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Betty S. Azar
Rachel Spack Koch
Stacy A. Hagen



Betty S. Azar
Rachel Spack Koch
Stacy A. Hagen
Fundamentals of English Grammar9 Fourth Edition Workbook

Copyright◎ 20H,2003,1992,1985 by Bett Schrampfer Azar

All rlghts reserved.

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Azar Associates:Shelley】 Iarde,Editor,and Sue Van Etten,Manager

Pearson Education,10 Bank Street,V■ 五te Plains,NY 10606

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Prefoce ....xx
1. Interviewquestionsandanswers.... ....1
2. Simple presenr and present progressive ... .2
3. Forms of the simple present .... .3
4. Formsofthesimplepresenttense. ........3
5. Thesimplepresenttense. .........4
6. Thesimplepresenrtense. .........4
7. Formsofthepresentprogressive .....5
8. Thepresentprogressive .......5
9. The simple present and the present progressive .....6
10. Presentverbs:questions .........6
ll. Presentverbs: questions ....7
12. The simple present and the present progressive ..... .7
13. Frequencyadverbs ........8
L4. Frequencyadverbs .........8
15. Frequencyadverbs .......9
16. Readingcomprehension. ........9
17. Singular/Plural ........10
18. Spellingoffinal-s/es ....10
19. Final-s/es .......11
20. Simplepresenr:final-s/es.. ...11
2L. Non-actionverbs. ...12
22. Simple present and present progressive . . . . . 12
23. Simplepresentandpresentprogressive ........13
24. Editing ....13
25. Present verbs: questions and short answers . . . . . 14
26. Crosswordptzzle .......15
Chopter 2 PAST TIME

1. Simple past: questions and negatives . . . . 16

2. Simplepresenrandsimplepast. .....16
3. Pasttensequestionsandanswers.... ...17
4. Simplepast:questions.. ...17
5. Simplepastandpresenr:questions ......1g
6. Simplepast:quesrions.. ........1g
7. Spelling of -ingand-ed forms .....1g
8. Spellingof-ingforms .......20
9. Spelling of -ing forms ....20
10. Spelling of -ing and -ed forms . . . .21
I l. Principal parts of a verb . . . 22
12. Spellingofirregularverbs . ......23
13. Commonirregularverbs . . .... ..23
14. Expressing past time: simplepast.. . .. . .. . .. .24
15. Present and past negatives ..........25
16. Review: simple present, present progressive, and simple past forms .. .. .......26
17. Past progressive . . . . ......26
18. Simple past and past progressive ..... ........27
19. Simple past and past progressive . . .. .. . . . . .. .27
20. Simple past and past progressive ..... ........24
21. Expressing past time: using time clauses . . . . . . .28
22. Expressing past habit: usedto. ......29
23. Review: past verbs . . . .....30
24. Editing ........30
25. Review ......''11
26. Review .' . . .. . .31
27. Word search puzzle .......32
1. Expressing future dme: be going to and usill " ' ' ' " ' 33
2. Forms withbe going to ..... " "'11
?. Begoingto ..-.- """'34
4. Will and be going to ' ' ' ' 34
5. will . """"'15
6. Questions with utill and be going to .... '""15
?. Forms with ar;U ..... """"""36
8. Present, past, and future """""'16
9. Forms with sril and contractions . . . . . '"""?7
10. Forms with tpill and be going to . . . .. ' ' " ' ' '37
ll. Will ProbablY ... -. ' " ' 38
12. Certainty about the future """"'39
13. Certainty about the future ""''- "39
L4. Be going to vs. ttsill " " ' 40
15. Be going to vs. usill " " " 41
16. Be going to vs. ttsill . " " ' 42
17 . Be going to vs. ttsill " " ' 42
t 8. Pasi and future time clauses " " " " 43
19. Future time clauses " " " 43
20. I/-clauses "" '44
21. Future time clauses and df clauses . . . . " ' " "45
22. Future time clauses " " " 45
23. Future time clauses and ifclauses . . . . " " " '46
24. Review: past and future """"""46
25. Using bi going to and the present progressive to express future dme ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 48
26. Usin; the presint progressive to express future time ' - ' ' ' ' 48
27. Using the present progressive to express future time " " " " " " 49
2S. Using the present progressive to express future time ' ' ' ' ' ' 49
29. Usint the simple present to express future dme " " " " 50
30. Usin! 6e cb oua to . " " ' 51
31. Parallel verbs . . . . . . """51
32. Editing """"52
33. Verb tense review """'52
34. Crossword P ttzzle .. """54
1. Past participles ...... """" "'55
2. Review: irregular verbs " ""-" '55
3. Present perfict with srzce arrd lor ' ' ' '"" 56
4. Present perfect with sdzce and fot " ' " " ' ' 57

5. Presentperfectwithsinceandfor .......57
6. Negativerquestionrandshort-answerforms ........57
7. Negative,question,andshort-answerforms ........58
8. Present perfect with unspecified time . . . 59
9. Present perfect with unspecified time . . . . 60
10. Present perfect with unspecified time . . . . . 60
11. Review:irregularverbs .....61
12. Simple past vs. present perfect . . . . . 62
13. Presentperfectandsimplepastwithtimewords ........62
14. Simple past vs. present perfect ... .63
15. Simple past vs. present perfect ... .63
16. Presentperfectprogressive .....64
17. Present perfect progressive vs. present perfect . . . . . 64
18. Presentprogressive,presentperfectprogressive andthepresentperfect ........64
19. Present perfect progressive vs. present perfect . . . . . 65
20. Verbtensereview .......66
21. Pastperfect ......67
22. Pastperfect ........67
23. Reviewoftimeexpressions .....68
24. Verbtensereview ......68
25. Editing ...69
26. Wordsearchptzzle .......70
1. Short answers for yes/no questions . . . . . 71
2. Yes/noquestions .......72
3. Yes/noquestionsandshortanswers .......73
4. Yes/no questions andshortanswers ........73
5. Yes/no questions . . .74
6. Forming information questions . . .75
7. Yes/noandinformationquestions... .....75
8. Yes/noandinformationquestions... ...76
9. Yes/noandinformationquestions... ...77
10. Where, When, What tirne, Wltjt, Hout cotne, What .. .-for . . . . 7A
11. Why,Houscotne,andWhatfor.... .,.,.28
12. Where,WhyrWhen,andWhattirne. ........78
13. Who,Who(m.),andWhat .....79
14. Who,Who(rn),andWhat .....80
15. Who,Who(nt),andWhat ......80
16. Who,Who(rn),andWhat ........81
17. Askingforthemeaningof aword ....... g1
18. What*aformofdo. ....92
19. Usingushichandushat ........92
20. Usinguhichanduthathindof ........93
21. Whovs.Whose ........93
22. Whovs.Whose .......g4
23. UsingHoas. ....g4
24. UsingHoasoften ......95
25. Using Housfar,It+ tahe,andHouslong . ......95
26. Using Hous often, Houtfar, and Hoas long . . . . g6
27. MorequestionswithHous. ......E7
28. Using Hous about and What about . . . . . . g7
29. Reviewofquestions .......9g
30. Reviewofquestions .......g9
31. Thgquestions .....90
32. Thgquestions.. ...90
33. Editing ........91
34. Review:questions .....,..92
35. Crossword ptzzle -. ......93
l. Forms ofnouns ..........94
2. Forms ofnouns ..........94
3. Forms ofnouns ..........95
4. Forms ofnouns ..........95
5. Subiects, verbs, and objects .........96
6. Subiects, verbs, and objects .........96
7. Subjects, verbs, and objects .........97
8. Objects ofprepositions ............97
9. Objects ofprepositions ............98
10. Prepositions ............98
ll. Obiects of prepositions ............99
12. Prepositions of time . . ....100
13. Prepositions of time.. ....100
14. rJ7ord order: place and time ........100
15. Word order: place and time ........101
16. Subiect-verb agreement ...........101
17. Subject-verb agreement .......'...I01
18. Adiectives .....102
19. Adjectives ... .102
20. Using nouns as adjectives .........103
21. Using nouns as adjectives .........103
22. Adiectives ..'..104
23. Review: nouns.. ........104
24. Personal pronouns: subjects and objects '.....105
25. Personal pronouns: subjects and obiects ......106
26. Personal pronouns: subiects and obiects ... '..106
27. Personal pronouns .......107
28. Possessive nouns ... .....107
29. Possessive nouns ... ..'..108
30. Possessive nouns ... .....108
31. Possessive pronouns vs. possessive adjectives ....... '... f08
32. Possessive pronouns vs. possessive adiectives ...........109
33. Reflexive pronouns .. ....109
34. Refleive pronouns . .....110
35. Review: pronouns and possessive adiectives . . . . 110
36. Review: pronouns and possessive adiectives .... lll
17. Singular forms of other: another vs. the other ..,.. .. . . .. .. ...ll2
38. Singular forms of other: another vs. the other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll2
39. Plural forms of other: other(s) vs. the othe{s) . "'" ll3
40. Summary: forms of othet .""" '113
41' Review """'1r4
42. Editing ....."114
43. Word search prtzzle .. " " 115
1 The form ofrnodal aumliaries . 116
2 Expressing ability 116
3 Expressing possibility and permtsston 117
4 Expressingpossibility ..... 117
5 Expressing ability and possibility . 118
6 Meaning of cozld ....... 118
7 Polite questions: Mcy I, Could I, Can I 119

8. Politequestions .......119
9. Politequestions ....120
10. Expressingadvice ......120
11. Expressingadvice ......12I
12. Expressingadvice .......L22
13. Expressingnecessity ...122
14. Necessity: rrtustrhansetorhaoegotto ... .......123
15. Necessity: rrtustrhaoetorhaoegotto ... .......123
16. Expressingnecessity .....L24
17. Expressing lack of necessity and prohibition . . . . . L24
18. Expressing necessity, lack of necessiry and prohibition . . . 125
19. Logicalconclusions ......126
20. Logical conclusion or necessity . . 126
21. Thg questions with modal auxiliaries . . . 126
22. Givinginstructions:imperativesentences ......127
23. Polite questions and imperatives . . .127
24. Let's and Why don't ... .128
25. Statingpreferences ......129
26. Statingpreferences ......129
27. Modalauxiliaryreview ...130
28. Editing . .. 131
29. Crossword puzzle . .l3Z
1. Connections ideas wit]a and t33
) Punctuating sentences 134
3. Punctuating items connected with and . t34
4. Punctuating sentences t34
5. Connecting ideas with and . r35
6. Using and, but, and or r36
7. Connecting ideas with so 136
8. Using and, but, or, andso . . . 136
9. Using and, but, or, and so . . . 137
10. Using andrbut, or, and so . . . 137
1I. Using and, but, or, andso . . . r37
T2, Using auxiliary verbs after but . . 138
13. Using auxiliary verbs after ond . 138
14. Using and + too, so, either, neither 138
15. Using foo, so, either, or neither after and t39
16. Auxiliary verbs after but and and . t39
17. Adverb clauses with because 140
r8. Adverb clauses with because 140
19. Adverb clauses with so or because 140
20. Adverb clauses with ezten though and although t4r
21. Using because and eoen though t42
22. Adverb clauses with because and eoen though t42
23. Adverb clauses with because and although 143
24. Using eoen though I although and because 144
25. Editing t45
26. W'ord search puzzle t46
1. As .. .4S t47
2. As.. .4S t47
4. 4s...

5. Comparative and superlative forms .. ........150
6. Comparative forms .... ..........151
7. Comparatives ........ '. 151
8. Comparatives .......--.152
9. Comparatives and superlatives ......153
10, Farther and Further .,.,153
11. Adjectives vs. adverbs in the comparative . . . . . . 151
12. Completing comparisons with pronouns ......154
13. Very vs. a lot I rnuch far ...
I .....155
14. Notas... as and less. - - than ..-.155
15. Unclear comparisons . ....156
16. IJnclear comparisons . ...-157
17. lJsing tnore with nouns ..........157
18. Using rzore with nouns and adiectives .......158
19. Repeating a comparative ..........159
20. Double comparatives .....159
21. Double comparadves .....160
22. Using superlatives .. .....160
23. Using superlatives . . .. .. . 161
24. As ... as, tnore I -er, ?nost l-est ..........162
25. lJsing neoer with comparatives ...... .......163
26. IJsing eoer and. netterirt comparisons ....... .164
27. Review of comparatives and supedatives ......164
28. Review of comparatives and superlatives . '....165
29. Lihe, alike '. . . 166
30. The samc, sirnilar, difrerent '....166
11. I:ike, alihe, sbnilar, dilferent ... .. .. ... .. .167
32. The same, sitnilat difrerent, lihe, alihe . . . 167
33. Editing . .. .. . . 168
34. Crossword p,tzzle .. .....169
Chopter l0 THE PASSIVE
1. .
Active vs. passive . . . ....170
2. Acth℃ vs.pass市 c … … …… … … … … … …・… … … . 170

?. Forms of the passive . . . .

4. Review of past participles .

5. Passiveform....
6. Tense forms ofthe passive .........173
7. Passive vs. active meaning .........175
8. Forms ofpassive questions ........175
9. Passive to active . . . ......176
10. Passive to active . . . ......176
11. Transitive vs. intransitive ..........177
12. Active and passive . ......177
1?. Review: identi$ing passives with transitive and intransitive verbs . . . . 178
14. The 6y-phrase .... 178

15. Active to passive

16. Review: active vs. passive .

17. Meaning of passive verbs . . .

18. Review: active vs. passive

19. Passive modals r81
20. Passive modals l8l
21. Sunlmary:act市 e vs passive 142
22. Using past participles as adiectives 183
23. Using past participles as adjectives r83
24. -ed vs. -ing 184
25. -edvs. -ing .. 184

viii coNrENTs
26. -edvs.-ing ... .........185
27. -edvs.-ing ... .........185
28. Get * adjective and past participle ...... ....186
29. Get + adiective and past participle ...... ....186
30. Be used I acc'rastorned to ........f87
11. Used to vs. be used to ...........187
32. Used to vs. be used to ...........188
33. Be supoosed. to ... .....188
34. Editing .. . .. . . 189
35. s?'ord search pt:zzle .. ....190
1- Avs. an: singular count nouns . . . . ..........191
2. Count and noncount nouns ........191
3. Noncount nouns . . . . ....192
4. More noncount nouns .,. .192
5. Count and noncount nouns ........192
6. Count and noncount nouns .,..,...19)
7. Count and noncount nouns ........191
8. Count and noncount nouns ........194
9. Count and noncount nouns ........194
10. Many vs. tnuch . .......194
ll. Hou rnany and. hozt; nutch .......195
12. Review: count and noncount nouns ..........195
13. Afeuvs. a littlc . .......196
14. Count and noncount nouns: summary .......196
15. Count and noncount nouns . . . . ....197
16. Nouns that can be count or noncount ...... ..........198
17. Units of measure with noncount nouns .......198
18. Units of measure with noncount nouns .......198
19. Muchvs. rr.any . .......199
20. Alanvs.sorte .. ......I99
21, A lanvs. son e . . .---..200
22. A lan vs. lhe: singular count nouns .--.-.-.-2O0
23. Using the for second mention . ....-201
24. Usrng the for second mention ..... .........201
25. Summary: alanvs.thevs.O ...-.-202
26. Usingtheorbwithnames.... ....201
27. Using the or A with names . . . . ....2O4
28. Capitalization ..... ,....204
29. Editing .......205
30. Crossword pwzzle .. .....206
1. Using arfto ar:d thatin adjective clauses to describe people ....... .207
2. Using usho and. that tn adjective clauses to describe people ....... . 208
3. Using trluo and that in adjective clauses to describe people ....... . 208
4. Usrng uho that i\ adjective clauses to describe people ....... . ZO9
5. Usitrg ttsho, ^nd
ttshorn, that, and O in adjective clauses . ... . ZO9
6. Using zerio and t}ar in adiective clauses ..... .2lO
7. Using u:ho, tohom, that, and O in adiective clauses . ... . 210
8. Using that, u;ho, uhorn, and, O in adiective clauses . ... . 2ll
9. Whovs.uhich.. .......211
10. That and. ushich . . . . ....Zlz
11. Using that, urhich, and O in adjective clauses.. ........2L2
12. Adiective clauses . .......21j


Pronoun usage in adjective clauses . .........213

Singular and plural verbs in adiective clauses . ..........214

Prepositions in adjective clauses . ...........215

Prepositions in adiective clauses . ...........215

Prepositions in adjective clauses . ...........216

Adjective clauses with zolrose ......216

Adjective clauses with zoftose ..... .........217

Meaning of adjective clauses .......217
Adjective clauses . .......218

Reading . .. .. .218

Editing . ......219

Word search puzzle ..... .........220

l. Verb * gerund . ........221
2. Go + gerund . .........221
3. Identifuing gerunds and infinitives .... .......222
4. Verb * gerund or infinitive ...... ..........222
5. Verb + gerund or infinitive ...... ..........221
6. Verb + gerund or infinitive ..... ...........224
7- Gerunds and infrnitives ...........224
8. Preposition * gerund ....225
9. Preposition + gerund ....226
10. Review .......226
11. Review .......227
12. Review .......228
13. By + gerund.. .........228
14. By + gerund.. .........229
15. 8yvs. asith ... .. .......23O
16. Gerund as subiect; It * infinitive ...........230
17. Purpose: tovs.for .......2?1
18. Purpose: tovs.for .. . ... .211
19. Purpose: to vs.for .......231
20. (In order) to ..........232
21. Tbovs.enough. ........232
22. Tbovs.enough. ...,.,,.2)?
23. Gerund vs. infinitive . -...211
24. Gerund vs. infinitive .....234
25. Editing ... ...2?5
26. Crossword p,tzzle .. .....2)6
1. Questions vs. noun clauses ........2)7
2. Noun clauses that begin with a question word ..........237
3. Noun clauses that begin with a question word .... ......238
4. Information questions and noun clauses . . . . . .218
5. Noun clauses ...........239
6. Noun clauses.. .........240
7. Nounclauses.. ........'24O
8. Noun clauses and yes/no questions ........ '.241
9. Noun clauses and yes/no questions ........ 241
10. Noun clauses . . . . . . .....242
11. 77rar-clauses ...... "" '242
12. That-clarses . . . . . . .....241
13. Thar-clauses ...... .....247
14. Substituting so for a that-clatse . '... ""' '244

15. Quoted speech .... .....244
16. Quoted speech .... .....245
17. Reported speech: changing pronouns and possessive words . .. . . . ..246
18. Verb forms in reported speech . . . . . .246
19. Verb forms in reported speech . . . . . .247
20. Reporting questions . ....248
21. Quoting questions .. .....248
22. Reporting quesrions . ....249
23. Reported speech ... .....249
24. Say vs. tell vs. c'sk ......250
25. Reported speech ... .....251
26. Reported speech ... .,,,.251
27. Reported speech ... .....252
28. Editing .......25?
29. u7ord search p,tzzle .. ....254
Group A, Phrasal Verbs (separable) ..........255
Group B, Phrasal Verbs (nonseparable) ... ....256
Group C, Phrasal Verbs (separable) ..........258
Group D, PhrasalVerbs (separable) ..........260
Group E, Phrasal Verbs (separable) ..........262
GroupF,Phrasalverbs(intransitive) ...... ...........264
Group G, PhrasalVerbs (three-word) . . . . . . ...........266
Group H, Phrasal Verbs (three-word) . . . . . ....267
l. Preposition Combinations, Group A .. .......270
2. Preposition Combinations, Group B -. ..... -.272
3. Preposition Combinations, Group C . ........273
4. Preposition Combinations, Group D . ...... -.274
5. Preposition Combinations, Group E .. .......276
6. Preposition Combinations, Group F .. .......277
7. Preposition Combinations, Group G . ........279
INDEX .. ....283

The Fundamentals of English GrammarWorkbook is a place for lower-intermediate and intermediate
students to explore and practice English grammar on their own. It is a place where they can test and
fine-rune their understanding of English structures and improve their ability to use English
meaningfully and correctly. All of the exercises have been designed for independent study, but this
book is also a resource for teachers who need exercise material for additional classwork, homework,
testing, or individualized instruction.
Tlne lVorkbooA is keyed to the explanatory grammar charts found in Fundamentak of English
Grammar, Fourth Edition, a classroom teaching text for English language learners, and in the
accompanying Chartbook, a reference grammar with no exercises.
The answers to the practices can be found in the Answer Key in the back of the Workbook.lts
pages are perforated so that they can be detached to make a separate booklet. However, if teachers
want to use the lYorkbook as a classroom teaching text, the Answer Key can be removed at the
beginning of the term.
Two speciallTorkbook sections called PhrasalVerbs and Preposition Combinations, not available in
the main text, are included in the Appendices. These sections provide reference charts and a variety
of exercises for independent practice.

︱ ・.
Present Time



am s i meet you

are /name

Kr;Nro: Myname is Kunio.

Manra: My name ie Maria. I am glad to meet you.
KuNro: glad to you too. Where


Manra: I from Mexico. Where )

KuNro: I Japan.

Marua: 'Where living now?

15 l6
Krnvro: On Fifth Avenue in an apartment. And you?

Manra: living in a dorm.

KuNro: What you studying?
Marua: Business. After I study English, f 'm going to attend the School of Business
Administration. How about you? What your major?

KuNro: Engineering.
Manre: What you like to do in your free time?
KuNro: I play the guitar with a group.

Manra: Really? \tr7here?

Kuluro: We together in a friend's garage on weekends. It's fun. How about you?
What you do in your free time?
Manra: I like to get on the Internet.
KuNIO: OhP tthat you do when you're online?

Mazua: I write a blog. I two or three times a week.

KUNIo: A blogllJ(/hat you write about on your blog?

MaRra: The news. I to give my thoughts.

KuNto: That's interesting!

Mazua: I have to your full namc on the board whcn lintroducc you to the class.

How spell your name?

KuNro: My first name Kunio. K-U-N-I-O. My family name

Marue: Kunio Akiwa. that right?


KuNlo: Yes, it . And what your name again?

Mama: My first.r-. Maria. M-A-R-I-A. My last name Lopez.

Kutuo: Thanks. \7ell, it's been nice talking to you.
M,qnra: I enjoyed it too.

レ'Practice 2. Sirnp:e present and present progressive.(chor1 1-1)

Circle the correct verb.
1. | (sit I am sitting) at my desk right now.

2. | (sit I am sining) at this desk every day.

3. I (do I am doing) grammar exercises every day.

4. | (do I am daing) a grammar exercise now.

5. | (look I am looking) at Sentence 5 now.

6. Now I (write I am writing) the correct completion for this sentence.

7. Henry (sits I is sitting) at his desk now.

8. He (works I is working) at his computer.

9. He (works I is working) at his computer every day.

10. He (checks I is checking) his email right now.

11. He (checks I is checking) his email 20 times a day.

12. He (writes I is writind more than 30 emails every day.

) Proclice 3. Forms of the simple present. (Chorl-2)
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb speah.

Part I: SrerBurvr Fonus

1. I English.
2. 1日 hey English.

3. I‐ Ie English.

4. You English.

5. She English.

Part II: NecAfivE Fonus

6. I English.

7. They English.

8. She English.
9. You English.
10. He English.

Pafi III: QursnoN Fonus

1 1. Do yott ePeak English?

12. they English?

13. he EnglishP
14. English?
15. she English?

) Proctice 4. Forms of the simple present tense. (chort t-2)

Complete each sentence with the appropriate verb from the list. Add -s/-es as necessary.


collect cook /play

conduct drive program

1. I-eon is a piano player. He Plays the piano in a restaurant on weekends.

2. Akira is an orchestra conductor. He the City Symphony Orchestra.
3. My grandparents are stamp collectors. They stamps from all over the
4. My sister is a computer programmer. She computers for a large
5. Ariel is a teacher trainer. He teachers for elementary schools.
6. Fred andTed are marathon runners. They in marathon races.
7. Gino is the cook in the governor's house. He for the governor's family.
8. Two of my friends are post-offrce workers. They in the post office.
9. Alex is a truck driver. He a truck up and down the interstate highways.
10. I am a travel writer. I articles for a travel magazine.

Presenl Time 3
) Proctice 5. The simple present lense. (chort l-2)
Sentence a. is a statement with an incorrect fact. In Sentence b., write the negative of that
statement, and then write the correct fact. Use the affirmative and negative forms of the verb in
Sentence a.

l. a. The needle of a compass points south.

b. No. The needle of a compass doeen't ?oint south.
It pointa north.
2. a. February comes before January.
b. No. February before January. It
after January.
3. a. It snows in warm weather.
b. No. It in warm weather. It in cold

4. a. Bananas grow in cold climates.
b. No. Bananas in cold climates. Bananas
in warm climates.
5. a. Lighming follows thunder.
b. No. Lightning thunder.
Thunder lightning.
6. a. Whales fly.
b. No. $Thales Birds

7. a. The earth revolves around the moon.

b. No. The earth around the moon.
The moon around the earth.
8. a. Butterflies turn into caterpillars.
b. No. Butterflies into caterpillars.
Caterpillars into butterflies.

> Proclice 5. The simple present lense. (chorl 1-2)

Complete the sentences with do, does, or O.
1. Polly and Scott not work in an office.
2. They own a small construction company.
3. The company not build houses.
4. The company repairs houses.
5. Polly and Scott not do the same work.
6. They do different kinds of work.
7. Polly enjoys painting, but Scott not like painting.
8. He prefers to fix things.
9. They spend 8 to 10 hours at work on most days.

10. They not work at night or on weekends.
11. they plan to work together for a long time? Yes, they're married.

・ Praclice 7. Forrns of fhe preseni progressive.(chOr1 1-2)

Complete the sentences with the correct forn■ ofthe verb spθ αた。


1. I___2塑
毛 μ
2壁 4-一 _____―
一 一 一 一 ―
English right now.
2. They English right now.
3. Shc English right now.
4. You English right now.
5. Hc English right now.
Part II: Necarnn FoRrvts

6. I English right now.

7. They English right now.
8. Shc English right now.
9.You English right now.
10. Hc English right now.
Pafi III: Questol FoRMS

1 1. Are yo:u apeakinT English right now?

12. he English right now?
13. 」hey English right now?
14. WC English right now?
15. shc English right now?

) Proctice 8. The present progressive. (chort 1-2)

Complete each sentence with the present progressive form of the verbs in parentheses.
I'm looking around the classroom now. My classmates are not paying attention. Sally (/oo&)

ie lookin? ar her watch. Ali has his head back and he (stare)
at the ceiling. Kiki and Ruth (rexz)
2 3
each other. Janet (file) her nails. Thnya and Olga (listen)
to something on their iPods. Spiro (moae)

around in his seat. Ana (draw)

picture of the professor. Dmitri (sleep) .I(″ ν)

to stay awake. The poor professor (speak)

very softly. He has a sore throar, and he (/ose)

his voice. I think thathe (fall)

asleep too.

Presenl Time 5
) Prociice 9. The simple present ond the presenl progressive. (Chorts 1-1 ond 1-2)
Choose the correct completions for each group.

Group I
l. Iack c . a. working today
2. lackis b. work in an of;Ece
3. Jack does c. works in a factorY
-. not
Group 2
1. Nina a. playing tennis now
2. She does not b. play tennis on weekdays
3. -.
She is not c. plays tennis on weekends
Group 3 -.
l. I-eah and Hank are a. chats on the computer every night
2. They b. chatting on their computers now
3. Irah c. chat on their computers a lot
Group 4 -.
1. My roommate and I do not a. watches the news at 11:00 P.M.
2. He b. watchTV in the afternoons
3. I am not c. watchingTV right now
) Proctice lO. Presenl velbs: questions. (chorts 1-1 ond 1-2)
Complete the questions with Does he ot Is he.
ls he a student?

Does he have good professors?

- from Spain?
in the classroom?
like school?
a math maior?

studying math?
study every day?

live on campus?

do homework every night?

) Proctice I l. Present verbs: queslions. (Chorts 1-1 ond 1-2)
Complete the questions with Does she or Is she.
Ie ehe at work?
2. Doee ehe have a good job?
3. working right now?
4. sitting at her desk?
5. come to the office every day?
6. like her job?
7. on the phone?
8. in a meeting?
9. work overtime often?
10. working overtime now?

) Proctice I2. The simple present ond lhe present ploglessive. (chorrs 1-1 ond 1-2)
Choose the correct completion.
1. Turtles, snakes, and alligators _ reptiles.
a. do @ are c. is

2. Almost all reptiles _ eggs.

a. lay b. lays c. are layrng

3. A turtle eggs in the warmer months.

a. lays b. laying c. is laying
4. frogs reptiles?
a. Do b. Is c. Are
5. No. They amphibians.
a. ls b. are c. do
6. An amphibian in water and on land.
a. live b. livcs c. is living
7. frogs lay eggs?

a. Do b. Does c. Are
8. Yes. Frogs eggs in the water.
a. lay b. lays c. are layrng
9. Do you that frog on the rock over there?
a. see b. sees c. seeing
10. it sleeping?
a. Does b. Do c. Is
1 1. No, it sleeping.
a. doesn't b. don't c. isn't
12. It is for insects to eat.
a. look b. looks c. looking

Presenl Time 7
) Proctice 13. Frequency qdverbs. (chort 1-3)
Put the word in italics in its usual midsentence position. \$7rite O if no word is needed.
1. usually Ann uoually stays 0 at night.

2. usually Ann O is uauallv at home at night.

3. always Bob stays home in the evening.

4. always Ie I‐ lS at his desk in the evening.

5. usually He doesn't go out in the evenings.

6. alwavs But he doesn't study in the evenings.

7. sometimes He watches a littleTV.
8. neo)er Ie I‐ stays up past midnight.
9. never Ie I‐ lS up past midnight.

10. usually Does Ann study at night?

11. α」 ανs Does Bob study at night?

12. α′
初の s Bob at home at night?

) Prociice 14. Frequency odvelbs. (chort l-3) -

Put the given adverbs in their usual midsentence position. Change the verb from negative to
affirmative (i.e., statement form) as necessary.

1. Sentence: Jane doesn't come to class on tirne.

a. usually Jane usually doesn'tcome to class on time.
b. eaer Jane doesn't ever come to class on time.
c. seldom Jane seldom comes to class on time.
d. sometimes Jane to class on time.
e. always Jane to class on time.
f . occasionally Jane to class on time.
g. κιυθγ Jane to class on time.
h. hardly ezser Jane to class on time.

2. fane isn't on time for class.


a. usually Jane ian't uauallv

on time for class.

b. rarely on timc for class.

c. always on tirnc for class.
on tirnc for class.
d. frequently Jane

e, never on tilne for class.


f . ever Jane
on time for class.

g. seldom on tirne for class.


) Proctice I5. Frequency odverbs. (chorr t-3)
Use the given information to complete the sentences. {Jse a frequency adverb for each sentence.

Kim's Week S M T W Th F S

l. wake up late X X X X X X X

2. skip breakfast X X X

3.visit friends X X X X X

4. be on time for class X X X X

5. surfthe Internet X

6. clean her room X X X X X X

7. do homework X X

8. be in bed early

1. Kim up late.
2. Shc breakfast.
3. She friends.
4. She on time for class.
5。 She the Internet.
6. Shc her room.
7. She homework.
8. Shc in bed early.

) Proclice 16. Reoding complehension. (Chorrs t-t -+ t-3)

Part L Read the passage. Then circle eight more verbs in the simple present tense and one verb in
the present progressive. Underline the three frequency adverbs.

Powerful Storrns

Hurricanes andtyph00nscDpoWer負 l stOrms。 ¶hey form over warm

:, . oceans. They have srrong winds (at least 74 miles or I 19 kilometers per
"-.- hour), amount of rain, low air pressure) and thunder and
a huge
' lightning. Scientists call the storms east of the International Date Line
and north of the equator for example, in Mexico and the United
- hurricanes. Storms west of the International Date Line and south of the equator
States for
example, in Indonesia and India are typhoons.
Usually, about 100 of these tropical storms occur in the world each year. These storms travel
from the ocean to the coast and on to land. On land, the wind, rain, and enormous waves often
cause terrible destruction. People never like to hear the news that a hurricane or typhoon is

Presenl Time 9
Part II. Answer the questions according to the information in the passage. Circlc``ア r"if thc
statement is true and "F" if the statement is false.

1. Hurricanes and typhoons have winds of more than74 miles per hour.

2. These storms don't have rain.

3. There is often snow with hurricanes.

4. Hurricanes are bigger than typhoons.

5. In India and Indonesia, these big storms are typhoons.

6. Hurricanes and typhoons begin over land.

7. Hurricanes and typhoons rarely cause destruction.

8. People don't like to hear that a hurricane is coming.

ト Proctice I7. Singulor/Plutol. (Chort I -4)

Is the final -s singular or a plural? Check (/) the box.

Singular Plural
1. Flowers need water. /

2- The flower smells good. /

3. Elephants live a long time.

4. An elephant never forgets.
5. My brother works for an airline.
6. Pilots travel all over the world.
7. Golfers play golf.
8. A pianist plays the piano.
9. The mail carrier brings the mail in the morning.
10. The large packages arrive in the afternoon.

) Proctice I8. Spelling of finol 6les. (chort l-5)

Complete the second sentence with the correct form of the verb in bold.

1. I eat Potatoes. MarY rlce.

2. I get up early. Carl up late.

3. I teach English. Henri French.

4. I work indoors. Mei outdoors.

5. I do housework. My daughter homework.

6. \7e study math. Paulo chemistry.

7. \7e pay bills by check. Yoko bills online.

8. \7e have a house. Maria an apartment.

9   0
\7e buy magazines. Ali newspapers,
I7e go to the supermarket. Hannah to a small grocery store.

) Proctice 19. Finql s/cs, (chorr 1-5)

Underline the verbs. Add final -s/-es if necessary, and change -y to -i if necessary. Do not
change any other words.

I. A kangaroo hop ^.
2. Kangaroos live
-/\ in Australia. (No change.)
3. The mother kangaroo carry her baby in a pouch. She watch the
baby closely.
4   5   6

This apple taste delicious. It come from a farm near here.

Apples are healthy. They contain vitamins.
Every Sunday, my grandma bake something. Usually she cut up
some apples and put them in a pie.
7. Mauricio is a mechanic. He fix cars.
8. Lili work at a fast-food restaurant. She fry chicken and serve it to customers.
9. Harry and Jenny go to an Italian restaurant every weekend. Fred go to a Japanese restaurant.

レ>Praclice 20. Si『 nple present:fina:sノ ‐

es.(chOrtts l-4 ond l-5)
Read Sanl's paragraph about his typical day. Thcn rewrite thc paragraph using λθ in place of二
You will need tO change the verbs.

Samヽ lDay

l leave my apartinent at 8:00 every lnorning. I walk tO thc bus stOp and catch the 8:10 bus. It
takes mc downtown.Then l transfcr tO anothcr bus,and ittakes me to my part― time job.I arr市 c at
work at 8:50. I stay until l:00,and then l leave fOr sch001. I attend classcs unti1 5:00. I usually
study in the Hbrary and try to flnish iny homework.Then l go hOmc around 8:00. I have a 10ng day.

Sam__■ 月
γ“__hiS apartment at 8:00 evcry morning. tO thc bus stop
and the 8:10 bus. It takes him downrown. Then

to another bus, and it takes him to his part-time job.

at work at 8:50. until l:00,and then

for school. classes until 5:00.

usually in the library and to finish

his homework. Then home around 8:00.

long day.

Presenl Time t I
> Proctice 21. Non<ction verbs. (Chort l-6)
Circle the letter of the correct sentence in each pair.

L The professor wants an answer to her question.
The professor is wanting an answer to her question.


A student knows the answer.

A student is knowing the answer.


I-ook! An eagle flies overhead.

Look! An eagle is flying overhead'


It's over that uee. Are you seeing it?

It's over that tree. Do You see it?


I believe thatTokyo is the largest city in the world.

I am believing thatTokyo is the largest city in the world.


I think that Sio Paulo is the largest city in the world.

I am thinking that S5o Paulo is the largest city in the world.


do you think about right now?

What are you thinking about right now?


I need to call my family.

I am needing to call my familY.


This is fun. I have a good time.

This is fun. I am having a good time.


I like to meet new people.

I am liking to meet new peoPle.

) Proctice 22. Simple plesenl qnd plesenl progressive. (Chorts 1-1 ' l-6)
Complete the sentenc.r *ith the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs from the
list. Use each verb onlY once.

1. Look outsid e! lt ie enowinT Everything is beautiful and white.

2. My father takea the 8:15 train into the city every weekday morning.
3. OnTuesdays andThursdays, I walk to work for the exercise. Every Monday,\Tednesday, and
Friday,I my car to work.

4. A: Charlie, can't you hear the telephone? Answer it!

B: You get it. I my favorite]PV shoⅥ L I don't want to rniss

5. A: \U7'hat kind of tea do you like?
B: Vell,I'm drinking black tea, but I green tea.

6. I'm gaining weight around mY waist. These pants are too tight. I
larger pair of pants.

7. Thank you for your help in algebra. NowI that lesson.
8. This magazine is not mine. It to Colette.
9. I see a rainbow. That's because it , and at the same time, the

> Proclice 23. Simple present ond presenl progressive. (Choris t-t > t-6)
Complete the sentences with the simple present of present progressive form of the verb.

Rosa is sitting on the train right now. Stre (take, ntt, usualljt) uaually doeent taka

the train, but today her son (zeed) her car. She (ez7iry)
the ridc tOday Thcre(b´ ) so many
people to watch. Some people (ear) breakfast Others(″ 滋り

coffee and (read) the newspaper. One

mman("浅 ) on her laptop computer. Another (led)
her baby. Two teenagers (p/ay)
computer games Rosa(力 ″ο
7●p that teenagers (/o?re)

mputcr gamcs She(み αzり) 13 V° tCcnagc

12 C° ・
daughters, a\d they ( pla!) computer games all *re time. Rosa (szle)

and (relax) now The tain ride (take,

usually) longer than driving, but today it (6e)

a more enjoyable way for her to travel.


) Proclice 24. Editing. (Chorrs t-t ) t-6)

Correct the errors.
1. Don does not working now.

2. Florida doesn't has mountains.

3. This train always is late.

4. Does Marta usually goes to bed early?

5. Mr. Chin always come to work on time.

6. ShhhlThe concert starting now.

7. The refrigerator no work.

8. Is Catherine has a car?

9. Pam and Bob are getting married. They are loving each other.

Presenl Time I 3
10. Anne do not understand this subject.

I 1. Jessica asks sometimes her parents for advice.

12. Does you do your laundry at the laundromat on the corner?

13. \(rhen the color blue mix with the color yellow, the result is green.

14. Boris frys two eggs for brealdast every morning.

15. \U7e are studing English.

) Proctice 25. Present velbs: questions ond shorl onswers. (Chort l-7)
Are. Then complete both the affirmative and
Complete the questions with Do, Does, Is, or
negative short answers.

1. A: Are you leaving now?

B: Yes, I am oR No, l'm not

2. A: Do your neighbors know that you are a police officer?

B: Yes, the{ do oR No, theY don't

3. A: you follow the same routine every morning?

B: Yes, . ox. No,

4. A: Dr. Jarvis know the name of her new assistant yet?

B: Yes, . oR No,

5. A: Paul and Beth studying the Problem?

B: Yes, . oR No,

6. A: they understand the problem?

B: Yes, . oR No,

7. A: Mike reading the paper and watching television at the same time?
B: Yes, . oR No,

8. A: you listening to me?

B: Yes, . oR No,

9. A: that building safe?

B: Yes, . oR No,

10.A: you and your co-workers get together outside of work?

B: Yes, . oR No,

14 cxnpren t
) Prqctice 26. Crossword puzzle.
Complete the crossword puzzle. Use the clues to find the correct words.

I. Mike not have a job. He is unemployed.
2. Most birds
4. Shhh!The movie is
6. Textbooks are expensive. My textbook more than my shoes.
1. Sam doesn't to work. He walks. He doesn't own a car.
2. Kim is a pilot. He all over the world.
3. Every year, the university closes for the NewYear holiday. Classes agaln
early in January.
5. The baby not sleeping now.

Presenl Time I5
Chqpter 2
Pasf rime

> Proctice l. Simple pqst questions ond negotives. (Chort 2-l)

Write the question and negative forms of the sentences.
1. It started early '″ ん 多物 ん ″ ‖v′ ル ν″4し ,レ ん θ′河v

2. Bob arrivcd late.

3. Hal was here.

4. Dad planted roses.
5. Mom liked the game.
6. Kim cooked dinner.
7. Nat played tennis.
8. They were late.
9. Sam invited Ann.
10. rtr(re did our work.

) Ptoclice 2. Simple present qnd simple post. (Chopter I ond Chort 2-1)
Complete the chart with the correct form of the missing words'

Staternent Question Negative

1. You work every day. Do you work You don't work every daY.
every day?

2. You worked yesterdaY.

yesterday? yesterday.

3. She doesn't work everY daY.

every day. every day?

4. She worked yesterdaY.

yesterday? yesterday.

5. Do they work every daY?

every day. every day.

6. They worked yesterdaY.

yesterday? yesterday.

He doesn't work everY daY'
every day. every day?

8. He worked yesterdaY.
yesterday? yesterday.

) Proctice 3. Post tense quesiions ond onswets. (Chorr 2-t)
Circle the correct verb form in Sentence A. Then write the correct verb form in Sentence B. Add
not as necessary.

1. A: (@ ltWas I Did) Einstein alive today?
B: No, he ian't

2. A: (lVas lW'ere / Did) he alive in the last cenrury, the 20th century?
B: Yes, he

3. A: (lVas lWere I Did) he live in the 20th cenrury?

B: Yes, he

4. A: (Was lWere I Did) he a biologist?

B: No, he
5. A: (lVas / Is I Did) he very intelligent?
B: Yes, he
6. A:
-. I Did) he from Europe?
(lVas lWere

B: Yes,

7 . A: (Was I Is I
-. Did) he a university professor?
B: Yes, he

8. A: (Are lWas I Did) he teach?

B: Yes, he

9. A: (lVere I Is I Are) he very famous?

B: Yes, he _.
10. A: (lYas I Is I Did) people around the world know about him?
B: Yes, they

) Proctice 4. Simple post questions. (Chorrs 2-2 ond Z-3)

vrite past tense questions using the italicized words and Did, was, or were.
1. he\study -. Did he atudy yesterday?
2. he\sick Wae he sick yesterday?
3. she \ sad yesterday?
4. they \ eat yesterday?
5. they\hungry yesterday?
6. you\go yesterday?
7. she\understand yesterday?
8. he\forget yesterday?

PostTime 1 7
) Proctice 5. Simple post ond present questions. (Chopier 1, Chorts 2-l ' 2-3)
Complete the questions with Did., Was, Were, ot Are.

1. you go to a Party last night?

2. it fun?

3. it a birthdaY PartY?

4. many of your friends there?

5. you meet new peoPle?
6. you have a good time?
7. you stay out late?
8. You tired when You got home?
9. your children asleep when you got home?
10. you tired today?

) Proctice 6. Simple post queslions. (chorts 2-l ' 2-3)

Make a question from the italicized words, and give a short answer. Each list has one or two extra
words. fJse a capital letter to start the question.
A driver's test
1. did, pass' yolt' u)as
A: Did you Paee your driver's test yesterday?

B: Yes, ldid

2. were, did, you, be

A: nervous?

B: No,
3. practiced, you, did, Practice

A: a lot before the test?

B: Yes,

4. did, ztas, the test, be

A: difFlcultP

B: No,
5. you, did, made, make
A: any mistakes on the test?

B: No,
6. was, did, the car
A: easy to drive?

B: Yes,

7 . put, you, did, were
A: your new driver's license in your wallet right away?
B: Yes,

8. gorwentryourdid
A: home right after the test?
B: No,

) Prqctice 7. Spelling of +ng ond €d forms . (Chort 2-2)

Complete the chart. Refer to Chart 2-2 if necessary.

Double the
End ofverb consonant? Simple form -ing -ed

-e Nθ livin6 lived

W  t
o a
r r

Two Consonants

h w

u t

TwoVowels *

One Consonant

One Consonant pat





d .
︲ e
e  呻


Pos,■ me 19
) Prqctice 8. Spelling of +hg forms. (Chan 2-2)
Add, -ing to the verbs and write them in the correct columns'


e d
m町 t


m t

c c
o u

Double the consonant. Drop the -e. Just add -dzg.
(swp (lioe -+ liaing) (aisit --+ aisiting)
- stoPPing)


) Prqclice 9. Spelling of ing forms. (chort 2-2)

Complete each word *iih orr. 'i" or two "r"s to spell the -ing verb form correctly. Then write
the simple form of the verb for each sentence.
Simple Form
1. I'm wai I ing for a Phone call. 1. wait

2. I'm pe [t ing mY dog. ) net

3. I'm bi-ing my nails because I'm nervous. 3.

4. I'm si in a comfortable chair. 4.

5. I'm wri-ing
-ing in mY book. 5.

6. I'm figh-ing the urge to have some ice cream. 6.

7 . I'm wai to see if I'm really hungry. 7.

8. I'm ge-ing
-ing uP from mY chair now. 8.

g. I'm star to walk to the refrigerator' 9.

10. I'm permi-ing

-ing myself to have some ice cream' 10.

11. I'm lif-ing the spoon to my mouth. 11.

12. I'm ea-ing the ice cream now. t2.

13. I'm tas it. It tastes good. t?.

14. I'm also-ing

cu a Piece of cake. t4.
15. I'm mee-ing my sister at the airport tomorrow'
-ing me for a few days. I'll save some
16. She's visi-ing 16.

cake and ice cream for her.

) Proctice I0. Spelling ol ing ond edforms. (Chopter I ond Chorr2-2)
Part I. \$7rite the present progressive (-ind form ofeach verb. Ifnecessary, look at the chart in
Practice 7.

The Boston Marathon

ATV sportscaster is reporting from the oldest annual marathon race in the world.

Good morningr ladies and gentlemen. Our coverage of the 2009 Boston Marathon (begin)

ie belinninq right now, here on Channel 5. ttr7e (broadcast)

live from Boston. More than 201000 men and wornen (run)

in this year's marathon. Citizens of 85 countries (compete)

in the 26-mile (42-km) course and (race)

through the city of Boston. There they go . . . the ruce (start)

now. Some of the runners (get) off

6 7
to a slow start and (t y) to save their energy, but others (speed)

ahead. lt (rain, not) now, but

it is cold, and some of the competitors (worry) about the strong

east wind.

Part II.
Complete the rest of the report. rVrite the simple past tense form of each verb. If
necessary, look at the chart in Practice 7.

Here we are at the finish line at the end of the Boston Marathon. It was a great race!

As usual, spectators all along the course (cheer) cheered for the runners. They
(shout) words of encouragement ro them and clearly (enjoy)

the famous event.


!7hat a great day for the men! Deriba Mergo from Ethiopia (race)
from start to finish in 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 42 seconds, and won in the men's division. He (cross)

the finish line 50 seconds ahead of the next man.

