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1. Setting Up the App

2. Device Connection & Setting
3. Emergency Response Service

Video 1: Setting up the App

[camera is on actor]
Actor: Hey everyone, my name is _____ and today I’m going to walk you
through how to set up the Safeguard Equipment app on your cellular
device, which will allow you to use the Compass Pro.
Before we get started, you need will need to first download the
Safeguard Equipment app from the Apple or Google Play app store. You
can use the QR code provided on the Compass Pro quick-start card, or
you can simply search “Safeguard Equipment” in the app store.

[show b-roll footage of the quick-start card, someone using the QR code on the card, and clicking
“download” from the landing page]
Actor: Once installed, open the app.

[camera is angled top down, focused on a hand as it navigates the next couple steps in this demo]
Actor: You will be brought to a screen that says “Safeguard - Enter a
phone number to log in or sign up.” I’m going to quickly enter in my
phone number. Once I’ve entered that, I’m going to receive a
verification code. Let me quickly plug that code in to verify my

[actor enters in phone number & code and clicks ‘next’]

Actor: Next, I’m asked to accept the terms and conditions. Feel free
to click the link to read through them, or you can go ahead and accept
the terms and conditions, which will bring you to the next slide.

[In the next lines, return to front facing camera at actor]

Actor: The next step is very important. For your Compass Pro device to
work, you must enable app notifications, location tracking, and
Bluetooth pairing. Please note that location tracking is only used in
the event of an emergency. I’m going to accept those now and move to
the next step.
[in the next lines, return to top-down camera view of hands holding phone]
Actor: In the next slide, you will be asked to enter your name and
given company code. Each company will have a unique code provided for
them that will activate the specific service they have subscribed to.

[in the next line, return camera angle to front facing actor, and hold it there until the actor has
completed entering in the demo-specific code]
Actor: Today, for the purpose of this video, I will be using a demo-
specific code. Let me enter that in real quick...

[in the next lines, return to top-down camera view of hands holding phone]
Actor: From there, I will be presented with a list of contacts within
my organization. [actor scrolls through list of names] I can select as many
contacts that I wish to have on my designated emergency response team.
[switch camera to face actor] We recommend selecting individuals you work the
most closely with, and the individuals who will likely be able to aid
in an emergency. [switch camera back to facing phone] I’m going to select _____,
_________, _______, and _________.
Notice at the top of the list is two checkboxes. By checking this box
[actor points to the first box] you will receive all emergency alerts that take
place on your company code. Check the second box [actor points to second box] if
you would like to automatically add users who add you as a contact.

Actor: After selecting your contacts, the next couple of slides will
walk you through how to pair your Compass Pro device to your phone.
The tutorial will also provide a high-level overview of how to adjust
your device settings in the app, how to enable the emergency response
services, as well as other features in the service that you can enable
or disable. Continue through the tutorial, until you are brought to
the home screen.

[In the next lines, return to front facing camera at actor]

Actor: To learn how to pair your device to the App, adjust settings
and simulate an emergency, check out our other videos! As always, If
you have any questions about setting up the app, or are experiencing
any issues, please contact your safeguard representative for immediate

[fade to close]
Video 2: Device Connection & Settings
[camera is on actor]
Actor: In order for your Compass Pro device to function, it is
critical to have it properly paired to your phone. Hi, my name is
________ and in this video, I’m going to show you how to do pair your
COMPASS Pro device to the Safeguard Equipment app.

[camera is angled top down, focused on a hand as it navigates the next couple steps in this demo]
Actor: Open your app, and in the bottom right corner, you will click
on the words and icon for “Compass Pro”. Immediately you will be
brought to a prompt that asks you to “Hold the Compass Pro to your

[camera returns to view actor]

Actor: First, we must power on our Compass Pro device. To do this,
press down on the main button until the power on animation comes on.
[actor holds up device to camera and presses down on the main button] When a Compass Pro
device is not properly paired to a phone, or not connected to cellular
service, it will display a blinking white light. This indicates to the
user that they are “not” protected by the emergency response service.
Let’s change that.

