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1. Do you think emotional intelligence is important in your development?

Yes, I believe that developing my emotional intelligence is important. My ability to connect with
others more deeply, do well in school and the workplace, and accomplish my personal and
professional goals will all be aided by my emotional intelligence. It can also assist me in
connecting with my emotions, acting on an idea, and coming to wise conclusions about the
things that are most important to me.

2. What areas of emotional intelligence do you need to develop?

The emotional intelligence I need to develop is my emotional awareness of others. Sometimes I
just say what I want to say when I'm angry, not realizing I can hurt someone's feelings, and then I
regret everything and hurt myself in the end. So, I really need to practice remaining calm first
and not allowing cruel thoughts to affect me.

3. What are emotions? Describe them.

The cognitive, physical, and behavioral aspects of emotion are considered to be emotions. The
physical aspect of a situation is how our inner parts of our bodies react to it, such as sweating due
to anxiety, while the cognitive aspect is how we feel about it, such as sad, pleased, etc. So, the
last is the behavioral aspect, which is how the body's external organs react to the event, such as
our whole-body trembling from anxiety.

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