Posl■ me 21
The women's race was slower this year than it was last year. Salina Kosgei of Kenya was the

winner. Sl::e (finish) less than two seconds ahead of a runner from

Ethiopia. However, an unfortunate event (occur) at the end of the race.


These two women (crash) into each other, and the Ethiopian runner

(neeA medical attention.

More than 201000 runners (start) the race this year, and 98% of them

(complete) it. Stay tuned for more news about all the exciting events that

(happen) at the 2009 Boston Marathon.

) Ptoctice t l. Principol ports of o verb. (chort 2-3)

Complete the chart with the missing verb forms.

Past Present
Sirnple Forrn Simple Past Participle Participle

1. stop etopped stopped stopplng

2. pick picked picking

arrived arrived arriving


4. cry cried cried

5. walked walked

gone golng
practiced practlcing
7. practice

8. refer referred referring

9. make made making

10. hop hopped hopping

11. hope hoped

put putting


13. eat ate eaten

14. sang sung singng

1 5. listen listened

22 cHAPTER 2
) Prqctice I2. Spelling ol irregulor verbs. lcnort z a;
Write the past tense of the given verbs.
Parι I λ ″ III λ γ
buy bρ 型 4■ t blow bl__ hit h

bring br____t draw dr hurt h

flght f____t ■y ■__ read r
think ■ ____t grow gr__ shut sh

teach t t know kn cost c

catch c____t 由¨ w th__ put p__

find f ___ d &γ r rラ 4 quit q____
Part II. brcak br Parι フ7

swim _ sw _ vrite
、 wr pay p____d
drink dr___ freeze fr say s__d
sing s___ ridc r

rmg r sell s

steal st

> Prqclice I3. Common irregulor verbs. (Chori 2-4)

Complete the passages with the past tense forms of the verbs in the list. IJse each verb only once.
There is one extra verb in each list.

l bら ,42島 ぁら,1'′ ″′
Valentina Tereshkova the first woman in space. In 1963, she

in the spacecraft Vostok 6 alone, with no other cosmonauts. She

three days in space before she returned to earth.

2. come, feel, l.ose, put, take

Dr. Christiaan Barnard, who from South Africa, performed the hrst
transplant ofa heart from one human being to another. In 1967, he out the
heart of a woman who died in an accident and it into the chest of a man with
a diseased heart. The operation succeeded, but the man lived only a short time. He

his life to complications from tie surgery. Today, surgeons know much rnore

about this kind of surgery, and there are many successful heart transplants.

Posi Time 23
3. begin, become, grmt)' know, sing, wear

Michael Jackson was a world-famous singer and dancer. He

his career at age six when he

and danced with his brothers in a group called

the Jackson Five. After a few years, Michael

star. People all over the world him and his songs.

He dressed in a unique way, and he often one

white glove in his performances. Michael died in June, 2009, at the age of 50.

) Proctice I4. Expressing posi time: simple posi. (Chorts 2-1 and2-4).
Change the sentences to pasitime. IJse simple past verbs andyesterd.ay ot last.

every day yesterday
every morning yesterday morning
every afternoon yesterday afternoon
every night last night
every week last week
every Monday, Tuesday, etc. last Monday, Tuesday etc.
every month last month
every year last year

I walk to my office every rnorning.

I watked to my offrce yeaterday morning.
2. I talk to my parents on the phone every week.
I tatked to my parents on the phone laat week.

3. The post offtce opens at eight o'clock every morning.

The post office at eight o'clock

4. Mrs. Hall goes to the fruit market every Monday'
Mrs.I‐ Iall to the fruit market Monday.

5. The company managers meet at nine o'clock every Friday morning.

The company managers at nine o'clock

Friday morning.
6.I make rny own lunch and take itto work With rnc every morning.
morning, I my own lunch and

it to work with me.

7. Mr. Clark pays his rent on time every rnonth'
Mr. Clark his rent on time month.

8. The baby falls asleep at three o'clock every afternoon.
afternoon, the baby asleep at three
9. The last bus from downtown leaves at ten o'clock every night.
The last bus from downtown at ten o'clock

) Proclice I5. Present ond posl negolives. (Chopter t. Chorts 2-1 ond2-4)
All of the sentences contain inaccurate information. Make true statements by
(1) making a negative statement and
(2) making an affrrmative statement using accurate information.

1. a. George flew to school yesterday.

b. No, he didn'f, fly to school yesterday. He rode his bike.
2. a. kmons are sweet.
b. No, lemons sweet. They
3. a. You were a baby in the year 2000.
b. No,I a baby in 2000. I years old
in 2000.
4. a. Buddha came from China.
b. No, Buddha from China.Buddha
from Nepal.
5. a. Coffee comes from cocoa beans.
b. No, coffee from cocoa beans. It
from coffee beans.
6. a. You slept outdoors last night.
b. No,I outdoors last night. I
7. a. Ice is hot.
b. No, ice hot. It cold.

8. a. Dinosaurs disappeared a hundred years ago.

b. No, dinosaurs a hundred years ago. They
millions of years ago.
9. a. Our bodies makeVitamin C from sunshine.
b. No, our bodies Vitamin C from sunshine. They
Vitamin D from sunshine.

Pos,■ me 25
レレPractice 16. Review: si『 nple present,present progressiveョ and sirnple past
forms.(choptter l o∩ d Chorts 2-1→ 2-4)
Complete the chart with the correct forms of the verbs.

Every Day Now Yesterday

1. He is here every day. He ia here now. He wae here yesterday.

2. I think about you I am thinking about you I thou?ht about you
every day. now. yesterday.

3. \7e play tennis every day. lVe tennls We tennls

no、 、
L yesterday.

4.I ,ulce I ,ulCC noⅥ L I drank juice yesterday.

every day.

5. I‐ Ie cvcry He is teaching now. IIc yesterday.


6. Shc every Shc no、 、

L She swam yesterday.

7. You sleep late every day. You no、 LL You late


8. Hc every He is reading now. IIe yesterday.


9. They hard They hard now. They tried hard yesterday.

every day.

10. W.e eat dinner every day. We dinner Wc yesterday.

no、 、

>practice 1 7.Past progressive.(cho計 2-6)
Complete the sentcnces by using thc past progress市 c ofthe given verbs.Use each verb only oncc.

{hide look read sing sit talk watch

l. Jack's wife arranged a surprise birthday party for him. When Jack arrived home, several people
were hidtnT behind the couch or behind doors. All of the lights were out, and when

Jack turned them on, everyone shouted "Surprise!"

2. The birds began to sing when the sun rose at 6:30. Dan woke up at 6:45. When Dan woke
up, the birds
3. I a DVD last night when my best friend called.
4.While we on the phone, the power went out.
5. The bus driver looked at all the passengers on her bus and noticed how quiet they were. Some
people newspapers or books. Most of the people
quietly in their seats and
the windows ofthe bus.

> Prqctice 18. Simple post ond post ptogressive. (chorr 2-6)
Complete the sentences. Use the simple past for one clause and the past progressive for the other.

Activity in Progress Nadia George Biu

play soccer break her glasses score a goal hurt his foot
hikc find some money see a bear pick up a snake

dance trip and fall meet his future wife get dizzy

1. Nadia was playin? soccer, slr,e broke

\7hile her glasses.
) George acored a goal while he waa pla:rin? soccer.
3. Bin his foot while he SOCCCr.
4. Whilc Nadia , she
5. George a bear while he
6. BiH a snake while he
7. Nadia and whilc shc
8. While George ,hc his future wife.

9. While Bill ,he dizzy.

) Prociice 19. Simple pqst ond pqst progressive. (Chorr 2-6)

Circle the correct forms of the verbs.

1. It began to rain while Amanda and t f6il *iid /walked) to school this morning.

2. \?hile | (was washing I washed) the dishes last night, | (was dropping I dropped) a plate. The
plate (was breaking I broke).
3. I (was seeing lsazu) Ted at the student cafeteria at lunchtime yesterday. He (was eating I ate) a
sandwich and (was talking I talked) with some friends. I (was joining I joined) them.

4. Robert didn't answer the phone when Sara called. He (was singing I sang) his favorite song in
the shower and (was not hearing I did not hear) rhe phone ring.
5. A: There was a power outage in our part of town last night. (Were your lighx going out I Did
your lights go out) too?
B: Yes, they did. It was terrible! I (was taking I nok) a shower when the lights went out. My wife
(wasfinding I found) a flashlight and rescued me from the bathroom. l[fe couldn't cook dinner,
so we (were eating laa) sandwiches instead. I tried to read some reports by candlelight, but it
was too dark, so | (was going I went) to bed and (was slceping I slept).

PosI■ me 27
) Prqctice 20. Simple post ond post progressive. (chort 2-6)
For each group, choose the correct completions from Column B-

Column A Column B

1. When the professor walked into the the fire alarm went off
d .

classroom, Conversation filled the room. the students took notes
2. When the professor walked to the front of

the students stopped talking
the class, Then they picked up their

pens to take notes. students were talking to each other
3. While the professor was giving his lecture,
They wanted to remember everything he said.
4. \7hile the professor was speaking,
Everyone left the room immediately.
5   6   7

When it was time to board Flight 177 e. the passengers stood up quickly and
' took their luggage down from the
we finally got on the plane, -. overhead racks.
\?hile we were flying over the ocean at f. many of the passengers tried to sleep
night, in their small airplane seats.
8. lWhen we finally landed in the
g. we lined up at the gate and showed
morning, the airline staff our boarding passes.
h. we sat down quickly and fastened our
seat belts.

) Proctice 21. Expressing post time: using lime clouses. (Cnoi 2-7)
. T}Jen
Decide what happens first and what happens second. Number the clauses " 1" and "2"
combine the clauses and write a complete sentence.

The fire alarm sounded. Everyone left the building.

lVhen the fire alarm eounded, everyone lefD t'he buildinq
2. They left the building. They stood outside in the rain.
3. Everyone started to dance. The music began.
As soon as

4. The music ended. They danced to all the songs.
5. The fans in the stadium applauded and cheered. The soccer player scored a goal.

6. Everyone left the stadium. The game was over.

as soon as

7. I looked up her phone number. I called her.

8. The phone rang 10 times. I hung up.

) Prqclice 22. Expressing post hobit used fo, (chort 2-B)

Complete the sentences. IJse used to and the given information.

1. When James was young, he hated school. Now he likes it.

James used to hate school , but now he likes it.
2. Ann was a secretary for many years, but now she owns her own business.
Ann but now she owns her own business.
3. Before Adam got married, he played tennis five times a week.
Adam five times a week.
4. !7hen we raised our own chickens, we had fresh eggs every morning.
W'e every morning when we raised our own
5. When Ben was a child, he often crawled under his bed and put his hands over his ears when he
heard thunder.
Ben and
when he heard thunder.
6. $7hen I lived in my home town,I went to the beach every weekend. Now I don't go to the
beach every weekend.
to the beach every weekend, but now I don't.
7. Joshua has a new job. He has to wear a suit every day. rWhen he was a student, he always wore

Joshua jeans every day, but now he has to wear a suit.

8. In the past, Sara hated pets. But now she has two catsr and she likes them very much.
Sara pets, but now she likes them a lot.
9. lVhen I was young, I ate peanuts. Now I am allergic to them.
peanuts, but now I am allergic to them.

Pas,■ me 29
) Proctice 23. Review: post verbs. (chopter 2)
Part I. Read the passage* about Pluto. Underline all the verbs that refer to the present time.
Circle all the verbs that refer to the past time.
Do nine planets 91b:it the sun? Or do eight planets orbit the
,.-l Nlrr. nt"rr.t. @ th. *.Ir, but now only eight
planets orbit the sun. How is that possible? Did one planet
A planet did not disappear. But in 2006, astronomers
changed the classification of one of the planets, Pluto. Pluto is
very small. The astronomers decided to call Pluto a dwarf
planet. Dwarf means "smaller than usual."
Two years later, the astronomers reclassified Pluto again. This time they put Pluto into a
different group with a new name: plutoids.
Before astronomers reclassified Pluto, nine planets orbited the sun. Now eight planets plus one
plutoid orbit the sun.

Part II. Read the passage about Pluto again. Answer the questions according to the information
in the passage. Circle "T' if the statement is true. Circle 'F" if the statement is false.
1. Pluto orbits the sun. TF
2. The nine planets used to include Pluto. TF
3. Pluto disappeared from the sky in 2006. TF
4. Pluto received a new classification in 2006. TF
5. Dwarf refers to something that is very large. TF
6. In 2008, astronomers reclassified Pluto for the second time. TF
7. Nine planets and one plutoid orbit the sun now. TF

) Prociice 24. Editing. (chopter 2)

Correct the verb errors.
didn't viait
1. \7e denteisi+ed my cousins last weekend.

2. They are walked to school yesterday.

3. I was understand all the teacher's questions yesterday.

4. Matt and I were talked on the phone when the lights went out.

5. \U7hen Flora hear the news, she didn't knew what to say.

6. David and Carol were went to Italy last month.

7 . I didn't drove a car when I am a teenager.

8. Carmen no used to eat fish, but now she does.

*Possible new vocabulary:

orbit : go in circles around something, revolve
astronomer: a scientist who studies the stars and the planets
classification = a defined class or group
reclassified: past tense of reclassifii: to put into a different classification or group

9. Ms. Pepper didn't died in the accident.
10. \$(Iere you seeing that red light? You didn't stopped!

11. I used to living in a big city when I was a child. Now I live in a small town.
12. I-ast night at about seven we were eaten a delicious pizza. Howard maked t}ae pizza in his new


13. Sally was breaking her right foot last year. After that, she hoped on her left foot for three weeks.

) Prqctice 25. Review. (Chopter 2)

Complete the sentences with the simple past or the past progressive form of the verbs in parentheses.

I-ate yesterday afternoon while I (prepare) dinner and my son Billy (play)
with his wagon, the doorbell (ring) . The water on
the stove (Doe7) , so I quickly (turn) off the stove

and (answer) the door. When I (open) it,I (saw)

a delivery man. He (hold) a package and (need)
me to sign for it. At that moment, Billy (scream) .He
l0 ll
cried, "Mommy,| (fall) and (hurt) my knee!" | (slam)
t2 t3
the door shut and (rrzz) to Billy to help him. Then I

(hear) the doorbell again. I remembered that the delivery man (wait)
for me to sign for the package! I (open) the door,
(take) the package, (thank) the delivery man, and (slgz)

the receipt.

) Proctice 26. Review. (Chopter 2)

Choose the correct completion.

l. At 3:30 this afternoon,I _ on theTV.

a. turned b. was turning c. turning
2. A.fter that, I any more work.
a. not do b. didn't do c. didn,t
3. At7:.34 last night, we dinner when the power went out.
a. had b. were having c. have
4. \J7e to eat in the dark, so we lit some candles.
a. didn't want b. didn't wanted c. werenrt wanting
5. to the meeting yesterday? What happened?
a. Do you went b. Did you went c. Did you go
6. Harvey told that funny joke, everyone laughed.
a. As soon b. Until c. When
Pas,■ me 31
7. Kirk was texting on his cell phone and driving at the same time. He was not paying attention
to the road he was driving.
a. after b. while c. until
8. I heard about Kate's new baby, I phoned all her friends to tell them the good news
right away.
- a. \fhile b. As soon as c. Before

9. When Grandma was a child, she three miles to school every day.
a. was walking b. used to
- walking c. used to walk
10. It when we left our office. The streets were all wet.
a. rains b. was raining c. rain
11. After the teacher explained the grammar point clearly, all the students it very well.
a. understood b. were understanding c. used to understand
12. Jim the keys on the table and left the room.
a. put b. putting c. was putting
13. Alex when I called her last night.
a. was slept b. sleeps c. was sleeping
) Proclice 27. Word seorch puzzle. (chopter 2)
Circle the irregular past tense of these verbs in the puzzle: bring, buy, go, groq say, take. The words
may be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. The first letter of each word is highlighted in gray.

W一 D

K R 丁 K C 丁

U 一

A J U L L 丁
I 一L

: Z 0 O O K
R   B

R K 丁


Chapler 3
Future Time

) Proctice I. Expressingfutureiime: begoing foond wilr. lcnads-t)

Check (/) the sentences that refer to future time. Underline the future verb.
I. Nora is going to be an architect.
2. She's studying in Italy now.
3. She studied in England lasr year.
4. She will finish her classes next year.
5. She will design buildings.
6. She is looking for a job while she is in school.
7. She likes big cities.
8. She is going to live in a big city.
9. She does good work.
10. She'll be an excellent archirecr.

) Proclice 2. Forms with be going fo. lcrrorts 3-1 ond 3-2)

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of be going to.

)___髭 堕La塑隻蕉墨型互墾笠
1. I(ル αυι next Monday.
2. Mr. Rose (leave) next Monday.
3. Mr. Liu (not,leave) next Monday.
4. rVhat about you? (leave) you next Monday?
5. Claire (be) here next week.
6. OIe and Olga (be) here next week.
7. I(bら ηθ
の here next week.
8. )______he
璃hat abOut TomP(ら θ here next week?
9. It(η 効) tolnorro、 、L

10. It (not, snout) toIInorrovL

11. The sun (not, shine) tollnorrovL

12. \(rhat about nexr weekend? (rain)

next weekend?
- lt

Future Time 33
) Prociice 3. Be going fo. lcrrorts 3-1 ond 3-2)
Complete the senteice about each picture using the correct form of be going and a verb from
the list. You will not use all the verbs.

catch fall wake up ,ump


1.Mel 2. lane

in just one second. the ball.

3. Yoko 4.All the dishes

into the water. on the floor.

) Proctice 4. Will ond be going fo. (crrorts 3-1 ond 3-3)

Complete the chart with the correct forms of the verbs'

be going to uill

I am 4oin0 to leave. I leave.

leave. You leave.

You -
leave. Ic leave.
Mr. Rose I‐

We leave.

leave. They leave.

Our parents
leave. They (not) leave.
The boys (not)
leave. She (not) leave.
Ann (not)
I (not) leave. I (not) leave.

卜 Practice 5.Will.(chO耐 3-3)
Read the passageo Change all the verbs with bθ goli4g`oto ω州 .

A50th Wedding― iversary Celebration

The Snliths 3re疑 夢】週曜 嬢)Celcbrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Dccember lst ofthis year.

‐ eir children are planning a party for thenl at a local hotel.Their fanlily and friends are going to

join them fOr the celebration.

ヽ缶.and Mrs.Smith have three children and flve grandchildren.The Smiths know that● ″o of

their children are going to be at the party9 but the third child,their youngest daughtcち is far away in

Africa,where she is doing rnedical research.They belicvc she is not going to come homc fbrthe


The SIIniths don't know it,but their youngcst daughtcr is going to be at the parじ She iS
planning to surprisc them. Itis going to bc a wondc=Rll surprise for thenl!They are going to bc

very happy to sec hcr.‐ c whole faIIlily is going to cnjoy being together fbr this special occasion.

卜 Pracfice 6.Questions wtth will and be goわ g fo.(chOrlS 3 1 ond 3 3)

Use the information in iι αLcs to complete thc questiOnso Write the qucstion forms for both t″ Jι ′
and bθ goling`o.

Jη g an lnternet company.His friends are wondering:

1.Nick is thinking about sttγ ι
Will Niak ttι ′rt an Internet company?
lσ N′ σk′ θll■ 生立θttt′ ん an Internet company?
2. The teacher, Mr. Jones, is thinking about giaing a test. His students are wondering:
a test?

a test?
3. Jacob is thinking about quitting his job. His co-workers are wondering:
his job,

4. Mr. and Mrs. Kono are thinking about adopting a child. Their friends are wondering:
a childP

a childP
5. The Johnsons are thinking about moaing. Their friends are wondering:

6. Dr. Johnson is thinking about retiring. Her patients are wondering:

Fulure Time 35
レトPractice 7. Forms with will.(ChOrls 3-l ond 3-3)
Write the words in the list in the correct order to complete the sentence or question. Capitalize
the flrst letter if necessary.

1. wil1/be/tomorrow
Today is Tuesday. 力 綱θrraw h″ ││レθ Wednesday.
2. have / we / will
lffe often have tests. a test tomorrow?

3. have / will / we
No, but a test next week.

4. will / be / the test

Our tests are sometimes difficult. diflcult?

5. not / be / will
No. The test diffrcult.

6. will/I/pass
I'm nervous. the test?

7. will/pass/you
Ycs. the test.

8. pass / will / not

Jack never studies. He
the test.

) Proclice 8. Presenl, posl, ond fulure. (chopters I - 3)

Complete the sentencer *ith the given verbs. For a. use the simple present. For b. use the simple
past. For c. use the future with be going fo, and for d. use the future with u,till.
1. (arrioe) a. Joe arrivea on time every day.

b. Joe arrived on time yesterday.

c. Joe ia 6oin0 toarrive on dme tomorrow.

d. Toe will arrive on time tomorrow.

2. (eat) a. Ann breakfast every day.

b. Ann breakfast yesterday.

c. Ann breakfast tomorrow.

d. Ann breakfast tomorrow.

3. (arriae,not) a. Mike on time every daY.

b.Mikc on time yesterdaY.

c.Mike on time tomorrow.

d.Mikc on time tomorrow.

36 cHAPTER 3
4. (eat) a. you breakfast every day?
b. you breakfast yesterday?

C  d
you breaKast tomorrow?
you breakfast tomorrow?
5. (eat, not) a. I breakfast every day.
b. I breakfast yesterday.

c. I breakfast tomorrow.
d. I breakfast tomorrow.

) Prqctice 9. Forms wilh will ond conlroclions. (Chorr 3-s)

Complete each passage with contractions of usill and the correct verbs from the list above the

1. begin, enjoy, teach

Howard and I are going to take a painting class. I thrnkwe 'll enjoy it very much.
It next month. The teacher of the class is John Mack. He's very
good with beginners like us. He us everything we need to know.
2. be, call
I can't talk on the phone right now,Tina. Our friends are coming for dinner, and
they here in half an hour. I you back
3. diae, ride, start
Our daughter is four years old. She school in the fall. Two other
children from our neighborhood are the same age. When school begins, they
to school together in a carpool.* The parents will drive them on
different days. I them on Mondays andThursdays.

) Prqctice I0.
Forms wilh will ond be going to. (Chorrs 3-2 ond 3-3)
Complete the conversations with uill or be going fo. Note: Pronouns are not contracted with
helping verbs in short answers. coRRECT: Yes, I will. TNcoRRECT: Yes, I'll.
1. A: help) Will you / Are you 0oin0 to help
(you, me romorrow?
B: Yes, lwill/ I am . oR No, lwon't / l'm not
2. A: (Paul,lend) us some money?
B: Yes, . oR No,
3. A: (Jane, graduate) this spring?
B: Yes, . oR No,

*carpool = a group ofpeople who uavel together to work, school, etc., in one car

Fulure Time 37
4. A: (her parents, be) at the ceremony?

B: Yes, OR NO,

5. A: (you, ansuter) your text message?

B: Yes, OR NO,

6. A: (Jill, text) you again tomorrow?

B: Yes, OR NO,

) Prqciice I l. Will probably. (chort 3-4)

Complete the sentences.

Part I. IJse a pronoun t asillluton'r. IJse probably'

l. alQ
I went to the library last night, l'll Probably 0o there tonight too'

2. Ann didn't come to class today, and, she Probably won't come to class tomorrow either.

3. Greg went to bed early last night, and to bed

early tonight too.

4. Jack didn't hand his homework in today, and
in tomorrow either.
5. The students had a quiz todaY, and one

tomorrow too.
Part II. tlse a pronoun -l be going tolnot be going fo. LJse ptobably.

6. I watchedTV last night, and l'm Probably ?oin? to watch TV tonight too'
7. I wasn't at home last night, and at home

tonight either.
8. My friends didn't come over last night, and
over tonight either.
9. Alice didn't ride her bike to school today, and
it to school tomorrow either.
10. It's cold today, and cold tomorrow too.

38 cHAPTER 3
> Prqciice 12. Certqinty obout the fulure. (chort 3-4)
How certain is the speaker? Check (/) the correct box.

About 50Yo
1. You'll probably hear from our office tomorrow.

2. Al may not finish his work on time.

3. Sue may call later.
4. Carlos is probably going to buy a new car.

5. Maybe Sanji is going to study architecture.

6. You will find the key in my top drawer.

7. Fay is going to drive to California.

8. Roy is probably going to fail this class.

9. Maybe Sam will be here later.

10. The plane will probably arrive on

11. The judge may not agree with you.

12. I probably won't be here tomorrow

) Prqclice 13. Certointy obout the future. (chort 3-4)

Answer each question. IJse the words in parentheses, and pay special attention to word order.

JoeI and Rita'sWedding

1. A: Are Joel and Rita going to have a simple wedding? (probably)
B: Yes. Joel and Rita are probably loin? to have a simple wedding.
2. A: Are they going to invite a lot of people? (probably not)
B: No. They a lot of people.

3. A: Vill they have the ceremony in Rita's garden? (may)

Or will they have the ceremony at a place of worship? (maybe)
B: They're not sure. They the ceremony in Rita's
garden. they it at a place of worship.
4. A: Is Rita going to rent her wedding dress? (zay)
B: She's trying to save money, so she's thinking about it. She her
wedding dress.

5. A: lfill she decide that she wants her own wedding dress ? (probably)
B: She that she wants her own wedding dress.

Fulure Time 39

︲ ︲
A   B

Joel feel very relaxed on his wedding day? (may not)

︲ ︲
i e
he be nervous? (may)

very relaxed on his wedding daY. He
a little nervous.

7. A: Are they going to go on a honeymoon? (will)

B: Yes. They on a honeymoon immediately after the wedding, but

they haven't told anyone where they are going to go.

8. A: Will they go far away for their honeymoon? (probably not)

B: They far. They have only a few days before
they need to be back at work.

) Proctice 14. Be going fo vs. will. (chart 3-5)

Decide whether ttre sEntenJe with u:ill or be going ,o expresses a prediction, a prior
plan, or a

decision at the moment of speaking. circle the correct letter.

1. The sun will rise tomorrow.
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking

2. The sun is going to rise tomorrow.

a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking
ril7ell,I'll call again later this afternoon.
3. Nobody answered the phone at Shelley's house.
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking
4. we,re going to see the new play. \7e bought tickets two months ago.
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking
5. Our team is going to win the game.
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking

6. Our team will win the game.

a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking

7. You can't find your cell phone? \7ait. I'll call your number'
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking
g. Uh-oh! The red light on my cell phone is flashing. This means that the battery is very low and
that the phone is going to run out of power very soon'
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking
g. You're sick? Stay home. I'll get you an)'thing you need'
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking

10. Jenny and I have a lunch date. We're going to meet at Gusto Caf6 at noon'
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking
I l. I,m sorry. I can't have dinner with you tonight. I'm going to help Harry with his science
project. He's building a rocket!
a. prediction b. prior plan c. decision at the moment of speaking

) Proclice 15. Be going fo vs. will lcnorr 3-s)
Part I. Complete each conversation with the correct form of be going /o and a verb from the list.
IJse each verb only once.

At the office
l. A: It's five o'clock. Are you leaving the office soon?
B: Norl 'm ?oing to work late tonight.

At home
2. A: It's almost 8:00. Don't you want to watch your favorite comedy on channel 4?
B: It's not on tonight. I this movie instead.

At a party
3. A: Do you still live onTenth Avenue?
B: Yes, we do, but only for a few more days. \J(/e on
Saturday. !7e just bought a small house about ten miles north of the city.

C onversation between friends

4. A: I'm nervous about the flu epidemic.
B: Me too. I my flu shot this afternoon. I made an
appointment with my doctor for it.

Part II. Complete each conversation with the correct form of uill and a verb from the list.
Use each verb only once. You may use contractions.

At the office
1. A: Thephone'sringing.
B: I 'llanewer it.
At a store
2. A: I'd like to return this jacket.
B: rVe usually don't allow returns on sale items, but I
the manager.

At home
3. A: Oops. I just spilled my coffee.
B: No problem. I lt up.

At a restaurant
4. A: Let's split the check.
B: No, no. You paid last time. I this time.

Fulure Time 4l
) Proctice 16. Be going fo vs. urill (crrort 3-5)
Complete the sentences with either be going to or asill.* IJse contractions.

1. srruerroN: speaker B is planning to listen to the news at six.

A: \J(/hy did you turn on the radio?
B: | 'm qoinT to listen to the news at six.

2. srruarroN: Speaker B didn't have a plan to show the other person how to solve the math
problem, but she is haPPY to do it.
A: I can't figure out this math problem. Do you know how to do it?
B: Yes. Give me your Pencil. I show you how to solve it.

3. srn:atoN: Speaker B has made a plan. He is planning to lie down because he doesn't feel well.
A: 'W'hat's the matter?
B: I don't feel well. I lie down for a little while. If anyone calls,
tell them I'll call them later.
A: Okay. I hope you feel better.

4. srruauoN: Speaker B did not plan to take the other person home. He volunteers to do so only
after the other person talks about missing his bus'
A: Oh, no! I wasn't watching the time. I missed my bus'
B: That's okay. I give you a ride home.

A: Hey, thanks!

5. sr11-tarroN: Speaker B has already made her plans about what to wear' Then Speaker B
volunteers to helP.
A: I can't figure out what to wear to the dance tonight. It's informal, isn't it?
B:Ycs.I wear a pair of nice jeans.

A: Maybe I should wear my jeans too. But I think they're dirty'

B:I wash them for you. I'm planning to do a load of laundry in a
few minutes.
A: Gee, thanks. That'll help me out a lot.

) Prqctice 77. Be going fo vs. wilL (chort 3-5)

Circle the correct comPletion.
1. A: Anya is on the phone. She would like an appointment with you soon.
B: Okay. I-et's see. I have some time tomorrow. I (am going to I will) see her tomorrow.
2. A: How about joining us at the concert on Friday evening?
B: IUUe would love to, but we can't. \7e (are going n I will) fly to Florida on Friday.

Nor interchangeable. In this exercise, only one of them is correct, not both. See Chart 3-5,p' 63, in the Srudent
however, they are

3. A: \7e found this little kitten, Mom. Can we keep him?
B: A new kitten?\Well, I don't know . . .

A: Please, Mom. He's so cute. And he needs a home.

B: \7ell, okay. Ve (are going to I will) keep him.
A: Yay, Mom!
4. A: \J7e have two extra tickets for the Hot Stuff concert on
Saturday night. Vould you like to join us?
B: Thanks, but we (are going to I will) attend that concert on Friday night. \7e already have
5. A: \7hy are you leaving the ofEce so early?
B: | (am going to I will) see my doctor. I've had a terrible pain in my side since yesterday.
6. A: Where are you going?
B: I have an eye appointment. | (am going to I will) get new glasses.
7. A: Do you need help with those packages?
B: ufell ...
A: Don't worry. I (am going to I will) carry them for you.

> Proclice I8. Pqst ond future time ctous€s. (chorts 2-10 ond 3-6)
Underline the time clauses.
1. Before Bill met Maggie, he was lonely.
2. He was an unhappy man until he met Maggie.
3. When he met Maggie, he fell in love.
4. He became a happy person after he met her.
5. After they dated for a year, he asked her to marry him.
6. As soon as Bill gets a berrer job, they will set a date for the wedding.
7. They will get married before they buy a house.
8. They will buy a house when they have enough money.
9. After they get married, they will live together happily.
10. They will live together happily until they die.

> Proctice I9. Future lime clouSes. (Chort3-6)

Combine the ideas of the two given sentences into one sentence by using a time clause.
Use the
word in parentheses to introduce the time clause.
1. First: I'm going to finish my homework.
Then: I'm going to go to bed.
(after) After lfinieh my homework, l,m 0oin0 to go to bed.
2. First: I'll finish my homework.
Then: I'm going to go to bed.
(until) lh not 6oing to go to bed until tfinieh my homework.

Fulure Time 43
3. F2irsι「 Ann will finish her homework.
7物 ι
ηr She will watchTV tonight.*
■ヽアtonight, her
(bψ 0

4. First: Jim will get home tonight.

Then: He's going to read the newsPaPer.
(afur) the newspaper
home tonight.

5. First: I'll call John tomorrow.

Then: I'll ask him to my party.
(when) John tomorrow,
to mY Party.

6. First: Mrs. Torres will stay at her offrce tonight'

Then: She will finish her rePort'
at her office tonight
(π η J)

her report.

7. First: I will get home tonight.

Then: I'm going to take a hot bath'
(as soon as) home tonight,
hot bath.

) Proctice 20.lFclouses. (chort 3-6)

IJse a comma if necessary'**
Complete each sentence by using an rfciause with *re given ideas.
1. Maybe it will rain tomorrow.
I'm going to go to a movie'
lf it raina tomorrowt
2. Maybe it will be hot tomorrow'
I'In going to go swirnlning.

?. Maybe Adam will have enough time'

Adam will finish his essaY tonight
4. Maybe I won't get a check tomorrow'
I'll email my parents and ask for money'

5. Perhaps I'll get a raise soon.

\7e will take a nice vacation trip next summer

*The noun usually comes before the pronoun when you combine clauses:
4ル ι
rИ αお′」 らS力 。IS gο ,″g"sん 燿
η″′ ソ

″g″ S"崚 rs力 ο′
'り "ι αおごゴ″″ι

′ ″づ
Notice thc punCtuatiOn in the cxample.A comma is used when the ttdause cOmes before the main clausc.No commaiS used
when the rClause follows the mah ClauSe.

6. Maybe Gina won't study for her test.
she'll get a bad grade.
7. Maybe I will have enough money.
I'm going to go to Hawaii for my vacation
8. Maybe I won't study tonight.
I probably won't pass the chemistry exam.

) Proctice 21. Future time clouses ond ifclouses. (Chori 3-6)

Circle the correcr verbs. Pay attention to rhe words in bold.
Sam and I are going to leave on a road trip tomorrow. We'll pack our suitcases and put
everything in the car before we (go I will to bed tonight. We'll leave romorrow morning ar dawn,

as soon as the sun (will come I comes) up. lVe'll drive for a couple of hours on the interstate highway
while we (will talk I talk) and (listen I will listen) to our favorite music. When we (will see I see) a nice
rest area, we'll stop for coffee. After we (walk I will utalk) around the rest area a little bit, we'll get
back in the car and drive a little longer. Ve'll stay on that highway until we (come I will come) to
Highway 44. Then we'll turn offand drive on scenic country roads. If Sam (will get /gers) tiredr l'll
drive. Then when | (drfue / will drioe), he'll probably take a little nap. We'll keep going until it (will
get I gets) dark.

) Proctice 22. Future time clouSes. (Chorr 3-6)

Choose the correct completion from Column B.


' \$7ater boils at 100 degrees Celsius (100" C) or 212 degrees Fahrenheit (212" F).
' \7ater freezes* at 0 degrees celsius (0' c) or 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32' F).
. Spring follows winter.
Column A Column B
1. The plants will die from the cold if a. the temperature reaches 212" F
2. If freezing weather from the north arrives b. spring comes
tonight, c. spring will come
3. \$7ater boils when
d. it will melt**
4. When you put water in a pot and turn the e. the temperature falls below 0o C
stove on high, soon
f. the water will boil
5. The flowers will bloom when _.
g. the temperature will fall below 0o C
6. After this long winter finally ends, _.
7. If you leave ice cream at room temperaturer _.

*lrru" = change from liquid to solid

**meh : change from solid to liquid

Fulure Time 45
) Prqctice 23. Future time clquses ond ifclouses. (chort 3-6)
Combine the given ideas into one sentence by using the word in italics to make an adverb clause.
Omit the words in parentheses from your new sentence. Underline the adverb clause.
l. when a. Sue is going to buy an apartment (then).

b. Sue is going to have enough money (first).

When 1ue haa enoulh money , she is going to buy an apartment. oR
Sue is going to buy an apartment when ahe haa enough money

2. before a. I'm going to clean up my apartment (first).

b. My friends are going to come over (later).

3. when a. The storm will be over (in an hour or two).

b. I'm going to do some errands (then).

4. ,f a. (Maybe) you won't learn how to use a computer.

b. (As a result), You will have trouble finding a job.

5. as soon as a. Joe is going to meet us at the coffee shop.

b. He is going to finish his report (soon).

6. after a. Lesley will wash and dry the dishes.

b. (Then) she will Put them awaY.

7. d a. TheY maY not leave at seven.

b. (As a result), they won't get to the theater on time'

) Proctice 24. Review: pqsl ond fulure. (Chopter 2 ond Chorts 3-l * 3-6)
Read part I. Use the information in Part I to complete Part II with appropriate
verb tenses. IJse
usill (not be going to) for furure time in Part II. Use the simple present for present time.

Part I.
yesterday morning was an ordinary morning. I got up at 6:30. I washed my face and brushed
my teeth. Then I put on my jeans and a sweater. I went to the kitchen and turned on the electric
coffee maker.

Then I walked down my driveway to get the morning newspaper. $7hile I was walking to get the
paper, I saw a deer. It was eating the flowers in my garden. After I watched the deer for a little
while, I made some noise to make the deer run away before it destroyed my flowers.
As soon as I got back to the kitchen, I poured myself a cup of coffee and opened the morning
paper. tUThile I was reading the paper, my teenage daughter came downstairs. $7e talked about her
plans for the day. \trfe had breakfast together, and I made a lunch for her to take to school. After we
said good-bye, I finished reading the paper.
Then I went to my office. It is in my home. My office has a desk, a computer, a radio, a fax
machine, a copy machine, and a lot of bookshelves. I worked all morning. rU(rhile I was working, the
phone rang many times. I talked to many people. At l1:30, I went to the kitchen and made a
sandwich for lunch. As I said, it was an ordinary morning.

Part II.
Tomorrow morning
--!ry- an ordinary morning. I 'll qet _ up at 6:30.
1 7′ Na夕 力 my facc and レrυ 多力 my teeth.コ Ehen I probably
3 4
on my jeans and a sweater. I the kitchen and

the electric coffee maker.

Then I down my driveway to get the morning newspaper. If I

a deer in my garden, I it for a while and then

some noise to chase it away before it my flowers.

As soon as I back to the kitchen, I myself a cup of
coffee and the morning paper. $7hile I'm reading the paper, my teenage

daughter downstairs. \U7e

about her plans for the day.

Wc breakfast together, and I a lunch for her to take to

school. After we good-bye, I reading the paper.

Then I to my offrce. It in my home. My office

23 24
a desk, a computer, a radio, a fax machine, a copy machine, and a lot of
bookshelves. I all morning. W'hile I'm working, the phone
many times. I to many people. At 1 1:30,)I

to the kitchen and a sandwich for lunch. As l said,it

an ordinary morning.

Fulure Time 47
) prociice 25. Using be going fo ond the present progressive lo exptess future
time. (Chort 3-7)
Rewrite the sentences with be going lo and the present progressive.
1. I'm planning to stay home tonight.
l'm qoinq to atay home tonight.
l'm at:avina home tonight.
2. They're planning to travel across the country by train this summer.
across the country by train this summer.

across the country by train this summer.

3. 'We're planning to get married in

married in June.
married in June.
4. He's planning to start graduate school next year.
graduate school next year.
graduate school next year.

5. She's planning to go to New Zealand next month.

to New Zealand next month.
to New Zealand next month.
6. My neighbors are planning to build their dream home this spring.
their dream home this spring.
their dream home this spring.

) Prociice 26. Using the present progressive to express future lime. (Chort 3-7)
Complete the sentences with the present progressive. IJse each verb in the list only once. Note
the future time expressions in bold.

come graduate have leave meet speak take lttavel

l. Kathy rs travelinT to Caracas next month to attend a conference.

2. Carl the office early today. He just made an appointment with the

dentist for 3:00 P.M. He has a terrible toothache.

3. The president onTV at noon todaY.
4.Wc a party tornorrow. \flould you like to come?
5. Amanda likes to take her two children with her on trips whenever she can, but she
not them with her to El Paso,Texas, next week. It's strictly a business
6. A: Your apartment is so neat! Are you expecting guests?
B: Yes. My parents tomorrow for a two-daY visit.
7. A: Do you have any plans for lunch today?
B: I Shannon at the Shamrock Caf6 in an hour. Want to join us?

8. A: \7ill you be at Ada and Alberto's renth anniversary parry next Friday?
B: No, unfortunately. I also have a very important event on that day. I
from college, finally!

) Prqclice 27. Using the present progressive lo express future time. (chorr 3-7)
Decide whether each sentence refers to a plan for the future or a prediction. Circle the correct

1. A big storm is going to hit the coast romorrow.

a. a plan for the future b. a prediction
2. \J7e are going to leave for a safer location later today.
a. a plan for the future b. a prediction
3. Ralph is going to go to medical school after he graduates from college.
a. a plan for the future b. a prediction
4. Ralph is smart and serious. I am sure he is going to be an excellent doctor.
a. a plan for the future b. a prediction
5. This car is going to run out of gas very soon! The indicator is on empty.
a. a plan for the future b. a prediction
6. 'We're going to stop to buy gas at
the next gas station.
a. a plan for the future b. a prediction
7. This little seed is going to be a large tree one day.
a. a plan for the future b. a prediction
8. We are going to plant vegetables in our garden tomorrow.
a. a plan for the future b. a prediction

) Proclice 28. Using the ptesent progressive to express future time. (chorr 3-7)
Check (/) the correct sentence. Both sentences may be correct.

1. a. It is going to snow tomorrow.

- b. It is snowing tomorrow.
2. - a. I'm going to attend a conference in April.
- b. I'm attending a conference in April.
3. - a. Irv is going to come for dinner tomorrow night.
- b. Irv is coming for dinner tomorrow night.
4. - a. A new bookstore is going to open next month.
- b. A new bookstore is opening next month.
5. - a. This old building is going to fall down pretry soon.
- b. This old building is falling down prery soon.
6. - a. Jackie and I are going to take her uncle our to dinner tonight.
- b. Jackie and I are taking her uncle out to dinner tonight.
7. - a. You're going to feel better after you take that medicine.
- b. You're feeling better after you take that medicine.

Future Time 49
8. a. The plane is going to leave on time.
- b. The plane is leaving on time.
g- - a. Thke an umbrella. If you don't, you're going to get wet.
- b. Thke an umbrella' If you don't, you're getting wet.
10. - a. I ordered a new computer. It's going to arrive next week.
- b. I ordered a new computer. It's arriving next week'
) Proctice 29. Using lhe simple present to express future time. (chort
Use the simple present to express future
Complete each sentenie with one of the verbs in the

arrive close end getin oPen

begin depart finish leave start

1. A: What time doea class beTin / etart tomorrow morning?

B: \t beqtna / starDe at eight o'clock sharp.

2. A: The coffee shop at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll meet you

there at 7:15.
B: Okay. I'll be there.

3. A: $7hat time are you going to go to the airport tonight?

B: Tom's plane around 7:15, but I think I'll go a little early in case it
gets in ahead of schedule.

4. A: What's the hurry?

B: I've got to take a shower, change clothes, and get to the stadium fast. The game
in forty-five minutes, and I don't want to miss the beginning.

5. A: \What time the dry cleaners this evening? If I

don't get there in time, I'll have nothing to wear to the party tonight.
B: It at 6:00. I can pick up your dry cleaning for you.
A: Hey, thanks! That'll reallY helP!
6. A: lVhat time should we go to the theater tomorrow night?
B: The doors at 6:00 P.M., but we don't need to be there that early.
The show at 8:00. If we at the theater by 7:15,

we'II be there in plenty of time. The show around 10:30, so we can

be back home by a little after 1 1:00.

7. A: I've enjoyed my visit with you, but tomorrow I have to go back home.
B: What time your flight tomorrow?

A: It at 12:34 P.M. I want to be at the airport an hour early, so we

should leave here around 10:30, if that's okay with you'

50 cHAPTER 3
B: Sure. What time your flight in Mexico City?
A: It's about a three-hour flight. I'll get in around 4:30 Mexico City time.

) Prqclice 30. Using be obout

to. (Chorr 3-9)
the letter in Column B that conectly answers the question in Column A.
What does it usuallg tnean if ...

Column A Colurrn B
I. the sky is very gray and cloudy? a. It means that he is about to write on
the blackboard'
2. Jack is leaving his house with his -keys in
his hand? _ b. It means that he is about to speak.
3. the teacher is picking up a piece of c' It means that he is about to eat'
chalk? _ d. It means that it is about to rain.
4. it is 6:59 A.M. and your alarm clock is set e' It means that it is about to land'
for Z:00 A.M.? _ f. It means that he is about to get into his
5. it is 7:58 P.M. and the president is going to
g. It means that he is about to fall out.
give a speech at 8:00 P'M ?
h. It means that it is about to ring.
6. Tim is holding a fork in his hand
- and
looking at a plate of warm pasta?
7. Bob is standing up inside a canoe?-
8. the plane is slowly coming toward the
runway and its wheels are dor*ryr?

> Prqclice 3I . Porollel verbs. (Chort 3-r 0)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. My classmates are going to meet at Danny's and (sudy) otud:l togethet tonight.
2. Tomorrow the sun will rise at 6:34 and (ser) at 8:59.
3. I-ast night, I was listening to music and (do) my homework when Kim
stopped by.
4. Next weekend, Nick is going to meet his friends downtown and ( go) toa
soccer game.
5. My pen slipped out of my hand and (fall) to the floor-
6. Alex is at his computer. He (wiu) emails and (zualr)
for responses.
7. Every morning without exception, Mrs. Carter (take) her dog for a walk
and (buy) a newspaper at Charlie's newsstand.

8. Before I ( go) to your boss and (ull) her about your

mistake, I want to give you an opportunity to explain it to her yourself.

Fulure Time 5I
9. Next month,l (take) my vacation and (forget)
about ever)'thing that is connected to my job.
10. Kathy thinks I was the cause of her problems, but I wasn't. Someday she (discoaer)

the truth and (apologize) to me.

> Proctice 32. Editing. (choRter 3)

Correct the errors.

1. My friends will to join us after work.

2. Maybe the party ends soon.

3. On Friday, our school close early so teachers can go to a workshop.

4. It's raining tomorrow.

5. Our company is going to sells computer equipment to schools.

6. Give Grandpa a hug. He's about to leaving'

7. Mr. Scott is going to retire and moving to a warmer climate.

8. If your soccer team will win the championship tomorrow, we'll have a big celebration for you.

9. I bought this cloth because I will make some curtains for my bedroom.

10. I moving to London when I will finish my education here.

11. Are you going go to the meeting?

12. I opened the door and walk to the front of the room.

13. When will you going to move into your new apartment?

14. Maybe I celebrate my 30th birthday with my friends at a restaurant.

> Prociice 33. Verb tense review. (chopters I - 3)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

Part I.
Right now it's almost midnight. I'm still at my computer. I (work) am wprkin? late

tonight because | (need) to finish this report before tomorrow. Before I

(so) to bed tonight, | (finish) the report and
(write) a couple of emails too.