[in the next lines, return to top-down camera view of hands holding phone]
Actor: Just like the prompt asks, hold your Compass Pro device next to
your phone until the pairing is complete. See how it’s searching
right now? Aaannnd... Now it’s paring is complete!

[camera returns to view actor]

Actor: Now you can see that the Compass Pro device is displaying a
green blinking light. This tells the user that they are successfully
paired to their device, they have cellular connection, and are thus
“protected” in case of an emergency.
Now that we have successfully paired our device, I’m going to walk you
through how to adjust your device settings.

[in the next lines, return to top-down camera view of hands holding phone]
Actor: Regardless of the subscription plan set up by your
organization, all users will be able to access and adjust device
settings manually. You can do this on the device, and from within the
app. To do this in the app, open the “Compass Pro” tab. [actor selects settings
tab] Here you can adjust the voltage sensitivity to any level you want
by dragging the toggle up and down. You can also turn on smart
adaptive mode. Likewise, you can adjust the electrical current
detection sensitivity [actor selects the current sensitivity tab], adjust the
sensitivity slider, or select smart adaptive mode.

Actor: In addition to these sensitivity sliders, the user can change

the device’s voltage range by selecting the ‘Tools’ tab. [Actor selects the
‘tools’ tab] From here, you can select the desired ‘Voltage Range.’ [camera
returns to Actor] By selecting a different voltage range, you are changing
the device’s sensitivity by orders of magnitude making it operate more
ideally in low voltage (electrician), distribution, and
substation/transmission environments.
In the ‘Tools’ tab you will also see an option to update the Compass
Pro’s firmware over-the-air if a software update is available, and an
option to disconnect from the Compass Pro device.

[camera returns to view actor]

Actor: You will want your device settings to reflect the work
environment you are navigating. For more information on how to adjust
the voltage and current detection settings of your Compass Pro, [return
to top-down camera view of hands holding phone] check out the resources available
for you in the mailbox tab on the top right of your home screen in the
app [actor backs out of settings and opens the mailbox tab in in the top right].
There you will find resources to how-to guides, this app review video,
getting started, get started guides, spec sheets etc.

[camera returns to view actor]

Actor: A couple of things I’d like to quickly mention to you before we
close this video are that the Compass Pro will automatically save your
device settings, even if your device disconnects from your phone. If
you wish to pair your phone to a new Pro device, the settings of the
old device will be forgotten once the new device is connected.
If you have any questions, we’re here to help! Please don’t hesitate
to reach out to your Safeguard rep at any point in time for more info.
Finally, don’t forget to check out our other videos and tutorials.

[fade to black for close]

Video 3: Emergency Response Service
[camera is on actor]
Actor: Hey guys, it’s ______ here again, and in this video I’m going
to show you how to use the Compass Pro emergency response service.
Before we jump in, I want to review a couple of things. First, it’s
important to make sure that you have properly installed the Safeguard
Equipment app, that you are using the most up-to-date version, and
that you have successfully paired the device to your phone. This will
be evident by the green light heartbeat that flashes on your Compass
Pro device, and by the Bluetooth symbol displayed in your app on the
bottom left corner of the home screen.
Second, I want to first review who we have selected to be on our
emergency response team. When you first got set up on the app, you
were asked to select from a list of contacts within your organization.
You can always add and remove contacts at any point in time. To do
this, [camera returns to a top-down view of a phone screen in hand] click on the user
profile icon in the top left corner. From here you can view, add and
remove any contacts on your response team.
Scroll down a little more, and this is where you can also edit your
name and view product warranties.

[camera returns to face actor]

Actor: The purpose of the emergency response service is to 1.)
automatically send out notifications if someone is hurt and unable to
call for help and 2.) help coordinate the utility team as they respond
to an emergency, reducing the overall emergency response time.
So let’s dive into how this works.

