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Every business needs to put on top the goal of improving the quality of their

goods, thereby increasing the competitiveness of their goods. Along with the
improvement of quality is the reduction of costs, diversification of models,
improvement of packaging ... to suit the tastes of American consumers.
Businesses cannot blame lack of capital or outdated equipment to justify the
weak competitiveness of their products because there are many other factors
that affect the competitiveness of their products such as macro factors (exchange
rates, interest rates, taxes) and micro factors (production processes, management
experience of each enterprise). Therefore, in the current situation, due to limited
capital sources, businesses need to actively map out a long-term competitive
strategy for their goods by creating unique features for their products based on
their cutting ability. reduce the average cost in the industry as well as streamline
the production process.

In the current internationalization conditions, a small manufacturing industry like

that in Vietnam has the relative advantages of cheap labor and can invest in more
technology to gradually improve product quality. that we can only outsource and
make satellites for big companies. To achieve autonomy, it is necessary to take
into account the reasonable production scale, capital, human resources,
technology and market are the most important factors.

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