Part II.
I (stay) up very late last night too. \7hile I (read)

bookrl (hear) a noise outside. \When I (So) outside to

8 9

find out about the noise, I (see, not) an)'thing in 」he dark. But when I
( so) outside early this morning,I (find) garbage all
over my lawn. A bear from the woods probably (make) thc rness.


JaCk(aα κ乃) a football game onTV right now. He

(warch, always) football on Sunday afternoons. As soon as the
game (be) over, he (mout) the grass in the back yard.



ЛaJに Iア

It's cold today.Right now I(π αたの potato soup . lt (cook)

on the stove. I r.*.rLtb., potato soup from my childhood days. When

We(ら の children, my mother (make,used to) potato soup for
us when the weather ( gez) cold.

Parι ア

WC(″ ) to NewYork next week. \7hen we (be) in New

23 24
York next week, we (see) a couple of plays on Broadway. l,ast week we
(bり ) tickets online for two plays. $7e (buy, akta.ys)
the tickets online before we (leaue) on a trip. W'e
27 28
(stay,usual$t). at a small hotel near the theater district.
But, when we θ
(み ) in NewYork next week, we (stay, not)
at that hotel. \(rhen we (try) to make reservations
last week, the hotel (be) in,we(sり πの with friends
in the city, or maybe we (stay) with our cousins in the suburbs.
Mark is obsessed with video games. He (play) video games morning, noon,
and night. Sometimes he (skip) class to play them. Right now he (do, not)
very well in school. If he (study, not) harder

Future Time 53
and (go) to class every day, he (flunk) out of


I had a dream last night. In the dreamr l (see) the man who stole the radio from my
car last Friday. I (run) after him, (catch) him, and (knock)
him down. A passerby (ca@ the police on her cell
45 46
phone. I sat on the man whilel (wait) for them to come. After the police ( ger)
there and (understand) the situation, they ( Put)
handcuffs on him and (take) him to jail. Then the dream
(end) andl (wake) up.

) Proctice 34. Crossword puzle.

Complete the puzzle. Use the clues to find the correct words.

3 . W'e won't go to the beach if it
7. !7e'll call you as soon as we at the airport.
8. I will pass this course. I just don't know!
won't get the job. He really doesn't have the right skills for it.
1. Carl
2. IfTed needs a ride, tell him that I pick him up at 6:30.
4. Maria is going to have a cup of coffee before she work.
5. The schools are to be closed on Monday because it's a holiday.
- concert is about
6. Please turn offyour cell phones. The - to
8. Helen come to the movie with us. She's not sure.
54 cHAPTER 3
Chqpter 4
Presenl Pertect
and Post Pertect

> Proctice I. Post porticiples. (chort 4-t)

Circle the past participle in each group.
1. finish
2. stopped
@ stopping
3. puts put putting
4. knew knowing known
5. be been were
6. wanting wanted wants
7. saying said say

8. having have had

9. gone go went
10. took taken taking

> Proctice 2. Review: iregulor verbs. (chorts 2-4, 2-5, ond 4-l)
ItrTrite each verb in the correct group.

i ・

s s s S s
n t ai


feed quit teach

︲ t t w



fight think
d k m

n c・


find set upset

t i
c d
u r

have shut weep

/hurt sing /win

Group L Simple form, simple past, and past participle are the same.

Simple Simple Past Simple Simple Past

Form Past Participle Form Past Participle
hurt hurt hurt

Presenl Perfecl ond Posl Perfecl 55

Group IL The vowel changes: i --+ a --+ u. Group.IIL Simple past and past participle
are the same.
Simple Sirnple Past
Form Past Participle Simple Sirnple Past
Form Past Participle
rina rana runa
wm won won

> Proclice 3. Presenl perfecl with srnce ond for. (chort 4-2)
Complete the sentence with the present perfect form of the verb in the first sentence.
1. Mr.\7oods teaches chemistry at Central High School. He
there for 17 years.
2. Marvin sells cars. He began selling cars in 2000. Marvin
cars since 2000.
3. John loves Mary. He her since they were teenagers.
4. I have a pain in my side. I this pain for about two weeks.
5. You know my cousin Rita, don't you? You her since you were
in college, right?
6. Clara andTom are going to play tennis on Saturday morning. They
tennis together on Saturday mornings for years.
7. I am going to get up early again tomorrow so that I can do my exercises. I
up early for the past month, and I have exercised every day.

8. My cousins go to their house in the mountains every summer. They
to their summer home ever since I can remember.
9. Alaska and Hawaii are the newest states of the United States. They became states in 1950.
They states for more than 50 years.

10. Brazil is an independent country. Brazil an independent

country since 1822.

> Proclice 4. Present perfecl with since ond for. (chort 4-2)
Complete the sentences with since or for.
1. David has worked for the powercompany aince 1999.
2. His brother has worked for the power company for five years.
3. I have known Peter Gowan September.
4. I've known his sister three months.
5. Jonas has been in a wheelchair a year.

6. He's had a bad back he was in a car accident.

7. My vision has improved I got new reading glasses.
8. I've had a toothache yesterday morning.
9. The shoe store on the corner has been there 1920.
10. It has been there almost a hundred years.

> Prqctice 5. Present peilect with since ond for. (chort 4-2)
Rewrite the sentences using since or for.
1. I was in this class a month ago, and I am in this class now.
I haae been in this class for a month.
2. I knew my teacher in September, and I know her now.
3. Sam wanted a dog two years ago, and he wants one now.

4. Sara needed a new car last year, and she still needs one.

5. Our professor was sick a week ago, and she is still sick.

6. My parents live in Canada. They moved there in December.

7. I know Mrs. Brown. I met her in 1999.

8. Tom works at a fast-food restaurant. He got the job three weeks ago.

> Proctice 6. Negolive, queslion, ond shorknswer forms. (chod a-3)

Complete the conversations with the given verbs and any words in parentheses. IJse the present

l. eat (you, ever) Have vou ever eaten pepperoni pizza?

Yes,I イ
力′、θ . I have eaten peppcronl plzza inany
trmes. oR
NorI haven't . | (never) have never eaten
pepperoni pizza.

Presenl Perfecl ond Post Perfecl 57

2. talk (you, eaer) to a famous person?

Yes, I to a lot of famous people.
Nor I I (neaer) toa
famous person.

3. rent (Erica, eaer) a car?
Yes, she She a car many tlmes.
No, she Sll,e (neaer) a car.

4. see (you, eaer) a shooting star?

Yes, I a lot of shooting stars.

No, I | (neaer) a shooting star.

5. catch A: (Joe, eaer) a big fish?

B: Yes, he I‐ Ie lots of big fish. on
No, he He (neaer) a big fish.

6. have A: (you, eaer) a bad sunburn?

B: Yes, I a bad sunburn several
No, I | (never) a bad sunburn.

7. meet (1, eaer) you before?

Yes, you You me before. oR

No, you . Yott (neaer) me before.


8. be (the boys, eaer) to a baseball game before?

Yes, they They to a few baseball
games. oR
No, they They (neaer) toa
baseball game.

> Proctice 7. Negolive, question, ond shorknswel forms. (Chorts 4-3 ond 4-4)
Complete the questions and statements with the given verbs and any words in parentheses.

A TV Interview with a Famous Actress

BRvaN: \trfelcome to our show, Ms. Starr.

I-ena: Thank you. I'm glad to be here. By the way, please call me Lara.

BRvaN: Okay, Lara. Well, first, how long (be) have yourbeen in movies?

I-ena: For many years since I was a teenager.

BRvaN: Really? How many movies (make, you) so far?

I-ana: I've made about twenty movies.

BRvaN: (enjoy, you, alutays) your work,

ever since you began in your teens?

Lana: Yes, I . I have always loved my work.

58 cHAPTER 4
BRyRN: Lara, you travel a lot in your work, right?

I-ana: Oh, yes. I travel very often.

BnvaN: Where (traael, you) to so far?


LARA: I(bι ) to Europe, Africa, and Asia for my work.


BRyaN: Do you miss your friends and family when you are away? Have you ever wanted a more

normal life?

LARA: Wen,I Iniss my friends and fanlilyD but I (neaer, zaant)

a regular life. I've always been very happy in

my work.

BRYAN: (think, you, ever) about getting married?


LARA: wen,n。 ,I . Maybe that's becausel (not, meet)

any really nice guys recently. Maybe I will meet


someone nice, and maybe I won't' Either way, it's okay with me.

> Proctice 8. Present perlect wilh unspecified lime. (chort 4-4)

Choose the correct completions. Both answers may be correct.

l. The year hasn'r ended There is still time to pay your taxes before December 30th.
a. already b. yet
2. lVinter arrived early this year. It has snowed twice and summer isn't even over!
a. already b. yet
3. Have you finished your homework
a. already b. yet
4. Kate has returned from a year inTokyo.
a. already b. yet
5. I'm not quite ready to leave. I haven't finished packing my suitcase
a. already b. yet
6. Have you seen the new Indian movie
a. already b. yet
7. Malcolm doesn't need to take another science course. He has
taken the required number of science classes.
a. already b. yet
8. Since he retired, our neighbor Mr. Evans has gained about
30 pounds. That's because he just sits in front of the TV all day.
He has become a real couch potato!*
a. already b. yet

*couch potato: an informal phrase to describe someone who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down and watching television

Present Perfecl ond Posl Perfecl 59

> Prqclice 9. Present perlecl with unspecified time. (chort 4-4)
Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There is one extra word in each list.

1. has, school, started, not, yet, already

Our daughter is only two years old, so stre hae not etar1ed echool yet'

She is too young.

2. has, learned, alread3t, yet, the alphabet

Our daughter is only two years old, but she
. Isn't she smart?
3. already, corrected, has, yet, our tests

Our teacher works very quickly. She

. She corrected them all in one hour!

4. returned, the tests, not, has, aheady, yet

Our teacher corrected the tests last night, but she left them at home. She
. I guess that she will return
them tomorrow.

5. not, already, yet, dinner, cooked, has

Anita because she came home
late from her job.

6. cooked, already, yet, has, dinner

Anita She got home early and she wants

to go to bed early.

> Prqclice I0. Presenl perfect with unspecified time. (chort 4-4)
Complete each sentence with a verb from the list. Include any words that are in parentheses. IJse
the present perfect form of the verb. lJse a negative form if appropriate.

change invite lmeet retire spend

give live pick see travel

Neighbors in My Apartment Building

A few months ago, I moved to a new apartment. I (all my neighbors I yet)

, but I have met some of them. They are

interesting people.

My neighbor in 3G is a private pilot. Last week he returned from the South Pole, and before that

he was in Africa. He all over the world.

60 cHAPTER 4
My neighbor in 4F is a doctor, but she looks like a punk rocker*. She (already)
the color of her hair four or five times since I moved in.

Now it's purple.

The young man across the hall has a lot of parties. He (already)

several parties since I moved in, but he (not)

me to any of them.

My next-door neighbors are musicians. They (/sr) from

the City Symphony Orchestra. They were with the orchestra for more than 20 years. Now they are

looking forward to traveling and spending more time with their family.

The neighbors on the other side are mysterious. I saw them only once, butl (not)

them for a while. Nobody has. They (zor)

up their newspapers for a week. There are six or seven newspapers


on the floor in front of their door.

A young woman in the building is my new best friend. She here

for about a year. She owns a small advertising business. lMe (already)

many fun evenings together.

l. I have just put the dinner in the oven. It will be ready in twenty
2. Stuart is very thirsry from playing tennis in the hot sun. He three
glasses of water already, and he is asking for more.

3. Hurry, Sal. The program already We can clean up

the kitchen later.

4. Our basketball team every game so far this season. \[hat a great team!

5. I the president twice. He said, "It's good to meet you. Thank you for
your support."
6. Two police officers ,ust the missing boy, and they
are taking him home to his family.

*punk rocker someone who likes loud punk music and wears things that are typical of it, such as torn clothes, metal chains, and
colored hair.

Presenl Perfect ond Post Perfecl 6l

This bill is a mistake. I already this bill.

The new electric car is a big success. Thousands of people
one, and many more customers are waiting to buy one.

Proctice I2. Simple post vs. presenl perfect. lcnort a-s;

Write *F" if the activity or situation is finished and "C" if it continues to the present.
l. C My grandfather has worked since he was in high school.
2. F My grandmother worked for 20 years.
3. F | finished my work two hours ago.
4. F I have already finished my work, so I'm leaving the offrce.
5. My father has been sick since yesterday.
6. - Jane was sick last Monday.
7. - Tom has already left. He's not here.
8. - Tom left five minutes ago.
9. - I have known Max Shell since we were children.
10. - The baby has had a fever since midnight. I think I'll call
the doctor.
I l. The baby had a fever all night, but he's better now.
12. - I had the flu last year.
13. - Sue has had the flu since last Friday.
14. - Claude has slept outside under the stars several times
this summer.

> Proctice 13. Present perfect ond simple post with time wolds. (chorrs 4-t ' 4-5)
Choose (/) all the phrases that correcrly complete rhe sentences.

1. The Petersons took a trip 2. The Petersons have been out of town
a. two weeks ago -. a. the day before yesterday
- b. since yesterday - b. one month ago
- c. Yesterday - c. since Friday
- d. last year - d. last week
- e. several months ago - e. since winter began
- f. since last month - f. since last week

- g. the day before yesterday - g. in April last year

- h. in March - h. several weeks ago

- i. since winter began - i. for several weeks

- -

62 cHAPTER 4
> Prqclice 14. Simple post vs. preseni perfect. (chort 4-5)
Complete the sentences with the letter of the correct verbs in the list.

a. paid g. have paid

b. sent h. have sent
c. met i. have met
d. took j. have taken
e. watched k. have watched
f. withdrew l. have withdrawn

I . I c many new people at the conference last week. I i a lot of new people since I
started going to conferences ten years ago.

2. I a lot of good movies onTV in my lifetime. I an excellent new movie last night.

3. I- my rent this morning. I - for twenty years.

my rent on time

4. I- lots of difficult tests since-I started college. I a very difEcult test yesterday in my
- History class. -
5. I more than a thousand dollars from my bank account so far this month. Yesterday I
- three hundred dollars.

6. I- several emails to my friends last night. I thousands of emails to my friends in my

- -
> Proctice 15. Simple post vs. present peilecl. (chort 4-5)
Complete the sentences with the correct verb in parentheses. Notice the time expressions.

The Okay Candy Cornpany

(1) The Okay Candy Company is 100 years old this year. The Foxworthy family
(started I has started) this business in 1910. In the beginning, the company (was I has been) small

and (had I has had) about 20 employees. Now the company (became I has become) much larger, and

it has more than 200 employees. lt (was I has been) a very successful company for many years

because of good management.

(2) The current president, Oscar M. Foxworthy, (led I has led) the company for the last eleven

years. The company (mafu I has made) a profit every year since he frst (took I has taken) over the

company. Last year, for example, the company's profits (went I haae gone) up 4o/o, and this year

profits (went I haoe gone) up 4.2%o since January. The year (didn't end I hasn't ended) yet, and people

are optimistic about the future of the company.

Presenl Perfecl ond Posl Peilecl 63

> Proctice I5. Present perfect progressive. (Chort 4-6)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present perfect progressive verb and the
appropriate time phrase.
1. I am waiting for the downtown bus. I arrived at the bus stop twenty minutes ago.
I have been waiting for the bus for twenty minutea
2. Sandy is watchingTV. She turned on theTV two hours ago.
She TV for
3. Ivo is working at the hospital. He began working at 7:00 this morning, and he hasn't stopped.
It is now 10 P.M.

Ivo at the hospital since

4. Kim is driving. He got in his car six hours ago, and he hasn't stopped.
Kim for

5. Ruth is writing a novel. She began it three years ago, and she hasn't finished it yet.
Ruth the novel for
6. Jim and Dan are arguing. They began their argument when Jim brought home a stray cat.
Jim and Dan since

7. It began to rain two days ago. It is still raining.

It for
8. Jenqy is losing weight. She began her diet on her birthday.
She weight since

> Proclice 17. Present perfect progressive vs. plesent perfect. (Chorts 4-6 and 4-7)
Read the passage about Max. Then answer the questions that follow. Circle "T' if the statement
is true, and 'F" if the statement is false.

Max has written four books. Three of his books did not sell well. The fourth, however, called
ATiger\ Life
has been very successful. In fact, right now a production company in Hollywood is
making a movie of ATiger\ Life. Max is taking a break from writing and is a consultant for the
movie. He hasn't written anything new for about a year because he has been working on the movie.
1. Max is writing a book now. T F
2. All four of his books have been successful. T F
3. ATiger\ Lifehas been a success. T F
4. A production company has already made a movie of ATiger's Life. T F
5. Max began working on the movie about a year ago. T F
6. Max has finished working on the movie. T F

> Proclice 18. Presenl plogressive, presenl perfecl progressive ond ihe present
pedect. (Chorts 4-6 ond 4-7)
Choose the correct verb.

1. \7here have you been? The boss for you for over an hour!
a. is lookinc @ - has been looking

2. I'm exhausted! I for the last eight hours without a break.
a. am working b. have been working
3. Shhh! Susan now. kt's not make any noise. We don't want to wake her up.
a. is sleeping b. has been sleeping
4, Annie, go upstairs and wake your brother up. He for over ten hours. He has chores to do.
a. is sleeping b. has been sleeping
5. Erin has never gone camping. She in a tent.
a. has never slept b. has never been sleeping
6. This is a great shirt! I it at least a dozen times, and it still looks like new.
a. have washed b. have been washing
7. Are you still washing the dishes? You dishes for thirty minutes. How long can it take to
wash dishes?
a. have washed - washing
b. have been
8. \$7e to the Steak House restaurant many times. The food is excellent.
a. have gone b. have been going
> Proclice 19. Presenl perfect progressive vs. present perteci. (Chorts 4-6 ond 4-7)
Complete the passage with either the present perfect or present perfect progressive form of the
verbs from the lists. More than one verb form may be correct.


get know

The earth warmer for many years, as most people realize.


And thc tcmperatures will continue to incrcasc. People in the Arctic regions

this for a long time: In those regions, the winters are shorter than they

used to be and the ice in the ocean has become thinner.

become collect rise study

Scientists the climate in the Arctic for many


years, and they will continue to study it. These scientists a lot

of information about climate change. For example, air temperatures in the Arctic are getting

warmer. They 5o Celsius since 1910. Another result is that the Arctic

sea ice is melting. It 40 percent thinner since 1970.

Presenl Perfect ond Posl Perfecl 65

> Proctice 20. Verb lense review. (Chopters I -3, ond Chort 4-1 --+ !-71
Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses.

Looking for a Job

BEN: I(κ θθご) rθ θν tO find a job. Where (6e) a good place for a
1 2

student to work?

ANN: (you, work, ever) at a restaurant?


BeN: Yes. I (work) at several restaurants. | (haae)

job as a dishwasher last fall.

AUN: \$[here?

BrN: AtThe Bistro, a little caf6 on First Street.

Axt'l: How long (you, work) there?

Br,N: For two months.

ArvN: | (work) in a lot of restaurants, but | (hazte, neaer)

a dishwashing job. How (you, like)

your job as a dishwasher?

BeN: | (like, not) it very much. lt (be) hard

work for low pay.

Ai.rN: Where (you, work) right now?

BeN: I (have, not) a job right now. | (haae, not)

a job since | (quit) the dishwashing one.


AwN: (you, look) for a part-time or a full-time job now?


BsN: A part-time job, maybe twenty hours a week.

AlvN: I(″ ) to Al's Place tomorrow to see about a job. The

restaurant (/ooh) for help. \7hy don't you come along

with me?

66 cHAPTER 4
BeN: Thanks. I (do) that. I (look, neaer)

for a job at Al's Place before. Maybe the pay (De)

better than at The Bistro.

ANN: I (know, not) We (find) out when

WC(″ ) there tomorrow


> Proclice 21. Posl perfecl. (chorr 4-B)

For each item, write "1" before the action that happened first. Write "2" before the action that
happened second.

1. Larry called Jane last night, but she had gone our for the evening.
2 Larry called Jane.
7 Jane went out.
2. I opened the door because someone had knocked on it. But no one was there.
I opened the door.
- Someone knocked on the door.
- sister was happy because her boyfriend
3. My had called.
Her boyfriend called.
- My sister was happy.
- dog stood excitedly at the front door. He had seen me as I was putting on my coar ro go
4. Our
out for a walk.
He saw me putting on my coat.
- Our dog stood at the front door.
- had heard my joke a hundred times before.
5. Ken But he laughed anyway.
Ken laughed at my joke.
- Ken heard the joke many times.
- opened his car door with a wire hanger. He had lost his keys.
6. Don
Don lost his keys.
- Don opened his car door with a wire hanger.
> Proclice 22. Post perfecl. (chorr 4-B)
Read the passage and underline the past perfect verbs and the moditring adverbs alusays and
net er. Then complete the sentences that follow the passage. IJse the past perfect in your

A New Life forAlan

(1) Alan Green got married for the first time at age 49. His new life is very different because he
has had to change many old habits. For example, before his marriage, he had always watchedTV
during dinner, but his wife likes to talk at dinnertime, so now theTV is off.
(2) Until his marriage, Alan had always read the front page of the newspaper firsr, but his wife
likes to read the front page first too, so now Alan reads the sports page first.

Present Perfecl ond Posl Perfecl 67

(3) Until he got married, he had never let anyone else choose the radio station in the car. He
had always listened to exactly what he wanted to listen to. But his wife likes to choose what's on the
radio when she's in the car with him.
(4) !(rhen he was a bachelor, Alan had always left his dirry socks on the floor. Now he picks
them up and puts them in the laundry basket.
(5) Before he was married, he'd never put the cap back on the toothpaste. He left it off. His
wife prefers to have the cap back on. She also squeezes from the bottom of the tube, and Alan
doesn't. Alan can't remember to put the cap back on, so now they have separate toothpaste tubes.
(6) Alan had never shared the TV remote control with anyone before he got married. He still
likes to have control of the TV remote, but he doesn't say anything when his wife uses it.

Complete these sentences.

l. Until Alan got married,he had alwaye watched TV during dinner.

2. Before his marriage, he the front page of the newspaper first.
3. Before he got married, he other people choose the station on
his car radio.
4. Until he began married life, he his dirry socks on the floor.

5. Before his marriage, he the toothpaste cap back on.

6. Until he had a wife who also liked to use theTV remote control, he
the remote with anyone.

> Proctice 23. Review of iime exple$siohs. (chopter 4)

Choose the correct completions.
1. Sacha is sleeping a. since the world began
2. I have called Martin this evening, but b. for twenty-one years
he hasn't answered the phone. c. at this moment
3. -
I'll call Martin one more time d. yet
4. \(Ihere's Hal? I hope he hasn't gone home e. after the 11:00 P.M. news
My family has lived in this house
-. f. five times
6. How many people have lived on earth
> Proclice 24. Verb lense review. (chopters 1-4)
Choose the correct verbs.
t. A: ((Did you enioD I Haue you enjoyed) the concert last night?

B: Oh, yes. I (haae enjoyed I enjoyed) it very much.

2. A: (Did you see I Haae you seen) John yesterday?
B: Yes, I did. It (was I has been) good to see him again. | (hazten't seen I hadn't seen) l:rim in a

long time.

3. A: Hi, Jim! It's good to see you again. | (haven't seen I didn't see) you in weeks.
B: Hi, Sue! It (was / m) good to see you again, too. I (haaen't seen I don't see) you since the end
of last semester. How's everything going?

4. A: (Did you get I Have you gotten) to class on time yesterday morning?
B: No. rWhen | (get lgor) there, class (ftas alreadlt begun I had already begun).
68 cHAPTER 4
5. A: I called Ana, but I couldn't talk to her.
B: \tr7hy not?
A: She (had already gone I has alreadjt gone) to bed, and her sister didn't want to wake her up
for a phone call.
6. A: You're a wonderful artist. I love your paintings of the valley.
B: Thank you. I (haoe painted I was painting) the same valley many times because it has such
interesting light at different times of the day.
7. A: How many pictures of the valley (haae you painted I are you painting) so far?
B: Oh, more than twenty.
8. A: I see that you (haae been painting I were painting) when I (walked I haoe utalked) in.
B: Yes. | (have painted I have been painting) since early this morning.

> Prqclice 25. Editing. (Chopters I ,4)

Correct the errors.
have been
1. \7here were you? I am waiting for you for an hour.

2. Anna have been a soccer fan since a long time.

3. Since I have been a child,I have liked to solve puzzles.

4. Have you ever want to travel around the world?

5. The family is at the hospital since they hear about the accident.

6. My sister is only 30 years old, but her hair has began ro rurn gray.

7. Jake has been working as a volunteer at the children's hospital since several years.

8. Steve has worn his black suit only once since he has bought it.

9. My cousin is studying for medical school exams since last month.

10. I don't know the results of my medical tests already. I'll find our soon.
1 1. The phone has already stopped ringing when Michelle entered her apartmenr.

Presenl Perfecl ond Posl Perfecl 69

> Proctice 26. Word seqrch puzle.
Circle the irregular past participles of these verbs in the puzzle: become, break,find, go, know, see,
take, understand. l)se the clues below the puzzle to help you. The words may be horizontal,
vertical, or diagonal. The first letter of each word is highlighted in gray.

輻 K
鰤 L






J ER J 魃 o RW



o NE E D

l. Traffrc in this city has very bad recently.

2. I have this bus every morning since I started my new iob.

3. How long have you Ali's family?

4. This is a terrible washing machine. It has again.

5. I love that movie. I have lt Seven tlmes.

6. Is Beth still here'Or has she home already?

7. Hal lost his keys. He hasn't them yet.

8. I am not good at math. I have never those complicated math problems.

Chopter 5
4Skttg e“ esガo・ s

> Proctice I. Short onswers for yes/no queslionS. (Chort 5-1)

Read the interview and circle the correct completions.

Job Interview
1. ANe Lopnz: Hello! I'm looking for the biochemistry department. There's no number on the
door. Is this the right place?
PRopnssoR Hnrr: Yes, it
a. does b. has c. is

2. PRor: And you must be the student who called for an interview! Are you Ana I-opez?
ANa: Yes, I
a. do b. am c. have

3. Pnop: I'm Professor Hiatt. It's nice to meet you. Welcome to the biochemistry department.
ANa: Thank you. I'm very glad to meet you.
Pnop: Well, first of all, we want an assistant who really likes to work on research projects in
the lab. Do you like that kind of work?
ANa: Yes,I I like it very much.
a. do b. am c. have

4. Pnor': Good. Have you had a lot of experience in a biochemistry lab?

ANa: Yesr I I worked as the student assistant in high school. And I also worked
at a small chemical company for two summers.
a. do b. am c. have
PRop: Did you work on any research projects at that company?
ANa: Yes, I I assisted two chemists in medical research.
a. did b. have c. do

5. Pnop: Now, are you taking a lot of classes this semester?

ANa: Yes, I I'm taking biology, statistics, and two chemistry courses.
a. do b. am c. will
6. PRor': Those are diffrcult classes. !7ill you have time to study and work here in the lab too?
ANa: Yes, I _.
a. do b. will c. have

Asking Queslions 7l
> Proctice 2. Yes/no queslions. (chort 5-l)
Make questions using the information in B's response'
helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

1. Sruprs A: Do You like coffee?

Pnsservr B: Yes, I like coffee.

helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

2. Sruprr A:
PnrseNr B: Yes,Tom likes coffee.

helping verb subiect main verb rest of sentence

3. Pnnsr,nr A:
Pnocnsssrve B: Yes, Pietro is watchingTV'

helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

4. Pneservr A:
Pnocnsssrve B: Yes, I'm having lunch with Raia.

helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

5. Srupre A:
Pesr B: Yes, Rafael walked to school.

helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

6. Pasr A:
Pnocnr,ssrve B: Yes, Clarita was taking a nap.

helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

7. SrMpre A:
Furunr B: Yes,Ted will come to the meeting.

form ofbe subject rest ofsentence

8. MarNVens: ar A:
Sruprr B: Yes,Ingrid is a good artist'

form ofbe subiect rest ofsentence

9. ManNVEns: rr A:
Srrvrprn Pasr B: Yes, I was at the wedding.

> Prqclice 3. Yes/no queslions ond shorl onswers. (Chort s-t)
Choose the correct completions.
1. A: (Is I Does) this your new laptop?
B: Yes, it (is I does).
2. A: It's so small. (Is I Does) it difficult ro see rext on that tiny screen?
B: No, it (isn't I doesn't).
3. A: (Is I Does) it run on a battery?
B: Yes, it (has I does).
4. A: (Do I Are) you carry it with you all day?
B: Yes,I (am I do).
5. A: (Haue I Do) you had it for a long time?
B: No,I (haven\ I don't).
6. A: (lVas I Did) it cost a lot?
B: No, it (wasn't I didnl).
7. A: (Are / Do) you going to take it on your trip to Africa?
B: Yes,I (am I do).
8. A: (Are lWill) you send emails from Africa ?
B: Yes,I (am lwill).

> Proctice 4. Yes/no questions ond shori onswels. (chort s-t)

Complete the conversations. Use the correct forms of be, do, haoe, or usill.
1. A: I need a map. Do you have one?
B: lJo,I don't

2. A: Are the Andes Mounrains in North America?

B: No, thev aren't

3.A: Africa the largest continent?

B: No,it .Asia is.

4.A: rivers flow toward the oceans?

B: Yes, they

5. A: penguins live in the Arctic?

B: No, they . They live in Antarctica.
6.A: a penguin swiFn undCr water'
B: Yes,it

7. A: the Nile the longest river in the world?

B: Yes,it

8.A: it snow in Hawaii?

B: No,it . It's too warm there for snow.

Asking Queslions 73
9.A: 2029 be a leap year?
B: No,it A leap year is a year that you can divide by 4,like 2012,
2016,and 2020.

Practice 5.Yesノ no questions.(chOrt 5-1)

Thc chart dcscribes the cxan■ schcdulc of four studcnts. Complcte thc conversations using thc
lnformatlon in thc chart.

Last week This week Next week

Jane math computcr sclcncc

George Spanish business

Anna biology chemistry

John history

1.A: Does Jane have an exam this week?

B: Ycs, ahe doeo. (Jane has an exam this week.)

2.A: have an exam this week?

B: No, . (George doesn't have an exam this week.)

3.A: have exams this week?

B: Yes, (Jane and Anna have exams this week.)

4.A: have an exam last week?

B: No, . (Jane didn't have an exam last week.)

5。 A: have an exam last week?

B: Yes, (George had an exam last week.)

6.A: have exams last week?

B: No, (Jane and Anna didn't have exams last week.)

7.A: have exams last week?

B: Yes, (George and John had exams last week.)

8.A: have an exam next week?

B: Yes, (Jane will have an exam next week.)

9.A: have an exam next week?

B: Ycs, . (George and Anna will have exams next week')

10.A: have an exam next week?

B: No, . (John will not have an exam next week.)

Proctice 6. Forming informotion questions. (chorr 5-2)
Choose the correct completion.
1. Phil works someplace.
Where Qlorks Phil I does Phil work) ?

2. He works sometimes.
When (does Phil work I works Phil) ?

3. Marta is making something.

lV}aat (Marta is making lis Marta making) ?

4. She said something.

\that (did she say / she said) ?

5. Jean and Don visited someone.

tMho (Jean and Don did aisit / did Jean and Don aisit) ?

6. They visited her for a reason.

lVhy (did they visit her I they aisited her) ?

Proctice 7. Yes/no ond informqtion queslions. (chorrs 5-1 ond 5-2)

Complete the sentences with words from the list.

1. Marvin work in a restaurant?

, does Marvin work? Downtown?
3. Marvin working today?
4. does Marvin have a day ofP On Saturday?

Are Will rJ(rhen $(rhere

5. Mike and Kate get married next year?

6. will Mike and Kate ger married? Soon?
7. they going to have a honeymoon?
8. are they going to go on their honeymoon? Hawaii?

Did Is $[hen Vrhere

9. Iris in class now?

10. is Iris?
11. she come to class yesterday?
t2. will Iris come back to class?

Asking Queslions 75
> Prqctice 8. Yes/no ond infolmolion questiohs. (chorts 5-1 ond 5-2)
Make questions using the information in B's response. O if no word is needed.

word) helping verb subject

(question main verb rest of sentence

B: Yes,I did. (I heard the news yesterday')
(questionword) helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

2. A: When did You hear the newe?

B: Yesterday. (I heard the news yesterday')

(question word) helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

3. A: O
B: Yes, he is. (Eric is traveling in South America')

(question word) helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

4. A:
B: In South America. (Eric is traveling in South America')

5, A:
B: Yes, it will. (The class will end in December.)

(question word) helping verb subiect main verb rest of sentence

6. A:
B: In December. (The class will end in December')

(question word) helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

7. A:
B: Yes, she did. (The teacher helped a student')

(question word) helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

8. A:
B: Mei I-ei. (The teacher helped Mei I-ei.)

(question word) helping verb subiect main verb rest of sentence

9. A:
B: Yes, he will. (The chef will cook his special chicken dinner tonight.)

(question word) helping verb subject main verb rest of sentence

10。 A:
His special chicken dinner. (The chef will cook his special chicken dinner

75 cHAPTER 5
Ptqctice 9. Yes/no qnd informqtion questions. (Chorts 5-1 ond 5-2)
Read the passage. Then write questions using the given words, and circle the correct answers.
Capitalize the first word of the question.

Apple trees first grew in central Asia thousands of years ago. Today apples grow in cooler
climates all over the world. Each spring, apple trees produce pink flowers. In the summer and fall,
the trees produce apples. Inside each apple there are tiny brown seeds. If you plant these seeds,
some of them will become new apple trees.

1. did, originate, apple trees, where

Where did aoole treea oriainate ).
a. Yes, they did.

2. do, where, grow, apple ffees

a. Yes, they do. b. In cooler climates everywhere.

3. they, do, grow

in hot climates?
a. No, they don't. b. In central Asia.

4. do, apples, the trees, produce

in the summer and fall?

a. Yes, they do. b. Apples.

5. produce, do, they, when

pink flowers?
a. Yes, they do. b. In the spring.

6. whatrfind,you, do
inside each apple?
a. Yes, you do. b. Seeds.
7 . some of the seeds, become, will
new apple trees?
a. Yes, they will. b. New apple seeds.

Asking Queslions 77
> Proctice I0. Where, When, Whol time, Why, How come, Whot . . - lor.
(Chori 5-3)
For each question, write the correct completion from Column B-

Column A Column B

do oranges come from? a. \tr7hat

Florida. b. \7hat time

2. is the sky blue? c. \7hen
Because the sun reflects the light in a certain way.
d. \Where
3. did the 21st centurY begin?
e. \flhy
In the year 2000.
f. How come
4. is the flight going to arrive?
At 5:30.
5. you left earlY?
I went to the dentist.
6. did you go to the dentist for?
I had a bad toothache.

> Proctice I I. WhY, How come, ond Whdt for. (chort 5-3)
Rewrite the sentences beginning with the given words.
1. What are you going downtown for?
a. How come
bo Why
2. Why did Paul leave early?
a. What
b. How come
3. How come your clothes are on the floor?
a.葛 硫y
b What
4. rWhat does Mira need more money for?
a. How come

>Practice 1 2.Where,WhyJ When,and Wharlime.(chor1 5-3)

Make information qucstions.Use"λ θa曖 ,ω り ,ω λθη,Or"λ αιι θ.USC the information in

parenthescs in your qucstion.

1.A: to see the principal?

because I
B: Because I need his signature on this application. (I'm waiting to see the principal
need his signature on this application.)
2.A: her new job?
B: Next Monday morning. (Rachel starts her new iob next Monday morning.)

3.A: the business meeting?
B: Because I fell asleep after dinner and didn't wake up until 9:00. (I missed the meeting
because I fell asleep after dinner and didn't wake up until 9:00.)
4. for home?
Next Saturday. (I'm leaving for home next Saturday.)
5. to finish this project?
Next month. (I expect to finish this project next month.)
6. today?
At the cafeteria. (I ate lunch at rhe cafereria today.)
7. lunch?
At 12:15.(I ate lunch at 12:15。 )

8. at the cafeteria?
(I eat lunch at the cafeteria because the food is good.)
Because the food is good.
9. )
From Osaka toTokyo. (The bullet train goes from
Osaka toTokyo.) 鍮 撃
_性 __1=冒 ざ
from NewYork to I-os Angeles ?
B: One day in the future,I think! (They will build
a bullet train from NewYork to Los Angeles one
day in the future.)
11.A: English?
B: In Germany. (I studied English in Germany.)
12.A: English in Germany?
B: Because I had a scholarship to study in Germany. (I studied English in Germany because
I had a scholarship to study in Germany.)

Proctice 13. Who, Who(m), and Whdf. lcrrorr s-a;

t$7rite"S" over the boldface word if it is the subject of the verb. $frite "O" over the word if it is the
object of the verb. Then make questions with uho, uho(tn), arrd ushat.
1. Someone is talking.
Who ia talkin? |
2. rWe hear someone.
Who(m) do we hear ?

3. You know someone in my class.

in my class?
4. Someone was onTV last night.
last night?
5. Sornething is happening in that building.

in that building?

Asking Queslions 79
6. Jason knows something.

7. Gilda called someone.

8. Sorneone answered the Phone.

9. You said something.

10. Something is imPortant.

> Prqctice 14. Who, Who(m), ond Whaf, (chort 5-4)

Complete the questions with usho, usho(rn), ot ushat.
Part I. I-ooking for the subject.

At an Oflice Meeting
1. happened at the meeting?
2. was there?

3. spoke about the reorganization of the company?

4. is going on in the finance department?

5. is going to be the next chief financial officer?

6. is the problem with the air-conditioning system?

Part II. I-ooking for the object.

Planning a Dinner PartY

1. are you inviting to dinner?
has already responded?
3. are You going to serve, meat or fish?

4. do you need to buY for the dinner?

5. are you going to make for dessert?

6. do you need me to do?

> Proctice 15. Who, Who(m)' ond Whaf. lcrrort s-a;

Make questions with utho, usho(rn), and uhat.

1. Who knowa Julio? Someone knows Julio'
2 Whofu) doea Julio knM Julio knows someone'
3. Someone will help us.
4. I will ask someone.

5. Eric is talking to someone on the phone.

6. Someone is knocking on the door.


Sornething surprised them.

Jack said something.

Sue talked about something.

Rosa talked about someone.

> Prqctice 16. Who, Who(m), ond Whdf. lcrrorr s-a;

Make questions using the information in parentheses.
1. A: tauaht
Who you to play chess?
B: My mother. (My mother taught me to play chess.)
2. A:
B: A bank robbery. (Robert saw a bank robbery.)
3. A: a good look at the bank robber?
B: Robert did. (Robert got a good look at the bank robber.)
4. A:
B: A toy for my brother's children. (I'm making a toy for my brother's children.)
5, A: to?
B: Joe. (That cell phone belongs to Joe.)
6. A: on the front window of your car?
B: A parking ticket. (A parking ticket is on rhe front window of my car.)

> Prqctice 17. Asking for the meoning of o word. (chorr 5-4)
Ask for the meaning of the words in italics. Complete the conversations in your own words.
1. A: Jenny is going to study abroad next year.
B: What doea "abroad" mean ?

It means in a foreiln country

2. A: The kitten is hiding underneath the blanket.
A: It means
3. A: The weather this winter hasbeen mild.
A: It means
4. A: Todd thinks I'In ιθθ′ .

A: It means
5. A: My boss says that I'm industrious.
A: It means

Asking Queslions 8I
> Proctice 18. Whot + q form ol do- (chort 5-5)
Make questions using ushat and a form of do. Use the information in parentheses. IJse the same
verb tense that is underlined in parentheses.
1. A: What ia Alex doin? now?
B: \Tatching a movie onTV. (Alex is watching a movie onTV')

2. A: last weekend?
B: Nothing. \7e just stayed home. flXle did nothing last weekend. We just stayed home.)
3. A: ?

B: They explore space. (Astronauts explore space.)

4. A: next Saturday morning?
B: Play tennis atrtrTaterfall Park.
(I'm going to plav tennis atVaterfall Park next Saturday morning')
5. A: when she heard the good news?
B: She cried with happiness. (Sara cried with happiness when she heard the
good news.)

6. A: after she graduates?

B: I think she plans to look for a job in hotel management. (Emily is going to look for a job
in hotel management after she graduates.)
7. A: after school today?
B: Let's go to the mall, okay? want to go to the mall after school today.)

8. A: for a living?
B: He's an airplane mechanic. (Nick repairs airplanes for a living.)

> Proctice 19. Using which qnd wltof. (crrort s-o)

Choose the correct word in each sentence.
1. A: Ali broke his hand playing basketball.
B: Thar's terrible. (which lwat) hand did he break, the right or left?

2. A: I heard the president's speech last night. Did you?

B: No, I didn't. (lYhich ltYhat) did he say about the economy?

3. A: This book is excellent. It's the best book I have ever read'
B: Really? (lYhich llYhat) is it about?
4. A: Look at those two pandas! They are so cute'
B: They are. (Which llYhat) one is the mother and (which I what) one is the daughter?
5. A: Ve have an invitation to the art show on Friday night'
B: Id like to go. But I've never been to an art show before. (lVhich llYhat) do people wear to
art shows?
6. A: Alec lives on this street, right?
B: This is the street, btx (which I what) house is it? Do you have t}e exact address?
7. A: I don't have the address.
B: Let's call hitn. (lYhich llVhat) is his phone number?

8. A: Hey, Bernie! I'm surprised to see you here.
B: Hey, Martyl(lVhich lWhat) are you doing these days?
A: Me? Not much. But my son just got an offer from the Broilers to play professional soccer
on their team.
B: That's great! Uh . . . (which I what) son is that? Is it Jeffi
A: No. Jeff's in medical school. I'm talking about Alan, my youngest.

Proctice 20. Using which ond whdt kind of, (chort 5-6)
Make questions with uhat kind o/and one of the nouns in the list for each question.

1. Whal; kinA of muaic do you like?

Rock'n roll.
do you usually wear?
Jeans and aT:shirt.
3. do you like best?
Pizza with double cheese, onions, peppers, and garlic.
4. do you like to read?
Romance novels.
5. are you going to buy?
A hybrid. One that uses a battery and gas.
6. does your country have?
It's a democratic republic.

7. would you like to have?

I'd like to have one that pays well, is interesting, and allows me to travel a lot.
8. would you like to marry?
B: Someone who is kind-hearted, loving, funny, serious, and steady.

Prociice 21. Who vs. h/hose. (Chorr5-7)

Complete the questions with asho or u:hose.
I. A: Who is driving to the game tonight?
B: Heidi is.
2. A: Whoee car are we taking to the game?
B: Heidi's.
3. A: This notebook is mine. is that? Is it yours?
B: No, it's Sara's.
4. A: There's Ms. Adams. is standing next to her?
B: Mr. \filson.
5. A: was the first woman doctor in the United States?
B: Elizabeth Blackwell. She became a doctor in 1849.

Asking Questions 83
6. A: forgot to put the ice cream back in the freezer?
B: I don't know. It wasn't me!

7. A: suitcase did you borrow for your trip?

B: Andy's.

ト Proctice22. Who vs. Whose. (chort5-7)

Make questions with asho or ashose'
1.A: Whoae house ie that?
B: Pat's. (That's Pat's house.)
2.A: Who's livinT in that houae?
B: Pat. (Pat is living in that house.)
B: Pedro's. (I borrowed Pedro's umbrella.)
B: Linda's. (I used Linda's book.)
5。 A:
B: Nick's. (Nick's book is on the table.)
B: Nick.(Nick is on thc phonc.)
B: Sue Smith. (That's Sue Smith.) She's a student in my class.
B: Sue's. (That's Sue's.) This one is mine.

Proctice 23. Using How. (chort 5-B)

Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the list.

fresh safe S00n


A: 11sw hot does it get in Chicago in the summer?

B: Yery hot . It can get over 100o.*

2. A: How will dinner be ready? I'm really hungry.

B: In just a few more minutes.

3. A: I-ook at that beautiful painting! Let's get it.

B: How is it'

A: Oh, my gosh! Never mind. W'e can't affiord it.

4. A: How are you todayrTed? Do you have time to read over this

B: \$7ell,I am really , but I'll make time to read it.

★100° F=37.8° C

5. A: How is Toshi about becoming an astronomer?
B: He's very about it. He already knows more about the stars and
planets than his high school teachers.

6.A: How is a car with an airbag?

B: Statistics say that cars with airbags are very safe.
7. A: Tomatoes for sale! Do you want to buy some tomatoes?
B: Hmmm. They look pretry good. How are they?
A: They are really I picked them myself from the field just this
8. A: Do you know JackYoung?
B: Yes.
A: OhP How do you know him?
B: Very He's one of my closest friends. tVhy?
A: He's applied for a job at my srore.

> Prqclice 24. Using How ollen. (Chorr s-9)

Complete the questions using hous oft.en or hous tnany tintes.
1. A: (How often I How many times) are the summer Olympic Games held?
B: The summer games are held every four years.
2. A: (Hout ofan I Hout many times) have the Olympic Games been held in Australia? One or two?
B: Two,I think. In 1956 and in 2000.
3. A: (Hout often I Hout many times) did Michael Phelps compete in the Olympics?
B: I'm not sure. Maybe three or four.
4. A: (How often I How many times) do you take vitamin C?
B: I take it every day. I think it prevenrs colds.
5. A: (How often I How many times) do you get a cold?
B: Rarely. I rarely get a cold.
6. A: (How often I How many times) a year do you visit your doctor?
B: Sometimes none! I never see my doctor unless I'm sick.
> Proclice 25. Using How tor,ll + loke,ond How long. (Chorts 5-10 ond 5-11).
Read each paragraph and write questions. Include the word in paientheses in your question. IJse
the correct tenses, according to the paragraph.

1. The Nile River is the longest river in the world. It is about 6,677 kilomerers, or 4rl5} miles,
long. It flows from Burundi in eastern Africa to the Mediterranean Sea in northeast Egypt.
A slow ship takes several days to make the trip.
A:(ヵ の from the beginning, or source) of the
Nile River to the end of the Nile River?
B: It's a long way.

Asking Queslions 85
A: (miles) from the source of the
Nile River to the end of the Nile River?
B: About 4,150.
A:(b0 a slow ship to make the trip?

B: Several days.
Z. Mount Everest is 8,850 merers, or 29,035 feet high the highest mountain in the world. It is
in the central Himalaya
Mountains, on the border ofTibet and Nepal. Edmund Hillary and
his group climbed to the top of the mountain in 1953. It took them seven weeks to get to the
top but only three days to come down.
A: (high) )

B: It's very high. It's more than 29,000 feet high.

A: (meters)
B: It's 81850.
A: (long) Edmund Hillary and his
group to climb Mount Everest?
B: Seven weeks.

A: (daAs) them to come down

from the top of the mountain?

B: Three.
3. TheTians-Siberian Railway is the longest railway in the world. It goes from Moscow toVladivostok
on the Sea of Japan, a distance of 9,311 kilometers, or 5,786 miles. The trip takes seven days.
A: (long) the Trans-Siberian Railway?