[camera is angled top down, focused on a hand as it navigates the next couple steps in this demo]

Actor: Before I trigger an SOS alert, I’m going to see what service
settings are actively enabled on the device. You must toggle them on
in order to use them. To do this, select “Service Settings” in the
bottom left corner of the home screen. There you will see a list of
SOS triggers and toggles displayed next to each crisis event: head
impact, fall detection, and Arc flash. Let’s toggle these on.
So the easiest emergency triggers to simulate are head impact, fall
detection, and the SOS button. In today’s demo, I’m going to show you
how the head impact works. The best way to do this is to flip it over
onto a hard surface and basically just whack it with something. I have
a _____ here. [actor pulls up a solid and heavy object and begins whacking the Compass Pro
device until an alert is triggered]
Actor: You may be surprised at how hard you must whack It. One of the
reasons you must hit it so hard is we follow concussion protocol from
the NFL to get the setting in this device to detect if a serious life-
threatening impact to the head has occurred.

[SOS alert has been triggered and is displaying on the phone and on the device]
All right, so we’ve triggered an SOS event and now you are seeing a
60-second countdown.

[camera returns to view actor]

Actor: For falls, impact to the head, and arc flash events, the user
will have 60 seconds to cancel the alert, letting others know it was a
false alarm. If they don't cancel, a notification will go out to the
designated emergency response team you created in the “Account
Settings” tab.
For the sake of this demo, I’m not going to cancel the alert, in fact,
I’m going to go ahead and confirm it. [camera returns to view phone screen as actor
swipes right on the App to confirm the alarm]
Actor: You can see as soon as that happens, the emergency response
team receives either a push notification on their phone or a text
message. If their app is open, they will see an SOS symbol appear on
the home screen map showing the location of the SOS [actor shows the emergency
screen viewed on app]. Additionally, if their COMPASS Pro devices are
connected, the response team will hear an emergency SOS tone play from
their hardware. To open the emergency chat, click on the SOS emergency
icon or the exclamation mark in the top right-hand corner of the App.
From here, everyone can see that _____ experienced a head impact...

Actor: Here’s the exact location, [actor points to the coordinates displayed at the top
of the chat] and you can now start the critical conversation to get help
there as quickly as possible.

[camera returns to view actor]

Actor: So, what if _____ is unconscious? Well... the cool thing about
this device is it will autonomously send out updated notifications. So
after 60 seconds another prompt will go out to the organization,
notifying the team that ______ is not moving. After 5 minutes the same
thing will happen, “_____ still is not moving.”

Any teammate can assist in the event, and say something like, [camera
returns to view phone screen as actor starts typing in chat] “I’m on my way” or [actor starts
typing in chat] “I’m at the location, ______ isn’t breathing, an ambulance
is on the way...” Etc. Ect.

Actor: Okay, so now I’m going to back out of this chat thread so you
can see the map once again... [actor backs out of chat room and now the map is on
display in the App] Notice that a red pin is displaying on the map where the
injury occurred. This emergency display will remain visible until
someone within the team marks the crisis as ‘resolved.’

All right, I’m going to go ahead and cancel this SOS alert. [actor cancels
alert on phone]
So there you have it! The SOS is now resolved.

From there you can look at past injuries that have occurred. [actor scrolls
through past emergencies] You can see that within our organization, there are
a lot of injuries because we’ve been testing the app over an extensive
period. You can click on any of the previous events to review what
happened, see the time, the location, when, and how it was resolved.

[camera returns to facing the actor]

Actor: Before I end this video, I want to talk about one last thing.
Depending on your organization’s safety plan set up with Safeguard
Equipment, you may not have access to the emergency response services.
If you and your organization decide to upgrade at any point in time,
you will be issued a new employer code. This code will need to be
enter right here, into this field. [actor points to Employer Code” field located in the
profile tab]

[Camera returns to face the actor}

Actor: If you would like to talk about upgrading your safety plan with
Safeguard Equipment, if you have questions, or if would like to
schedule an in-person mock training, please let your regional sales
representative know! Safeguard is committed to ensuring you and your
team are equipped with a total safety solution.

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