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- Group 6 -

Comparison of cultural aspects

based on model Hofstede
Cao Thị Dung
Nguyễn Thị Huệ
Lê Thị Kiều Loan
Nguyễn Thị Phương Mai
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My
Huỳnh Thuận Thảo
Vietnam – Japan Comparision
What is the difference?
01 In term of masculinity

- In Japan, men tend to dominate most of the family and social power
structures. So, if you are going to open an office in Japan, you can only have
great success if you appoint a male employee to lead the team and have an
overwhelming male force in the team.

- In Vietnam, this score is lower because the society accepts men and women
as equals. In such a society, women are treated equally with men in all
respects. You can form teams based on the proper distribution of skills, not
Example: In business, the Japanese prefer to work with men than women. But if the
partner is a woman, then this person is definitely someone with a position in society or
an equivalent rank.
02 In term of power distance

This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal.

- In Vietnam, the PD (Power Distance) score is high because people have to

accept that the inequality between people is prolonged. Accordingly, in the
working culture of Vietnamese people, employees have to follow their boss's
orders because they consider it a duty and a must. The caste division is very
clear and it is very difficult for a low caste to move up to a higher caste
- A country with a lower PD score such as Japan does not emphasize differences
between people in terms of social position, power, or wealth. Equality is
considered as a common goal of the whole company. It is normal for an
employee to be able to speak his mind frankly with his boss or from a position
of low power to a position of high power.
Example: The fact that subordinates do not dare to have a different opinion from their superiors
is quite common in a country that has high PD rate like Vietnam. People below tend to respect
and revere the people above. This has many advantages but also makes employees not have the
courage to “disagree” with their managers.
03 In term of individualism

- Vietnam, with a score of 20 is a collectivistic society. This is manifest in a close long-

term commitment to the “member” group, be that a family, extended family or
extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount and overrides
most other societal rules and regulations. Such a society fosters strong relationships,
where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group.

- Japan scores 46 on the Individualism dimension. Certainly Japanese society shows

many of the characteristics of a individualism society. The most popular explanation
for this is that Japanese society does not have extended family system which forms a
base of more collectivistic societies such as China and Korea. In addition, they are
more private and reserved than other Asians.
Example : In business, Vietnamese As for the Japanese, they do business
people will connect with each other to separately and do not support each other to
create a solid community, supporting create common interests.
each other in trade.

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