B: Very long. Over 9,100 kilometers.

A: (miles) the Trans-Siberian Railway?

B: It's 5,786.
A: (days) to go from Moscow
to Vladivostok on the Trans-Siberian Railway?

B: Seven.

> Proclice 26. Using How ollen, How lar, ond How long. (Chorts 5-9 - 5-l l)
Complete the questions with/ar, long, ot often.
1. A: How far is it to the nearest police station?
B: Four blocks.
2. A: How does it take you to get to work?
B: Forty-five minutes.
3.A: How do you see your family?
B: Once a week.
4. A: How .--- is it to Your office from home?
B: About twenty miles.
5. A: How is it from here to the airPort?
B: Ten kilometers.

6. A: How does it take to get to the airport?
B: Fifteen minutes.
7. A: How above sea level is Denver, Colorado?
B: One mile. That's why it's called the Mile High Ciry.
8. A: How does it take to fly from Chicago to Denver?
B: About three hours.
9. A: How does the bus come?
B: Every two hours.
10. A: How is it from here to the bus stop?
B: About two blocks.
11. A: How does the ride downtown take?
B: About twenty minutes.
12.A: How do you take the bus?
B: Every day.

> Proctice 27. More questions wilh How. (chort 5-r3)

Make simple present tense questions with hoas and yoz as the subject. Use the verbs in the list
only once.

I spell my name R-I-C-H-A-R-D.


your eggs?
I like them scrambled, not too hard.

I lmte you in French?

Je t'aime. That's how you say it.

This is how you pronounce it: say missus - like Mrs., and then say srp like slp a drink with a
straw, and then E like the letter.E.
5. A: about losing your iob?
B: Pretty bad, as you would expect.

> Proctice 28. Using How aboul ornd Whal oboul. (Chorr 5-13)
!7rite the letter ofthe appropriate response for each conversation.
1. A: \J7e aren't taking a vacation this summer. ril0hat about you?
B: Jim can't leave his job right now.
-. We're staying home too.
b. No, we didn't.
c. Oh? I7here are you going this year?

Asking Queslions 87
2. A: I really don't like our history professor. How about you?

a. I don't feel well todaY.

b. ril7hat's the matter with her? I like her a lot.
c. Yes,I will.
3. A: I'm voting for the new, young candidate. How about you?
B: Not me.
a. Where-.are you going?
b. Ithinklwill.
c. I like the older guy, the one with experience.

4. A: I like sailing and being on the water. I like it a lot. How about you?

a. I love it.
b. Yes, I have.
c. Yes,I did.

5, A: You don't eat meat, sir? What about fish? We have an excellent salmon tonight.

a. No, thank you. I don't take sugar with my coffee.

b. Okay,I'll have that.
c. Yes, I am.

6. A: I thought the concert was the best concert I had ever been to. How about you?


a. The book was excellent.

b. I like music.
c. Me too.

> Proclice 29. Review of quesiions. (chorls 5-l - 5-14)

Make questions using the given words.

1. be, d.ry, the clothes, will

A: \7hen willthe clothee be dry ?

B: In about an hour.
2. did' do,you
A: What on Saturday afternoon?
B: I went to a baseball game.

3. book, download, did'You

A: Which
B: A novel by Jorge Amado.

4. did, it,long, take

A: How to clean your apartment
before your Parents visited?
B: Four hours.
88 cHAPTER s
5.ら″α4あ ,″ たらノθ
A: What kind of
B: I don't like bread. I never eat it.
6. are, call'ing, me, you
A: VLy so late at night ?
B: Sorry! I hit the wrong number on my phone and dialed you by mistake.

7. αrι ,η zι ι ηg,ノθタ

A: Who at the restaurant?
B: Maria and her sister.

8. is, you, taking

A.Who to the airport?
B: Eric.

9. are,leaaingryou
A: How come so early?
B: I'm really very tired.

> Proctice 30. Review ol questiohs. (Chorts 5-t - 5-14)

Complete the conversations by writing questions for the given answers. IJse the information in
parentheses to form the questions.

ATennls Game
l.A: │ nowP
B: He's playing tennis.cack iS playing tennis. )

2.A: withP
B: Anna. (He is playing tennis with Anna.)
3.A: ,

B: Serving the ball. (Anna is serving the ball.)

4.A: m the alr'
B: A tennis ball. (She is throwing a tennis ball in the air。 )

B: Rackets. (Anna and Jack are holding rackets.)
6. A: between thcmP
B: A net. (A net is between them.)
B: On a tennis court. (They are on a tennis court.)
B: For an hour and a half. (They have been playing for an hour and a half.)
9.A: right now?
B: Jack. (ack is winning right now.)
10.A: the last game?
B: Anna. (Anna won the last game.)

Asking Queslions 89
> Proctice 3I. Tog quesiions. (chort 5-15)
Complete the tag questions with the correct verbs.

1. Simple present
a. You work at the university, don't you?

b. Claire teaches at Midwood High School, she?

c. Bob and Mike sell real estate, they?

d. Kevin has a van, hc?

e. You're in Professor Rossiter's class, you?

f. Your mother likes green tea, she?

g. Jill and Andrew don't have any children yet, they?

h. Bryan isn't a lawyer, he?

i. I'm not wrong,

2. Simple past
a. Jennifer went to Mexico, she?

b. You spoke to Paul about this, you?

c. That was a good idea,

d. The police officer didn't give you a ticket, hc?

e. John and Mary had a fight, they?

3. Present progressive,bι ηg ι
″ ρ,and past progressive

a. You're coming tomorrow, you?

b. Jim isn't working at the bank, he?

c. It's probably going to snow tomorrow,

d. Susie was sleeping in class, shep

e. The printer was working,

f. They weren't leaving, they?

4. Present perfect
a. The weather has been nice this spring,
b. I7e've had a lot of work this semester, we?

c. You haven't told the truth, you?

d. Shirley has gone home alreadY, she'

e. Natalie hasn't left yet, she?

f. I have never met you before,

> Proclice 32. Iog questions. (chort 5-15)

Add tag questions. \ilrite the expected responses.

1. A: You've already seen that movie, haven't you ?

B: Yes. I have

2. A: John hasn't called, )


3. A: You talked to Mike last night,

4. A: You usually bring your lunch to school,


5. A: Rita and Philip have been married for five years,


6. A: Kathy has already finished her work,


7. A: This isn't a hard exercise,


8. A: TonyVah lives in Los Angeles,


9. A: Tomorrow isn't a holiday,


10. A: This isn't your book,


t l. A: Jack and Elizabeth were in class yesterday,


12. A: Maria won't be here for dinner tonight,


> Prqclice 33. Editing. (Chopter S)

Correct the errors.
1. :IEhsm saw the car accident?

2. How about askJulie andTim ro come for dinner Friday night?

3. What time class begins today?

4. Where people go to get a driver's license in this city?

5. How long it takes ro get to the beach from here?

6. She is working late tonight, doesn't she?

7. 'Who's glasses are those?

8. How much tall your father?

9. Who you talked to about registration for next term?

10. How come are you here so early today?

Asking Queslions 9I
> Ploclice 34. Review: questions. (chopter 5)
Make questions using the information in parentheses.
1. A: to buy
When are you 6oin0 a new bicycle?
B: Next week. (I'm going to buy a new bicycle next week.)
2. A: How are you loinq to pay for it?
B: \$7ith my credit card. (I'm going to pay for it with my credit card.)
3. A: your old bike?

Ten years. (I have had my old bike for ten years.)

your bike?
Four or five times a week. (I ride my bike four or five times a week.)
5. A: to work?

I usually ride my bike. (I usually get to work by riding my bike.)

6     7     8

your bike to work today?

No. Today I got a ride. (I didn't ride my bike to work today.)


Oh. You a ride?

Paul did. (Paul gave me a ride.)

your bike over the weekend?

Yes,I did. (I rode my bike over the weekend.)

over the weekend?

Twenty-five miles. (I rode my bike twenty-five miles over the weekend.)

a comfortable seat?
Yes, it does. (My bike has a comfortable seat.)

A ten-speed bike. (I have a ten-speed bike.)


his ncw bike?

Two weeks ago. flason got his new bike two weeks ago')

Jason's new bike?

Billy. (Billy broke Jason's new bike.)

He ran it into a brick wall. (He broke it by running it into a brick wall.)

15. A:
No, he didn't. (Billy didn't get hurt.)
16. A:
No, it didn't. Only one wheel fell off. (The bike didn't have a lot of damage.)
17. A:
The front wheel. (The front wheel fell off, not the back wheel.)
18. )
No, he hasn't. (ason hasn't fixed the bike yet.)

Proctice 35. Crossword puzzle. (Chopter 5)

Complete the crossword puzzle. Use the clues to find the correct words.

3. I need someone to translate this letter from Chinese. speaks Chinese?
4. hand do you write with, your right or your left?
6. you at home last night? I called, but no one answered.
7. Florida have any mountains?
8. I need to buy some flour. What do the stores open?
1. far is the main road from here?
2. How long does it to go downtown on the bus?
3. are you going now? To your yoga lesson?
4. are you going to return? This afternoon or tonight?
5. Rome the capital of Italy?
6. happened over there? I see several police cars.

Asking Queslions 93
Chqpter 6
Nouns and Pronouns

> Prqctice I. Forms of nouns. (chort 6-l)

Read the paragraph. Circle each singular noun. Underline each plural noun.

O is afish. Sharks live in oceans all over the world. Some types are very large. The
largest shark is the size of a bus. It has 3,000 teeth, in five rows in its mouth. When one tooth falls
out, a new tooth grows in quickly. Many sharks are dangerous, and people try to avoid them.


> Prqctice 2. Forms of nouns. (chort 6-1)

ttrTrite the plural form of the noun under each heading.

applc child larnp rivcr

bcd C17 man shelf
carrot country mousc tablc
cat fox occan tomato
cherry lake peach tlgcr

> Prqctice 3. Forms of nouns. (Chort 6-l)
lfrite the correct singular or plural form of the given words.
1. one house wo わθLJう θタ

2. a two doors
?. one box a lot of
4. one three shelves
5. a copy 帥 0

6. a family several

7. a ●″O WOmcn
8. one child three
9. one fish several

10. a a lot of flies

1 1. a dish tWO
12. a glass many
13. one two dollars
14. one euro
15. a several roofs

16. one life many

17 - a radio a few

> Proctice 4. Forms ol nouns. (chort 6-l)

Underline each noun. !7rite the correct plural if necessary. Do not change any other words.
1. Aimlane.
./\-=jA have wine. .

2. Some baby are born with a few tooth.

3. Child like to play on swing.

4- A child is playing on our swing now.

5. I eat a lot of potato, bean, pea, and tomato.

6. I had a sandwich for lunch.
7. Some animal live in zoo.

8. Human have two foot.

9. The government of my country is a democracy.

10. Government collect tax.

Nouns ond Pronouns 95

> Prqclice 5. Subjects, verbs, ond objects, (chort 6-3)
over the subject and "V" over the verb. If there is an obiect, write "O" over it.

l Caroline dropped a dish.
2. The dish fell.
3. The noise woke her baby.
4. The baby cried.
5. Caroline rocked her baby.
6. The phone rang.

7. A man came to ttre door.

8. The dog barked loudly.

9. Caroline answered the door.

> Proclice 6, Subjects, velbs, ond obiects. (Chort 6-3)

riurite the words in the lists in the correct order. Capitalize the first word in each sentence.
I7rite a O if there is no oblect.
1. children play

subiect object ofverb

2. children ice cream like
subject verb object ofverb
3. a package arrived yesterday

subiect verb object ofverb

4. delivered the mail canier the package

subiect verb object of verb

5. my mother the package sent

subject verb object of verb

6. boarded the airplane the passengers

subject object ofverb

7. left the gate the plane

subject verb object of verb

8. left the ptane late
subject verb object of verb

> Proctice 7. Subjects, verbs, ond obiects. (crrort 6-3)
Decide whether the word in bold is a noun or a verb. !7rite "N" for noun and "V" for verb above
the word.

l. Andy hurt his hand.

2. Students hand in homework assignments to their teachers.

3. Ed has a loud laugh.

4. People always laugh at the comedian's jokes.

5. I usually wash my car on Saturday.

6. Maria put a big wash in the washing machine.

7 . The Northeast got a lot of snow last night.

8. It's going to snow tomorrow.

9. The text is too small for me to read.

10. I text several friends every day.

1 1. Please sign your name on the dotted line.

12. The sign says -A1o left turn.

Proctice 8. Objecls of prepositions. (Chorr 6-4)

O 礼

Describe the picture. Complete the sentences with the correct .

1. The bird is (in I on) rhe cage.

2. The bird is standing (in I on) the bar.

3. The cage (in lon) the table.

4. The cat is (beside I under) the table.

5. The light is (aboae I below) the cat and the bird.

6. The bird and the car are (aboae I below) the light.

7 . The plant is (behind I below) the cage.

8. The cat is (on I at) the door of the cage.

9. The cat wants to go (into I out) the cage.

10. Maybe the bird will fly (at I out) of the cage.

Nouns ond Pronouns 97

ト Proclice 9. Objecls of prepositions. (Chorr 6-4)
Choose the correct completion from Column B.

Column A Column B
l. The earth revolves a. over the mountain
-. is
2. The new office building b. in bed
3. If you want an education, go c. below the surface of the water
4. A submarine travels -. d. to college
5. If you are sick, stay -. e. between Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue
6. The plane flew -. f. around the sun


> Prqclice I0. Preposilions. (chort 6-4)

Complete the sentences with the correct words from the lists.

into Of

1. A mosquito flew in / into the room from the patio. It didn't bother me because I had
put insect repellent my face and arms.

My checkbook is the top drawer my desk.


My home is not my office. It takes me more than an hour to drive

my offrce every morning. That's a long drive.

above below from Of through

4. The equator is an imaginary line that divides the earth in half. The Northern Hemisphere is
the equator, and the Southern Hemisphere is the equator.

98 cHAPTER 6
5. Europe is north the equator.
6. Ecuador is a country in South America. It is called Ecuador-the Spanish word for equator-
because the equator runs the middle of it. When you look at a map,
you see that Ecuador is the equator.
7. Antarctica is very far south. It's far the equator.

> Proctice I l. Objects of prepositions. (chorr 6-4)

Part I. Read the passage. Circle the prepositions and underline the nouns that are objects of the

A ffurricane in Jarnaica
(1) hurricaneGDJamaica. Dark clouds appeared in the sky. Big waves rolled over rhe
'We had a
beaches. A strong wind blew through the trees. The rain fell hard on our roof. The water came
under the door and into the house.
(2) After the storm, we walked around the neighborhood. Across the street, a tree was on the
ground. Another tree was leaning against the house. Some electrical wires were hanging near the
house too.
(3) The sun, which had been behind the clouds, finally appeared again. lJ7e were happy and
grateful because we were standing beneath the hot Jamaican sun again.

Part II. Each statement is incorrect. Make true statements by correcting the prepositional

1. Dark clouds appeared through the trees.

Dark clouda appeared in the aky.
2. The water came in through the open window.

3. After the storm) the people walked outside the neighborhood.

4. The tree had fallen down on my house.

5. The sun had been in the clouds.

6. The neighbors felt happy and grateful when they were standing in the rain.

Nouns ond Pronouns 99

> Proclice 12. Prepositions of time. (Chort 6-5)
Complete the sentences with in, at, or on.

The Jacksons got married . . . Their baby was born . . .

l. ln the summer. 9. Inidnight.

2. June. 10. 12:00A.M.

3. June 17th. 11. the rnorning.

4. Saturday. 12. April 12th.

5. 12:00 RM. 13. 2009.

6. noon. April.

7. 2007. Wedncsday.
8. Saturday afternoon.

> Proclice 13. Preposiiions of lime. (chort 6-5)

Complete the sentences with in, at, or ot .

1. Jan is a nurse on the night shift. hospital

She works in the night. She sleeps
the morning. She does her errands the afternoon. She works
weekends. She has her days off W'ednesdays and Thursdays.

2. Melissa is a new doctor at the hospital. She began work there July lst.
the present time, she is working in cardiology.* She is going to attend a lecture on cardiology
noon tomorrow. She is going to take an exam for cardiologists** the
summer. the future, she wants to be a cardiologist.

> Proctice 14. Word order: plqce qnd lime. (chort 6-6) -
Complete the senttences. Use all the words in the list and the correct word order.
1. to the airport, tomorrow morning

I'11 take you

2. last month, a new job
Harry got
3. in January, in the mountains, skis

Our family always

4. at the cffie shop, in the morning, has breakfast
Gladys usually
5.滋 sι Sunday, jogged, in the park

6. boughtrin the suburbsrlastyear, a house

The Green family

*cardiology: the medical study ofthe heart

**cardiologist: a doctor who treats heart diseases

> Proclice 15. Word order: ploce ond lime. (chort 6-6)
Complete each sentence by putting the phrases in the correct order.
t. stopped 1
The police officer the driver.
2 at a busy intersection.
5 at midnight.
2. My friends rented on the lake.

- last summer.
a sailboat.
3. The children caught in the river.

- several fish.

- last weekend.
4. W'e ate - at noon.

- our lunch.

- in the park.
5. I bought - a magazine.

- at the corner newsstand.

- after work yesterday.

> Proctice 16. Subject-verb ogreement. -

(chort 6-7)
Complete the sentences with is or are.
1. DVDs are from the library.
2. The DVDs from the library past due.
3. Everyone here.
4. Evervbodv on time for class.
5. All the teachers here.
6. Every teacher at this school patient.
7. Some people wise.
8. There a good movie at the SunsetTheater this weekend.

9. There some good movies in town over the weekend.

10. The rules of this game easy.

11. This information about taxes helpful.

- ogreement.
> Prqclice 17. Subject verb (chorl 6-7)
Choose the correct verb. -
1.Bees(Gα た
)/″ α
2. Tomatoes (needs /need) lots of sunshine to grow.
3. (Do I Does) the people in your neighborhood help each other?
4. There (is I are) some people already in line for the movie.
5. The vegetables in the bowl on the table (is I are) fresh.

Nouns ond Pronouns I0l

6. Everybody always (comes I come) to class on time.
7. Everyone in the class (r I are) paytng attention.
8. The students in the class always Q>ay / pays) attention.
9. The dishes on the counter (is I are) ditty.
10. Every person (needs I need) to bring identification.
I 1. The people next door (goes I go) hiking every weekend in the summer.
12. My father and mother (works I work) for the same company.
13. The pictures on the wall (is I are) of my father's family.

> Prqclice 18. Adjeclives. (chort 6-8)

Underline each adjective. Draw an alTow to the noun it describes.
l. Paul has
2. Sugar is sweet.

3. The students took an easy test.

4. Air is free.

5. \trfe ate some delicious food at a Mexican restaurant.

6. The child was sick.

7. The sick child got into his warm bed and sipped hot tea with honey and lemon in it.

> Proctice 19. Adjectives. (chort 6-8)

Complete each phrase with an adjective that has the opposite meaning.
1. new cars old cars

2. a young man Inan

3. a good day day

4. hard exercises exerclses

5. a soft pillow pillow

6. a street a wide street

7. plates dirty plates

8. cups full cups
9. dangerous cities cltles

10. a dark color color

11. a heavy box box
12. a place a private place

13. my left foot my foot

14. the wrong answer the answcr

15。 a walk a short walk

> Proclice 20. Using nouns os odjectives. lcnod 6-9)
Use the information in italics to complete the sentences. Each completion should have a noun that
is used as an adjective in front of another noun.

1. Numbers on pages are paAe numbere

2. Money that is made of paper is
3. Buildings that have apartments are
4. Gardens with roses are
5. Chains for keys are
6. Governments in cities are
7. Walls made of bricks arc
8. Cartons that hold eggs arc
9. Views of mountains are
10. Lights that control traffb are

1 1. Pies that are made with apples are

12. Bridges made from steel are

> Proclice 2I. Using nouns qs qdieclives. (crrorr 6-9)

Choose the correct completion.

l. A: '$7hat kind of tree is that?

B: It's a It produces peaches in the summer.
a. peaches tree b. peach tree c. tree peaches
2. A: So, you grew up on a farm. IThat kind of farm?
B: A u7e had chickens on the farm.

a. farm chickens b. chickens farm c. chicken farm

3. A: We have a special dessert tonight. It's a cake made with carrots from the chef's own
B: Sounds good! I'll have the
a. carrot cake b. carrots cake c. cake carrots

4. A: !0hat is a good present to get for your son? He likes to play games on the computer, right?
B: Right. He loves
a. computers games b. computer games c. game computers
5. A: Are you going to travel in Canada by uain?
B: Yes, we are. !7e like
a. trip trains -. b. train trips c. uains trips
6. A: Look at thar unusual building. Is it a new hotel?
B: No. It's A lot of big companies have their offrces there.
a. an office building b. an offices building c. a building office

Nouns ond Pronouns I03

> Proctice 22. Adiectives. (chorts 6-8 ond 6-9)
part I. Read the passage. It is adapted from a blog by astronaut Sandra Magnus. It was written
from space in 2008.

The night sky below is not completely dark. The cloud cover over the earth reflects the city
lights. There are lights above us too-white lights, red lights, and orange lights. They are all around
us in space. They are everyvrhere. They sparkle.* You are swimming in a sea of beautiful lights.
These bright lights in space are stars. You know that these shining stars are large, like our sun, and
you know that they are very far from us. But from here, each star seems so tiny. You feel that space
is enormous.**

Part II. Answer the questions according to the information in the passage. Circle``T''if the
statement is true. Circle
*F" if the statement is false.

1. Astronauts can see the earth's night sky from space.

2. The writer sees lights of different colors.

3. These lights are stars.

4. Each star looks small, but it is not really small. T

5. The writer feels that space is tiny.

> Proctice 23. Review: nouns. (chorts 6-1 ' 6-9)

These sentences have mistakes in the use of nouns. Find each noun. Decide if the noun should
be plural and add the correct plural form as necessary. Do not change any other words in the

The mountain.n in Chile are bcautinll.

2. Cat hunt mouse.

3. Mosquito are small insect.

r't r //t t'
4. Everyone has eyelash.

*sparkle: shine in bright flashes

**eilormous: very big in size or in amount

I 04 cHAPTER 6
5. Do you listen to any podcasts when you take plane trip?

6. Forest sometimes have fire. Forest fire endanger wild animal.

7. Sharp kitchen knife can be dangerous.

8. I couldn't get concert tickets for Friday. The ticket were all sold out.

9. There are approximately 2501000 different kind of flower in the world.

10. I applied to several foreign university because I want to study in a different country.

I 1. Ted lives with three other university student.

12. In the past one hundred year, our daily life have changed in many way. We no longer need to

use oil lamp or candle in our house, raise our own chicken, or build daily fire for cooking.

> Proctice 24. Personol pronouns: subiects ond obiects. (chorr 6-10)
Underline the personal pronouns. Then write each pronoun and the noun it refers to.
1. Dr. Gupta is a math professor. Students like her very much. She makes them laugh.
They enjoy Dr. Gupta's classes because they are fun.
a. her --+ Dr. Ouota
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
c  d
。 .


2. Dr. Re5molds is a dentist. Not many patients like him. He is not patient or gentle with them,
but he is the only dentist in rown, so many people go to him.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
a   b


3. Beth says: "My hometown is a wonderful place. It's a small town. I know all the people there,
and they know me. They are friendly. If you visit, they will welcome you.,,
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓




Nouns ond Pronouns I05

> Prociice 25. Personql plonouns: subjects ond objecis. lcnod 6-10)
Decide if the underlined word is a subject or object prounoun. \7rite for subject and "O" for
object above the underlined word.

1. Jackie just texted me.
2. She's going to be late.

3. lia and Ning are arriving tomorrow. They'll be here around noon.

4. Their parents will be happy to see them.

5. The doctor canceled the appointment. He has had an emergency.

6. If you need to speak to the doctor, call him tomorrow morning.

7. Bob and I had dinner last night.

8. Sfe went to a restaurant on the lake.

9. George invited us to his wedding.

10. It's going to be in June.

I 1. Your mother called and left a message. Call her right away.

12. Please answer me as soon as possible.

13. You live in the dorms, right?

14. See lpu tomorrow!

> Proclice 26. Personol pronouns: subiects ond obiects. (chort 6-10)
Check (/) all the pronouns that can complete each sentence.

1. Mark called night.

last 2. called Mark last night.
trhe - Eher nHe
- EHer
trI Dhim lHim trI
Eme Eshe nMe trShe
n them tr they n Them tr TheY
lus Ewe EUs tr$7e
lyou EYou

3. Sharon saw on the plane. 4. saw Sharon on the plane.

Eheandl - nherandl EHeandI

- trHerandI
tr him and me E him and I tr Him and me E Him and I
E you and me n you and I nYou and me EYou and I
E she and I flshe and me E She and I E She and me
E her and me E them and I E Her and me EThem and I
n they and me E them and us trThey and me DThey and us

106 cHAPTER 6
> Proctice2T. Personql plonouns. (Chort6-10)
Choose the correct pronoun.

1. \7ill you take (1 I me) to the airport?

2. r$7ill you take Jennifer and (.I I me) to the airport?
3. Jennifer and (1 I me) will be ready at 7:00 A.M.
4. Did you see Marta? (she I Her) was waiting in your office ro talk to you.
5. I sawAnn a few minutes ago. I passed Sara, and (she I her) was talking to (she I her) tnthe
6. Nick used to work in his father's store, but his father and (he I him) lnad a serious
disagreement. I think his father fired (he / him).
7. Prof. Molina called (we I us). He wants to see (we / us) in his office tomorrow morning.
8. Thke these documents and destroy (they I them). (They I Them) conrain personal and financial

> Prqclice 28. Possessive nouns. (chort 6-11)

Choose the correct spelling of each possessive noun.

1. I have one cousin. My name is Paul.

a. cousin's b. cousins'
2. I have two cousins. My names are Paul and Kevin.
a. cousin's b. cousins'
3. I have three sons. My names are Ryan, Jim, and Scott.
a. son's b. sons'

4. I have a son. My name is Ryan.

a. son's b. sons'
5. I have a puppy. My name is Rover.
a. puppy's b. puppies'
6. I have two puppies. My names are Rover and Rex.
a. puppie's b. puppies'
7. I have one child. My _ name is Anna.
a. child's b. childs'

8. I have two children. My names are Anna and Keith.

a. children's b. childrens'
9. The winner of the dance contest was the judges'choice but not the choice.
a. people's b. peoples'

10. Excuse me. Where is the restroom?

a. men's b. mens'

Nouns ond Pronouns I07

> Prqctice 29. Possessive nouns. (chort 6-t t)
uTrite the possessive form of the italicized noun in the second sentence.

1. The book belongs to my friend. It's friend'a

my book.
2. These books belong to my friends. They are my friends' books.

3. The car belongs to my parents. It's my car.

4. The car belongs to my mother. It's my car.

5. This phone belongs to Carl. It's phone.

6. The keys belong to Carl. They're keys.

7 . The toys belong to the baby. T\ey are the toys.

8. The toy belongs to the DaDy. It's the toy.

9. The toys belong to the babies. They are the toys.

10. This iacket belongs to Ann. lt's jacket.

1 1. The shoes belong to Bob. They are shoes.

12. The shirt belongs to James. It's shirt.

> Proclice 30. Possessive nouns. (chort 6-11)

I?'rite the correct possessive form if necessary.

1. I met Dan sister yesterday.
2. I met Dan and his sister yesterday. (No change.)
3. I know Jack roommates.
4. I knowJackwell. He's a good friend of mine.

5. I have one roommate. My roommate desk is always messy.

6. You have two roommates. Your roommates desks are always neat.

7. Jo Ann and Betty are sisters.

8. Jo Ann is Betty sister. My sister name is Sonya.

g. My name is Richard. I have two sisters. My sisters names are Jo Ann and Betty.

10. I read a book about the changes in women roles and men roles in modern society.

> Proclice 31. Possessive pronouns vs. possessive odjectives. (chort 6-12)
Complete the sentences with possessive pronouns or possessive adjectives that refer to the words in

1. A: Can I look at your grammar book?

B: Ylhy? Youhave your ownt book. Youhave youre , and I have mine.

*Oan frequently follows a possessive adiective: e.g., my own,your oirn, their ousn. The word oroz emphasizes that nobody else
possesses the exact same thing(s); owuership belongs orly to me (my *r, book), to you (your outn book), to them (their ottn books) '
to ts (our mon books), etc.

I 08 cHAPTER 6
2. A: Kim wants to look at your grammar book.
B: lJ7hy? S&e has own book. Sfte has , and I have mine.
3. A: Jake wants to look at your grammar book.
B: r$7hy? Hehas own book. Hehas , and I have mine.
4. A: Jake and I want to look at your grammar book.
B: Why? Yoa have own books. Youhave , and I have mine.
5. A: Jake and Kim want to look at our grammar books.
B: Why? Theyhave own books. Wehave own books. Ifrey
have , and wehave

> Prqctice 32. Possessive pronouns vs. possessive odjectives. (chorr 6-12)
Choose the correct word.
l. Mrs. Lee asked (&er lhers) ktds ro clean up the kitchen.
2. I don't need to borrow your bicycle. My sister lent me (her / hers).
3. Tbd and I are roommates. (Our I Ours) apartmenr is small.
4. Brian and Louiehave a bigger apartment. In fact, (their r theirs) ishuge.
5. You can find ( your I yours) keys in the top drawer of the desk.
6. The keys in the drawer belong to you. /have (my I mine) n (rny I mine) pocket. Yoz should
look in the drawer for ( your I yours).
7 . Tbm and Paul talked about (their I theirs) experiences in the wilderness areas of Canada.
I've had a lot of interesting experiences in the wilderness, but nothing to compare with
(their I theirs).

8. ^I
know Eric well. He is a good friend of (my I mine). You lilnow him roo, don't you? Isn't he a
friend of (you / yours) too?

> Prqctice 33. Reflexive plonouns. (Chorr 6-13)

Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns that refer to the words in italics.
1. .I enjoyed myaelf at DisneyWorld.

2. We all enjoyed there.

3. Uncle Joe enjoyed

4. Aunt E/sa enjoyed

5. Jessica and Paul enjoyed

6. Hi, Emily! Did you enjoy

7. Hi, Emily and Dan! Didyoz enjoy

8. In its advertising, DisneyWorld calls "the happiest place in the

Nouns ond Pronouns I09

> Proclice 34. Reflexive plonouns. (Chort 6-13)
Complete each sentence with an appropriate expression from the list. Be sure to use the correct
reflexive pronoun.

be proud of /cut help take care of teach

blame enjoy introduce talk to work for

1. Ouch! | |ust cut myeelf with a knife.

2. You got a scholarship to State College? Congratulations, Anna!You must

3. John often People think there is more than one person

in the room, but there isn't. It's only John.
4. \?hen I was young, I to ride a bicycle. Then I taught the
other children in the neighborhood.
5. Sheri for the accident, but it wasn't her fault. The other
car didn't stop at the stop sign and crashed into hers.
6. Eat, eat! There's lots more pizza in the oven. Please, all of you,
to rnorc plzza.

7. Adam seldom gets sick because he eats healthy food and exercises regularly. He

8. They went to a party last night. Let's ask them if they

9. My father never worked for anyone. He always owned his own company. He
throughout his entire adult life.
10. At the beginning of each term, my students to the whole class.

> Proclice 35. Review: pronouns qnd possessive odjectives. (Chorts 6-10 + 6-13)
Choose the correct pronouns.

1.Alan invitcd(1/(D)tO gO tO dinner with(み θ

2. Sam and you should be proud of (yourself lyourselaes). The two of you did a good job.
3. The room was almost empty. The only furniture was one table. The table stood by (it I itself )
in one corner.
4. The bird returned to (its lei's*) nest to feed (its I it's) baby bird.
5. Nick has his tennis racket, and Ann has (her I hers I her's*).
6. 'Where's Eric? I have some good news forJoe and (he I him I his I himself ).

7. Don't listen to Greg. You need to think for ( yourself I yourselaes), Jane. It's
(you I your I your's*) life.
8. \7e all have (zs I our lozrs) own ideas about how to live (our I ours I oart*) lives.

★REMttDER:Apostrophcs are NOT uSCd with possess市 e pronouns.Notc thatづ お =possesslvc adiCCuVe;壼 も =力 お.Also note that
ル rtyο rt and ο rも are NOT POSSIBLE h grammatically corrcct English.
“ “

9. You have your beliefs, and we have (our I ours).
10. People usually enioy (themselaes I theirselaes*) at family gatherings.
I l. History repeats (himself I herself I itself ).
12. David didn't need my help. He finished the work by (him I himself I hissetf ).

> Proctice 35. Review: pronouns ond possessive odjectives. (chorrs 6-10 ,6-13)
Complete each passage with words from the list. You may use a word more than once. Capitalize
words as necessary.

hc him himscif his

(1)TOm is wearing a bandage on 力修 arm. 月θ hurt 力′ 多θlf

1 2 3

whilc was repairing the roof. I'll help with the
roof later.

h 鷲

her mllnc

hers our

(2) I have a sister. name is Katherine, but we call

Kate. andlsharearoom. room is pretty small.
have only one desk. has five drawers. Kate puts
things in the two drawers on the right. I keep ln
the two drawers on the left. Kate doesn't open my two drawers, and I don,t op,-en
. She and share the middle drawer.
9 10

e e

his their thcy

my theirs

(3) Mr. Ramirez is the manager of our office. has a corner offrce with
name on the door. Ms. Lake is asslstant.
office is next to Mr. Ramirez's offrce. often work
together on projects by ,but l wOrk with
sometimes. They never come to office to meet. I always go to
. I take an elevator to get to oftices, or I walk up a
long flight of stairs.

the correct reflexive pronoun form.

Nouns ond pronouns III

□ 一〇 ”
Proclice 37. Singulor forms ol olher: o,nolhet vs. fhe other. (chort 6-14)
$frite another or the other under each picture.

1. four boxes:
another another the other

丁 3 市な
2. three circles:

3. five flowers:

4. two cups:




5. six spoons:

> Prqctice 38. Singulor forms ol olher: o,nother vs. the olher (Chort 6-14)
Complete the sentences with another or the other.
1. There are two girls in Picture A. One is Ann. is Sara.



2. There are three boys in Picture B. One is Alex. one is Mike.

3. In Picture B, Alex and Mike are smiling. boy looks sad.

4. There are three boys in Picture B. All three have common first names. One is named Alex.
a. is named David.
b. The name of one is Mike.
5. There are many common English names for boys. Alex is one.
a. Mike is
b. David is
c. John is common name.
d.JOC iS
e. t$7hat is common English name for a boy?

> Proctice 39. Plurolforms ol olher: other(s) vs. tre other(s). (chorr6-15)
complete the sentences with the other, the others-, other, or others.
1. There are four common nicknames for "Robert." One is "Bob." Another is ,,Bobby.,,
The othera are,,Robbie', and.,Rob.,,
2. There are five English vowels. One is ,,a.,, Another is ,,e.,, are "ir"
and ttu."
3. There are many consonants in English. The letters "b" and "c', are consonants.
are ttdr" ttfr" and ttg."
4. Some people are tall, and are short. Some people are neither tall
nor short.
5. Some people are tall, and people are short.
6. Some animals are huge. are tiny.
7. Some animals are huge. animals are tiny.
8. Of the twenty students in the class, eighteen passed the exam.
9. Out of the twenty students in the class, only two failed the exam.
students passed.

> Proctice 40. Summory: forms ol olher, (Chorts 6-14 _+ 6_16)

Choose the correct completion.

1. Gold is one kind of metal. Silver is

a. another b. the other c. the others d. others e. other
2. Summer is one season. Spring is _.
a. another b. the other c. the others d. others e. other
3. There are four seasons. Summer is one. are winter, fall, and spring.
a. Another b. The other c. The others d. others e. other
4. !7hat's your favorite season? Some people like spring the best. think fall is the nicest
a. Another b. The other c. The orhers - others
d. e. other
5. This cat's eyes are different colors. one eye is gray, and _ is green.
a. another b. the other c. the others d. others e. other
Nouns ond pronouns I I3
6. There are two reasons not to buy that piece of furniture. One is that it's expensive. is
that it's not well made.
a. Another b. The other c. The others d. Others e. -Other
7. Alex failed his English exam, but his teacher is going to give him chance to pass it.
b. the other c. the others
- others
a. another d. e. other

8. Some people drink tea in the morning. have coffee. I prefer fruit juice.
a. Another b. The other - c. The others d. Others e. Other
9. There are five digits in the number 20,000. One digit is a2. digits are all zeroes.
a. Another b. The other c. The others d. Others e. Other
> Ptqclice 4I. Review. (chopter 6)
Choose the correct completion.

1. The people at the market (rs / are) ftiendly.

2. How many (potan I potatoes) should I cook for dinner tonight?
3. I wanted to be alone, so I worked (myself lby myse[).
4. The twins were born (lz I on) December 25th (on I at) midnight.
5. On the small island, there are seven (oacation I oacatbns) ho',rses.
6. The bus driver waited for (zue / rus) at the bus stop.
7. Can you tell a good book by (rts / rtt) tide?
8. This is (our I ourc) dessert, and ttrat is (your lyoun).
9. Jack has so much confidence. He really believes in (ftlz /himsef).
10. These bananas are okay, but (the other I the others) were better'

> Proclice 42. Editing. (Chopter 6)

Correct the errors.
1. Look at those beautifuls mountains!

2. The children played on Saturday afternoon at the park a game.

3. There are two horse, several sheeps, and a cow in the farmers field.

4. The owner of the store is busy in the moment.

5. The teacher met her's students at the park after school.

6. Everyone want peace in the world.

7. I grew up in a city very large'

8. This apple tastes sour. There are more, so let's try the other one.

9. Some tree lose tleir leaf in the winter.

10. I am going to wear my shirt blue to the party.

I 1. People may hurt theirselves if they use this machine.

12. Our neighbors invited my friend and I to visit they.
13. My husband boss works for twelve hour every days.

14. The students couldn't find they're books.

15. I always read magazines articles while I'm in the waiting room at my dentists office.

> Prqclice 43. Word seorch puzzle.

Circle the plural forms of the these words in the puzzle: man, ?!oman, child, tooth, fly, foot, fox, wolf,
monkey. The words may be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. The first letter of each word is
highlighted in gray.

C  H





L ■







Nouns ond Pronouns I l5

Chqpter 7
MOdar AuxJ′ JarFes

> Proctice I. The form of modol ouxiliories. (chort 7-l)

Add the word ,o where necessary. I$(/rite O if to is not necessary.
1. Mr. Alvarez spilled ketchup on his shirt. He must A change clothes before dinner'

2. Mr. Alvarez lnas to change his shirt before dinner'

1. Tom and I might play soccer after work tomorrow'

4. Would you -- speak more slowly, please?

5. The students have take a test next Friday'

7. Everyone ought cover their mouth when they cough.*

8. May I please have the salt and pepper? Thanks'

g. youd better nor come to the meeting late. The boss will be angry if

you're late.
10. I,ve been going to bed after midnight. The nexr day, I can't stay awake in class.
I've got go to bed earlier from now on'

I l. \$7ith that cough, you had better see a doctor soon' I think you may have

> Proctice 2. Expressing qbility. (chort 7-2)

Complete each senten". *iih the correit word in parentheses' Note the words in boldface'

1. (giraffe' zebra) Izebracan,tstretchitsnecktoreachthetopsoftrees.

2. (bee, cat) A single can kill a thousand mice in a Year.

3. (Rabbits, ElePhants) can break small trees under their huge feet'

4. (Monkeys,Chickens) can climb trees easilY.

Did you know that can survive 17 daYs
5. (ducks, camels)
without any water at all?

6. (cow,bull) One can produce as much as 8,500 lbs.

(3,860 kgs) of milk in a Year.
A person can sit on without hurting it.
7 . (horse, cat) a

*cough = a sudden push of air out of your throat with a shout sound'
**pneumonia= a serious illness that affects your lungs and makes it difficult for you to breathe'

8. (donkey, snake) A can carry heavy loads on its back.
9. (squirrel,polar bear) A can stay high up in the trees for weeks and
jump from branch to branch.
10. (people, anx) Most can lift objects that are ten times heavier
than their own bodies.

> Proctice 3. Expressing possibility ond permission. (Chorr 7-3)

Decide if the meaning of the modal verb is possibility or permission.

1. Both of my grandparents are rerired. They like to travel.
They may travel overseas next summer. permission
2. They may take their two grandchildren with them. permission
3. A: Yes,Tommy, you may play outdoors until dinner.
B: Okay, Mom. possibility permission
4. A: What's wrong with the dog's foot?
B: He may have an infection. possibility permission
5. The dog has an infected foot. He might need to go to the vet. possibility permission
6. A: I'm sorry, sir, but passengers cantt walk around the
plane when the "Fasten seat belt sign" is on.
B: Oh, okay. I'm sorry. possibility permission
7. It may be hot and humid all weekend. possibility permission
8. If you finish the test early, you may leave. possibility permission
9. I might not stay up to warch the end of the game onTV.
I'm very sleepy. possibility permission
10. A: Excuse me. Can I ask you a personal question?
B: Hmmm . . . I don't know about that. I reallv don't like
personal questions. possibility permission

> Proctice 4. Expressing possibilaty. (Chort 7-3)

Rewrite each sentence using the word in parentheses.

1. Maybe I will take a nap. (might) I mi?ht take a nap.

2. She might be sick. (maybe) Maybe ahe ie eick.
3. There may be time later. (maybe)
4. Maybe our team will win. (may)
5. You may be right. (might)
6. Maybe we'll hear soon. (may)
7. It might rain. (may)
8. Maybe it will snow. (might)
9. She might come tomorrow. (maybe)
10. She might be at home right now. (maybe)

Modoi Auxiliones l 1 7
> Proctice 5. Expressing obility ond possibility. (Chorts 7-2ond7-3)
Choose the correct completion.

1. A: Are you running in the big race tomorrow, Alan?

B: No, I'm not. I run. I broke my foot on Saturday
and now it's in a cast.
a. can
- c. may
b. can't d. may not
2. A: \7here'sTracy? I've been looking for her all morning.
B: I haven't seen her. She be sick.
a. can c. might
d. might not
b. can't
3. A: I heard that Jessica has gotten a scholarship to Duke University!
B: It,s not definite yet, but she get one. The admissions office says that it's possible and
they will let us know next month.
c. might
a. can
b. can't d. might not
4. A: I-arry has been in NewYork for a couple of months. Is he going to stay there or return
B: It depends. If he find a job there soon, he'll stay. If not, he'll come home.
a. can c. may
- d. maY not
b. can't
5. A: Is Jodie a doctor now?
B: Not yet, bur almost. She finished medical school last month, but she hasn't taken her
exams yet. She be a doctor until she passes them.
a. can -
c. might
b. can't d. might not
6. A: lVhen are you going to sell your old car?
B: As soon as I find someone to buY it!
a. can c. may
b. can't
- d. may not

> Proctice 6. Meonings ol could. (chorts 7-2ond7-4)

Choose the expression that has the same meaning as t};le italicized verb.

1. A: How long will it take you to paint two small rooms?

B: I'm not sure. If the iob is not complicated, I couldfinish byThursday.
a. was able to finish b. might finish
2. I think I'll take my umbrella. It could rain today.
a. was able to rain b. might rain
3. My niece could readby the time she was four years old.
a. was able to read b. might read
4. you could. see thatthe little boy was unhappy because of the sad expression in his eyes.
a. were able to see b. might see

5. Sally is in excellent condition. I think sirre could win ttre lO-kilometer race on Saturday.
a. was able to win b. might win

r 18 CHAPTER 7
6. John couldn't driae for a month because of a broken ankle, but now it's healed.
a. wasn't able to drive b. might not drive
7. Jane could arriae before dinner, but I don't really expect her until nine or later.
a. was able to arrive b. might arrive
8. Simon was in an accident, but he couldn't remember how he had hurt himself.
a. wasn't able to remember b. might not remember
> Proctice 7. Polite questionsi Mdy l, Could l, Can r. (Chorr 7-5)
Complete the conversations. \7rite the letter of the question that matches each answer.

a. Can I borrow the book when you finish it?

b. Could I pick you up at 6:30 instead of 6:00?
c. Could we watch the comedy instead of the war movie?
d. May I ask you a question?
e. May I have some more potatoes, please?
f. May I help you?

B: Yes. They're delicious, aren't they?
B: Yes. rJ7hat would you like to know?

B: Thanks. I want to buy this.
B: Thar's a little late.
B: Sure. I'm in the mood for something funny.
B: Yes. I'll probably finish it tonight.

> Proclice 8. Polite questions. (Chorrs 7-5 ond 7-6)

Complete each part of the conversation with the correct word from the list. More than one word
may be correct.

(l) may, would

A: Hello,TracyJohnson's office. I help you?


B: Yes,please. I'd like to spcak to Ms.JOhnsOn.

A: I'm sorry. She's in a meeting. you leave your name and number? I'll
ask her to call you back.

B: Yes. It's 555-7981.

A: I ask what this is about?


B: Well, I have some good news for her. you please tell her that?

Modoi Auxi:iones l19

(2)“ 仏 εο ″

A: Of course.

B: And you please tell her that this is important?


A: All right,I certainly will. I ask you just one more thing?

B: YesP

A: you please leave me your name? You forgot to tell me that.


Practice 9. Polile questions.(chorIS 7-5 ond 7-6)

Check(/)all the modal allxiliaries that correctly completc each qucstion.
1. It's cold in hcre. ___you pleasc closc the door?
_May / cOuld / Can / Would
2. Oh,I forgot my wallet. I borrow ten dollars from you until tomorrow?
_Could _A/1ay- __ヽ /111 __Can
3. I can't lift this box by myself. you help me carry it?
\rould Could - MaY \rill
4. Hello. - find something -in the store?
I help you
__Can - ___Would _May __Could
5. The store closes in ten minutes. you please bring all your purchases to the counter?
__Will ___May - _Can __Could

Proctice I0. Expressing odvice. (Chort 7-7)

Complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn', and the expressions in the list.

1. Ifyou are tired, you ahotildn't, drive a lona dieta

2. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health. You

3. A good driver
4. A teacher
5. A student
6. Animals have feelings' You

7. It is important to be punctual. You

8. Littering is against the law. You

> Proctice I l. Expressing odvice. (Chort 7-7)

rilTrite the letter of the word or phrase that correctly completes
each sentence.

a. ask her again f. read the instructions first

b. eat it g. stick to my diet
c. find a new girl friend h. study
d. go to the game i. wash it in cold water
e. keep pushing all the buttons j. wash it in hot water

l. A: Should I wash this sweater in hot water to get the spot out?
B: No. You shouldn't The sweater will shrink if you wash it in hot water. You
2. A: This is my newTV remote,* but I can't figure out how to use it.
B: You shouldn't You should _.
3. A: You like this chocolate cake, don't you?
B: I love it, but I shouldn'r _. I'm trying ro lose weight. I should
4. A: Are you going to study for the exam tonight?
B: I should but I'm not going ro. I'm going to the basketball game.
A: How come?
B: t$7ell,I shouldn't but I really want to see it. our team might win the
championship tonight!
5. A: I have asked Linda to marry me five times. she always says "No.,, what should I do?
Should I -,
ask her again?
B: No, of course not! You shouldn't you should

*remote : remote control

Modo:Auxi‖ αnes 121

> Procticel2. Expressing odvice. (chorts 7'7 ondT-B)
Choose the correct comPletion.

