
globalization as facilitated by the advancement of of lower-priced continues to widen
technology, improvement in communications, mass products and services?
media and the internet fuels global interaction. Increases employment Results in developed
and wages and countries being
Defining Globalization
helps improve working shipped overseas to
The term has Globalization is multifaceted conditions and low-wage factories
has diverse meaning, depending on the analytical protect workers’ rights. with poor working
approaches or vantage point to which it is looked conditions and
from, ranging from economic to political and to abuses of workers’
socio cultural dimensions. Generally, it can be rights
Helps clean up and Exploits local
defined as the intensification of worldwide social
protect the environments in the
relations linking distant localities in such a way that
environment by quest
local happenings are shaped by events occurring providing the national for corporate profit
many thousands of miles away and vice versa wealth necessary to and contributes to
(Anthony Giddens, 1991). Although every attempt undertake worldwide global
at classifying the processes of globalization environmental warming
necessarily results in oversimplification and a improvements
reduction of complexity, Giddens defines four Helps developing Subjects developing
dimensions of globalization. nations by nations to severe
accelerating economic trade and financial
In contemporary society, Globalization can growth and lending practices,
be defined as the process of international lifting millions out of keeping nations
integration arising from the interchange of world poverty trapped in debt and
views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. millions trapped in
Advances of transportation and telecommunications poverty
infrastructure, and the internet are major factors Helps protect human Supports a world trade
in the interdependence of economic and cultural rights. Economic in human
activities (Garai, 2015). Because of this growing freedom and political bondage and slavery
interdependence, the world is now incorporated freedom are estimated in the
into a single world society- global society. closely linked. millions
Fosters the growth of Threatens the
What are the driving forces of Globalization? democratic sovereignty of the
(Source: Held e t al 1999, cited in Giddens, governments which nation-state by
2009:137) have almost doubled undermining national
worldwide in just the laws and regulations
1. Capitalism and technology last with the power of
2. Governments and markets decade world trade and finance
3. Combined forces of modernity bodies.
For Friedman (1999), the driving idea behind
globalization is free-market capitalism— the more Looking at Globalization in our Daily Life
you let market forces rule and the more you open
McDonaldization is a term coined by George
your economy to free trade and competition, the
Ritzer in his book “McDonaldization of Society”
more efficient and flourishing a country’s economy
(1993). Though the term is a sociological concept on
will become.
rationality which foregrounds the principles of
What are the Pros and Cons of Globalization? process are efficiency, calculability, predictability,
and control. Such rationality has been a pattern
The following are the pros and cons of globalization
to the increasing bureaucratic arrangement of
as suggested by Batternson and Murray (2001)
sectors and societies in the modern times. On the
based from Economic perspectives:
other hand, the spread of McDonalds and of
multinational and transnational corporations with
the same rationality is helped by the processes of
globalization and liberal policies. Such workings
are made possible by free movement of labor,
capital (both investment and human). Technology,
entrepreneurships, and goods and services across
state borders.
In illustrating the concept of
“McDonaldization of Society” in our daily life, we can
say that our consumption practices for example, has
taken over by the workings of globalization. You
might catch yourself up watching series on Netflix,
relishing your Samgyupsal or purchasing products

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