H 。

e u

C   C.

r. h

2. Danny doesn't feel well. He better see a doctor.
a. should b. ought -
c. had
3. Danny doesn't feel well. He to see a doctor.
a. should b. ought -
c. had
4. It's very warm in here. \7e open some windows'
a. should b. ought
c. had
5. It's really cold in here. \7e to close some windows'
a. should b. - ought c. had
6. Tttere's a police car behind us. You better slow down!
a. should b. ought - c. had
7. People who use public parks clean up after themselves'
a. should b. ought
c. had

g. I have no money left in my bank account. I better stop charging things on my credit
a. should b. ought c.- had
g. It's going to be a formal dinner and dance. You to change clothes.
a. should b. ougtrt c. had
10. This library book is overdue. I better return it today'
a. should b. ought
c. had

Applying to College

I'm applying to colleges now. I would like to go to Stellar Universiry, but they probably won't
accept me. First, students to have excellent grades to go there, and my grades
| ---
are only average. Second, a student --- be in the top 10 percent of the class' and
- 2
I am not. I am in the top 30 percent. Third, everybody to take a difficult
--- 3
examination and do well on it. I am not good at examinations. I 4-
to take
many examinations when I was younger, and I didn't do well on any of them'

On the other hand, I think they will accept me at People's lJniversity. First, at this school, a

student doesn't to have excellent grades, iust good ones. Second, there is no

entrance examination. Instead, you just to write a couple of good essays, and
I am good at writing. I to write a lot of compositions last year, and I always

did weH.

You got to be realistic when you choose your university.

I think I am very
realistic and I expect People's University will be a good fit for me.

> Proclice 14. Necessityi musl, hove lo, have got to. (chort 7-9)
Choose the correct verb.
1. Last week, John (had n I must) interview five people for the new management position.
2. Professor Drake (had got to I had ro) cancel several lecrures when she became ill.
3. !7hy did you (haae to I had ro) leave work early?
4. | (must I had m) take my daughter to the airport yesterday.
5. rWhere did John (haae n I had to) go for medical help yesterday?
6. We (had to I had got ro) contact a lawyer last week about a problem with our neighbors.
7 - I (haae got to I had to) leave now. | (have to I had ro) pick up my kids. They're waiting
at school.
8. You' (had to I must) have a pencil with an eraser for the exam. Do not bring a pen.

> Proctice 15. Necessity: must, have lo, hove got to. (chort 7-9)
$7rite the past tense of the verbs in fualics.

1. I haae to study for my medical school exams.

Pasr: I had to atudy for my medical school exams.
2. \/e haae to turn off our water because of a leak.
Pasr: We our water because of a leak.
3. Do you haae to work over the holidays?
Pesr: you over the holidays?

4. Jerry has got to see the dentist twice this week.

Pasr: Jerry the dentist twice last month.
5. !7ho ftas got to be in early for work this week?
Pasr: Who in early for work last week?
6. The bank must close early today.

PAST:The bank early yesterday.

Modo:Auxiliones 1 23
> Proclice 15. Expressing necessity. (crrort z-q)
Check (/) the sentence that best completes each conversation.

1. A: Ma'am, show me your driver's license, please.

B: Of course, officer' But what did I do? 'Why did you pull me over?
A: EYou didn't stop at the red light. You have to stop at red lights'
EYou've got to be on time for work.
EYou have to fill out this form.
2. A: Son, what happened? You didn't call to say that you were going to be late'
B: I'm sorry. I forgot.
A: EYou must get better grades.

nYou have to clean uP Your room.

EYou've got to be more resPonsible.
3. A: Nice shoes. But they're big for you!
B: \7ell,I ordered them from an Internet site, but they sent the wrong ones instead.
A: nYou must wear better shoes.
EYou've got to walk a lot.
EYou have to send them back and get the right ones'
4. A: May I help You?
B: Yes. I'm here to apply for the assistant teacher's job'
A: tr Okay. Everyone has to apply for a job.
tr Okay. Everyone must fill out an application' Here it is'
tr Okay. Everyone has got to pay attention.
5. A: Ms. Honeywell, Jimmy will be better in a few days'
B: Should he take any medicine, doctor?
A: E No. He has got to play football tomorrow.
tr No. He has to take this medicine three times a day'
tr No. He just has ro stay in bed for a couple of days and drink plenty of water.

> proctice 17. Expressing lock of necessity ond prohibition. (Chort 7-10)
complete the sentences with don't hanse to ot ntustlrtu"st not.

1. To fly from one country to another, you muot have a plane ticket and a passport.

Z. To fly from one city to another in the same country, it's necessary to have a plane ticket, but
you have a passport.

3. Billy, you are allergic to bees. There are a lot of bees in the flowers. You
play near them.

4. You order fish in this seafood restaurant. You can have chicken or

beef if you prefer.

5. Because you are feeling better, you take this medicine.

take this medicine. It's for adults, not children' It will

6. Susie, you
make you sick.

If you see a sign that says "No LeftTurnr" you turn left there.

When your phone rings, you answer it. The caller can leave a


9. $7hen you are in a theater, you use your cell phone. You have to

turn it off.
10. It's warm all the time in Hawaii, so you wear heavy sweaters and
jackets there.

1 1. The wedding is very formal. Everyone has to wear formal clothes. You
wear jeans or sandals.

Proctice 18. Expressing necessity, lqck of necessity, ond prohibition.

(Chods 7-9 ond 7-.l0)
Write the phrases in the correct columns.

cook every meal themselves say "sir" or "madam" to others

drive without a license stay in their homes in the evening
eat and drink in order to live stop when they see a police car's lights behind them
./fall asleep while driving take other people's belongings
pay taxes

People have to I must . . People must not . . . People don't have to . . .

(necessary) (Don't!) (not necessary)
fall aeleep while drivinq

Modo:Auxilio‖ es 125
> Prqctice I9. Logicol conclusionS. (chort 7-11)
'W'rite the letter of ttre sentence in Column B that correctly describes the sentence in Column A.

Five Cousins at the DinnerTable

Column A Column B

1. Isabel has eaten two potatoes and now she is a. Shc rnust not likc it.

asking for another one. b. She rnust be very tired.

c. Shc rnust likc thcm.

2. - but she isn't eating
Rose is sitting at the table,
anything. She had a dish of ice cream just d. She rnust not be hungry.

before dinner. eo She FnuSt be exclted about lt.

3. Emlly is telling everyone

- about her trip to
Costa Rica. She is leaving next week.

- face.
Jill just tasted some fish and made a funny

Natalie has fallen asleep at the dinner table! -

> Prociice 20, Logicol conclusion or necessity. (chorts 7-9 ond 7-11)
'W'rite *1" if tnust expresses a logical conclusion. \7rite "2') if rnust expresses necessity.

I: logical conclusion
2: necessity

2 You must haoe a passport to travel abroad.

1 You. must liketo read. You have such a large library.

Yort must take off your shoes before entering this room.

The dessert must be good. It's almost gone.

Yotr must rry this dessert. It's wonderful.

Children must stay seated during the flight.

You must pay in advance if you want a front-row seat for the performance.

E,llen must really like being at the beach. She goes there every vacation.

Prqctice 2I. Tog queslions with modql quxiliolies. (chon 7)2)

Complete the tag questions with the correct modal auxiliary.

You won't tell anyone, you?

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9

George can help us, he'

Mr. Cheng would like to come with us, he?

You would rather stay home, you?

Sally can't speak French, she?

You don't have to work next weekend, you?

Teachers shouldn't give too much homework, thcy?

I'll see you tomorrow, I?

. 0.

You couldn't hear me,

rW'e should cross the street here, WC?

126 cHAPTER7
1   2
Ms. Scott has to take a driving course, she?

If Grandma is expecting us at 6:00, we should leave here at 4:00, we?

Prqctice 22. Giving instruclions: imperolive sentenc€S. (Chort 7-13)

Pretend that someone says the following sentences to you. \tr7hich verbs give instructions?
Underline the imperative verbs.
1. I'll be right back. \0?'ait here.

2. Don't wait for Rebecca. She's not going to come.

3. Read pages 39 to 55 before class romorrow.
4. What are you doing? Don't put those magazines in the trash. I haven'r read them yet.
5. Come in and have a sear. I'll be right with you.
q.q sEcoNos.
oo lf lN to.

Prqctice 23. Polite questions ond imperqtives. (Chorts 7-5, 7-6, ond 7-13)
Number the sentences in each group in order of politeness. "1" is the rnost polite.
1. 7 Could you open the door?
5 Open the door.
2 Can you open the door?

2. Get the phone, please.

- $7ould you please get the phone?

- Get the phone.

- Can you get the phone?

3. Hand me the calculator.

- !7ill you hand me the calculator, please?

- $flould you hand me the calculator, please?

- Please hand me the calculator.

Modo:Auxiliones 1 27
> Proctice 24. Let's ond Why don't. (chort 7-14)
Complete the conversation with verbs from the lists.

Six Neighborhood Friends

Six neighborhood friends have grown up together. They are very close. They meet for breakfast
on Sundays and then try to do something active together during the day. Here's a conversation they
had on one recent Sunday.

Part L fly, listen, sail, walk

JoHxNv: There's a strong wind today. Let's our kites on the beach today.

Bossv: No, the wind is perfect for sailing. Let's on the lake today. We could

rent two boats for a few hours.

Gnace: Why don't *. -------l- over to the park? It's a beautiful day, and we could have a

great time. There's a country music festival there today.

Doxa: Yes, let's go to the park and to country lnuslc.

Part II. go, see, shoP

Ar-rcs: I don't like counuy music very much. I'd rather go to the mall. Let's

shopping. They're having a big holiday sale today.

Trlluv: Shopping is boring. I'll tell you what. Alice, why don't You and the rest
of us will do something else.

Altcn: Hmmm. Grace, do you want to drive over to the mall with me?
'What can
Gnace: No, I'd rather do something as a group. Okay, guys-let's

the rest of us enjoy as a grouP?

Part III. do, have, Plan, tell

Jornnrv: I think we should go to the country music festival together. They have a lot of great

musicians. After that, let's pizza at my house. \tr7e can order it from the


Bosny: okay. Let's ___- that today-go to the festival and end up at Johnny's. Then
let's a sailing day next week. Johnny, why don't you
l0 l1

your parents we,re having a pizza dinner and invite them to ioin us too?

128 cHAPTER 7
> Prqctice 25. Stoting preferences. (Chorr 7-15)
Complete the sentences with prefer, like(s), or anould rather.

1. I Prefer cold weather to hot weather.

2. A: \Uhat's your favorite fruit?
IB: like sffawberries better than any other fruit.
3. Mary would rather save money than enjoy herself.
4. A: ufhy isn't your brother going with us to the movie?
B:He stay home and read than go out on a Saturday night.

5. A: Does Peter footban tO basebaHP

B: No.I think hc baseball better than football.
A: Then why didn't he go to the game yesterday?
B: Because he watch sports onTV than go to a ball park.
6. A: Do you want to go out to the Japanese restaurant for dinner?
B: That would be okay, but in truth I Chinese food to
Japanese food.
A: Really? I Japanese food better than Chinese food. ttrflhat
shall we do?
B: I-et's go to the Italian restaurant.

> Prqclice 26. Sloting preferences. (Chort 7-15)

Use the words in parentheses to make a new sentence with the same meaning.
1. Alex would rather swim than ioe. (prefer)
Alex prefera ewimmin? to jo00in0.

2. My son would rather eat fish than beef. (would rather)

3. Kim likes salad better than dessert. (prefer)

4. In general, Nicole would rather have coffee than tea. (like)

5. Bill prefers teaching history to working as a business executive. (would rather)

6. rVhen considering a pet, Sam prefers dogs to cats. (like)

7. On a long trip, Susie would rather drive than ride in the back seat. (prefer)

8. I like studying in a noisy room better than studying in a quiet room. (would rather)

9. Alex likes soccer better than baseball. (would rather)

ModolAuxiliories 129
> Proclice 27. Modql ouxiliory review. (chopter7)
The words in bold are modal auxiliaries. Read the passage, and then answer the question.

Doing Chores

Everyone in my family has to do chores around the house. A chore is a special iob that one

person mり st perform.The chorc could bc to wash■ e dhner dshes,br examメ e,Or h miFhtbc

to sweep thc porcho My parcnts givc chorcs to my brothcr Joe and lnc,an(l wc haγ d° these
i t°

chores cvery day.

SOFnCtilnes ifonc ofus is busy and caF'td° a chorc,the othcr oncコ nヮ 嗜r take Care ofit. For

example,last Friday it was Joe's turn to wash thc dishes after dinner.But he said he couldn't

them at thattime because he had to hurry to schoolfor a basketball game.Joe asked me,“ Wmyou
do the dishes for rne,please' I prolnise to do then■ for you tomorrow when it's your turn.

I've got to be on time forthe game at school.''I agrecd to do JOe's chore and washcd the dishes

after dinncr.

But the ncxt night,Joe“ fOrgot"that wc had traded days.Whcn l reminded him to wash the

dishes,hc said,``` 商硫 o,Ine, It's not my turn.''

In ie iturc,we should put our agreements h wr五 ng.Ъ atoutttoS° lVC any probkms r

anyonc says,“ It's not rny turn."

\Urhat is the meaning of these modal auxiliaries from the passage? Circle the word or words closest
in meaning to the modal.

ModalAuxiliary Meanhg
(1) Everyone has to do . . . should なαbル な力ι
" “
(2) . . . one Person must Perform . . . should お αらル Zな 乃ι
(3) The chore could be to wash . . . should お αらた ″な乃ι

(4) . . . it might be to sweep . . . ″ ,お ′ should is abb m could
(5) . . . we have to do these chores . . ″ι should are ablz to might
(6) . .. and can't do a chore .. . ″ ,`′ "′ shouldn't im't able a might not
(7) ... the otheronemay... ″多
″′ should i"s able m might
(8) But he said he couldn't . . . ″ S`″ 0` shouldn't wasn't ablc m ma! not

(9) WiIl you do the dishes . . . ハイぉ ′ノο″ Shoul.d. you Are jnu able a Would you
(10) I've got to be on time . . . ″お ′ should am able a mqy
(l l) . . . we should put our . . . ″お ′ ought m are abb m ma))
(12) That ought to solve . . . ″ι should is able m may

卜 Praclice 23. Editing。 (chOpler 7)

Correct the errors.
had to
l. Before I left on my trip last month, I must get a passport.

2. Could you to bring us more coffee, please?

3. Ben can driving, but he prefers take the bus.

4, A few of our classmates can't to come to the school picnic.

5. May you take our picture, please?

6. Come in, come in! It's so cold outside. You must to be freezing!

7. Jim would rather has Fridays offin the summer than a long vacation.

8. I must reading several long books for my literature class.

9. Thke your warm clothes with you. It will maybe snow.

10. It's such a gorgeous day. !0hy we don't go to a park or the beach?

Modol Aux‖ o“ es 131

> Prqclice 29. Crossword puzle. (Chopter 7)
Complete the puzzle with modal auxiliaries. Use the clues to find the correct words.

2. If you want to be a lawyer, you to graduate from law school.
3. I go with you. I don't know yet. If I finish my homework,I'll go with you.
5. don't you join us for lunch today?
6. I'd go fishing than go- sailing.
7. You- haven't eaten all day. You be very hungry!
8. \tr7hen I was a child,I jump high into the air. Now I can't.

1. Uh oh! You had slow down! I see a police offrcer on his motorcycle over there.
3. I come in? I'd like to talk to you.
4. I study tonight, but I'm not going to. I'm going to watch a good movie onTV.

132 cHAPTER 7
Chqpler 8

> Prqctice l. Connecling ideqs with ond. (chort B-1)

Undcrlinc the words that are connected with απご.Label thcsc words as nOuns,velも s,or

4θ υ4 + 4θ υ4 + 4θ υ4
1.My kitchen has a ncw sint rcfrigcrator,and oven.

′4θ θ
多′喀 十 ′″θ
2. Dannyls a brlght and happy child.

唯ル 唯ル
3. I picked up the telephone and dialed Steve's number.

4. I have a computer, a printer, and a scanner in my home office.

5. The cook washed the vegetables and put them in boiling water.

6. My feet were cold and wet.

7. Anita is responsible, considerate, and trustworthy.

8. The three largest land animals are the elephant, the rhinoceros, and the hippopotamus.

9. A hippopotamus rests in water during the day and feeds on land at night.

Connecting ldeos I33

> Proctice 2. Puncluqling senlences. (chorts-])
Each of these sentences contains two independent clauses. Find the subject "S" and verb "V" of
each clause. Add a comma or a period. Capitalize as necessary.

5V 5 V
l. Birds fly, and fish swim.

5V 5 V

2. Birds fly. fish swim.

3. Dogs bark lions roar.

4. Dogs bark and lions roar.

5. A week has seven days a year has 365 days.

6. A week has seven days and a year has 365 days-

7. Ahmed raised his hand and the teacher pointed at him.

8. Ahmed raised his hand the teacher pointed at him.

> Proclice 3. Puncluqling ilems connected wilh ond. (chort 8 l)

Add commas where necessary.
1. I opened the door and walked into the room. (No change.)
2. I opened the door, walked into tlte room, and sat down at my desk'
3. Their flag is green and black.
4. Their flag is green black and yellow.
5. Tom ate a sandwich and drank a glass ofjuice.
6. Tom made a sandwich poured a glass of iuice and sat down to eat his lunch.
7. Ms. Parker is intelligent friendly and kind.
8. Mr. Parker is grouchy and unhappy.
9. Did you bring copies of the annual report for Sue Dan loe and Mary?
10. I always read the newspaper online and listen to the news on the radio in the morning'
ll. Can you watch television listen to the radio and read the newspaper at the same time?

> Proclice 4. Punctuoling sentences. (chori 8-1)

urrite "C" if the punctuation is correct and "I" for incorrect. Make tlte necessary corrections.
1. Amy iogged along the road I rode my bicycle.
2. - Amy stopped after 20 minutes. I continued on for an hour.
3. - Trained dogs can lie down and perform other tricks on command.
4. - My mother trained our dog to get the newspaper, my father tained it to bark at
- strangers.
5. The river rose, it flooded the towns in the valley'
6. - The river and streams rose. They flooded the towns and farms in the valley.

7. Astrology is the study of the stars, planets and their effect on our lives.
8. - Sharon reads her horoscope every day. She believes her life is shaped by the positions of
- the stars and planets.
9. Sharon's children don't believe in astrology, they dismiss the information she gives them.

> Proclice 5. Connecting ideos with ond. (Chort B-1)
Part I. Read the passage.

Kin Narita and Gin Kanie were twir:s:;:1ffin. They were born in 18e2. Their family
name wasYano. Their first names are names of valuable metals: silver and gold. Kin means silver
and Gin means gold.
They were 99 years old when the mayor of Nagoya, their hometown, visited them. He visited
them on a national holiday-Respect for the Aged Day. In Japan, many people live a long time and
receive a lot of respect when they are old. The mayor congratulated the twins on their long and
healthy lives.
After the mayor's visit, the twins became famous and popular. They appeared on television game
shows and in advertisements. People liked their wide smiles and their lively interest in the world.
They laughed and smiled a lot. They said they stayed healthy because they had a simple lifestyle,
walked everywhere, and enjoyed people, especially each other.
Kin had 11 children, and Gin had five children. They had many grandchildren and great-
grandchildren. Kin died in January, 2000, at the age of 107, and Gin died in February, 2001, at the
age of 108.
Part II. Each statement is incorrect. Make true statements. Write the correct punctuation.

l. The twins' first names mean health and happiness.

twine'firet names mean eilver and ?old.

2. In Japan, many people don't live a long time, and they don't receive respect when they are old.

3. The twins were young and sick.

4. The twins rarely laughed and smiled.

5. The twins never had a simple lifestyle and always drove everywhere.

6. They didn't enjoy people and they didn't enjoy each other.

7. Kin and Gin didn't have any children or grandchildren.

8. When they died Kin and Gin were together.

Connecling ldeos 135

> Prqctice 6. Using ond, buf, qnd or. (chort B-2)
Add commas where necessary.
1. I talked to Amy for a long time, but she didn't listen.
2. I talked to Martin for a long time and asked him many questions. (No change.)
3. Please callJane orTed.
4. Please call Jane andTed.
5. Please call JaneTed or Anna.
6. Please call Jane Ted and Anna.
7. Did you call Kim or Luis?
8. I didn't call l,eo Sarah or Hugo.
9. I waved at my friend but she didn't see me.
I0. I waved at my friend and she waved back.

> Proctice 7. Connecting ideos wilh so, (chort B-3)

Complete each sentence with a correct phrase from the list'

a. everybody laughed e. she doesn't walk yet

b. I hung up f. she walks and runs everywhere
c. Ileftamessage g. the grass got brown and dry
d. nobody laughed h. the grass was green and bright

1. The joke was very funny, so

2. The joke wasn't funny, so -.
3. It didn't rain all summer, so
4. It rained a lot this summer, so-.
5. Our baby is only three months -. old, so
6. Our baby is two years old, so
7. The phone rang ten times, and-.nobody answered, so
8. The phone rang three times, and a machine answered,
> Prqctice 8. Using ond, bttl, or, ond so. (chorts 8-1 ' B-3)
Choose the correct completion.

1. I was tired, I went to bed.

a. but - b. or c. so

2. I sat down on the couch opened the newspaper.

a. but b. and
c. so
3. The students were on time, the teacher was late.
a. but b. or c. so
4. I would like one pet. I'd like to have a bird a cat.
a. but b. and c. or

5. Our children are happy healthy.
a. but b. and
- c. or
6. I wanted a cup of tea, I boiled some water.
a. but b. and c. so
7. The phone rang, I didn't answer it.
a. but b. and c. so
8. You can have an apple an orange. Choose one.
a. but b. and c. or
> Proctice 9. Using ond, bul, or, ond so. (Chorts 8-1 --+ g-g;
\7rite "C" if the punctuation is correct and "I" for incorrect. Make the necessary corrections.
1. I washed and dried the dishes.
2. - I washed the dishes, and my son dried them.
3. - Victor offered me an apple or a peach.

4. - I bought some apples peaches and bananas.

5. - I was hungry so I ate an apple.

6. - Carlos was hungry and ate two apples.
7. - My sister is generous and kind-hearted.
8. - My daughter is affectionate shy independent and smart.
> Proctice 10. Using dnd, but, or, ond so. (chorts B-1 ' B-3)
Add periods, commas, and capital letters as necessary. Don't change any of the words or the order
of the words.
l. James has a cold. he needs to rest and drink plenty of fluids, so he should go to bed and drink
water fruit juices or soda pop he needs to sleep a lot so he shouldn't drink fluids with caffeine,
such as tea or coffee.
2. The normal pulse for an adult is between 60 and 80 beats per minute but exercise nervousness
excitement and a fever will all make a pulse beat faster the normal pulse for a child is around
80 to 90.
3. Edward Fox was a park ranger for 35 years during that time, he was hit by lightning eight
times the lightning never killed him but it severely burned his skin and damaged his hearing.

> Proctice I l.
Using ond, bul, or, ond so, (chort B-t - B-3)
Add commas where necessary. Some sentences need no commas.

An English School for Gina

Gina wants a job as an air traffic controller. Every air traffic controller worldwide uses English so
it is important for her to become fluent in the language. She has decided to take some intensive
English courses at a private language institute but she isn't sure which one to attend. There are
many schools available and they offer many different kinds of classes. She has also heard of air
traffic control schools that include English as part of their coursework but she needs to have a fairly
high level of English to attend. She has to decide soon or the classes will be full. She's planning to
visit her top three choices this summer and decide on the best one for her.

Connecling ldeos 137

> Prqctice 12. Using ouxiliory verbs qtler buf, (cnort B-4)
Complete each sentence with the correct auxiliary verb.
1. Dan didn't study for the test, but Amy did
2. Alice doesn't come to class every day, but Julie
3. Jack went to the movie last night, but I
4. I don't live in the dorm, but Rob and Jim
5. My roommate was at home last night, but I
6. Mr.\ilfong isn't here today, but Miss Choki
7. Susan won't be at the meeting tonight, but I
8. Susan isn't going to go to the meeting tonight, but I
9. I'll be there, but she
10. I haven't finished my work yet, but Erica
1 1. My son enjoys monster movies, but I
12. I enjoy romantic comedies, but my son

> Prqctice 13. Using quxiliqry velbs otter dnd. (chort B-5)
Complete each sentence with the correct auxiliary verb.
1. Rob lives in the dorm, and Jim
2. I don't live in the dorm, and Carol either.
3. Ted isn't here today, and Linda either.
4. The teacher is listening to the CD, and the students too.
5. I'll be there, and Mike
6. I can speak French, and my wife too.
7. Jane would like a cup of coffee, and I
8. I like rock music, and my roommate too.
9. Paul can't speak Spanish, and I-arry either.
10. I am exhausted from the long trip, and my mother too.
11. I have a dimple in my chin, and my brother too.
12. I visited the museum yesterday, and my friend

> Proctice 14. Using and + too, so, eilher, neither. (chort B-5)
Complete the sentences by using the word in italics and an appropriate auxiliary.
l. Tbm so
Jack has a mustache, and doee Tom

Jack has a mustache, and Tom does too.

2. Brian Alex doesn't have a mustache, and neither
Alex doesn't have a mustache, and either.
3. .I Mary was at home last night, and so
Mary was at home last night, and too.

4. Jean I went to a movie last night, and so

I went to a movie last night, and too.

r 38 CHAPTER 8
5. Jα sθ η I didn't study last night, and neither
I didn't study last night, and either.
6.Rた た Jim can't speak Arabic, and neither
Jim can't speak Arabic, and either.
7. Lα γ α I like to go to science-fiction movies, and so

I like to go to science-fiction movies, and t00.

8. /JJθ θ I don't like horror movies, and neither

I don't like horror movies, and either.

> Proctice 15. Using too, so, eilher, ot neilher otler dnd. (chorr B-5)
Part I. Complete the sentences with an auxiliary + ,oo or either.
1. I can't sew, and my roommate can'l: eiLher
2. I don't like salty food, and my wife
3. Yesterday, Rosa Gomez came to class late and Mr. Nazari
4. Andy knew the answer to the question, andTina
5. I couldn't understand the substitute teacher, andYoko
6. I'd rather stay home this evening, and my husband
Part II. Complete the sentences with an auxiliary * so or neither.
7. Pasta is a famous Italian dish, and eo ie pizza.
8. I didn't go to the bank, and my husband.
9. I'm not a native speaker of English, and Mr.Chu.
10. I've never seen a monkey in the wild, and my children.
1 1. rWhen we heard the hurricane warning, I nailed boards over my windows, and
all of my neighbors.
12. My brother and I are taking the same chemistry course. It is diffrcult, but I like it and

Proclice 16. Auxiliory verbs otler buf ond dnd. (Chorrs B-4 ond B-5)
A woman is talking about her housemate, Hanna. Choose the correct completion from Column B.
Column A Colunln B
1. I like cooking, and h a. do too
2. I don't like housework, and Hanna b. does too
3. I like gardening, and she c. doesn't elther
4. I don't like snakes in our garden,
-. and _. d. don't clther
5. She likes to go jogging after work, and _. e. neither do I
6. She doesn't like to play golf, and I f. ncither does she
7. She likes to watch old movies, and I-._. go so do I
8. She doesn't like to sleep late on weekends, and _ h. so does Hanna

Connecting ldeos I39

> Prqctice 17. Adverb clquses with becduse. (chort 8-6)
Add periods, commas, and capital letters as necessary.
1. Because his coffee was cold, Jack didn't finish it. he left it on the table and walked away.
2, I opened the window because the room was hot a nice breeze came in.
3. Because the weather was bad we canceled our trip into the city we stayed home and
4. Debbie loves gymnastics because she hopes to be on an Olympic team she practices hard
every day.
5. Francisco is very good in math because several colleges want him to attend they are offering
him full scholarships.

> Prqctice I8. Adveb clouses with becouse, (chort 8-6) *why"). Then check
Read each pair of phrases and circle the one that gives the reason (explains
the correct sentence.
1. (lose
_,.-weight,) go on a diet
-.1--F;ric went on a diet because he wanted to lose weight.
Because Eric went on a diet, he wanted to lose weight.

2. didn't
- have money, couldn't buy food
The family couldn't buy food because they didn't have money.
Because the family couldn't buy food, they didn't have money.
3. be
- very busy, have several children
Because our neighbors are very busy, they have several children.
Our neighbors are very busy because they have several children.
4. go
- to bed, be tired
I am tired because I am going to bed.

- Because I am tired, I am going to bed.

5. be
- in great shape, exercise every day
Because Susan exercises every day, she is in great shape.

- Susan exercises every day because she is in great shape.

6. have
- a high fever, go to the doctor
Because Jennifer has a high fever, she is going to the doctor.

- Jennifer has a high fever because she is going to the doctor.

> -
ProctiCe 19. Adverb clouses wilh ot becous€,
(Chorts B-3 ond 8-6)
Complete the sentences with so or because. Add commas where appropriate. Capitalize as

1. a. He was hungry s 5o he ate a sandwich.

b. Because he was hungryr he ate a sandwich.
c. He ate a sandwich he was hungry.

140 cHAPTER 8
2. a. my sister was tired she went to bed.
b. My sister went to bed she was tired.
c. My sister was tired she went to bed.
3. a. Schoolchildren can usually identifu Italy easily on a world map lt iS

shaped like a boot.

b. Italy has the distinctive shape of a boot schoolchildren can usually
identifu it easily.
c. Italy has the distinctive shape of a boot schoolchildren can usually
identi$, it easily on a map.

> Prqctice 20. Adverb clouses wilh even though ond dllhough. (chort B-7)
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in italics. Some verbs will be negative.
1. Even though I (like) like fish, I don't eat it much.
2. Even though I (like) don't like vegetables,I eat them every day.
3. Although my hairdresser (6e) expensive, I go to her once a week.

4. Even though the basketball game was over, the fans (srcy) in their seats

Although my clothes were wet from the rain, I (change) them.

Even though Po studied for weeks, he (pass) his exams.

Even though the soup was salry everyone (ear)

Although the roads (6e) icy, no one got in an accident.

Connecting ldeos I4l

> Proclice2l. Using becouse ond even though. (chorts8-6ondB-7)
Choose the correct completion.

1. Even though I was hungry, I a lot at dinner.

a. ate b. didn't eat
2. Because I was hungry, I alot at dinner.
a. ate -
b. didn't eat
3. Because I was cold, I my coat.
a. put on b. didn't put on
4. Even though I was cold, I my coat.
a. put on b. didn't
put on

5. Even though Mike sleepy, he stayed up to watch the end of the game onTV.
a. was -
b. wasn't

多製L非 蓼

6. Because Linda sleepy, she went to bed.

a. was b. wasn't
7. Because Kate ran too slowly, she the race.
a. won b. didn't wln
8. Even though Jessica ran fast, she the race.
a. won b. didn't win
Prqciice 22. Adverb clouses with because ond even though.
(Chorts 8-6 ond B-7)
Complete the sentences with eoen though or because.

1. Yuko went to a dentist becauee she had a toothache.

2. Colette didn't go to a dentist she had a toothache.

3. Jennifer went to a dentist she didn't have a toothache. She just

wanted a checkup.
4   5

Loule didn't lron his shirt . it was wrinkled.

Eric ironed his shirt it was wrinkled.

6. Dan is fairly tall, he can't reach the ceiling.
7. Matt is very tall, he can reach the ceiling.
8. Tim is shorter than Matt, he can't reach the ceiling.
9. Nick isn't tall, he can reach the ceiling by standing on a chair.


Proctice 23. Adverb clouses with becouse ond allhough. (Chorrs 8-6 ond B-7)
Complete the passage tru.rth because or although.

PiIl Bottles with Child-Proof Caps

It's diffrcult to open some pill bottles they have child-proof caps. In

recent years, pill manufacturers have been making this type of bottle
they don't want children to open the bottles and eat the pills. The pills inside the bottle are often

attractive, and they look like candy, they are not candy.

I-ast week there was a story on the news about a lucky baby. The baby found an open bottle of
aspirin tablets. the pills looked just like candy, he started ro ear rhem.

when his mother walked into the room, she saw her baby and the open bottle.

Connecling ldeos t43

she was frightened, she acted calmly. She immediately took the baby to

the emergency room at the nearby hospital. There the doctors realized that

the baby had eaten pills for adults, he needed only minor treatment.

The mother saved her baby she had acted quickly.

> Proctice 24. Using even thoughlolthough ond becouse. (chorts 8-6 ond B-7)
Choose the best completion.

1. I gave him the money because c

a. I didn't want to
b. he had a lot of money
c. I owed it to him
2. Although the hungry man ate every bit of it.
a. the bread was old and stale
the cheese tasted good to him
c. an apple is both nutritious and delicious

3. The nurse didn't bring Mr. Hill a glass of water even though
a. she was very busy
b. she forgot
c. he asked her three times
4. \$7hen she heard the loud crash, Marge ran outside in the snow although
a. her mother ran out with her
b. she wasn't wearing any shoes
c. she ran as fast as she could

5. Even though his shoes were wet and muddy, Brian

a. took them off at the front door
b. walked right into the house and across the carpet
c. wore wool socks


6. Alex boarded the bus in front of his hotel. He was on his way to the art museum. Because he
he asked the bus driver to tell him where to get off.
a. was late for work and didn't want his boss to get mad
-,b. was carrying a heavy suitcase
c. was a tourist and didn't know the city streets very well
7. Although Eric got on rhe plane.
a. he is married
b. he is -,
afraid of flying
c. the flight attendant welcomed him aboard
8. When I attended my first business conference out of town,I felt very uncomfortable during
the social events because
a. we were all having a good time
b. I didn't know anyone rhere
c. I am very knowledgeable in my field
9. Everyone listened carefully to what the speaker was saying even though
a. they had printed copies of the speech in their hands
b. she spoke loudly and clearly -.
c. the speech was very interesting
10. Thlil works in the ciry but once a month he visits his mother, who lives in the country. He has
to rent a car for these trips because _.
a. it is expensive
b. he doesn't have a driver's license
c. he doesn't own a car

> Proctice 25. Editing. (Chopter B)

Correct the errors.
1. I don't drink coffee, and my roommate isnt either.

2. The flight was overbookedr l had to fly on anorher airline.

3. Many people use computers for email the Internet and word processing.

4. Even my father works two jobs, he always has time to play soccer or baseball on weekends with

his family.

5. I saw a bad accident and my sister too.

6. Oscar always pays his bills on time but his brother wasn,t.

7. Because my mother is afraid of heights, I took her up to the observarion deck at the top of the

8. Janey doesn't like to get up early and either Joe.

9. My mother and my father. They immigrared to this country 30 years ago.

10. Even though Maya is very intelligent, her parents want to put her in an advanced program at

Connecting tdeos 145
> Proclice 26. Word seqrch puzle. (chopter B)
Circle the connecting words from Chapter 8 in the puzzle. The words may be horizontal, vertical,
or diagonal. The first letter of each word is highlighted in gray.

L E 丁

L 丁

M ■



丁 ■

丁 W S G

O 」 E H


Chopler 9

> Proctice I. As . , . os. (Chorr 9-1)

Make comparisons using as. . . cs.
l. Rita is very busy. Jason is very busy.
+ Rira is Uust) aa buey aa Jaeon (ie)
2. Rita is not very busy at all. Jason is very, very busy.
-r Rita isn't (nearly) aa buey as Jaoon (ia)
3. I was tired. Susan was very tired.
--+ I wasn't
4. Adam wasn't tired at all. Susan was very tired.
--+ Adam wasn't
5. Anne is lazy. Her sister Amanda is equally lazy.
+ Anne is

6. Their brother Alan is extremely lazy.

--+ Anne and Amanda arelazy, but they are not

> Proctice 2. As, . . os, (Chort 9-1)

Make comparisons using a-s... a^s and the adjective in parentheses. LIse not as necessary.
l. Adults have more strength than children. (strong)
--+ Children arent aa atronq as adults.
2. Tom and ]erry are the same heighl (tall)
--+ Tom Jerry.
3. Dr. Green has a lirtle money. Dr. Brown has a lot of money. (wealth3)
--+ Dr. Green Dr. Brown.
4. city air is often polluted. country air is often fresh and clear. (polluted)
-+ Country air city air.
5. Paula studies a little bit. Jack studies a lot. (studious)
--+ Paula Jack.
6. Math courses are easy for me, but language courses aren't. (dfficuh)
-+ Math courses language courses for me.

Comporisons 147
□ I
> Proctice 3. As . . . os, (Chort 9-l)
Part I. Complete the sentences with one of the following:
. almost as . . . as /not quite as . . . as

. not nearly as . . . as

□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □










A B c D

1. Building B is not nearlv aa high as Building D.

2. Building A is high as Building B.

3. Building C is high as Building D.

4. Building A is high as Building C.

Part II. Compare the arrival times. Meeting time: 9:00 A.M.

Arrhtal tirnes
David 9:01A.M.
Julia 9:14 A.M.
I-aura 9:15 A.M.
Paul9:15 A.M.
James 9:25 A.M.

5. Paul was iuat aa late as Laura.

6. David was late as James.

7. Julia was late as Laura and Paul.

8. Julia was late as James.

Part III. Compare world temperatures.
Bangkok 92° F/33° C
Cairo 85° F/30° C
Madrid 90° F/32° C
Moscow 68° F/20° C
Tokyo 85° F/30° C

9. Tokyo is hot as Cairo.

10. Moscow is hot as Bangkok.
11. Madrid is hot as Bangkok.
Part IV Compare world temperatures today and yesterday.

yesι θttdα
ν Toごり
Bangkok 95° F/35° C 92° F/33° C
Calro 95° F/35° C 85° F/30° C
Madrid 90° F/32° C 90° F/32° C
Moscow 70° F/21° C 68° F/20° C
Tokyo 81° F/27° C 85° F/30° C

Cairo was hot as Bangkok ycstcrday.


It's warm in Moscow today as yesterday.

4   5   6

Madrid is hot today as yesterday.

It was hot inTokyo yesterday as in Bangkok.
It's hot in Bangkok today as yesterday.

ト Proctice 4. As, , , os, (chorr 9-t)

Part I. Complete each expression with the correct phrase.

as a bat as a mousc as a pillow

as a bird as a plcture /as snow
as a bone as plc as a wink
as ice

1. very white: as white ′多 04θ ″ .

2. very cold: as cold
3. very prettv:as pretty

4. can't see anything: as blind

very dry: as dry


very soft: as soft


very quick: as quick
very quiet: as quiet ^
9. very free: as free
10. very easy:as casy

Comporisons 149
Part II. Complete the sentences with the given adjectives and the phrases from Part I.

icc quick soft

pretty qulet white

11. Brrrr! Come inside. Your hands are freezing' They are as cold as ice

12. I'm just running down to the corner store. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'11 be as

14. What laundry detergent do you use? Your white shirts were covered with dirt, and now they're
so clean and bright. They're as

15. Shhh! Don't wake up Janet. She's sleeping on the couch. Be as

16. Your little girl looks darling in that pink dress and hat. She looks as

17. Don't worry. You'll pass the swimming test. It's not hard at all. It'll be as

for you.
18. Charles looks so relaxed since he quit his job. He has no responsibilities for now. He must feel

19. I have back problems and need to sleep on a bed that has a very firm mattress. My husband
can sleep on anything, even something that is as

20. It hasn't rained in weeks. The grass is brown, and the flowers are dead. The ground is as

Prqctice 5. Comporotive ond superlotive Iorms. (chorls 9-2 ond 9-3)

Write the comparative and superlative forms of the given words.
Compenarrve SupsRr-ATrvn

1. strong stronqer than the etronaest of all.

2. important more imPortant than the moet imoortant of all.
3. soft than 。fan.

4. lazy than 。f an.

5。 wonderul than of a11.

6. calln than of all.

7. tame than 。f an.

8. diln than of all.

9. convcnlent than 。f an.

10. clever than of all.

ll. good than of all.

12. bad than of all.

13. far than 。f an.

150 cHAPTER9
14. slow than of all.

15. slowly than of all.

> Proclice 5. Comporoiive forms. (Chorts 9-2 ond 9-3)

Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the word in parentheses.
l. My mother is a few years (old) my father.
2. An airplane is (expensiae) a car.

3. u(rhich is (large) : Greenland or Iceland?

4. Red or cayenne pepper tastes (Dor) black pcppcr.

5. A typewriter is (s/oza) a computcr.

6. !7hite chocolate is (creamy) dark chocolate because it has

more fat.
7.Is smoking(bα ご) alcohol for your health?
8.A,aguar iS(力 Sの a lion.
9. Which is (important) : happiness or wealth?
10. For long-distance trips, flying is (quick) driving or taking a train.
11. !7hich is (heaay) : a kilo of cotton or a kilo of rocks?*
12. Driving in a car equipped with a sear belr and an airbag is (safe)
driving in a car with just a seat belt.
13. Calculus is (dfficuh) arithmetic.

> Proctice 7. Comporotives. (Ciorrs 9-2 ctnd 9-3)

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the words from the list.

cheap dry foggy hiCh sunny

cold expensive healthy international

1. Locations near the equator are hot. Locations near the North Pole and the South Pole are
cold. For example, Siberia is much Cuba. The average
temperature in Cuba is a lot than the average temperature in
2. Some places in northern Europe are often foggy. I-ondon is famous for its fog. It's much
in London, for example, than it is in southern Europe. The
island of Majorca, in southern Spain, is very sunny. It's a lot
in Majorca than it is in London.

*This is a trick question.

Answer: They weigh the same.

Comporisons l5I
3. Some people with illnesses have to move to places where there is dry air. For example, my
uncle had to move to Arizona because the air there is a lot
than it is in Chicago, where he lived. The air in Arizona was good for him, and he became a lot

4. NewYork is an international city. My hometown is just a small town. NewYork is much

than my hometown. It's expensive to live in NewYork. It's far
to live in NewYork than it is to live in my hometown. It's
much to live in my hometown than it is to live in NewYork.

> Proctice 8. Compqlotives. (Chorts 9-2 ond 9-3) -

The given sentences contain words from Column A. Column B has words with the opposite
meaning. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the words in Column B.
ColumnA Column B
careless careful
uncomfortable comfortable
lazy energetic
stingy generous
noisy, noisily quiet, quietly
quiet, quietly noisy, noisily
poor rich
ugly /pretty

1. The James family painted their house. It was an ugly brown, but now it's a bright yellow. The
house is much orettier than it was before.

2. Jenny, that was very careless! You have to learn to be with

your things.

3. I love this cool weather. I don't feel lazy anymore. I feel than
I felt in the hot weather.
4. I felt very uncomfortable in the hot weather. I feel much
in this cool weather.
5. My parents are not stingy at all, but Frank's parents are stingy. My parents are
than Frank's parents.

6. Frank's parents are not poor. They are than my parents.

7. In a library, some students are noisy, but most work I can do

a lot of work in a place.

8. Our dog is big and noisy, but our new,little kitten is very soft and
Our dog is than our cat. He walks
than our cat, he eats , and
even sleeps He snores!

> Proctice 9. comporolives ond superlqtives. (chorts 9-2 ond 9-3)
Complete the sentences with better, the bestr rDorse, ot the usorst.

1. I just finished a terrible book. It's the worat book I've ever read.
2. The weather was bad yesterday, but it's terrible today. The weather is worae ls1gy
than it was yesterday.
3. This cake is really good. It's cake I've ever eaten.
4. My grades this term are great. They're much than last term.
5. Being separared from my family in time of war is one of expcrlences
I can imagine.
6. I broke my nose in a football game yesterday. Today it's very painful. For some reason, the
paln ls today than it was yesterday.
7 . The fire spread and burned down an entire city block. It was fire
we've ever had in our town.
8. I think my cold is almost over. I feel a lot than I did yesterday. I
can finally breathe again.

> Proclice 10. Farther ond Further, (Chorr 9-3)

Choose the correct answer(s).

1. The planet Earth is from the sun than the planet Mercury is.
a. farther b. further
2. I have no need of this equipment. I'm going to sell it.
a. farther b. further
3. I'm tired. I walked than I wanted to.
a. farther b. further
4. I'll be available by phone if you have any _ questions.
a. farther b. further
5. A: Tell us more.
B: Sorry, I have no comment.
a. farther b. further
6. A: I heard that you andTom are engaged to be married.
B: Nothing could be _ from the truth!
a. farther b. further

> Proctice I I. Adjectives vs. qdverbs in the comporolive. (chorr 9-3)

Write the correct comparative form of the adjective or adverb in each sentence. If the word is an
adjective, circle ao; If it is an adverb, circle aov.
1. slow I like to drive fast, but my brotherll7illiam doesn't. As a rule, he drives
slovtly more alowly than I do. ADJ

Comporisons 153
2. slan Alex is a alower driver than I am. @ *u

3. seious Some workers are about their jobs than

seriausly others. ADJ ADV

4. serious Some workers approach their jobs than

seriously others. ADJ ADv

5. polite IThy is it that my children behave at

politeb other people's houses than at home? ADJ ADV
6. polite II0hy are they at Mrs. Miranda's house
pokuly than at home? ADJ ADv
7. careful I'm a cautious person when I express my opinions, but my sister will
carefully say anything to anyone. I'm much when I speak to
others than my sister is. ADJ ADV
8. careJul I always speak in public than my sister
carefu jt does. ADJ ADV

9. clear I can't understand Mark's father very well when he talks, but I can
clear$t understand Mark. He speaks much than his fatller

10. clear Mark is a much speaker than his

clzarly father. ADJ ADv

> Proclice I2. Completing comporisons with plonouns. (chort 9-4)

Complete ttre sentences with a pronoun and the correct auxiliary verb. Use both formal and
informal completions.
l. Bob arrived at ten. I arrived at eleven.
He arrived earlier tharr I did I me

2. Linda is a good painter. Steven is better.

He is a better painter thart ghe ia I her

3. I won the race. Anna came in second.

I ran faster than
4. My parents were nervous about my motorcycle ride. I was just a little nervous.
They were a lot more nervous than
5. My aunt will stay v/ith us for two weeks. My uncle has to return home to his iob after a couple
of days.
She will be here with us a lot longer than
6. I've been here for two years. Sam has been here for two months.
I've been here a lot longer than
7. I have a brother. His name is David. He's really tall. I'm just medium height.
He's taller than

8. My brother is sixteen. I'm seventeen.
I'm older than
9. My sister is really prerty. I've never thought I was pretty.
She's a lot prettier than
10. I'm quite smart, though. My sister isn't interested in school.
I'm smarter than

> Prociice 13. Very vs. o lot / much / lor. (chorrg-S)

Circle the correct answer. More than one answer may be correct.
l. This watch is not _ expensive.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
2. That watch is more expensive than this one.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
3. My nephew is _ polite.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
4. My nephew is more polite than my niece.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
5. Ted is taller than his brother.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
6. Ted is tall.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
7. I think astronomy is more interesting than geology.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
8. I think astronomy is interesting.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
9. It took me a lot longer to get over my cold than it took you to get over your cold. My cold was
worse than yours.
a. very b. a lot c. much d. far
> Prqclice 14. IVof os . , . os ond ,ess . . . thon. (Chorr 9-6)
The passage contains nine phrases with not as . . . (as). Underline these phrases, and if possible,
change them to sentences with the same meaning using /ess . . . (than).

A Move to a NewTown
(1) Lia has been unhappy ever since she and her family moved to Southland, a suburb of a big
city. She was very happy with her life in the city, where she had lived since she was born. She liked

her friends, her school, and her neighborhood there.

Comporisons I55
leoa friendly than
(2) lnher new school, the students are not as friendly as her old schoolmates. The classes are not

as interesting as the ones in her old school, and she is a little bored. The classes are not as difficult,

and she feels that she isn't learning much.

(3) She doesn'r like her new neighborhood. It is not as convenient as her old neighborhood. In

the ciry all the stores were near her home. In the suburbs, the stores are not as close to her home as

they were in the city. In the city, she didn't have to travel far to shop or go to a movie. Lia also

misses the cultural events of the city. The cultural life in Southland is not as exciting as it is in the

city, where she often went to concerts, plays, and interesting lectures.

(a) Lia is nor as comfortable with her life now as she used to be. But, she is not as unhappy as

she was at first. She is working on changing her attitude. She is hoping that with time, she will find

that life in Southland is not as bad as she thought.

9‐ A uncleAr
UNCLEAR Sometimes it is necessary to complete the idea
(a) Ann likes her dog better than her husband. following than in order to make a comparison

(b) Ann likes her dog better than her husband does. ln (b): does means "likes the dogl'
(c) Ann likes her dog better than she does her husband. ln (c): does means "likesl'

卜 Practice 1 5日 UnClear comparisons.(chOr1 9-A)

Rcad the given sentence.‐ en choose all the sentences that are true.

1. Jana likcs tennis lnore than hcr husband.

① Jana hkestend&
@ J"t, might not like her husband.
@ Jrrr"'. husband doesn't like tennis as much as Jana does.

Jana likes tennis more than her husband does.

a. Jana likes tennis.
b. Jana might not like her husband.
c. Jana's husband doesn't like tennis as much as Jana does.

3. Franco helped me more than Debra.

a. Franco didn't help Debra very much.
b. Debra didn't help me very much.
c. Franco was helpful to me.

4. Franco helped me more than Debra did.
a. Franco didn't help Debra very much.
b. Debra didn't help me very much.
c. Franco was helpful to me.
5. I pay my plumber more than my dentist.
a. My plumber is more expensive than my dentist.
b. My dentist doesn't pay the plumber as much as I do.
c. I pay only my plumber, not my dentist.
6. I pay my plumber more than I pay my dentist.
a. My plumber is more expensive than my dentist.
b. My dentist doesn't pay the plumber as much as I do.
c. I pay only my plumber, not my dentist.

> Prqctice I6. Uncleor comporisonS. (Chortg-A)

Check (/) the sentences that have unclear comparisons. Make the necessary corrections.

1. / Sam enjoys football more than his best friend^.

2. Andy writes better financial reports than his boss.

3. - The coach helped Anna more than Nancy.

4. - Sara likes tennis more than her husband.

5. - Cathy leaves more generous tips at restaurants than her husband.

6. - Kelly eats more organic food than his roommate.

7. - Charles knows Judy better than Kevin.

> PrqcticelT. Using mote with nouns. (Chortg-7)
Complete each sentence with a word from the list. Use more to make the comparison.

books enjoyment readers

cell phones news thiags

l. There are in the public library than there are in my home. I

have a few hundred, but the library has thousands.
2. A lot of people download books onto their computers or other devices. I prefer to hold a

book, though. I get from holding a real book than I do

from reading one on a computer.
3. People read on their computers than they do in newspapers
4. In fact, several big newspapers have closed down. The newspapers used to have many
than they do now.

Comporisons I57
5. In many countries, there are a lot than land lines.
Phones in homes are less common than mobile phones.
6. A cell phone can do than a land line can. For example, it can
take pictures, keep a calendar, and even connect to the Internet.

> Proctice 18. Using more wilh nouns ond odjecliveS. (chorts 9-3 ond 9-B)

Part I. Adjectives
Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form (tnorel-er).

1. A warm, sunny day is than a cold windy day.

2. Karen doesn't need a microphone when she speaks to the audience. She's the only person I
know whose voice is than mine.
3. My course in microbiology is much than my biology
course was,

Part II. Adverbs

Use the adverb forms of these adjectives.

4. Your new phone is excellent, Joe. I can hear you much on this
phone than on your old one.
5. Aunt Anna has been driving since she had her accident
on the highway. In fact, she drives very slowly now, and she is quite nervous.
6. You can cook food in a microwave oven much than you can cook it
in a regular oven. It takes only seven minutes to bake a potato, for example.
Part III. Nouns
Use the plural form of these nouns if necessary.

7. University students study hard. They have a lot than

high school students.
8   9   0

There is far in winter in Alaska than there is in Texas.

I'm lonely. I wish I had to spend time with.
Sam's car is ten years old. He has with it than he did

when it was new.

t 58 cHAPTER 9
11. Traffic in this city has become a big problem. There are many on the
road now than there were five years ago.
12. The economy is improving in this area. Small businesses made
this year than they did last year.

> Proctice 19. Repeoling o comporotive. (Chorr 9-B)

Complete the sentences with words from the list. Repeat the comparative.

bad big expensive friendly lgood long mad noisy warm

l. His health is improving. He's getting better and better

2. The Davidsons just had their sixth child. Their family is getting

3. People are worried about the environment. The ice at the North and South poles is melting
because the earth is getting
4. This neighborhood used to be quiet, but since a new mall opened nearby, it is getting

5. I was really angry! I got until my brother touched

my arm and told me to calm down.
6. \trfe were so glad we had arrived early at the ticket offrce. As we waited for it to open, the line

7 . Textbooks are costly. They are getting every year.

8. \When Maya first came into our class, she was very shy. She didn't talk
to anyone. But little by
little, she has relaxed, and now she is getting
9. The weather is getting The airport has canceled
most flights because of the snowstorm.

> Proclice 20. Double comporotives. (chorr 9-9)

Complete the sentences with double comparatives.

1. I exercise every day. Exercise makes me strong. Tte more I exercise, the
etronqer I get.
2. If butter is soft, it is easy to spread on bread. The the butter
is, the it is to spread on bread.
3. I'm trying to make my life simpler. It makes me feel more relaxed.
Thc I make my life, the I fccl.

4. I spend a long time each day looking at a computer screen. My eyes get very tired.
Thc I look at a computer screen, the
my eyes get.
5. When the wind blows hard, it whistles through the trees.
The the wind blows, the
whistles through the trees.
Comporisons I59
Proctice 2I. Double comporolives. (chorr 9-e)
Complete the sentences with double comparatives, using the ideas in parentheses.

l. (She talked. She got excited.)

I met a woman at a party last night. She told us many stories about her exciting job as a

wildlife photographer. The

2. (He talked. I got hungry.)
I also met a man who is a chef. He talked about some of the great meals he makes. I got
hungry just listening to him. The
3. (You understand more. You are old.)

There are many advantages to being young, but the

4. (Bill talked very fast. I became confused.)

Bill was trying to explain some complicated physics problems to help me prepare for an exam.
He kept talking faster and faster. The ,

5. (The fans clapped and cheered. The basketball team made more shots.)

The fans in the arena were excited and noisy, and it seemed to make their team play better.

Prociice 22. Using superlqiives. (chort 9-lO)

Complete the sentences with the given ideas and the superlative form.

bad flood far planet intelligent animals

big organ good policy popular sport
common word high level tall mountain

1. Mount McKinley in Alaska is the in North America.

2. The skin is in the human body. It covers the largest area.
3. 動 ιis in the English language.
4. Neptune is from the sun.
5. in thc world is fbotban.

6. Bottle-nosed dolphins are that live in the water.

7. I:st spring, the towns on the river experienced of this century.
The water rose to that it ever had in the towns'history.
8. A famous proverb, and a rule for living, is "Honesty is
means that you should always be honest.

> Prqclice 23. Using superlolives. (Chort 9-10)

Part I. Complete the sentences with superlatives and the appropriate word.: in, of, or eoer.
1. Economics is (dfficuh) the moat difficult course I have taken.
2. For me, English is (easy) course I have taken.
3. A lot of students take a course called The History of Rap Music because it is one of (interesting)
courses the college.
4. The professor who teaches it is excellent. He is one of (gooA
professors all the professors in the college.
5. My friends say that my grandmother is (zarie) person they
have met.
6. My wife won our town's annual marathon race twice. She was (/asr)
runner -- all.
7. My three children all have artistic ralenr, but Jimmy is (artistic)
8. My cousin Carolina has won a scholarship to Harvard University to study mathematics. She is
one of (brilliant) mathematics students the
whole country.
9. One of (successful) business people our town
is Mitchell Brown, the owner of our only independent bookstore.
10. He established the srore ten years ago, and now it is (6zsy)
bookstore our area.
1 l. Mitchell is not only a successful businessperson, but he is one of (generous)
people that our town has known.
He has given a lot of time and money to local charities.
12. Mitchell believes that contributing to the quality of life in his community is (important)

thing that he can do life.

Part II. Make comparisons using the least with the word in parentheses
, and, in, of, or eoer.
13. Ed is not lazy, but he is certainly (ambidous) the leaat ambitioua of all the
people I have worked with.
14. That painting didn't cost much. lt is (expensiae) work of
art we have _.-.- bought.
15. Antarcrica is (populated) continent the world.
16. Kim is never tense or nervous. She is (anxious) person
that I have known. She is always calm.

Comporisons I5l
> Prqctice 24. As . . . os, more I -er, ond most I -est. (chorts 9-1 -+ 9-10)
Part I. Compare the cost of the items in parentheses. Use the given expressions.

l. (a pencil zts.* a phone)

A pencil is less expensive than a phone

2. (a paper clip zts. a diamond ring)

is much more expensive than

3. (a cup of coffee os. a bag of colfee beans)
ls not as expenslve as

4. (radios vs. MP3 players vs. big screenTVs)

and are both less expensive

5. (a compact car vs. a house)
is not nearly as expensive as

6. (footballs as. soccer balls as. table-tennis balls vs. basketballs)

, and
are all more expensive than

Part II. Compare the waterfalls by using the given expressions.

An^el Falle is much higher than Nia?ara Falle""
8. is almost as high
9. is the highest
10. is not nearly as high
11. is not quite as high

Waterfa:is ofthe Worid

Niagara Falls
Giessbach Falls
Cuquendn Falls
Angel Falls
United States and Canada
53 meters 604 meters 610 meters 807 meters

ros. is an abbreviation for aerszs, which means "as opposed to, as compared to."
tA singular verb is used after Angel Falls because it is the name of a place. Angel Falls is in Venezuela. Similarly, the United States
takes a singular verb because it is the name of a place: The United Staus is a big cotntry.

162 cHAPTER e
Part III. Compare the weight of the items in parentheses. Use the given expressions.
12. (air, iron) Air is lighter than iron
13.(J知 ら ωθθご) is heavier
14. (water,iron, wood, air) Of the four elements, is the heaviest

15. (water, air) is not as heavy

16. (waur,iron,wood,alr) Of the four elements, is the lightest

17 . (water, air) is not nearly as light

18. (waterriron,wood) and are both heavier

> Proclice23. Using neverwilh comporqlives. (Chorrg-10)

Choose thc sentence that is closest in ineaning to the given scntencc.

1. I've never taken a harder test in this class.

(Ξ )ThC test was hard.

b. The test wasn't hard.

2. I've never taken a hard tcst in this class.

a. The tcsts in this class arc hard.
b.[「 he tests in this class aren't hard.

3.PЮ fessorJOnes has never given a difrlcult test.

a. I・ Iis tcsts are dif「 lcult.

b. I‐ Iis tests aren't difncult.

4. Profcssor Smith has nevcr givcn a more difFlcult test.

a. The test was difncult.
b. Thc test wasn't difFlcult.

5. ‐ ere have never been wOrse econollnic cOnditions in Leadvillc.

a. Lcadvillc has bad ccOnonlic cOnditions.
b. Lead宙 nc docsn't havc bad ecOnonlic conditions.
6. There have never becn bad econOnlic conditions in■£adville.
a. Lead宙 1lc has bad econonlic cOnditiOns.
b. Leadville doesn't have bad econOrnic cOnditions.

7. We've nevcr stayed m a mOrc cOmfOrtable hOtel room.

a。 「Fhc room was cOmfortablc.
b. Thc room wasn't cOInfortable.

8. Wc've nevcr stayed in a comfortable r00m at that hOtcl.

a. The rooms arc cOmfOrtablc.
b. 1「he rooms aren't cOmfortable.

Comporisons I63
> Ploclice 26. Using ever ond never in comporisons. (chorrs 9-3 ond 9-10)
Complete the sentences with the comparative and superlative forms of the words in imlics.

l. Pierre told a really funny story. It is the funnieet story I've ever heard (in
my life). I've never heard a funnier story (than that one).
2. John felt very sad when he saw the child begging for money. In fact, he has never felt
(than he did then). That is he has
ever felt (in his life).
3. Jan just finished a really goodbook. She thinks it was book she has
ever read. She says that she has never read a book.
4. The villagers fought the rising flood all through the night. They were exhausted the next
morning. They have never had a experience. That was
experience they have ever had.
5. When her daughter was born, Rachel felt extremely happy. In fact, she has never felt
(than she did then). That was she has ever

felt (in her life).

6. Oscar told a yery entertaining story after dinner. In fact, he has never told a
story. It is one of
stories I have ever heard in my life.
7. Mari studied very hard for her college entrance exams. In fact, she has never studied
. That was she has ever studied in her life.

8. The weather is really hot today! In fact, so far this year the weather has never been
.This is weather we've had so far this year.

> Proctice 27. Review of compololives ond superloiives. (Chorts s-l + 9-10)
Choose the correct completion.

I. I feel in a plane than I do in a car.

a. safe b. more safer c. safer
2. Mountain climbing takes than walking on a level path.
a. the more strength b. the most strength c. more strength
3. The distance between two points is a straight line.
a. shorter b. more shorter c. shortest
4. My grandfather feels speaking his native language than he does speaking English.
a. more comfortable b. the more comfortable c. the most comfortable
5. My friend has studied many languages. He thinks Japanese is of all the languages he has
studied. -
a. the more difficult b. the most difficult c. very difficult

6. I think learning a second language is than learning chemistry or mathematics.

a. more difficult b. very difficult c. the most difficult

l& cHAPTER 9
7 . One of natural disasters in the world was the tsunami that happened in Asia in 2004.

- worse b. the worst c. the most worse

a. the

8. In the United Srates, Florida produces _ oranges of any state.

a. more b. the more c. the most

9. It produces even _ oranges than California does.

a. more b. the more c. the most

10. Of all the countries in the world, Brazil produces crop of oranges.
a. the bigger b. the more bigger c. the biggest
> Prqctice 28. Review of comporotives ond superlotives. (chor1.s 9-1 + Q-lg;
Complete the sentences. IJse any appropriate form of the words in parentheses and add any other
necessary words.

l. Sometimes I feel like all of my friends arc (intelligent) more intelli?ent than I
am, and yet, sometimes they tell me that they think I am (smart) the smarLeat
person 4
′ thc class.

2. One of (popular) holidays Japan is NewYear's.

3. A mouse is (small) a rat.
4. Europe is first in agricultural production of potato es. ( potatoes)
are grown in Europe on any other continent.
5. Mercury is (close) planet to the sun. It moves around the sun (/asr)
any other planet in the solar system.
6. In terms of area, (large) state the United States is
Alaska, but it has one of (small) populations all the
7. I need more facrs. I can't make my decision until I -
get (information)

8. Rebecca is a wonderful person. I don't think I've ever met a (kind)

and (generous) person.
9. You can trust Rebecca. You will never meet a (honest) person
she is.
10. I'm leaving. This is (6ad) movie I've ever seen! I won't sit through
another second of it.
11. One of (sale) places to be during a lightning storm is inside a car.
12. Small birds have a much (/asr) heartbeat large birds.
13. Are your feet exactly the same size? Almost everyone,s left foot is (big)
their right foor.*

*Grammar note: In formal English,

a singular pronoun is used to refer to e*eryonei
Almost eoeryone's lef-t foot is bigger than his or her right
In everyday informal usage, a plural pronoun is frequently used:
Almost ezsetyone's left foot is bigger than their right foot.

Comporisons 165
> Proclice 29. Like, alike. (Chorr 9-11)
Complete the sentences with lihe or alike.

l. My mother and my father rarely argue because they think alike

2. The Browns designed their summer cabin to look like the inside of a boat.
3. Joe and John are twins, but they don't look
4. They dress because they have the same taste in clothes.
5. This lamp doesn't look the one I ordered.
6. Mike is 30, but he acts a child.
7. Professor Miller's lectures are all : repetitive and boring.
8. This coffee doesn't taste the coffee we sampled at the store.
9. The clouds in the east look rain clouds.
10. My grandmother and mother sound on the phone.

> Proctice 30. The same, similor, ditferent. (chort 9-11)

Complete the sentences with the sante, shnilar, or differenl and the correct preposition: as, to,
or Jrorn.
1. My coat is not like yours. lt's different from yours.
2. Our apartment is a lot like my cousin's apartment. It's hers.

3. The news report on Channel 4 at7:00 P.M. was exactly the report
we heard on Channel 6 at 6:00 P.M.
4. Is the North Pole really the South Pole? I thought they were
exactly alike.
5. Your jacket is just like mine. It's exactly rnlne.

6. I enjoyed reading your letters from China. My experiences in Beijing were a lot like yours.
They were yours in llnany ways.

7. The movie on our flight to London was the movie on our flight to
Paris. The name of the movie was Forever Lost.
8. Except for some minor differences in grammar, spelling, and vocabulary, American English is
British English. It's one language.
9. The English spoken in the United States is only slightly the English
spoken in Britain, Canada, and Australia. The most noticeable difference is the accent.
10. I-emons are limes. They both taste sour.
1 1. My sisters are twins) but they are very each other. They don't even

look alike.

1 66 CHAPTER 9
Prociice 31. Like, alike, similor, diflerent, (chort 9-r r)
Part I. Compare the figures using the given words.


1. like A′ 多′
′kθ フ .
2. aHkc
3. similar (to) and
4. different (from) and

Part II. Compare the figures. Use the sa?ne (as), sintilar (to), or different (from).

5. All of the triangles are each other.

6. A and D are each other.
7. A and C are
8. A isn't C.
9. B and C are ][:).

Proctice 32. The some, similar, different, rike, alike. (chorr 9-r r)
complete the sentences with the sante, sintilar, differentr like, or alike.
1. Dana swims like a fish. She never wants to come out of the warer.
2. The lake doesn't have a ripple on it. It looks glass.
3. There are six girls in our family, but none of us look Our brothers also
look different.
4. A: Some people can tell we're sisters. Do you think we look
B: Somewhat. The color of your hair is not
, but your eyes are exactly
color. You also have oval face.

Comporisons 157
5. A: Excuse me. I believe you have my umbrella.
B: Oh, you're right. It looks almost exactly mine, doesn't it?
6. A: This pasta is delicious! It tastes just the pasta we had in Italy.
B: S7ell, not exactly. It's to the pasta in Italy, but it's not as good.
7. Some people think my sister and I are twins. \7e look and talk
, but our personalities are quite
8. Homonyms are words that have pronunciation but different spelling,
such as "pair" and "pear" or "sea" and "see." For many people, "been" and "bean" are
homonyms and have pronunciation. For other people, however, "been"
and "bean" are words with pronunciations. These people pronounce
"been" like "bin" or "ben."

> Proctice 33. Editing. (chopter 9)

Correct the errors.
1. My brother is older &em me.
2. A sea is more deeper than a lake.

3. A donkey isn't as big to a horse.

4. Ellen is happiest person I've ever met.

5. When I feel embarrassed, my face gets hot and more hot.

6. One of a largest animal in the world is the hippopotamus.

7. The traffic on the highway is more bad from than it used to be.

8. Jack is the same old from Jerry.

9. Peas are similar from beans, but they have several differences'

10. Last winter was pretty mild. This winter is cold and rainy. It's much rain than last winter.

11. Mrs. Peters, the substitute teacher, is very friendly than the regular instructor.

12. Although alligators and crocodiles are similar, alligators are less big than crocodiles.

13. Mohammed andThrek come from different countries, but they became friends easily because

they speak a same language, Arabic.

> Proctice 34. Crossword puzle. (Chopter 9)
Complete the crossword puzzle. Use the clues to find the correct words.

2. My husband is a good cook, bur my mother is the cook in the world.
6. A turtle walks more than a rabbit.
8. The weather is really bad this summer. It rains all the time, and the heat is terrible. It's the
summer we've ever had.
9. Arithmctic is than advanced calculus.
10. I have a bad cold. I went to work, but that was a mistake. I had to go home early. I feel even
than I did this morning.
l. Kim speaks English much than he did last year.
3. W'e are taking the plane tomorrow morning. It leaves at 6:00 A.M.
4. Thc swimmer won first prize.
5. Many people think that Paris is the beautiful city in the world.
7. There are letters in the word happy than in the word sad.

Comporisons I69
ChapteF 10
The Possive

> Proctice l.

Aclive vs. possive. (Chorts 10-1 ond 10-2)

Circle actiae if the given sentence is active; circle passiae if it is passive. Underline the verb.

1. (active)

Farmers grow rice.
2. active Rice is grown by farmers.
3. active Sara wrote the letter.

4. active passive The letter was written by Sara.

5. active passive The teacher explained the lesson.
6. active passive The lesson was explained by the teacher.
7. active passive Bridges are designed by engineers.
8. active passive Engineers design bridges.
9. active passive rWorkers are fixing the higlrway.

10. active passive The highway is being fxed by workers.

> Proctice 2. Active vs. pqssive. (chorts l0-l ond l0-2)

Change the active verbs in italics to passive.

1. Mr. Case deliuers our mail every day. Our mail fぅ ″θlん 4θ re▲

by Mr. Case every day.

Mr. Case is deliaering our mail Our mail
right now. by Mr. Case right now.
3. Mr. Case has deliaered our mail Our mail
for ten years. by Mr. Case for ten years.
4. Mr. Case deliaered our mail early Our mail
today. by Mr. Case early today.
5. Mr. Case was delivering our mail Our mail
when a loud explosion occurred. by Mr. Case when a loud explosion occurred.
6. Mr. Case is going to deliver our mail Our mail
late today. by Mr. Case late today.
7. Mr. Case will deliaer the mail early Our mail
on Saturday. by Mr. Case early on Saturday.

> Proclice 3. Forms of the possive. (Chorts 10-1 ond 10-2)
Choose the correct completion from the list for each sentence.

a. are flown c. is grown
b. are led d. is followed

1. Coffee c in hot climates.

2. Planes by pilots.
3. Armies - by generals.
4. The month
- of May by the month of June.
Past -
e. was bitten g. were shot
f. was discovered h. were made

5. I
6. The bears
-byamosquito. by hunters.
7 - These cookies by my grandmother.
8. Penicillin -by Alexander Fleming, a Scottish scientist.
Future -
i. are going to be elected k. will be taken
j. is going to be senr l. will be won

9. The wedding photos by a professional photographer.

10. A new president and vice-president _ by the people.
I l. The gold medal _ by the fastest runner.
12. This package by overnight mail. You'll receive ir romorrow.
Present perfect -
m. has been bought o. have been arrested
n. has been written p. have been invited

13. I by the governor to attend a special conference.

14. A -book about our town _ by my sociology professor.
15. The house next to ours _ by an airline pilot.
16. Two men _ by the police for robbing the bank last month.
q. are being taught s. was being served
r. is being chased t. were being carried

17. Look at that. That little dog _ by that big cat!

18. The children _ French by a native French speaker.
19. Dinner at the restaurant when the lights suddenly went out.
20. \We saw scenes of the fire onTV. People from the burning building
- by fire fighters.
Fortunately, no one died in the fire.

The Possive l7l

> Proctice 4. Review of posl porticiples. (Chorrs 2-3 ond 2-4)
\il7rite the past participles of the verbs. The list contains both regular and irregular verbs.

1. bring brou?hf, 15. make

2. build 16. plan
3. buy 17. play
4. carry 18. pull
5. do 19. read
6. eat 20. save
7. find 21. send
8. give 22. speak
9. go 23. spend
10. grow 24. take
11. hit 25. teach
12. hurt 26. visit
13. leave 27. wear
14. lose 28. write

> Prociice 5. Possive form. (Chor.ts 1O-1 ond 10-2)

Complete the sentences with the given form of be and the past participle of any appropriate verbs
in the list in Practice 4.

1. お Arabic by more than 800 million people.

2. are Books by authors.
3. are Books by readers.
4. was A new school in our town last year.
5. were The two lost children at the ice cream shop.

6. has been There's no more pizza. All the pizza by the

7. is going to be Niagara Falls by thousands of tourists
this year.
8. will be The championship football game in Milan

next week.
9. are going to be Our pictures by a professional
photographer at the wedding.
10. hape been Oranges by farmers in Jordan since
anclcnt tllnes.

1 1. are being Jeans by everyone these days: young

people, old people, men, and women.

172 cHAPTER lo
12. was being Yesterday I saw something unusual on the highway. A house

by a truck.

> Prqclice 6. Tense forms ol the possive. (Chorrs 1O-1 ond 10-2)
Complete the sentences with the passive form of the given verbs.

Part I. Use the simple present.


/collect understand
eat ■ write

1. Taxcs are collected by the government.

2. Books by authors.
3. Rice by farmers in Korea.
4. SmaH flsh by big frsh.
5. I for my work by my boss.
6. The meaning of a smile by everyone
Part IL Use the simple past.

build /collect destroy vrltc

Yesterday the students'papers were collected by the teacher at the end of the test.

Thc Great Wan of China by Chinese emperors more rhan 2r5OO

years ago.

The Harry Potterbooks by J. K. Rowling, a former English teacher.


An office building in Jakarta by the eart-hquake.

The Possive 173

7 . Mice \ eat \ by cats

8. Songs \ sing \ to children \ by their mothers

9. Thai food \ cook \ in Thai restaurants

10. Chefs \ cook \ in restaurants

>朧 cllt盤 『驚∬:Ytttts驚 翼」

¶胤鑑 ::Iふ llの

1. A mousc is bCing chascd.

a. A mouse is trying to catch something.
@ Something is trying to catch a mouse.

2. The mouse was caught.

a. The mouse caught something'
b. Something caught the mouse'
3. The soldiers are being trained'
a. Someone is training the soldiers'
b. The soldiers are training someone'
4. The earthquake victims are being helped by the medics'
a. The medics are receiving helP'
b. The victims are receiving helP'
5. Some pets are taught to do tricks'
a. Some pets teach themselves to do tricks'
b. Someone teaches the pets to do tricks'
6. The children were trying to find their parents after the school
a. The children were looking for their parents'
b. The parents were looking for their children'
7. The airline passengefs were being asked to wait while the plane was
a. The Passengers made a request'
b. Someone asked the passengers to wait'
8. The flight attendants were instructed to be seated'
a. Someone told the flight attendants to be seated'
b. The flight attendants told people to be seated'

> Proclice 18. Review: ociive vs. possive. (chorts l0-l ' l0-4)
Write if the sentence is correct andi'I" if incorrect' Make any necessary corrections'

1. / It was haPPened manY Years ago'

2. C \)7heat is grown in Canada'

3. I was go to school YesterdaY'

4. Two firefighters injure while they were fighting the fire.

5. - Sara was accidentallV broken the window.

6. - Kara was eating a snack when the phone rang.

7. - Timmy was eaten when the phone rang.

8. - I am agree with you.

9. - The little boy was fallen down while he was running in the park.

10. - The swimmer was died from a shark attack.

11. - The swimmer was killed by a shark.

12. - I was slept for nine hours last night.

> Proctice 19. Possive modqls. (Chort 10-5)
Complete the sentences by changing the active modals to passive modals.
1. This book (have to return) hae to be returned to the library today.
2. That book (should return) tomorrow.
3. This letter (must send) today.
4. This package (could send) tomorrow.
5. That package (should send) by overnight mail.
6. That box (can put aztay) now.
7. These boxes (may throw away)
8. Those boxes (might pick up) this afternoon.
9. This room (will clean up) soon.

> Prqctice20. Possive modols. (Chorr 10-5)

Change the answers from active to passive. Include the bj,rphrase only if it contains important
1. lVhat happens when an animal is sick?
a. A veterinarianshould treat the animal.
The animal should be treated by a veterinarian.
b. Someone will give the animal medicine.
The animal will be ?iven medicine.

2. Can I send this letter now?

a. No, someone has to change the last paragraph.

b. No, Mr. Hayes must sign it.

The Possive I8I

3. wa-t's- going to happen n
that big ord house on Mapre
a. A famous hockey star might steet?
buy it.

b. Someone may convert it into

4. 刀ら
θ″七α″ぉれたιoη ″ ε
ソ πグルε
α″ bJ″
a. You shOuld caH the credit card cOmpany inllnediately.

b. The company ought to fix the

-ir*k;rh, "*",
5. There's a new book about
eaeryday heroes.
a. Everyone should read it.

b. They will make a movie of

the book.

6. This drex is no longfor me.

a. Someone should shorten it.

b. Someone has to do it soon.

t octive vs. possive. (chorrs ro_r

:ffi:I;?k.ll3fl1y: + re_g;

ir∬ 1彦 勝)務 織∬蹴凸 _t斑 猟t=:鷺 s

(″ α滋 /ω θ″ ″ααθ
)in EurOpe s破 hundred years agO.These watches
′″ ^_´ ^ ′_
.・ 、

their pockets. rhese watches (caued

ヽ レ ″"′/were
Watches.Lc watches(bιι α″θ/ω θ ″bθ ωzの popular and(ω ι

ιι pocket
popular until w。 」d warI.During that waち
た″ ″ αttθ ご/2″ αttθ ど)
watches oα ι/ω θ ″夕α め J
⑫ /翼
On hOn月
。 ハ ^^lJ:
bandS,and S01diCrs
_月 ′

wrists. It was rnore practical tO l

slttcili肺 !乳 iilF請 IIst山
pocket. since ぶ}ド、ミぎゞ`思 i:`『
pocket' sincethハ n _1‖
then, :^^_^r___:__
milrions of wrist warches● _
(haae been *"";;;;;;;":"';'r:;::::;".'"'^
(2) However' not as many watch es (are
being sold / sotd)now as previously.
time (zs disptayed / displayed) by That,s because the
clocks on compurers and celr phones.
phones are everywhere, watches Since computers and cell
(aren,t needed / don,t need) '「
asmuch as they were. Many young
adults (have neaer worn I have netter
been worn)watches. Some peopre
watches (may disappear / may think that the need for
be disappeared) completely
and trrat in rhe furure, a wrisr
(will be considered / wilr consider) warch
an antique item, like the pocket

182 cHApTER ro
> Prqclice 22. Using post porticiples qs odieclives. (chort 10-6)
Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
Pcrr L Jackis...
l. maried ,, Katie.
2. excited vacation.
3. exhausted work.
4. frightened heights.
5. disappointed his new car.
6. tired rain.
7. pleased his new boss.
8. involved charity work.
9. worried his elderly parents.
10. acquainted a famous movie star.

Pafi IL lack's friend is . . .

ll. interested sports.
12. done final exams.
13. terrified spiders.
14. related a famous movie star.

15. opposed private gun ownership.

16. pleased his part-time iob.
17. divorced his wife.

Ibrt IIL Jack's house is . . .

18. made
- wood.
19. located the suburbs.
20. crowded antique furniture.
21. emergencies.

> Proclice 23. Using post porlicaples qs odieclives. (chorilo-6)

Correct the errors.
excited about
1. The little girl is exdteja her birthday party.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Rose devoted each other.

3. Could you please help me? I need directions. I lost.

4. The students are boring in their chemistry project.

5. The paper bags at this store is composed in recycled products.

6. Your friend needs a doctor. He hurt.

The Possive 183

7. How well are you prepare the driver's license test?

8. Mary has been engaging with Paul for five years. \7ill they ever ger married?

Prqctice 24. -ed vs. -ing. (chort 10-7)

Complete the sentences with the appropriate -ed or -ing form of the words in parentheses.

Ben is reading a book. He really likes it. He can't put it down. He has to keep reading.

1. The book is really interestin? . (interest)

) Ben is really (interest)

3. The story is (exciw)

4. Ben is about the story. (excite)

5. Ben is by the characters in the book. (fascinate)
6. The people in the story are (fascinate)

7. Ben didn't flnish thc last book hc started because it was and
(bore, confuse)

8. Ben doesn't like to read books when he is and

(bore, confuse)

What is the most book you've read lately? (interest)


I just finished a mystery story that had a verY

ending. (fascinate, surPrise)

> Proctice 25. -edvs. -ing. (chort l0-7)

Choose the correct adjective.

l. The students are (interesting I interested) in learning more about Kung Fu'
2. Ms. Green doesn'r explain things well. She's (confusing I confused). The students are
(confusing I confused).

3. Have you heard the news about Jamie and Hal? They are going trekking in Nepal. They are
rcally (exciting I excited) about it. It's really an (exciting I excited) thing to do'
4. There was a (surprising I surprised) event in the news yesterday: the governor had resigned
suddenly. Everyone was (surprising I surprised).

5. lt's (embarrassing I embarrassed) to forget someone's name. Yesterday I couldn't remember the
name of my boss's wife, and I felt very (embarrassed I embarrassing).
6. Mr. Ball fascinates me. He has lived in 13 countries and he speaks five languages. I think he is
a (fascinating lfascinated) person. \U7henever I am with him, I listen to every'thing he says. I
am (fascinating I fascinated) by Mr. Ball.
7. Victor and his wife Sylvia are different. Sylvia is a vegetarian, butVictor isn't. Victor doesn't
like Sylvia's cooking. He thinks that the salads she prepares are nor (satisfuing I satisfied). He
thinks a (satisfuing I satisfied) meal should have plenty of mear.
8. The story of Steven Hawking's life has been (inspiring I inspired) to many people. Despite
terrible handicaps, Steven Hawking became known as a brilliant scientist. I am (inspiring I
inspired) by him.

> Proclice26. -edvs. -ing. (chort 1O-7)

Choose the correcr adjective.

l. The street signs in our city are (confused t66ii>>.

2. The drivers are (frustrated lfrustrating).
3. The professor's lecture on anatomy was (confused I confusing) for the students.
4. Sophie was very (embarrassed I embarrassing) by all the attention she got for her high test scores.
5. Sophie said it was (embarrassed I embarrassing) to have so many people congratulate her.
6. I am really (interested I inuresting) in eighteenth-century art.
7 . Eighteenth-century art is really (interested I interesting).

8. \Mhat an (exhausted I exhausting) day! I am so (tired / tiring) from picking strawberries.

9. Some of the new horror movies are (frightened lfrightening) because they are so realistic.
10. If young children see a horror movie, they often become (frightened lfrightening).

> Proclice2T. -edvs. -ing. (Chort 1O-7)

uTrite "I" next to the incorrect sentence in each group.
1. a. Science fascinates me.
b. Science is fascinating ro me.
c. I Science is fascinated ro me.
2. a. The baby is exciting about her new roy.
b. The baby is excited about her new toy.
c. The new toy is exciting to the baby.
3. a. The book is really interesring.
b. The book is really interested.
c. The book interests me.
4. a. I am exhausting from working in the fields.
b. I am exhausted from working in the fields.
c. \Torking in the fields exhausrs me.
d. \Torking in the fields is exhausting.

The Possive I85

5. a. Your grandmother is amazing to me.
b. Your grandmother amazes me.
c. Your grandmother is amazed to me.
d. I am amazed bY Your grandmother.

> Prqctice 28. Oet + odiective ond posi porticiple. (Chort l0-B)
Choose the correct completion from Column B.

Column A Column B

1. Ve couldn't go on our vacation to Hawaii because we a' dressed

got with ttre flu. b. late
2. lerry- couldn't find our house. He got on the way' c. lost
3. Susie is five years old now. She can get- by herself' d. arresred
4. IU(rhen,s dinner going to be ready? I'm getting very . e. wer
5. r$[e'll be late for the concert if we don't hurry. It's - f. rich
6. I want to make a lot of money. Do you know a good way h' :'t*
to get quick?
7. Jake's in- jail now. Yesterday he got for stealing a car.

8. I-ast Saturday we were enioying our-picnic when it suddenly

started to rain. \7e all got
> Prqctice 29. Get + odiective qnd pqsl porliciple. (Chort l0-B)
Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of get'
2. Tom and Sue ?ot married last month'

3. Let's stop working for a while' I am TettinT tired'

4. I interested in biology when I was in high school, so I decided to major

in it in college.
5. \rhen I was in the hospital, I got a card from my aunt and uncle. It said,
well soon."
6. Karen has a new GPS in her car. It tells her exactly how to go everywhere' street by street'
She used to lost all the time, but she doesn't anymore'

7. A: \[hat haPPened to You just now?

B: I don't know. SuddenlY I dizzy,b:ut I'm okaY now.

8. I always nervous when I have to give a speech'

g. A: \rhere's Bud? He was supposed to be home two hours ago' He always calls when he's
late. I worried. Maybe we should call the police'
B: Relax. He'll be home soon.

I86 cHAPTER lo
10. A: I'm going on a diet.
B: Oh?

A: See? This shirt is roo tight. I fat.

> Proctice 30. Be used/occustomed to. (Chorts 2-B ond t0-9)

choose the correct completion. More than one answer may be correct.
1. Frank has lived alone for 20 years. He _ alone.
a. used to live @ is used to living @ is accustomed to living
2. I with my family, bur now I live alone.
a. used to live b. am used to living c. am accustomed to living
3. Rita rides her bike to work every day. She her bike ro work.
a. used to ride b. is used to riding c. is accustomed to riding
4. Thomas rode his bike to work for many years, but now he takes the bus. Tom his bike
to work.
a. used to ride b. is used to riding c. -
is accustomed to riding
5. Carl to work, but now he takes a ffain.
a. used to drive b. is used to driving c. is accusromed to driving
6. carl drives 50 miles to work every day. He 50 miles a day.
a. used to drive b. is used to driving c. is accustomed to driving
7. Ari dinner at 9:00 P.M. He has dinner at that time every night. Thar's too late for me.
a. used to eat b. is used to eating c. is accustomed to eating
8. Maria dinner at 9:00 P.M., but now she eats ar 6:00 P.M. with her roommares.
a. used to eat b. is used to eating c. is accustomed to eating
> Proctice 3I. Used fo vs. be used fo. lcnort t0_10)
Add an appropriate form of be if necessary. If no form of be is needed, write O.
l. People 0 used to take trains to travel long distances, but today, most people take
2. Polly Hudson often has to rravel for her job. She ie used to traveling by plane.
3. You and I are from different cultures. You used ro having fish for breakfast. I
used to having cheese and bread for breaKast.
4. Vhen I lived at home,I used to have big breakfasts. Now I am living in an
apartment on my own, and
I don,t eat breakfast anymore.
5' Jeremy wakes up at 5:00 every morning for work. After a year of doing this, he
used to getting up early, even on weekends.
6. our neighbor, Dr. Jenkins, retired last year. He used to get up early to go to work
at the hospital, but now he gets up whenever he wants.
7. Before email, people used to write letters. Letters are less common nowadays.
8' My grandfather doesn't use the computer much.- He -- used to talking on the phone.
$(rhen he wants to communicate with us, he phones us.

The Possive 187

9. Minna ke has been our senator for several years. She has never lost an election. She

used to winning elections.

10. Sam Sibley used to be our senator. He was our senator for 26 years until he died

age 87.

Proctice 32. llsed fo vs. be used fo. (crrort 10-10)

Complete the sentences with used to or be used to and the correct form of the verb

1. Kate grew up on a farm. She (ger) used to ?et up at dawn and go to bed as

soon as the sun went down. Now she works in the city at an advertising agency and has
different sleeping hours.
2. Hiroki's workweek is seven days long. He (work)
Saturdays and SundaYs'
soccer on a
3. Luis spends weekends with his family now' He (play)
young children'
team before he was married, but now he enioys staying home with his
4. Sally (be) a nurse. But six years ago, she applied to medical school

and was accepted. Now she is a doctor.

has taught kindergarten for eight years' She is very patient with
small children. She
5. Joan
(work) with them.
He (eat)
6. Bebo really likes hot and spicy food. He always orders it in a restaurant.
hot and spicy food, and he never orders anything


Proctice 33. Be supposed to, (chort l0-l l) to'

Make sentences with a similar meaning by using a form of be supposed
1. someone expected me to return this book to the library yesterday, but I didn't'

2. our professor expects us to read chapter 9 before class tomorrow.

3. Someone expected me to go to a party last night, but I stayed home'

4. The teacher expects us to do Exercise 10 for homework'

5. The weather bureau has predicted rain for tomorrow'


7. My mother expects me to dust the furniture and vacuum the carpet'

Proctice 34. Editing. (Chopter l0)
Correct the errors.
1. The moving boxes packed by Pierre.
2. My uncle was died in the war.

3. Miami located in Florida.

4. I was very worry about my son.

5. Mr. Rivera interested in finding a new career.

6. Did you tell everyone the shocked news?

7. After ten years, I finally used to this wet and rainy climate.

8. The newspaper suppose to come every morning before eight.

9. The Millers have been marry with each other for 60 years.

10. I am use to drink coffee with cream, bur now I drink it black*.
I 1. What was happen at rhe party last night?

12. Several people almosr get kill when the fireworks exploded over them.

13. A new parking garage being build for our office.

14. I have been living in England for several years, so I accusrom driving on rhe left side of the


*black : without cream.

The Possive t 89
> Proctice 35. Word seorch puzle. (Chopter l0)
Change this sentence to the passive:

The fisherman caught six large fish.

There will be eight words in the new passive sentence. Find the words in the p:uzzle and circle
them. The words may be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. The first letter of each word is
highlighted in gray.

w P■ v H v N T 丁

c ■

I ■


T ■


I90 cHAPTER lo
I Chapler T l
Cou ni I N oncou nf l\louns
ond Ariicles

> Prqctice l.
l$7rite a or a?t.
A vs. on; singulor count nouns. (chori- 11-1)

l. a game t2. horse

2. office t3. star
3. 14. _ eye
4. _ egg T5, new game
- -
5. _ man 16. large office
6. university 17. old car
7. umbrella 18. used car
8. house t9. honest man
9. island 20. large university
10. ocean 2t. small house
11. hour ,) empty house

- 2. Count qnd noncounl nouns. (Chort

Proclice 11_2)
Circle the correct answer.
l. Sal is sitting in (chair / a chair).
2. There are four (chair I chairs) at the table.
3. There are some (chair I chairs) near the wall.
4. One (chair I chairs) is broken.
5. I like the (furniture I furnitures) in this room.
6. (Some /l) furniture in this room came from Italy.
7. (Furniture I A furniture) can be expensive.
8. Tomorrow we are going to buy (one I some) furniture.
9. Sal needs a new (desk I desks).
10. He looked at some (desk ldesfts) last week, but they weren,t the right size.

Couni/Noncount Nouns ond Articles t 9I

レ Prqclice 3. Noncount nouns. (chort I l-3)
Write the words in their correct categories.

/apples bracelets letters rings

bananas chairs necklaces sofas
beds checks oranges strawberries
/bills earrings packages tables

> Proctice 4. More noncouni nouns. (Chort 1l-4)

Complete the sentences with words from the list.

fun gold help light thunder water

1. Sally drank some

2. It's too dark in here. \7e need some
3. Listen! Is that
4. These rings are made of
I need some Can you please carry this package for me?

6. It was a great PartY. EverYbodY had

Proctice 5. Couni ond noncount nouns. (Chorts I l-l ' 11-4)

Fill in the blanks with -s/-es or 0 if nothing should be added.
1. \uould you please pass the salt- pepper-?

2. It,s very cold here and there's been a lot of snow-. You'll need to bring your warm

boot and a heavy jacket. And don't forget wool sock

3. Dad made some cookie for the children to have with their milk-.
- -.

4. I wasn't hungry for lunch. I just had some soup and some bread and
5. Pat slipped on the ice and broke rwo -
bone in his foot. -
6. There -.
has been rain all week. I d like to see some sunshine soon.
7 . Teachers need patience- with their students. The teachers are satisfied when the
students make progress _. -
> Proclice 6. Counl ond noncount nouns. (Chorts 11-2 ond 11-4)
$7hich of the words can follow one and which can follow sorne? lfrite the correct form for each
noun. If the noun does not have a singular form, write O.
one some
1. word ″ νθ″ 多

2. vocabulary ル υレrv

3. slang
4. homewOrk
5. assignment
6. dress
7. clothing
8. family
9. knowledge
10. informatiOn
12. luck

> Proclice 7. count ond noncount nouns. (chorts 11-1 , r r-4)

Complete the sentences with alan or O.
1. Tom lived in a big city for many years. However, three years ago he left the city. It had
O polhxion and smog, and he couldn't breathe well. Now he lives in small
town in the mountains.
- He breathes clean air and drinks fresh water.
- He knows
that it was good idea to leave the city because his health is better.
- -
2. Cornell University
- is named for Ezra Cornell. Ezra Cornell was a philanthropist* who lived in
Ithaca, NewYork. He loved the area and wanted to improve it. People there didn,t have
library, and so he built one for them. Then, he wanred to build university where people
could gain knowledge in practical subjects, such as farming, as well as in _
history, - literature, and - science. Cornell owned large farm in the area, and in
an act of-generosiry he donated it
- as the sitefor the new university.
- Cornell University opened
in 1865, and today it is known as excellent university one of the best universities in
the world.

*philanthropist : a rich person who gives a lot of money to help poor people or good causes.

Counl/Noncounl Nouns ond Arlicles I93

Proctice 8. Count ond noncount nouns. (chorts I I -2 ' I I -4)
Complete the sentences with words from the list. Use the plural form as necessary.

1. I went to the grocery store and bought some

2. I stood on a hill in the countryside and saw some

3. I went to a jewelry store and saw some

4. At the auto rePair shoP, I saw some

Prqclice 9. Counl qnd noncount nouns. (Chorts I l-2 ) I l-5)

Complete the sentences with one, tttuch' ot tn'any'
Do you have . . .
I ona chair? 9. child?

Z. much furniture? 10. money?

a manv veeetables? 11. facts?

4. fruit? t2. information?

5 water? t3.
--- stum
n sand? t4. thing?

7. clothing? 15. things?

8. - clothes? 16. Problems?

Proctice lO. ManY vs. much. (chort I l-5)

Complete the sentences with the correct words from the list' Use the plural form of the noun
where necessary.

l. aPPle, cffie, fruit, sugar, aegetabk

a. I didn't buy manY aPPlee or

b. I didn't buY much coffee , ,Or

2. English, answer' person, slang, thing

a. Mr.Wade doesn't know manY
b. Mr.Vade doesn't know much
3. homework, idea, information, suggestion, work
a. Does Sue have manY or

b. Does Sue have much

or -----.-?

4. crime, garbage, police fficer, trffic, violence

a. Does this city have many

b. Does this city have much ,Or

Proclice ll. How mdny ond how much. (chorr 1 1-5)

Complete the questions with tnany or rttuch. Add final -s/-es if necessary to make a noun
plural. (Some of the count nouns have irregular plural forms.) If a verb is needed, circle the
correct one in the parentheses. If final -s/-es is not necessary, write O.
1.How ′
4v letter 多 (お /cD)there in the English alphabetP★
2. How “
much rnaltr O did you get yesterday?
3.How___盤 地 生 __man“ θ4(乃 αS/@)a ml beard at least once in their lifcP

4. How English literature _have you srudied?

5. How English word you know?
6. How gasoline it take to fill the tank in your car?
7. (Brづ ″Sか How -do
petrol does it take to fill the tank?)
8. How -does
grandchild Mrs. Cunningham have?
9. How fun did you have at the amusement park?
10. How island -does
(is I are) there in Indonesia?**
11. How -
people will there be by the year 2050?***
12. How zero (is I are) there in a billion)****

> Proclice 12. Review: count qnd

- noncounl nouns. (chorts 11-1 + I l-g)

Choose all the words that can be used with each given noun.

1. flower

an solne much
2. flowers a an ⑪ much
3. coin a an some much
4. money a an some much many
5. coins a an some much many
6. salt a an some much IInany
7. error a an some much many
8. mistake a an somc much many
9. honest mistake a an sorne much many
10. mistakes a an some much many
ll. dream a an some much many
12. interesting dream a an some much many
13. quesrions a an some much many

「here are"venty― s破 (26)letters,in■ e English alphabct.
☆★More than thirteen thousand seven hundred(13,700)

☆★★Esdmated at more than thirteen billlon(13,000,000,o00).


Counl/Noncount Nouns ond Arlicles I95

14, soap a an some much many

15. bar of soap a an some much many

16. beauty a an some much many

17. cup of tea a an some much many

18. unsafe place a an some much many

19. fruit a an some much many

20. pieces of fruit a an some much many

> Proctice 13. A lew vs. o little. (chort 11-5)

complete the sentences with a feus or a littlc. Add a final -s/-esl-r'es to the noun if necessary.
Otherwise, write O.

1. Everyone needs a little Inelp O sometimes'

2. The children's native language is Spanish, but they speak English

3. We bought orange to make fresh orange juice.

4. I like sugar in my coffee.

5. I'm going to give You advice

6. I need suggestion

7. He asked question

8. We talkcd tO people on the Plane.

9. Please give me more minute

10. I have work to do over the weekend'

11. Pedro alreadY knew English grammar before he took this

English course.

12. I've been making progress in the last couple of weeks'

> Prqctice I4. Counl ond noncount nouns: summory' (Chort I l-5)
quantity that cannot be used to
,t. opr..*ions of complete the sentences'
Draw a line through
1. I get mail every day. 2' I get letters every day'

a. a of
- a' a lot
- of
b. some b' some
c. a little c' a little
d. *&r# d' a few
e. too much e' too much
f. too manY f' too many

g. several g' several

h. three h. three

3. I ate fruit. 4. I ate apples.
a. some
- a. several
b. a little b. many
c. a few c. too much
d. too many d. some
e. too much e. a lot of
5. There is traffrc in the street. 6. There are cars in the street.
a. several- a. several -
b. some b. some
c. too many c. too many
d. a little d. a little
e. a lot of e. a lot of
f. a few f. a few
g. too much g. too much
h. five h. five

> Proclice 15. count ond noncount nouns. (chorts 6-2 ond I t-t , I t-6)
Add -s where necessary.

(1) Scientist- divide living things into two groups: animal- and plant-. Animals
move around from one place to another, but plants don't. Plants stay in one place.
(2) Many plants, such as -
flower-, grassr and tree grow on land. Some plants grow
only in desert- and some grow only in ocean-. There
-, are a few plants that grow on the
tops of mountain and even in the polar regions.

(3) Plants that -people grow for food are called crops. Rice is a crop that grows in
many parts of the world-. -
Other common crops include potatoes, wheat,- and corn. All
crop- depend on nature. Bad weather-e such as too much or too little rain, can destroy

wheat or corn field _.

(4) Plant are also important to our health \$7e get a lot of medicines from plants. In
- clean the air
addition, plants . Many tree -.and other plants remove bad gasses from the
- into the air. The
atmosphere and release oxygen - more plants we have on earth-, the healthier
the air_ is.

Count/Noncounl Nouns ond Arlicles 197

> Proctice 16. Nouns thot con be count or noncounl. (crrort r r-6)
Complete the sentences with the correct word from Column B.

Column A Column B

1. lWe have been to Italy several a. chicken

2. I don't like beef, but I do like -. b. glass

3. On the table there were plates,-.forks, knives, and c. hair

4. Drivers should turn on their -'
before it gets dark. d. time
- not enough
5. Please open the curtains. There's in this room. e. times
6. Rosa is 40. She has a few gray - f. chickens

7. A fish bowl is made of -. g. glasses

8. My grandparents have a small farm with about 50 h. hairs

9. Al is getting bald. He is losing his -. i. lights

-. enough
10. I couldn't finish the exam. There wasn't j. light

> Proclice 17. Uniis of meqsure with noncount nouns. (Chort 11-7)
\yhat units of measure are usually used with the following nouns? More than one unit of measure
can be used with some of the nouns.

bag bottle box can / tin* iar

1. a jar ofpickles. 6.a of sugar

) a of asPirin. 7. a of oeanut butter

3. a oflaundrY detergent 8.a of soY sauce

4. of instant coffee 9.a of uncooked noodles

5. a ofsardines 10. a
- I8.
Proctice Units of meosure with noncount nouns. (Chort I I -7)
Complete the sentences with words from the list. Use the plural form if necessary'
s.ntettce. have more than one possible completion'
- -ofbeans
bottle lcup glass loaf Pound
carton gallon kilo piece sheet

1. I drank a cuP ofcoffee'

2. I bought wo Pounda/kiloe of flour'

*a can : a rlz in British English

t 98 cHAPTER I I
3. I drank a of orange juice.
4. I put ten of gas in my car.
5. I bought a of milk at the supermarket.
6. I need a of chalk.

7. I used two of bread to make a sandwich.

8. There is a of fruit on the table.
9. There are 2OO of lined paper in my notebook.
10. I bought one ofbread at the store.
11. kt me give you a of advice.
12. I just learned an interesting of information.

Proctice 19. Much ys. mdny, (Chorts I t-5 + I t-7)

Complete the questions with rnuch or tnany and the appropriate noun.

Going on aTrip
1. A: Are you all packed for your trip to Thhiti? How many auitcaaea are you taking
with you?
B: Three. (I'm taking three suitcases.)
2. A: How much sunscreen are you taking?
B: A lot. (I'm taking a lot of sunscreen.)
3. A: How are you taking?
B: Two pairs. (I'm taking two pairs of sandals.)
4. A: How did you pack?
B: One tube. (I packed one tube of toothpaste.)
5。 A: How will you and Sandy have?
B: I'm not sure. Maybe 20 kilos. (tVe may have 20 kilos of luggage.)
6. A: How will you pay in overweight baggage charges?
B: A lot. flVe will pay of lot of money for overweight baggage.)
7. A: How will you be away?
B: Twelve. ftVe'll be away for twelve days.)

ト Prqclice 20. Al an ys, some. (Chort I 1-B)

Complete the sentences with alan or sorne.
1. Iwrote a letter.
2. I got aome rrlar1.
3. IITe bought equiprnent for our camping trip.
4. You need tool to cut wood.
5. I wore old clothing.
6. I wore old shirt.
7. Jim asked me for _ advice.
8. I gave Jim suggestion.

- Counl/Noncounl Nouns ond Articles Y)q,

9. I gave Jim suggestions.
10. I read interesting story in the paper.
I 1. The paper has interesting news today.
12. I know song from India.
13. I know Indian rnusic.
14. I learned new word.

15. I learned new slang.

Prqctice 21. Alon vs. some. (chort I l-B)

Complete the sentences with alan ot sonte.
1. A: \07hat did you do this morning?
B: I woke up early. I ate a big breakfast. I had a glass of fresh orange iuice,
eoqs- oiece of toast with butter, and delicious

2.A: \7hat did you do this afternoon? -_

B: I went to the store. I bought flour, and
sugar, milk to
make desserr for my grandma's birthday tonight.
rilre'll have it with vanilla ice

3.A: \(rhat did you do last weekend?

beautiful birds and we heard bird
B: W'e went bird watching. We saw
songs. \7e heard bird that was singing -- soon
song very loudly.
another bird was singing. Then many birds began to sing at the same time' They made
lovely music. -

> Proctice 22. Alan vs. fhe,'singulor count nouns. (Chori I l-8)
Complete the sentences with alan or the'
1. A: A dog makes a good Pet.
B: I agree.
2. A: Did You feed the dog?
B: Yes,I did.
chest of drawets, and two
3. My dorm room has desk, bed,
4. A: Jessica, where's the staPler? -
B: On _- desk. If it's not there, look in top drawer'

5. A: Sara, put your bike in -.- garage before dark'

B: Okay, Dad.
keep our car and our bikes *tere'
6   7

garage. rJTe
our house has
Almost every sentence has subject and
-- verb'

Look at this sentenc e: Luca liues in Miami' What is subject' and what is


9. A: I can't see you at four. I'll be in meeting then. How about four-thirty?
B: Fine.
10. A: \7hat time does meeting startTuesday?
B: Eight o'clock. -
I 1. Max's car ran out of gas. He didn't have cell phone reception, so he had to walk
long distance to find telephone and call his brother for help.
12. distance from sun to earth is 93,000,000 miles.
13. A: $7here do you live?
B: $7e live on quiet street in the suburbs.
14. A: Is this -
street where Jamie lives?
B: Yes, it is.

> Proctice 23.-Using the lot second meniion. (Chorrs I I -6 ,+ I I -B)

Complete the sentences with alan, sotne, ot the. Note: tlse the when a noun is mentioned for
the second time.

1. I had soup and sandwich for lunch. soup was too salty, but
sandwich was pretty good.
2. Yesterday I bought clothes. I bought suir, shirt, and
tie. suit is gray and comes with a vest. shirt is pale blue, and
tie has black and gray stripes.
3. A: I saw accident yesterday. -
B: Oh? lJ7here?- -
A: On Grand Avenue. man in Volkswagen drove through a stop sign
and hit _ bus.
B: anyone hurt in
A: I don't think so. man who was driving Volkswagen got our of his car
and seemed to be okay. His car was only slightly damaged. No one on bus was

4. Yesterday I saw man and woman. They were having

argument. man was yelling at
woman, and woman was
shouting at man. I don't know what argument was about.
> Prqclice 24. using lhelot second menlion.
- (chorrs 11-6 -, I t-8)
Complete the sentences
- with alant, sortte, or the. -
One day last month while I was driving through the countrysider l saw a man and

truck next to covered bridge. bridge crossed small
river. I stopped and asked manr "!fhat's the matter? can I help?"
- -

Count/Noncount Nouns ond Arlicles 2Ol

“Well,"said_man,``My truck is about a half― inch★ too tall.Or maybe_______tOp
7 8

of________bridge is a half― inch too short. Either way,my truck won't flt under______― ―
9 10



"Hmmm. There must be - solution to this problem," I said'

.,I don,t know. I guess I'll have to turn around and take another router" he replied.

After a few moments of thought,I said, "I have -- n solution!"

"What is it?" asked the man.

.,IJt little air out of your tires. Then truck won't be too tall, and you can cross
a -- 11
bridge over river."
t4 l5
"Hey, that's -- great idea. I-et's try it!" So - r? man let a little air out of

dres and was- able to cross river and go on his way'

l8 19

> Prqclice 25. Summoryi alon vs. ffie vs. o. (chort I l-8)
Complete the sentences with alan, the, or O. Add capital letters as necessary'

l. It is scientific fact: steam rises when water boils'

2. gas is exPensive nowadaYs'

3. gas I got yesterday cost more than I've ever paid'

- - for heat'
4. sun is star. We need sun

light, energy.
B: Yes. rUTho is he? -
A: He's president of this university'

6. A one-dollar bill has a picture of president of the United States. It's a picture of

George\Tashington. He was first president of the country.

☆Onc― half inch= 1.27 centimcters

202 CHAPTER ll
7. pizza originated in Italy. It is a pie with cheese, tomatoes,
and other things on top.

ゴ儡 樵
SAusA6吐 。1製 盤ザ

8. A: Hey, Nick. Pass pizza. I want another piece.

B: There are only two pieces left. You take big piece, and I'll take small

9. I had interesting experience yesterday. man in blue suit came

into my office and handed me
- -
bouquet of flowers. I had never seen
man before in my life, but I thanked him for flowers. Then he walked
out door.
- -
> Proctice 26. Using the ot Owilh nqmes. (Chorr 11-e)
Complete-the sentences with the or O.
1. Although Ingrid has been in Orly Airport several times, she has never visited O paris.
2. o Dr. James was the youngest person at her university to get a ph.D.
3. Mount Rainier in\Tashington state is in Cascade Mountain Range.
4. Nile is the longest river in Africa.
5. Is Toronto or Montreal the largest city in Canada?
6. During her tour ofAfrica, Helen climbed -
Mount Kilimanjaro and visited several
national parks in Kenya.
- -
7. New Zealand is made up of two islands: North Island and South Island.
8. Himalayas extend through several countries, including Pakistan, India,
and Nepal.
9. President Davis was surprised to be elected to a fourth term.
10' Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam was formerly called Saigon.
I 1. Andes Mountains in south America exrend for 5000 miles.
12' Dominician Republic and _- Haiti share an island called Hispaniola.
Atlantic Ocean is at the north, and Caribbean Sea is at the south.

Count/Noncounl Nouns ond Arlicles 2O3

Proctice 27. Using lhe or O wilh nomes. (Chort 1 1-9)
Answer the questions. Choose from the list below. TJse the if necessary. (Not all names on the
list will be used.)

Europe Mont Blanc Saudi Arabia

Gobi Desert MountVesuvius Shanghai
Indian Ocean Netherlands South America
Lagos Nepal Thipei
Lake Baikal Nile River Thames River
LakeThnganyika North America United Arab Emirates
Lake Titicaca Sahara Desert Urals

1. What is the lowest Point on earth? the Dead )ea--
2. r$7hat is the second-longest river in the world?

3. \$7hat is the most populated city in China?

4. \$(rhat is the largest desert in the world?
5. \7hat river runs through London?
6. On what continent is theVolga River?
7. What mountains border France and Italy?
8. \7hat lake is in east central Africa?
g. On what continent is Mexico?
10. r$(/hat is the third-largest ocean in the world?
11. What country is also known as Holland?
12. \7hat is the third-largest continent in the world?

13. What country is located in the Himalayas?

14. What mountains are part of the boundary between

Europe and Asia?

15. \$7hat is the caPital of Nigeria?
16. What country consists of seven kingdoms?

Proctice 28. Copitolizotion. (chort I l-10)

Add capital letters where necessary'

I'm taking /riology 101 this semester'


I'm taking history, biology, english, and calculus this semester'


Some lab classes meet on saturdaY'

My roommate likes vietnamese food, and i like thai food'


Shelia works for the xerox corporation. it is a very large

6. Pedro is from latin america. He speaks spanish.

7. My favorite park is central park in new york.

8. Do you know my uncle?

9. I like uncle joe and aunr sara.

10. susan w. miller is a professor.

11. I am in prof. miller's class.

12. In january, it's winter in canada and summer in argentina.

13. I would like to visit los angeles.
14. It's the largest city in california.

> Proclice29. Editing. (Chopter 11)

Correct the errors.

1. The mail carrier brought only one mail today.

2. Mr. Dale gave his class long history assignment for the weekend.

3. Thriq speaks several language, including Arabic and German.

4. I usually have glass warer wirh my lunch.

5. A helpful police offrcer gave us an information about the city.

6. This recipe calls for rwo cup of nut.

7. Much vegetable are believed to have cancer-fighting ingredients.

8. Only applicants with the necessary experiences should apply for the computer position.

9. WhenVicki likes a movie, she sees it several time.

10. A popular children's story is snoatwite and the sezten Danrfs.

1 l. Is it possible to srop all violences in the world?

12- Some of the homeworks for my English class was easy, but many of the assignment

13. Diane has been to Rome several time recently. She always has wonderful time.

14. Many parents need advices abour raising children.

15. A person doesn't need many equipment to play baseball: iust ball and a bat.

Counl/Noncounl Nouns ond Arlicles 2Os

> Prqctice 30. Crossword puzzle. (chopter I l)
Complete the puzzle. Use the clues to find the correct words. All the words are from Chapter 11.



l. There isn't much from the earthquake area. All the communication lines are
down, and we can't get any news.
8. Our teacher gave us some good to find helpful websites'
g. Please hurrY. \$7e don't have much
10. There are too cars on the road'

so my grandfather gave me a dollars'
2. I wanted to buy some candy,
3. The doctor gave me some good : Exercise regularly'

4. I have seen this movie four -_-.-'

5. My grandmother handed me a money about 10 dollars.
6. You don't need equipment - a tennis racket and some tennis
to play tennis: just
7. I was afraid to hear the truth, but now I am glad you told me everything'
I appreciate your

206 CHAPTER ll
ChCpter T 2
Adjeclive Clouses

> Proclice I. Using who ond fhof in odjeclive clouses to describe people.
(Chorts 12-1 ond 12-2)
Underline the adiective clause in the long sentence. Then change the long sentence into two short

1. Long sentence: I thanked the man who helped me move the refriaerator.
Short sentence 1: I thanked the man.
Short sentence 2: He helped me move the refrigerator.
2. Long sentence: A woman who was wearing a gray suit asked me for directions.
Short sentence 1: me for directions.
Short sentence 2: a gray sult.

3. Long sentence: I saw a man that was wearing a blue coat.

Short sentence 1: a man.
Short sentence 2: a blue coat.
4. Long sentence: The parents hugged the boy who had pulled his brother from the icy river.
Short sentence 1: the boy.
Short sentence 2: his bro*rer from the icy river.
5. Long sentence: The girl that broke the vase apologized to Mrs. Cook.
Short sentence 1: to Mrs. Cook.
Short sentence 2: the vase.

*In grammar terminology, tlle

"long sentence" is called a complex sentence, and the ..short sentence" i,
sentence. ""1"a " "i-pta
'A complex sentence has an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses, For
I thanked the man who helped me, : a complex sentence consisting ofone independent clause (I thanked
the man) and
one dependent clause (who helped me)
. A simple sentence has only an independent
clause. For example:
I thanked the man- : a simple sentence consisting of one independent clause
He helped. me, : a simple sentence consisting of one independent clause

Adjective Ctouses 2Ol

> Prqclice 2. Usin g who ond ffiof in odjective clouses to describe people.
(Chort l2-2)
ilnderline each adjective clause. Then write "S" above its subject, and "V"above its verb.
1. The people who live next to me are nice.

2. My neighbors who live across the street have a new baby'

3. A family that is from India iust moved to our street.

4. Our neighborhood is a good place for people who have children.

5. A professor who teaches at the university iust moved to our street.

6. One of my neighbors has a disabled child who is training to play basketball in the Special


> proctice 3. Usin g who ond fhof in odjective clouses to describe people.
(Chort l2-2)
Combine the two short sentences into one long sentence using "short sentence
2" as an adiective

clause. \frite two sentences: the first with asho and the second wit}r that'
1. Short sentence 1: The woman was polite'
Short sentence2: She answered the phone'

woman Phone
the was polite'
Long sentence 1: The who answered

that answered the Phone was polite'

Long sentence 2: The woman
2. Short sentence 1: The man is also a singer'
Short sentence 2: The man played the guitar'
is also a singer.
Long sentence 1: The man
is also a singer.
Long sentence 2: The man
3. Short sentence 1: I read about the soccer player'
Short sentence 2: He was injured yesterday'
Long sentence 1: I read about the soccer player
Long sentence 2: I read about the soccer player

208 cHAPTER 12
4. Short sentence 1: I know a man.
Short sentence 2: He has sailed around the world.
Long sentence 1: I know a man around the world.
Long sentence 2: I know a man around the world.

> Proctice 4. Using who ond that in odjective clouses to describe people.
(Chort l2-2)
Complete the sentences using either usho or that.
l. A hair cutter is a person who / that cute hair
2. Apizza maker is a person
3. A tennis player is a person
4. An English teacher is a person
5. A horse trainer is a person
6. A meat eater is a person
7. Tea drinkers are people
8. Firefighters are people
> Proctice 5. Using who, whom, thol, ond O in odjective clouses. (chorr l2-3)
Change the two short sentences into one long sentence as indicated. Underline the adjective

I. Short sentence 1: The woman was polite.

Short sentence 2: Jack met her.
Long sentence with that: The woman that Jack met was polite.
2. Short sentence 1: The woman was very tall.
Short sentence 2: Jack saw her.
Long sentence with O: The woman was very tall.
3. Short sentence 1: The woman is a professor.
Short sentence 2: Jack knows her.
Long sentence with that: The woman is a professor.
4. Short sentence 1: The student was grateful.
Short sentence 2: The teacher helped the student.
Long sentence utith that: The student was grateful.
5. Short sentence 1: The student was happy about the exam.
Short sentence 2: I helped the srudent.
Long sentence with O: The student was happy
about the exam.
6. Short sentence 1: The student won a scholarship.
Short sentence 2: I just met the student.
Long sentence with asho: The student won a

Adiec‖ Ve cIOuses 209

7. Shortsentence 1: The student is the class president.
Short sentence 2: You see the student over there.

Long sentence with ashorn: The student is the class


> proctice 6. Usin g who ond ftrof in odjective clqus€s. (Chorts 12-2 ond I 2-3)
\flrite if usho orThal is the subject of the adjective clause. Write "O" if usho or that is the
object of the adjective clause. Cross out the words utho or that where possible.
1. I The students who go to this school are friendly'
2. O The people t&at I saw in the park were practicing yoga'
3. I saw several people who were practicing yoga'
4. - I know the woman that my uncle hired'
5. - I like the woman that manages my uncle's store'
6. - Do you like the mechanic that fixed your car?
7. - Mr. Polanski is a mechanic who you can trust'
8. - \ilhat's the name of the woman who Hank invited to the dance?
g. _ Do you know the man who's dancing with Katrina?
10. _ The singer that we just heard comes from Mexico.
11. _ The singer who just performed comes from Mexico.

> Proclice 7. Usin g who, whom, lhal, dnd O in odiective clous€s' (Chort l2-3)
Circle all the correct completions.
l. Aman 2- Iknowaman onasubmarine'
a. I know a' works -
-worksonasubmarine. b' heworks
b. whomlknow
c. who I know c' who works
d. that I know d' that works

3. My mother is a woman tremendously. 4. My mother is a woman

a. I admire a' is alwaYs optimistic -
b. whom I admire b' she is always optimistic
c. who I admire c' who is always optimistic
d. that I admire d' that is always optimistic

5. I,m pleased with the person 6. I'm pleased with the person
a. he is going to be our next mayor a' the people elected -.
c. whom is going to be our next mayor c' who the people elected
d. that is going to be our next mayor d' the people elected him

> Proclice 8. Using lhal, who, whom ond O in odjective clouses. (Chorr 12-3)
In the box, write every possible pronoun that can be used to connect the adjective clause to the
main clause: uoho, that, or ushonu Also, write o if the pronoun can be omitted.

l. The woman sat next to me on the plane was very friendly.

2. The woman I met on the plane was very friendly.

3. Two people I didn't know walked into the classroom.

4. The people walked into the classroom were strangers.

5. My cousin's wife is the woman is talking to Mr. Horn.

6. I like the woman my brother and I met on the bus.

> Proctice 9. Who vs. which. (Chorts 12-2 , j2-4)

Choose the correct completion.

l. The magazine _ I read on the plane was interesting.

a. who @ which

2. The artist_ drew my picture is very good.

a. who b. which

3. I really enjoyed the experiences I had on my trip to Nigeria.

a. who b. which
4. Most of the games we played as children no longer entertain us.
a. who b. which
5. All of the people I called yesterday can come to the meeting on Monday.
a. who b. which
6. The teacher _ was ill canceled her math class.
a. who b. which

Adjective Ctouses 2ll

7. The flight I took to Singapore was on time.
a. who- b. which

8. I read an article discussed the current political crisis.

a. who b. which
> Proctice 10. Thal ond which, lcrrort tz-a;
\Urite if that or uhich is the subject of the adjective clause. \7rite 'O" if that ot ashich is the
object of the adiective clause. Cross out the words that or ashich where
1 O The medicine il#i€h the doctor prescribed for me was very expensive'
2. 9 The medicine which is on the shelf is no longer good'
3. _ The computer that I bought recently has already crashed several times.
4. _ The car which my husband drives is very reliable.
5. _ The house which sits on top of the hill has won several architecture awards'
6. The restaurant that offered low-cost dinners to senior citizens has recently closed'
7. - The trees that shade our house are over 300 years old'

8. - The trees that we planted last year have doubled in size'

> Proctice I I.
Using lhot, which, o/nd O in odiective clous€S' (Chort 12-4) main
to the
Vrite the pronoun, it l"t, oi that thai can be used to connect the adjective clause
clause. Alio write O if the pronoun can be omitted'

1. I really enjoYed the movie we saw last night.

2. Tim liked the movie was playing at the FoxTheater.

3. The plane I took to Korea was two hours late because of bad weather'

4. Thc bookS Jane ordered came in the mail today'

5. came in the mail todaY.

Jane was glad to get the books

> Prqclice 12. Adjective clquses. (Choris 12-3 ond 12-4)
Complete the sentences with adjective clauses using words from the lists. There is one extra word
in each list.
1.力 ι ,ム υおz″ ご

I en,Oy thc relatives I viaited in Mexico City last year.
2.ム 滋αらご協ηた,グ ι
The coffee was cold and weak.
3. wearing, was, I, them
The tennis shoes in the garden got wet and muddy.
4. that, him, I'Ite, known, and, loved
My cousin Ahmed is a person since he
was born.

5. her, I, married, who

I have a great deal of respect for the wonderful woman
I I years ago.
6. haae, had, him, we, that
The dog for several years is very gentle with young
7 . which, it, we, bought
The car last year has turned out to be a lemon.*

> Prqciice 13. Pronoun usoge in odjective clquses. (chorrs 12 --+ 12-4)
Choose all the correct answers.



I w
h h
d m

h  h
t w

a 。
c 。

t   c.


2. I liked chemistry because the teacher taught the class was excellent.
a. who b. whom c. which d. that e. A
3. The researchers in the Amazon River basin found many plants were previously unknown.
a. who b. whom c. which d. that e. A
4. The plants the researchers found were carefully taken to a laboratory.
a. who b. whom c. which d. *rat e. O
5. Mr. Rice made sandwiches for the children _ were hungry.
a. who b. whom c. which d. that e. O

6. The children enjoyed the sandwiches Mr. Rice made for them.
a. who b. whom
- c. which d. that e. O
7. Ffave you read any books by the author the teacher mentioned in class?
a. who b. whom c. which d. that e. O

lemon : something, especially a car, that doesn't work properly and needs a lot ofrepairs.

AdiecIVe cIOuses 21 3
8. A book I read last year has become a best-seller.
a. who
- b. whom c. which d. that e. A
9. The fans were sitting in the stadium jumped up and cheered when their team scored a
point. -
a. who b. whom c. which d. that e. A
10. The fans jumped up and cheered when their team scored the point won the game.

a. who b. whom c. which d. that

- e. O

卜 Praclice 14. Singular and plural verbs in adiectiVe ciouses.(chOrl 12-5)

αLcs. Underline the noun that deterrnines
Choose the correct forln ofthe verb in″ ι whether thc
verb in the adjective clause is singular or plural. students who(お /(2))in my Class come■ om many count五 es.

2. The people who(お /α 餞3)Standing in line to get into the theater have been hcrc for a couple of


3. Water is a chenlical compound that(ε θ ηsお のof OXygen and hydrogcn.

ηsお な/ε θ

4. There are,wo students in my class who(,ρ ιαたS/,ρ θαた)POrtuguese.

5.I metsome people who(λ η(別S/た η )my brOther.


6.‐ e student who(お /α ″)talking to the teacher is from Peru.

7.Do you know the people that(加 ιs/ιグ

υθ)in that hOuse?

S/“ αたの things out of wood.

8.A carpenteris a person who(″ αλι

9.Sculptors arc artists who(“ αたι/″ αた6)things■ om day or other materials.

214 cHAPTER 12
> Prqctice I5. Prepositions in odjective clouses. (Chort t2-6 ond Appendix 2)
Complete the sentences with adjective clauses. Add prepositions as necessary.
1. \7e went to a movie. The movie was good.
a. The movie that we went to was good.
b. The movie A _we went to was good.
2. I enjoyed meeting the people yesterday. you introduced me to them.
a. I enjoyed meeting the people that yesterday.
b. I enjoyed meeting the people who yesterday.
3. English grammar is a subject. I am quite familiar with English grammar.
a. English grammar is a subject O
b. English grammar is a subject with
4. Ms. Perez can help you. You should talk with her.
a. Ms. Perez is the person O
b. Ms. Perez is the person with
5. The train is usually late. rVe are waiting for it.
a. The train that is usually late.
b. The train @ is usually late.
6. The iob requires several years of experience. I,m interested in the job.
a. The job that requires several years of experience.
b. The job which requires several years of experience.

> Proclice 16. Prepositions in odjeclive clouses. (chort r2-6)

Give all the possible patterns for the adiective clause: that, uthich, uhy uthont,or 2l. Add the
necessary prepositions.

1. a. bus that we were waiting for

The was an hour late.
b. The bus which we were waiting for was an hour late.
c. The bus 0 we were waiting for was an hour late.
d. The bus for which we were waiting O was an hour late.

2. a. The music I listened was pleasant.

b. The music I listened was pleasant.
c. The music I listened was pleasanr.
d. The music ro I listened was pleasant.

3. a. Psychology is a subject I am very interested

b. Psychology --
is a subject I am very inreresred
c. Psychology is a subject I am very interested
d' Psychology is a subject in __-- I am very interested

Adiecf市 e ciouses 215

4. a. The man _ Maria was arguing was very angry.

b. The man _ Maria was arguing was very angry.

c. The man -- Maria was arguing was very angry.

d. The man Maria was arguing was very angry'

e. The man with Maria was arguing was very angry'

> Proctic e Prepositions in odiective clouses. (chorl l2-6 ond Appendix
17 . 2)

Write the appropriate prepositions or O. Dr^* brackets around the adjective


1. I enioyed the CD [we [stened Lo at Sara's apartment']

2. I paid the shopkeeper for the glass crrp [l accidentally broke a .f

4. Mrs. chan is someone I always enjoy talking about politics'

5. I showed my roommate a text message I got from a co-worker

6. one of the subjects I',ve been interested - for a long time is astronomy'

g. The website I was looking had useful reviews of new computers'

10. The book I wanted wasn't available at the library'

1 1. English grammar is one of -the subjects which I enjoy studying the most'

12. The friend I waved didn't wave back' Maybe he just didn't see me'

> Proctice I8. Adiective clouseswilh urhose. (chort l2-7)

Then change the long sentence into two
Underline the adfective clause in each long sentence.
short sentences.
Short sentence 1: I know a man.

Short sentence 2: Hie dauqhter is a f,eet-?ilot'

of work found a iob at Mel's Diner'

2. Long sentence: The woman whose husband is out

Short sentence 1:

Short sentence 2:
I found gave me a reward'
3. Long sentence: The man whose wallet

Short sentence 1:

Short sentence 2:

Prqctice 19. Adjective clouses wilh whose. (Chort 12-7)
Follow these steps:
l. Underline the possessive word.
2. Draw an arrow to the noun it refers to.
3. Replace the possessive word with uhose.
4. Combine the two sentences into one.

1. The firefighters are very brave. Their department has won many awards.

2. I talked to the boy. His kite was caught in a tree.

3. The family is staying in a motel. Their house burned down.

4. I watched a little girl. Her dog was chasing a ball in the park.

5. The reporter won an award. Her articles explained global warming.

6. I know a man. His daughter entered college at rhe age of L4.

7 . we observed a language teacher. Her teaching methods included role-playing.

8. The teachers are very popular. Their methods include role-playing.

> Prqctice 20. Meoning of odjeclive clouses. (chorrs r2-1 ,12-7)

Check all the sentences that are true.
l. The policeman who gave Henry a ticket seemed very nervous.
a. ,/ Henry received a ticket.
b. Henry seemed nervous.
c. - /
The policeman seemed nervous.
2. A co-worker of mine whose wife is a pilot is afraid of flying.
a. _ My co-worker is a pilot.
b. My co-worker,s wife is afraid of flying.
c. _
- The pilot is a woman.
3. The man that delivers offrce supplies ro our company bought a Ferrari.
a. _ Our company bought a Ferrari.
b. A man delivers office supplies.
c. _
- A delivery man bought a Ferrari.
4. The doctor who took care of my father had a heart aftack recently.
a. _ My father had a heart atrack.
b. _ The doctor treated a heart attack patient.
c. _ The doctor had a heart attack.

Adiec‖ Ve ciOuses 21 7
5. The forest fire which destroyed two homes inVoodville burned for two weeks.
a. The forest fire burned for two weeks.
b. - Two homes burned for two weeks.
c. - The forest fire destroyedVoodville.
on cars'
6. The-salesman who sold my friend a used car was arrested for changing the mileage
a. My friend bought a car.
b. - My friend was arrested.
c. - The salesman changed the mileage on cars'
Proctice 2I. Adiective clquses. (Chorts 12-1 12-7) '
rVrite all the possibli completions asho, that, ushich, uthose, ushorn, or O-

1. !flhat do you say to people who / that ask you personal questions that you don't

want to answer?
) People live in NewYork City are called NewYorkers'

5. Tina likes the present I gave her for her birthdaY.

4. George l7ashington is the president

picture is on a one-dollar bill.

5. Have you seen the movie is playing at the Maiestic Theater?

6. Do you know the woman Michael is engaged to?

parents live in Switzerland.
7. That'sTom Jenkins. He's the boY
A thermometer is an instrument measures temperature.
is always nervous.
9. A high― strung person ls someonc

10. The man I told you about is standing over there'

11. In my country, any Person is 18 years old or older can vote. I turned 18

last year. The Person

I voted for in the national election lost'
I vote has better luck.
I hope the next candidate for

Proctice 22. Reoding. lcnopier 12)

Read each paragraph. ThJ., ciroose the correct completion
for each sentence that follows'

StickY Notes
are those small, colored papers that you
Maybe you have a sticky note in this book. Sticky notes
can stick in books, on your own papers, on walls,
and in other places' You may know them as Post-
but they were not a
it* Notes, which was their original name. These notes are common today'
note was invented by accident'
product that was planned. Like many other products, the sticky

1. This passage is about 2. The stickY notes were a Product

a. paper that you can stick to something a. that was developed through research
b. paper that you use to write letters b. that was the result of an accident
working at 3M' a chemical company' The
1970, a man whose name was Spencer Silver was
glue that could hold things together' Silver created a new
company was trying to find a strong, new
glue, but the glue *r. ,ro, strong. In fact, it was very
weak' The obiects he tried to stick together
kept it in his desk.

218 cHAPTER 12
3. Spencer Silver invented a glue 4. The company
a. that held things together a. used Silver's product
b. that was very weak -. for the glue
b. didn't find uses
Four years later, another 3M scientist, Arthur Fry, was singing in a choir. The bookmarks that he
used to mark the songs in his songbook kept falling out. Fry wanted something that worked better
and he remembered Silver's invention: the glue that was too weak.

5- Arthur Fry wanted 6. He thought of the invention

a. bookmarks that stuck to pages a. that Spencer had made
b. a new book of songs b. that 3M was using
Fry put a small amount of Silver's glue on top of his bookmarks. Success! The bookmarks on
which he had placed the glue stayed on the pages. Even better, they also came off easily without
damaging the pages. Fry and Silver then worked together and developed the glue which was
eventually used on the Post-it @ Notes. That glue is on the back of each sticky note.

7 . Fry put some glue 8. The result was a kind of paper

a. on top of the bookmarks a. that stuck very tightly
b. on top of the book b. that stuck, but could also be pulled
off easily.
> Proctice23. Editing. (Chopter 12)
Correct the errors.
1. A movie that leok interesting opens tomorrow.

2. My family lived in a house which it was built in 1900.

3. There's the man thar we saw him onTV.

4. I don't know people who their lives are carefree.

5. It is important ro help people who has no money.

6. At the airport, I was waiting for friends which I hadn't seen them for a long time.

7. The woman live next door likes to relax by doing crossword puzzles every evening.

8. My teacher has two cats who their names are Ping and pong.

9. I enjoyed the songs which we sang them.

10. The person to that you should speak is Gary Green.

Adjective Clouses 219

> Proctice24. Word seorch puzle. (Choprer 12)
Circle the five words in the p:uzzle. The words are the pronouns that begin adjective clauses.
The words may be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. Note: zafto appears as a separate word in
addition to appearing inside one of other words.

丁 P Y G E丁
丁 丁 丁 O O H
丁 W A V W C
P F H tt N H

Chapter 1 3
Cerunds● ■d rn奮 ″Jガ ves

Proclice l.
Verb + gerund. (Chort 13-1)
complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Joan often talks about (moae) movinL overseas.
2. The Browns sometimes discuss (/zoe) in a smaller town.
3. Christine enjoys (take) care ofher young niece.
4. Nathan keeps (6zy) lottery tickets, but he never wins.
5. My manager considered (gloe) pay raises but decided not to.
6. I always put off (do) my math homework.
7. The students finished (reaiew) for the test ar 3:00 A.M.
8. Ann talked about (find) a new 'roommate.
9. Dana quit (drizte) after she had a serious car accident.
10. My dentist thinks about (retire) , but he enjoys his work too much.
I 1. Last week, Joan and David postponed (get married) for the
second time.
12. Do you mind (work) an extra shift tonight?

Proctice 2. Go + gelund. (Chorr 13-2)

Complete each sentence with a form of go and a word from the list.



sightsee skydive

/dance ski swim

1' I love to dance. Last night, my husband and I danced for hours.
Last night, my husband andl went dancina
2. Later this afternoon,Ted is going to take a long walk in the woods.
Ted later today.
3. Yesterday, Alice visited many stores and bought some clothes and makeup.
Yesterday, Alice
4. On a hot day,I like to go to the beach and jump in the water.
On a hot day,I like to
5. My grandfather takes his fishing pole to a pond every Sunday.
My grandfather every Sunday.

Gerunds ond lnfinitives 221

6. rJ(rhen
I visit a new ciry I like to look around at the sights.
When I visit a new ciry I like to
7. I love to put up a small tent by a stream, make a fire, and listen to the
sounds of the forest during the night.
I love to
8. I want to take the sailboat out on the water this afternoon.
I want to this afternoon.
9. Once a year, we take our skis to our favorite mountain resort and enjoy an exciting weekend.
Once a year, we at our favorite mountain resort.
10. Last year on my birthday, my friends and I went up in an airplane,
put on parachutes, and jumped out of the plane at a very
high altitude.
Last year on my birthday, my friends and I

> Prqclice 3. ldenlitying gerunds qnd infinitives. (chorts 13-1 ond 13-3)

Underline the gerunds and infinitives in the sentences. Circle ceR for gerunds. Circle

1. Ann promised to wait for me.
2. I kept walking even though I was tired.
3. Alex offered to help me. GER NF

4. Karen finished cleaning up the kitchen and went to bed. GER INF

5. \7e decided to order apizza. GER INF

6. David discussed quitting his job several times. GER INF

7. The police officers planned to work overtime during the conference. GER INF

8. Kevin would like to grow organic vegetables in his garden. GER INF

> Proctice 4. Verb + gerund or infinitiv€. (chorls l3-l - l3-3)

Choose the correct completion.
1. I would like (inaiting lQ@) you and some of my other friends for dinner sometime.
2. I enjoyed (being I to be) with my family at the lake last summer.
3. My parents can't afford (paying I to pay) all of my college expenses.
4. Theresa, would you mind (mailing I to mail) this letter on your way home?
5 . Do you expect ( passing / to pass) this course? If so, you'd better work harder.

6. Mr. Reed refused (considering I m consi"der) my proposal. He had already made up his mind.
7. I wish he would consider (accepting I to accept) my proposal. I know I can do the job.
8. I don'r think I'll ever finish (reading I n read) this report. It just goes on and on.
222 cHAPTER 13
I would enjoy (aisiting I to aisit) yort in Cairo while you're studying there.
10. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean (hurting I to hurt) your feelings.
1 1. \7hy do you keep (asking I to ask) me the same question over and over again?
12. I've decided (looking I to look) for another job. I'll never be happy here.
13. You need (trying I to ty) harder if you want to get a promorion.
14. uThy do you pretend (enjoying I to enjoy) Leon's company? I know you don't like him.
15. Let's get together tonight. I want to talk about (opening I to open) a new business.
16. I have a secret. Do you promise (keeping I to keep) it to yourselp
17. The president plans (siains I to gizte) everyone a bonus at the end of the year.
18. I have a good job, and I hope (supporting lto support) myself all through school.
19. I can't wait (finishing I to finish) work today. I'm starting my vacation tonight.

Proctice 5. Verb + gerund or infinilive. (Chorrs 13-1 , t3-4)

Choose the correct answer. Both answers may be correct.

1. I want the comedy special on TV tonight.

a. seeing
@ to see


2. I'm a people-watcher. I I people in public places.

O WatChng to watch
3. _
I've already begun ideas for my new novel.
a. collecting b. to collect

4. A group of Chinese scientists plan their discovery at the conference next spring.
a. presenting b. to present
5. Whenever I wash my car, it starts
a. ralning b. to rain

6. Angela and I continued _ for several hours.

a. talking b. to talk

7. I love on the beach during a storm.

a. walking b. to walk
8. I would love _ a walk today.
a. taking b. to take
9. Are you sure you don't mind Johnny for me while I go to the store?
a. watching b. to watch
10. Annie hates _ in the rain.
a. driving b. to drive

My roommate can't stand _ to really loud rock music.

a. listening b. to listen

12. I don't like in front of other people.

a. singing b. to sing
Gerunds ond lnfinilives 223
13. Would you like to rhe concert with us?
a. going b. to go
14. Charlie likes to go when the weather is very windy.
a. sailing b. to sail
15. Most children can't wait their presents on their birthday.
a. opening b. to open
> Proclice 5. Verb + gerund or infinitive. (Choirs ts-l, t3-3, ond 13-4)
Complete the passages with the infinitive or gerund form of the words in parentheses.
1. Cindy wants (go) to Ao to graduate school next year. However, she can't
afford(pα ν) all the tuition, so she needs (ger)
scholarship. She intends (apply) for a scholarship which is given to
students who have done outstanding work in biology. She is optimistic, and she expects
(receive) lt.

2. Carla and Marco are planning (take) a vacation. Carla would love (go)
to a tropical beach, but Marco doesn't like hot weather. He prefers cold
weather and would like (go) skiing in the mountains. Although Carla
prefers hot weather, she doesn't mind (be) in cold weather. They will
probably decide (go) to the mountains this year, and Marco will enjoy
(Sた づ) . Next year, they'Il go to the tropics and go (swim)
and (sail) in the warm ocean.
3. Tom Fan was considering (get) another job. The job that he has is a
good one, but it doesn't have opportunities to advance. Tom decided (rel/)
his boss, Sharon, that he was thinking about (leaue)
the company because he needed (haae) more opportunities to advance.
Sharon offered (create) a new position forTom, one with more
responsibility. Tom happily accepted the offer and agreed (take) the new
job as regional sales manager of a large area.

> Proctice 7. Gelunds ond infinitives. (Chorls l3-1, l3-3, ond 13-4)
Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verb. Some verbs may take both.

PartI. Use asork.

1. I agreed to work 7. I decidcd

2. I put off workin? 8. I offcrcd

3. I would love 9. I quit

4. I thought about 10. I rciscd
5. I promised ll. I hoped
6. I began 12. I flnishcd

224 cHAPTER13
Part II. Use leanse.

1   1   2
8   9   0
13. She expected She put off
14. She wanted She refused
15. She considered She needed

2   2
1   2
16. Shc talkcd abOut She thought about
17. She postponed She hoped
Part IIL Use knoas.

2   2   3
8   9   0
23. They seemed They want
24. They expected They can't stand
25. They would like They needed
26. They don't mind 3r. They appeared
27. They would love 32. They hated

> Proctice 8. Preposition + gerund. (Chorr 13-5)

complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Underline the gerund.

PartL Uz...
. is afraid
f of flyrng.
2. apologized hurting her friend's feelings.
3. believes helping orhers.
4. is good listening to her friends, concerns.
5. is tired working weekends.
6. is nervous walking home from work lare at night.
7. dreams owning a farm with horses, cows, and sheep.
8. talks buying a farm in the counrry.
Part II. konard . . .

9. is responsible closing the restaurant where he works at night.

10. thanked his father lending him some money.
11. plans becoming an accountant.
12. forgave his roommate taking his car without asking.
13. lnslsts eating only fresh fruits and vegetables.
14. is looking forward finishing school.
15. stopped his best friend making a bad decision.
16. is worried not having enough time for family and friends.

Gerunds ond lnfinitives 225

> Proctice 9. Preposition + gerund. (Chort l3-5 ond Appendix 2)
Complete the sentences. IJse prepositions and gerunds.

1. Bill interrupted me. He apologized for that.

Bill apologiTsQ for interruPtinT me.

2. I like to learn about other countries and cultures. I'm interested that'

I'm interested about other countries and cultures.

3. I helped Ann. She thanked me that.

Ann thanked me her.

4. Nadia wanted to walk to work. She insisted that.

rVe offered Nadia a ride, but she insisted to work.

5. Nick lost my car keys. I forgave him that'

I forgave Nick my car keys when he borrowed mY car.

6. Sara wants to go out to eatiust becausc shc fecls________it.

She feels out to eat.
7. I'ln not a goOd artist. I try to draw faccs,but I'In not very good_it・
I'm not good faces.

8. Mr. and Mrs. Reed have been saving some money for their retirement' They believe
Mr. and Mrs. Reed believe money for their retirement.
g. I may forget the words I'm supposed to say in my graduation speech. I'm worried
that. I'm worried the words in mY sPeech.

10. The children are going to go to Disneyland. They're excited -- that'

The children are excited to Disneyland.

I 1. Their parents are going to Disneyland too. They are looking forward -.-
Their parents are looking forward there too.

12. Max doesn't like to stay in hotels because he is scared of heights' He is afraid .- that'

Max is afraid in hotels.

> Proctice t0. Review. (chorts 13-1 > l3-5)

Choose the correct completions for each group'

Part L ComPletions wittr a-sft.

a. about asking for more money d. to ask you about a grammar rule
b. about asking the Petersons e. to ask for a few daYs off
C. asking "why" f. to ask for directions
a few days?
1. A: You look tired,Yoko. Can you stay home from work for
B: Yes. I intend e
A: Sid, we're lost! \7hy don't you ask someone where the highway
B: You know that I hate
?. A: You're going to talk to the boss about getting a raise' aren't
B: I don't know. I'm reallY nervous

226 cHAPTER 13
4. A: r$(rho do you wanr ro invite to our holiday parry?
B: I'm thinking
5. A: Your little girl has a lot of questions, doesn't she?
B: Yes, she's very curious. She keeps _ over and over again.
6. A: Yes, do you have a question about the exercise?
B: Yes,I do. I'd like _.
A: \7hich one?
Part II. Completions withy'r.
g. about fixing it j. to fix everything herself
h. at fixing things k. to fx it myself
i. for fixing it l. to fix it tomorrow
7. A: Arc you going to f■ x yOur rnother's car?
B: No,she docsn't nccd help. Shc prcfcrs_____.
8.A: Are you going to can the technician to flx your computer?
B: No,I intend____right noⅥ L

9. A: Is the plumber conling tO flx yOur faucet?

B: No. My husband pronlised____.
10。 A: ■■lis sidewalk has been brokcn fbr a long tiine!When is the city going to flx it?
B: They've been talking____for rnonths,but they never do.
11. A: Oh,I'In so sorry! I didn't rncan to break your chair.
B:Don't worry abOut it.Jerry will flx it,He's excellent___.
12.A:My car has a real problcm.It's very hard tO steer.
B: I)id you knOw that the company is responsible____P All the cars have been recalled,and
the cOmpany has to flx thern fbr free.

卜 Practice ll. Revi、、

(chOttS 13-1 → 13-5)
Ch00se the correct completion in each pair. MOre than one answcr rnay be pOssible.

(1) I aln a procrastinatOr. A procrastinatOr is a person who puts off(② /tO dO)sOmething
that she hatcs(あ J循 /"あ )until a latcr time.UnfortunateL althOugh the person may intend
(あた r/"あ )the task soon,it may nOt be done for a long timc.

(2)Hcre'S an example.I received a beautiful silk swcater from my Allnt Sarah.I meant(ar姥 /
″)tO her immediately to thank her,but l postponed(abJκ
g/″ あ )sO.I kept(滋 滋たJπg/"
滋れた),``I'1l write tOmorrow''Nter a month,I hadn't written tO her,and l was t00 embarrassed to
call her. Finally l wrote this:

Dear Aunt Sarah,

(3) I apologize (for being I to be) so late with this note. I want (to thank I thanking) you
for (sending I to send) me the lovely blue silk sweater. I will certainly enjoy (wearing
I to
wear) it to parties and special events. In fact, I'm plannin g (utearing I to
wear) it to your
birthday dinner next week.
(4) I really look forward (to seeing I to see) you then. Please forgive me (for taking I to
take) so long to say thank you.

Cerunds Ond infin‖ ives 227

> Prqclice 12. Review (chorrs t3-t > t3-5)
Complete the sentences with the appropriate gerund or infinitive of the word in rmlzcs. Some
sentences also require a preposition.

l. Matthew wants to go to a different doctor for his back pain. He's considering going rc a

2. Jim would rather walk than dive to work. lristead, of drivinq , Jim walks along bike
rails to his office.
3. 7 never watch commercials on TV. In fact, I can't stand TV
commercials, so I generally watch only shows that I've recorded.
4. Joanne's hobby is coohing. She loves gourmet meals for friends and
5. Martina is nervous about going to the dentist for a filling. She has been afraid
to the dentist since she was a little girl.
6. Valter's dream is to become a doctor rt a rural area. He has dreamed
a doctor since he was hospitalized as a child.

7. Nathan ias a chocolate milkshake every afternoon for a snack. He often feels like
two, but he doesn't.
8. Every morning, rain or shine, Debbie rises early and stretches. Then she goes outside and runs
for 30 minutes. Every morning, Debbie goes for half an hour.
9 - Mark zoashes all his clothes in hot water. Although his roommates tell him hot water could
damage some clothes, he doesn't listen. He insists all his clotlles in

hot water.
10. The little girl didn't see the car rolling slowly toward her. No one was in it, but fortunately a

neighbor jumped into the car and stopped it before it could ftei her. The neighbor stopped the
the girl.
I l. When Rita came to work, her eyes were red and she appeared upset, but she said everl'thing
was okay, I-ater, she was laughing and looked more relaxed. Rita seemed
12. Thng has been studying medicine abroad for two years and hasn't seez his family in all that
time. He is going home next week and is very excited his family.

> Proctice13. By +gerund. (chort136)

Describe what the people did by using by * a gerund.

1. MARv: How did you comfort the child?

Sus: I held him in my arms.
Sue comforted the child' .fu holding him in her arms.
2. Plr: How did you improve your vocabulary?
NADIA: I read a lot ofbooks.
Nadia improved her vocabulary a lot of books.

228 CHAPTER 13
3. Krm: How did Grandma entertain the children?
Sarry: She told them a story.
Grandma entertained the children them a story.
4. Masaxo: How did you improve your Engtish?
Peono: I watchedTV a lot.
Pedro improved his English TV alot.
5. Jrrnnev: How did you catch up with the busP
Juvl: I ran as fast as I could.
Jim caught up with the bus as fast as he could.
6. Mn. LnB: How did you earn your children's respect?
Mn. Coy: I treated them with respect at all times.
Mr. Coy earned his children's respecr them with respect
at all times.

ト Proctice 14. By + gerund. (Chort 13-6)

by * an appropriate
Complete the sentences with verb from the list.

fol10w look pour stretch ,/take work

1   2   3

I arrived on time by Lakin? a taxi instead of a bus.

I put out the fire watcr on lt.

Giraffes can reach the leaves at the tops of trees their long

I flnished writing iny flnal paper all through the night.


Sylvia was able to buy an expensive condominium her money

for four years.

I cooked the noodles correctly the directions on the package.


You can find out the temperature in any city in the world lt up
on the Internet.
8. You can figure out how old a tree is lts rings.

CRo ss -,SEc rro(


Gerunds ond lnfinitives 229

> Prqctice 15. By vs. wilh. (Chorr 13-6)
Circle all the correct completions.
l. Ole went to Quebec by _. 2. Kim ate dinner with
a. bus a. a fork
b. a bus b. a spoon
c. his feet c. chopsticks
d. plane d. fork
e. taxi e. hand
f. train f. knife

3. Ali sent the information by 4. Sid cleaned the kitchen with

a. a phone a. a broom
b. email b. a mop
c. fax c. hand
d. mistake d. soap and water
e. his hand e. disinfectant
f. phone f. a cloth

> Prqclice 15. Gerund os subiect; lf + infinilive. (chort 13-7)

Complete the sentences by using a gerund as the subject or it * infinitive. Add fu where
appropriate. IJse the verbs in the list.

1. a. ieIt easy foranyone to learn how to cook an egg.

b. Learninl how to cook an egg ie easy for anyone.

2. a. nutritious food important for your health.

b. important for your health nutritious food.

3. a. on the wrong side of the road against the law.

b. against the law on the wrong side of the road.

4. a. fun for both children and adults in the warm sea.

b. in the warm sea fun for both children and adults.

5. a. cxpenslve in a dormitory?
b. in a dormitory expensive?
6. a. difttcult these sentences correctly?

b. these sentences correctly difficult?

230 CHAPTER 13
> Prociice 17. Purpose: fo vs. for. lcnort ts-a;
Rewrite the sentences. IJse it . . . for someone 1- an infinitiae phrase. Use the adjective in parentheses.
1. Shy people have a hard time meeting others ar social events. (dfficutt)
It ie difficult for ahy people to meet others at social events.
2. In many cultures, young children sleep in the same room as their parents. (customary)
In many cultures,
in the same room as their parents.
3. Airline pilots need ro have good eyesight. (necessary)
good eyesight.
4. Many teenagers can't wake up early. (hard)
5. Elderly people need ro keep their minds acrive. (important)
their minds active.
6. People don't like listening to monotone speakers. (boring)

to monotone speakers.
7 . Scientists will never know the origin of every disease in the world. (impossible)

the origin of every disease in

the world.

> Prqctice 18. Purpose: fo vs. for. lcrrorr rs-o;

Complete the sentences with to or for.
l. Yesterday, I called the doctor's offrce . . . 2. Yesterday, Chuck stayed after class . . .

a. for an appointment. a. talk with the teacher.

b. to make an appointment. b. _ a talk with the teacher.
c. ger a prescription. c. some extra help.
d. d. _finishaproject.
e. question.
ask a e. work with other students.
f. get some advice. f. a meeting with other students.
g. _ some advice. C help plan a class party.

> Proclice 19. Purpose: fo vs. for, (crrort ts-g)

Complete the sentences with to or for.
l. W'e wear coats weather to keep warm.
in cold
2. !7e wear coats in cold weather for warmth.
3. Mark contacted a lawyer legal advice.
4. Mark contacted a lawyer discuss a legal problem.
5. Sam went to the hospital an operation.
6. \J7e hired a teenager cut my grandmother,s grass twice a month.
7. Frank went to the library review for the test.
8. I play tennis twice a week fun and exercise.

Gerunds ond lnfinitives 23I

9. Jennifer used some medicine cure an infection on her arm.
10. I lentYvette some money her school expenses.
I 1 . I asked my manage r permission to take the rest of the day off.

- (chort l3-e)
> Proctice 20. (ln orde) ro.
- initalics to create sentences using (llz order) to.
Combine the given phrases
1. watch the news * turn on theTV
After he got home from work, Tack turned on the'N (in order) to watch the newa.
2. wash his clothes + go to the laundromat

Every weekend Martin

3. run I get to class on time

Every morning Jeannette

4. let in some fresh air * open the bedroom windows

Every night I
5. ask them for some money + call his Parents
Sometimes Pierre
6. listen to a baseball game I haae the radio on

Some afternoons at work, my co-workers

7. studjt in peace and quiet -t go to the library

Some evenings, I

> Proclice2l. Ioovs. enough. (chort l3-10)

Complete the sentences with the ivords in parentheses and too ot enough.

1. I have a tight schedule tomorrow, so I can't go to the park'

a. (time) Idon't have enoulh time to 0o to the park'

b. (busy) l'm too buay to 0o to the park'

2. I'm pretry short. I can't touch the ceiling'

a. (tall) l'mnot to touch the ceiling.

b. (short) l'rn to touch the ceiling.

3. Marcus has been out of work for months. He can't pay any of his bills'
to pay his bills.
a. (money) Marcus doesn't have
b. (poor) Marcus is to pay his bills.

a. (fror) This tea is to drink.

b. (cool) This tea isn't to drink.

232 CHAPTER 13
5. I feel sick. I don't want to eat anything.
a. GrcA) I feel to eat anything.
b. (well) | don't feel to eat anything.
6. Nora is only six ycars old. She can't stay home by hcrsclf。

a. (o/d) Nora to stay home by herself.

b. (yozzg) Nora to stay home by herself.

> Prqclice22. 7oovs. enough. (chort t3-10)

Complete the sentences with too, ertough, or O.

1. I think this problem is 0 important enou?h to require our immediate

2. Nina is not too tied O to finish the project before she goes home.
3. You can do this math problem by yourself. You're
figure it out.
4. Our company is small to start new branches overseas.
5. My niece doesn't drive yet. She's young to get a driver's
6. Robert is an amazing runner. His coach thinks he is good tO

begin training for an Olympic marathon.

7. Look at the children watching the clowns. They can'r sit still. They're excited
to stay in their chairs.
8. The heat outside is terrible! It's hot to fry an egg on the

> Proctice 23. Gerund vs. infinitiv€. (Chopter 13)

Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

Generalizations About Extroverts and Introverts

An extrovert is someone who appears active and confident and who enjoys (6e)

with other people. This is the opposite of an introvert, who is quiet and
shy and does not want (spend) a lot of time with other people .

An extrovert gets energy by (be) around other people. An introvert

gets energy from (be) alone.

Extroverts try (find) social situations because they like interacting


with people. Introverts often avoid (be) in social situations because they
are not comfortable in them.

Gerunds ond lnfinitives 233

An extrovert prefers (ralfr) with someone else instead of (ser)

alone and (think) . In fact, extroverts

8 I
sometimes seem (think) and speak at the same time, unlike introverts
who think about their words before (speak)

Extroverts, are often good at (make) social conversation, while

introverts who may be shy at first would like (dziczss) ideas instead.
- - t3

> Proctice 24. Gerund vs. infinilive. (chopter 13)

Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the word in parentheses.

1. (srudy) Studyinq English can be fun.

2. My boss makes a habit of (write) nice emails to her employees when

they've done a good job.

3. From the earth, the sun and the moon appear (6e) almost the same size.

4. A: I don't like airplanes.

B: \7hy? Are you afraid of (fly)
A: No, I'm afraid of (crash)
5. A: Irt's q:uit (argue) . Irt's just agree (disagree)
rVe can still be friends.

B: Sounds good to me. And I apologize for (raise) my voice. I

didn't mean (yell) at you.

A: That's okay. I didn't intend (ger) angry at you either.

6. A: Do you think that it's important for children (have) chores

around the house?

B: Yes,I do. I think it's essential for them (learn) about

responsibility that way.

7. A: \7hat do you feel like (do) this afternoon?

B: I feel like (go) (S乃 の ) at the mall.

rJ7hat about you?

A: I don't mind (sftop) at the mall when it's quiet, but there's a sale

today and it will be too crowded.

8. A: Have you called Alexa yet?
B: No,I keep (pzt) it oOP

A: Why?
B: She's mad at me for (forget) (send)

her a card on her birthdaY.

234 cHAPTER 13
> Prociice 25. Editing. (chopter 13)
Correct the errors.
to buy
1. I decided not buying a new car.

2. The Johnsons are considering to sell their antique store.

3. Sam finally finished build his vacation home in the mountains.

4. My wife and I go to dancing ar the communiry center every saturday night.

5. Suddenly, it began to raining and the wind started to blew.

6. The baby is afraid be away from her mother for any length of time.

7. I am excited for start college this September.

8. You can send your application with fax.

9. My country is too beautiful.

10. Is exciting to drive a sports car.

I 1. My grandparents enioy to traveling across the country in a motor home.

12. Elena made this swearer with her hands.

13. Running it is one of the sports we can participate in at school.

14. Swim with a group of people is more enjoyable than swim alone.

15. Meeting new people it is interesting.

Gerunds ond lnfinilives 235

> Proctice 25. Crossword puzle. (Chopter 13)
Complete the prnzle. Use the clues to find the correct words. All are grammar points from
Chapter 13.

2. The best way to eatpizza is your fingers.
4. Sorry! I am tired to go out tonight.
5. \7ould you mind me up for work tomorrow? My car is being fixed.
6. Ben buys things at the mall on weekends when he goes
9. lWe went to the lecture early in order to good seats.
10. My family and I enjoy together in our small sailboat.
1 1.
The only way to get to the small island boat.
12. It's not diffrcult for Carlos to the guitar because he is a professional guitarist.
13. Bob is 21. Hc is old to vote.

1. \We are considering our vacation plans. We may go in July instead of in June.
3. The Stein family is thinking about to a larger house.
7. Margo expects to from college next June.
8. I flnishcd at midnight and went right to bed.

236 cHAPTER 13
Chqpter 14
Noun Clouses

> Proclice I. Queslions vs. noun clouses. (Chorr 14-1)

If the sentence contains a noun clause, underline it and circle noun clause. If the question word
introduces a question, circle question. Add appropriate final punctuation: a period (.) or a question
mark (?).
1. I don't know whereYuri lives.
2. Where doesYuri live?
3. I don't understand why Sofia left noun clausc
4. \Vhy did Sofia leave noun clause questlon
5. When did Oliver leave noun clausc questlon
6. I don't know when Oliver left noun clause questlon
7. What does "calm" mean noun clause questlon
8. Thrik knows what "calm" means noun clause questlon
9. I don't know how long the earth has existed noun clause questlon
10. How long has the earth existed noun clausc qucstlon
11. lfhere is Patagonia noun clause questlon
12. I don't know where Patagonia is noun clause qucstlon

> Proclice 2. Noun clouses thot begin wath o queslion word. (chorr t4-2)
Answer the questions using noun clauses.
1. A: \7here does Helen work?
B: I don't know where Helen worka

2.A: Vhat did Adam say?

B: I didn't hear what

3. lWhy are we doing this?

I don't know why

4. $(/hen does the new semester start?
Tell me when

5. rVhere did everyone go?

I don't know where

6. lVhat do people believe?
Ve don't know what

Noun Clouses 237

7. Who believes that story?
I don't know who
8. Whose cell phone is ringing?
I don't know whose

> Proctice 3. Noun clouses thot begin with o question word. (chort l4-2)
Complete the noun clauses.

1. Vince doesn't live near me. Do you knowwhere Vincelives ?

2. I don't know that woman. Do you know who that woman ia ?

3. Henri did something. Do you know what

4. I don't know her phone number. Do you know what
5. These are someone's keys. Do you know whose
6. Clara met someone. Do you know who
7. Carlo is absent today. Do you know why
8. What time is it? Do you know what time
9. Sam is studying something. Do you know what
10. Someone called. Do you know who
11. Ms.Gray will can later today. Do you know when
12. The president is going to say something. Do you know what

13. \U7ho is in that room? Do you know who

14. \7hat is in that drawer? Do you what
15. A GPS system doesn't cost a lot of money, does it? Do you know how much

卜 Practice 4. Information questions ond noun ciouses.(chor1 14-2)

Complete the question and noun clause forms of the given sentences.

1. Marcos left at ll:00.

Whcn ノ″ M′ κθぅ│"κ 7

Could you ten ine И

/力 θ41И ′κθσlθ ι′

2. Hc sald good¨ bye.


I didn't hcar

3. The post office is on Second Street.


Could you please tell me

4. It's half-past six.
What time
Could you please tcn ine

238 CHAPTER 14
5. David arrived two days ago.

I don't know
6. Ana is from Peru.
$(rhat country
I'd like to know

7. Kathy was absent because she was ill.

rWhy absent?
Do you know absent?
8. Pedro lives next door.
Who next door?
Do you know next door?
9- Someone's car is in the driveway.
\Wrhose in the driveway?
Do you
- know in the driveway?
10. These books are someone's.

Do you know

> Proctice 5. Noun clouses. (Chort 14-2)

Complete each sentence with a noun clause made from the list. There is one extra word in each list.
1. who, to, did, Helen, talked
\Vho did Helen talk to? Do you kooow who Helen talked to ?

2. does, who, liztes

\(rho lives in that aparrmenr? Do you know in that apartment?

3. he, what, said, did

What did he say? Tell me

4. has, Pat, does, what kind of car

\flhat kind of car does Pat have? I can't remember

5. how, their children, are, old, do
How old are their children? I can't ever remember
6. why, did, you, said
\7hy did you say that? I don't understand that.
7 . I, do, can, catch, where
Where can I catch the bus? Could you please tell me
the bus?
8. does, what, this word, means

\7hat does this word mean? Could you please tell me

Noun Clouses 239

> Proclice 6. Noun clquses. (Chort t4-2)
Choose the correct completion.

1. Why so late?
a. you are b. are you
2. I'd like to know why so late.
a. you are b. are you
3. Tell us where on your vacation, Pam.
a. you went b. did you go
4. I went sailing in the Bahamas. \U7here on your vacation?
a. you went b. did you go
5. I couldn't understand the professor. What
a. she said b. did she say
6. I couldn't understand her either. I have no idea what
a. she said b. did she say
a. this word means b. does this word mean
8. I don't know what
a. it means b. does it mean
9. Do you know what
a. a bumblebee is b. is a bumblebee
10. Ask Helen. She knows a lot of words. Hey, Helen. \7hat
a. a bumblebee is b. is a bumblebee
I 1. Who on the phone?
a. was that b. that was
12. I don't know who The person hung up.
a. was that b. that was
Proctice 7. Noun clouses. (chort l4-2)
Read the email message. Choose the correct completion in each pair.

I‐ Ii Mon■ and lDadi

(1)Well,after one week in Mexico,I'm very glad to be here,but l also feel a little lost at times.
I thought that l kncw somc Spanish,but rcall"I can't llnderstand what ⑫θ ρクル ακ Sα ν″κg/

ρρル S`ジ リ 。Evcn though l have a map,I can't rcad it very well,so l don't know where
α″ クι
Jご ″
(α ″ α〃 励 ι bπ グ κ gs/α 〃 滋 θらa■ttgs ακ ).I knOW When(,7ι た SSθ S s″ rι /ab η θttssι s S″ rの 一 nCXt
Monday一―and where(r ragzs″ r/あ f rcgi″ う.I knOw what classes(α tt f ι
ηg/fα zれ たれめ,but,
of course,I don't know who(2η prttssο rs a"bι /w州 らι′
η pr∝esSο rs).

(2)Last night Iた ltlonely ④l dOn,t know how long(づ

ι れた
ι/"溜 力れθ

make new)to
friends,and l was wondering why(ご づ
∂ f ε
θZθ /1 ι
αzの hcre・ Buttoday l fccl much better and I
know why(α 1/1 αη7)hcrC:I'In going to study ano■ cr languagc and lcarn about anothcr culture,

and I'In going to bc Fnaking new friends.

Love,Pat ③

240 CHAPTER 14
> Proctice 8. Noun clouses ond yes/no questions. (Chort t4-3)
Change each yeslno question to a noun clause.
1. YnsAtro QunsuoN: IsTom coming?
NouN Cr-ausr,: I wonder if / whether Tom ia comina
2. YEsNo QuesuoN: Has Jin finished medical school yet?
NouN Cr-auss: I don't know
3. YesNo QursrroN: Does Daniel have any time off soon?
Notx Cr"russ: I don't know
4. YrsAlo Quesuox: Is the flight on time?
NouN Cr-ausr: Can you tell me
5.YES/No QuEST10N: IS thcrc cnough gas in the car,
NorrN CLauss: Do you know
6. YnsAIo QuesuoN: IsYuki married?
NotrN Cutusr,: I can't remember
7. YBsA{o QuesuoN: Are the Nelsons going to move?
NouN Cr"cuss: I wonder
8. QuesuoN: Did Khaled change jobs?
NouN Cr-auss: I don't know

> Prqclice 9. Noun clouses. (Chort 14-3)

Complete the sentences using noun clauses.
1. A: Are you going to need help moving furniture to your new apartment?
B: I don't h'now if l'm Aoinq to need help. Thanks for asking. I'll let you know.
2. A: What do you wanr for dinner tonight?
B: I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you with the TV on.
A: I want to know for dinner tonight.
3. A: Is there going to be a movie on this flight?
B: I'll ask the flight attendant. Excuse me, we're wondering
a movie on this flight.

4. A: $(4rere do birds go in hurricanes?

B: I have no idea in hurricanes.

5. A: Can I borrow the car, Dad?
B: I'll tell you later the car.

6. A: Has Nasser already left the party?

B: Sorry, it's so noisy here. I didn't catch that.
A: I need to know the party.
7. A: \ilrhy did Harold leave town so fast?
B: I really don't know town so fast.

Noun Ctouses 241

> Proctice I0. Noun clouses. (chort l4-3)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Pay special attention to the use of final
1. Does it rain a lot here?
Could you tell me if it raine a lot here?
2. How hot does it get in the summer?
Could you tell me how hot it in the summer?
3. \fhat do people like to do here?
Could you tell me what peoP1e to do here?
4. Does bus number 10 run on holidaYs?
Could you tell me if bus number 10 on holidays?

5. Do the buses run on holidaYs?

Could you tell me if the buses on holidays?

6. How long does it take to get to the city?

Could you tell me how long it to get to the citY?
7. What do people enjoy most about this area?
Could you tell me what PeoPle most about this area?

8. Does it seem like an expensive place to live?

Could you tell me if it like an expensive place to live?

> Proctice I I. Tftof'clouses. (chon 14-4)

Choose the correct completion from Column B.

Column A Column B

I . Johnny's hungry. I guess that a. monsters are chasing him

b. he always twists his moustache when
2. -. Read this
\(rhy are you afraid to fly on planes? he is anxious
report. It proves that
c. he didn't eat much lunch
3. -. He often dreams
Our son has nightmares. d. they can
that e. green tea has some healthy ingredients
4. The police
-. assume that f. flying is a lot safer than driving
5. I have to get up very early-. tomorrow, so I g. an experienced thief stole the money
suppose h. I should go to bed earlY tonight
6. I always know when Paul is nervous. Have you
ever noticed that
7. -?older people couldn't
I used to think that learn
a new language, but now I realize that
8. -. but
I'm not sure about the benefits of coffee,
I know that

242 cHAPTER14
Proctice 12. Thof-clouS€s. (Chorts 14-4ond 14-S)
Add that to the sentences at the appropriate places to mark the beginning of a noun clause.

1. I'm sorry n you won't be here for Joe's party.

2. I predict Jim and Sue will get married before the end of the year.

3. I'm surprised you sold your car.

4. Are you certain Mr. McVay won't be here tomorrow?

5. Did you notice Marco shaved offhis mustache?

6. It's a fact hot air rises.

7. A: How do you know it's going to be nice tomorrow?

B: I heard the weather report.
A: So? The weather report is often wrong, you know. I'm still worried it'll rain on our picnic.
8. A: I heard Professor Samson is leaving the university.
B: Really? r$7hy?
A: Some people assume he is going to retire. But I doubt it. I think he is going to do research
and writing.
B: This is not good news! He's a great teacher.

> Prqctice I3. Thof-clouseS. (Chort t4-5)

\tr7rite two sentences for each passage. Make noun clauses, and include the words in parentheses.
l. The Jensens celebrated the graduation of their granddaughter Alice from the university. After
graduation, she was offered a good job in chemical research in a nearby town.
The Jensens pleased) are Pleaeed that f,heir qranddaughter graduated from the univeraity

They (be glad) are qlad that ahe wae offered a Tood job
2. One night on the news, Po's parents heard about a big fire at Po's university. All the students
had to leave their dorms. Po's parents thought that maybe Po had been injlred. \tr7hen po
called them about an hour later, they felt relieved.
At first, Po's parents (be worried)

Then, they (be hoppy)

3. Kyle didn't study for his math exam. Afterward, he thought he had failed, but actually, he got
one of the highest grades in the class. His teacher had known he would do well and praised
him for earning such a high grade.
Kylc(bι げ滋燿)

Kyle's teacher (not, be surprised)

4. Karen lent her cousin Mark some money. He said that he needed it to pay the rent. Then
she heard that he had left town. She feels upset that Mark lied to frer. SnL regrets
him money.
Karen (be angry)
Karen (be sorry)

Noun Clouses 243

5. People used to think that strenuous exercise was bad for the heart. However, now scientists
have proven the opposite: strenuous exercise can be good for the heart. In addition, people
used io think that eating a lot of red meat was good for the heart. Now doctors know that
eating a lot of red meat is bad for the heart.
It is a fact (exercise)
It is true (eating a lot of red meat)

Proctice I4. Subsliiuting so for q fhof-clous€. (Chort l4-6)

Give the meaning of so by writing a that-clatse'
1. A: Does Alice have a car?
B: I don't think so. ( : I don't think that Alice hae a car .)

2. A: Is the librarY open on SundaY?

B: Ibelieveso. ( : Ibelieve
3. A: Does Ann sPeak SPanish?
B: I don't think so. ( : I don't think
4. A: Did Alex pass his French course?
B: Ithinkso.(:Ithink
5. A: Is Mr. Kozari going to be at the meeting?
B: Ihopeso. (:IhoPe
6. A: Are these Pants clean?
B: Ibelieveso. ( : Ibelieve

> Proclice 15. Quoted speech. (chort 14-7)

All of the sentences contain quoted speech. Punctuate them by adding quotation marks
(tt ' ' '"),
commas (r), periods (.), and question marks (?). use capital letters as necessary'
Example: My roommate said the door is open could you closeit
1. Alex asked do You smell smoke
Do you smell smoke?
2. Something is burning he said Something is burning.

3. He asked do you smell smoke something is burning

4. Do you smell smoke he asked something is burning

5. Rachel said the game starts at seven

6. The game starts at seven we should leave here at six she said

244 CHAPTER 14
7. She said the game starts at seven we should leave here at six can you be ready to leave then

Proctice I6. Quoted speech. lCrrorts 14-7 ond 14_B)

Punctuate the quoted passage. Add quotation marks (u. . .u)'rcommas (r), periods (.),
question marks (?). Use capital letters as necessary.

One day my friend I-aura and I were sitting in her apartment. We were having
a cup of tea
together and talking about the terrible earthquake that had just occurred in Iran. r-aura asked me1
you ever been in an earthquake?rt

Yes,I have I replied.

ttr7as it a big earthquake she asked.

I've been in several earthquakes, and they've all been small ones I answered.
Have you ever been
in an earthquake?

There was an earthquake in my village five years ago I-aura said. I was
in my house. Suddenly
the ground started shaking. I grabbed my little brother and ran outside. Everything was moving. I
was scared to death. And then suddenly it was over.
I'm glad you and your brother weren,t hurt I said.

lucky. Has everyone in the world felt an earthquake sometime in their lives
Yes, we were very

Laura wondered. Do earthquakes occur everywhere on the earth?

Those are interesting questions I said but I don,t know the answers.

Noun Ctouses 245

> proctic e 17. Reported speech: chonging pronouns ond possessive words.
(Chort l4-B)
bomplete the sentences with the correct pronouns or possessive words.
1. Mr. I-ee said, "I'm not happy with my new assistant'"
Mr. I-ee said that he wasn't happy witt, hia new assistant'

2. Tom said to his wife, "My parents invited us over for dinner next weekend'"
parents had invited over for dinner
Tom said that
next weekend.
3. The little girl said, "I don't want to wear my good shoes to the party."
didn't want to wear good
The little girl said that
shoes to the partY.
me tickets for iaywalking and told us to cross the
4. Jim said, "A police officer gave Anna and
street with the trafftc lights at the pedestrian crosswalk'"
tickets for iaywalking
Jim said that a police offtcer had given Anna

and told to cross the street with the traffic lights at the crosswalk'
5. The Johnsons said to me, "rwe will send you an email when we arrive in Nepal'"
would send an email when
The Johnsons said that
arrived in NePal.

6. Jane said, "I want my daughter to feel good about herself'"

wanted daughter to feel good about
Jane said that
the day of your party'"
7. Mary and Jack said to me, "we are going to be out of town on
Mary and Jack said that were going to be out of town on the day of

to the airport.,,
8. Bob said to us,..'W,e will join you after we uke my mother
Bob told us that would join after

took mother to the airPort.

> Prqctice t8. Verb forms in reporied speech'.(Chort l4-9)

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the
Informal: Juan said (that) he will meet

for work'"
2. Maria said, "I'm going to be about 15 minutes late
Informal: Maria said she

3. Roberto said, "My new car has a dent'"

Formal: Roberto said his new car a dent.

Informal: Roberto said his new car

246 cHAPTER 14
4. Phil saidr "I need to borrow some money."
FOrπ α
ルPhil said he三
fψ r“ αル Phil said he 二
〕>tO bOrrow some money.

5. Sandy saidr "I have flown on an airplane only once.,,

Formal: Sandy said she

6. Sami and Jun said, "\J(i'e are planning a surprise parry for Naoko.,,
Formal: Sami and Jun said they
a surprisc party for Naoko.
Informal: Sami and Jun said they

7. Naoko said, "I don't want any gifts for my birthday.,,

Formal: Naoko said she
Informal: Naoko said she
---->any gifts for her birthday.

8. Ms.t$7all said, "I can take care of your kids next weekend.,,
ルMゝ wan s盛 d she
乃αr″ ,>。
f my kdS next weekcnd.
r“ αル Ms.Wall said she

> Proclice 19. verb forms in reporled speech. (chorr 1a-9)

Complete the sentences. Write the opposite of the quoted speech. Use formal sequence
of tenses.
1. A: I have a lot of time.
B: oh? I misunderstood you. I heard you say (that) you didn't have a lot of time.
2. A: I found my credit cards.
B: I misunderstood you. I heard you say your
credit cards.
3. A: The Smiths didn't cancel their party.
B: I misunderstood you. I heard you say
their party.
4. A: It will rain tomorrow.
B: I misundersrood you. I heard you say
5. A: TheWhites didn't ger a new car.
B: I misundersrood you. I heard you say
a new car.

6. A: Mei exercises every day.

B: I misunderstood you. I heard you say every day.
7. A: My compurer is working.
B: I misunderstood you. I heard you say

8. A: Ali isn't coming on Friday.

B: I misunderstood you. I heard you say on Friday.

Noun Clouses 247

> Proctice 20. Reporling questions. (chori l4-10)
Change the quoted questions to reported questions. Use formal sequence of tenses.

1. Eric said to me, "How old are You?"

Eric asked me how old lwaa

2. Ms. Rush said to Mr. l,ongr "Are you going to be at the meeting?"
Ms. Rush asked Mr. Long if he was qoinT to be at the meeting'

3. Larry said to Ms. Soo, "Do you have time to help me?"
time to help him.
Larry asked Ms. Soo
4. Don said to Robert,..Did you change your mind about going to college?,,
mind about going to college.
Don asked Robert
5. Igor said to me, "How long have you been a teacher?"
a teacher.
Igor asked me
6. I said toTina, "Can you speak Swahili?"
I askcd Tina

around three.
Kathy asked Mr. MaY
8. The teacher said to Ms. Chang, "\(fhy are you laughing?"
The teacher asked Ms. Chang
g. My uncle said to me, "Have you ever considered a career in
a career in business.
My uncle asked me

> Proctice2l. Quoting queslions' (chort l4-10)

Change the reported speech to quotations'

1. Eric asked me if I had ever gone skydiving'

askedl s'Have you ever
Eric Tone akydivinTT"
2. Chris wanted to know if I would be at the meeting'
Chris askedl
3. Kate wondered whether I was going to quit my
Kate askedl
4. Anna asked her friend where his car was'
Anna askede
5. Brian asked me what I had done after class yesterday'
Brian askede
6. Luigi asked me if I knew Italian'
Luigi askede
7 . Debra wanted to know if I could pick up her daughter at school'
Debra askedl
my desk'
8. My boss wanted to know why I wasn't working at
My boss asked mel

248 CHAPTER 14
> Prqclice 22. Reporling questions. (Chorrs 14-9 -+ t4-tO)
Look at the picture and complete the sentences with noun clauses. IJse verbs that are appropriate
for later reporting (rather than immediate reporting).

you met
2. Hove 9. Doyou like the
mony people? weother here?

3.Whot ore you 7. Are the locol people

going to study? friendly to you?

A new student, Mr. Sheko, joined an English class. The teacher asked the students to interview
him. Later, Mr. Sheko told his friend about the interview.
l. They asked me
2. They asked me
3. They asked me
4. They asked me
5. They asked me
6. They asked me
7. They asked me
8. They asked me
9. They asked me

> Prqclice 23. Reported speech. (Chorrs 14_9 + t4_to)

complete the reported speech sentences. Use formal sequence of tenses.
1. David said to me, "I'm going to call you on Friday.', I hove to tolk
to you.
David said (that) he was qoinT to
on Friday.

John said to Ann, "I have to talk to you.,,

John told Ann

3. Diane said to me, "I can meet you after work.,,

Diane said after work.

4. Maria said to Bobr,,I wrote you a note.,,

Maria t01d BOb
a note.

Noun Ctouses 249

5. Anita asked Mike, "When will I see you again?"
Anita asked Mikc whcn

6. Laura said to Georger "$7hat are you doing?"

Laura asked George

> Proctice 24. Soy vs. fell vs. osk. (Chort l4-10)
Complete the sentences with said, told, or ashed'

1. Ava told me that she was hungrY'

2. Ava eaid that she was hungrY'

3. Ava --.- me if I wanted to go out to lunch with her'

4. ryhen the storm began, | the children to come

into the house.

5. .____-.- he would be at the meeting'
rffhen I talked to Mr. Grant, he

they weren't surPrised.

7 . My supervisor -- me if I could postpone my vacation' I him

what the reason was. He that our sales department needed me for a project'

8. My neighbor and I had a disagreement' I

Fotimo isn't
my neighbor that he was wrong' MY going to be
I was wrong'
In closs todoY.
neighbor me that

9. Fumiko the teacher that Fatima wasn't

going to be in class.
10. Ellen _.-._- if I could join her for a movie'

I I wasn't feeling well, but

| her what movie she was going to'
The next day, Ellen me she had enjoyed the movie'

250 cHAPTER 14
> Proctice25. Reported speech. (Chorts 14-1 ,14-10)
Complete the sentences by changing the quoted speech to reported speech. lJse said, told,
asked, or replied. Practice using the formal sequence of tenses.
1. Alex said, "$(rhere do you live?" Alex aaked me where I lived.
2. He said, "Do you live in the dorm?" He ln
the dorm.
3. I saidr "I have my own apartment." I my own
4. He saidr "I'm looking for a new apartment.,, He
for a new apartment.
5. He said, "I don't like living in the dorm." He ln
the dorm.
6. I saidr "Do you want to move in with me?" I
7. He said, "'Where is your apartment?" He
8. I said, "I live on Seventh Avenue."
on Seventh Avenue.
9. He saidr "But I can't move He
until the end of May." until the end of May.
10. He saidr "I will cancel my dorm contract at He
the end of May." dorm contract at the end of May.
11. He said, "Is that okay?" He
12. I saidr "I'm looking forward to having you I
as a roommate." as a roo■ 1lnatc.

> Proctice26. Reported speech. (Chorrs 14-1 ..- t4-10)

Check (/) all the correct sentences.
1. a. The teacher asked are you finished?

-/ b. The teacher asked if I was finished.

c. The teacher asked if was I finished?
- d. The teacher asked that I was finished?
-/ e. The teacher asked, "Are you finished?,,
2. a. Aki said he was finished.
- b. Aki said that he was finished.
- c. Aki replied that he was finished.
- d. Aki answered that he was finished.
- e. Aki said whether was he finished.
3. - a. Ann toldTom, she needed more time.
- b. Ann toldTom she needed more time.
- c. Ann told toTom she needed more time.
- d. Ann told she needed more time.
- e. Ann saidTom she needed more time.
- f. Ann said she needed more time.
- Noun Clouses 25I
4. a. Donna answered that she was ready.
- b. Donna answered was she ready.
- c. Donna replied ready.
- d. Donna answeredr "I am ready."
- e. Donna answered if she was ready.
5. - a. Mr.Vong wanted to know ifTed was coming.
- b. Mr. Wong wanted to know isTed coming?
- c. Mr.\fong wondered ifTed was coming.
- d. Mr.\7ong wondered wasTed coming.
- e. Mr.\7ong wonderedr "IsTed coming?"
Proctice 27. Reported speech. (Chorts l4-l -'14-10)
Part I. Read the fable by Aesop.*

The Ant and the Grasshopper

one summer's day, a grasshopper was jumping around

(1-2) In a field
and thinking to himself, "It's a beautiful day, and I love playing in the sun."
(3) An ant passed by. The Ant was carrying a heavy piece of corn.
(4-5) The Grasshopper asked the Ant, "'What are you doing and
where are you going?"
(6) The Ant replied, "I am carrying food to my nest."
(7-8) The Grasshopper asked "Why are you working so hard in the
beautiful weather?"
(9) The Ant said, "If I bring food to the nest in the summerr I can have food in the winter."
(10-11) The Grasshopper asked the Ant, "Can you take a break now and play with me instead
of working?"
(12) The Ant answered, "I can't."
(13-14) The Ant said, "If I don't bring food to the nests in the summer,I won't have any food
for the winter."
(15) The Grasshopper said, "I'm not worried about the winter because I have plenty of food."
(16-17) The Ant continued walking. The Grasshopper saw many ants doing the same thing.
They were carrying heavy loads of food on their backs, and they were all going back to their nests.
(18) The Grasshopper wondered, "Do those ants ever have any fun?"
(19_22) The Grasshopper continued to play in the beautiful weather, and he played all summer
long. \(rhen winter came, the Grasshopper had no food. In fact, he was getting hungrier and
hungrier. The Grasshopper saw the ants. They were eating all the corn and grain that they had
collected during the summer.
(23-24) Then the Grasshopper thought to himself, "The ants are smart because they prepared
for the winter."
(25-26) And just before the Grasshopper died, he said to himself, "It is always a good idea to
prepare for the future."

*A fable teaches a lesson about right or wrong. Aesop was a Greek writer who wrote many fables.

252 cHAPTER t4
Part II. Complete the sentences by changing the quoted speech to indirect speech. IJse formal
sequence oftenses.

1. (Lines 1-2) The Grasshopper was thinking to himself that it wae a beautiful day. and
he loved olavina in the eun

2. (Line 4) The Grasshopper asked the Ant what he was doina

3. (Line 6) The Ant replied

4. (Lines 7-8) The Grasshopper asked the Ant

5. (Line 9) The Ant said

6. (Lines 10-11) The Grasshopper asked the Ant

7. (Line 12) The Ant answered

8. (Lines 13-14) The Ant said

9. (Line 15) The Grasshopper said

10. (Line 18) The Grasshopper wondered

11. (Lines 23-24) The Grasshopper thought

12. (Lines 25-26) The Grasshopper said

> Proctice2S. Ediiing. (Chopter t4)

Correct the errors.

1. Excuse me. May I ask if how old are you?

2. I wonder did Rashed pick up something for dinner?

3. I'm unsure what does Lawrence do for a living.

4. Fernando said, "the best time for me to meet would be Thursday morning.

5. Eriko said to me was I coming to the graduation party. I say her that I wasn't.

6. I hope so that I will do well on my final exams.

7 . I'm not sure if that the price includes the sales tax or not.

8. My mother said to me thatr "How many hours did you spend on your homework?"

Noun Clouses 253

9. I told my brother, "Are you going to marry Paula?"
10. I'd like to know how do you do that.

11. My parents knew what did Sam and I do.

12. Is a fact that unexpected things happen in everyone's lives.

> Proctice 29. Word seolch puzle. (chopter 14).

Circle the words that are the past tense forms of verbs often used to introduce noun clauses in
reported speech. There are seven words in the pluzzle.
The words may be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. The first letter of each word is highlighted in


D D M丁 M X M N

N E■ Y M C P D
Q tt R X A M Q D 丁
I P W R N K D tt N
R C S tt S V N O N

E P ■ K N H L K

254 cHAPTER 14
Appendix I
Phrosal Verbs

ト Proctice I. Group A.-

Complete the examples for the chart.

Group A: PhrasalVerbs (separable)

Verb Deflnltion Exarnple
flgure out.… … .… find the solution to a problem Ifigured out t}re answer.
hand in.......... give homework, papers, etc., to a teacher 'We handed our homework.
hand out......... give something to this person, then The teacher handed the test
that person, etc. papers to the class.
look up..... .... look for information in a dictionary, I looked a word in the
phone book, online, etc. dictionary.
make up ........ invent (a story) make
Children like to stories.
pick up........・ lift Tom picked the baby.

put down ........ stop holding or carrying I put the heavy packages.
put ofF.....・ ・ ・・・ postpone 'We put our trip until next
put on.… … … … … place clothes on one's body I put my coat before I left.
take off ......... remove clothes from one's body I took my coat when I arrived.
I threw
‖ 鮮 }…
my old notebooks.
put in the trash, discard
:導 I threw
- my old notebooks.
turn ofF.… … … … . stop a machine or a light I turned
- the lights and went to
turn on.......... start a machine or a light I turned the light so I could
waよ e up .. . .. . stop sleeping I woke at six.
write down ...... write a note on a piece of paper I wrote his phone number

> Proclice 2. Group A -

Complete the sentences with particles from the list.

away down ln off On out up


Johnny is all wet. I told him to take his clothes and put some dry ones.

Lilly made a story. She didn't tell the truth.

*Appendix I presents phrasal verbs in small groups to be learned and practiced one group
at a time. A complete reference list can
found in the Student Book, pp. 399 4OO.

PhrosolVerbs 255
3. Alice used her online dictionary to look a word. Then she wrote the definition

4. Sometimes I postpone doing my homework. My parents get upset and tell me not to put it
They also get mad because I hand some assignments late.

5. My arms hurt, so I put the baby for a minute. But he started crying right away, so
I picked him again.
6. My roommate is messy. He never picks his clothes.
7. My mother woke me at 7:00, but I didn't get up until 7:30. I turned
the light and went back to sleep.
8. We don't need these receipts anymore. \$7e can throw them
9. \il7hen I got my physics test today, I realized that I couldn't figure any of the

answers. Our teacher had made a mistake and handed the wrong test!
卜 P『 octice 3. Croup A.
Choose an thc cOrrect complctions for cach scntence.

1. Akiko turned off @ the butter

2. I took off my coat my toys γ


3. Jonas put on his shoes a fire

4. Benjamin made up a story afairy tale an excuse.
5. Susanna threw out some air some rotten food an old shirt.
6. Antonio put off a doctor's appointment a meeting a trip.
7. Max figured out a puzzle q math problem difficub.
8. Kyong handed in some candjt a report some late homework.

9. The secretary wrote down a message a pencil a phone number.

10. The mail carrier put down a box the mail truck a sack of mail.

1 1. Mustafa turned off the light the computer the car engine.

> Proctice 4. Group B.

Complete the examples for the chart.

Group B: Phrasal Verbs (nonseparable)

Verb Definition Example
call on . ask (someone) to speak in class
. The teacher called Ali.
come from . originate
... Where do these bananas come
get over recover from an illness or a shock Sue gor her cold quickly.
get oIf' ' ' leave) a bus/airplane/train/subway
got - bus at First Street'
get on . . . enterj I got the bus at Fifth
-? Street.
getin/into...... enter\ Igot thetaxiattheairport.
acar.ataxi thetaxiatthehotel.
getoutof...... leavej lgot -
look into. investigate The police
- ate looking the crime.
run into meet by chance I ran - Peter at the store.

Prqctice 5.
Complete the

out of over

1. rilflhen I raised my hand in class, the teacher called me.

2. Fred feels okay today. He got his cold.

3. Last week I flew from Chicago to Miami. I got the plane in Chicago. I got
the plane in Miami.

4. Sally took a taxi to the airport. She got the taxi in front of her apartment
building. She got the taxi at the airport.

5. I take the bus to school every day. I get the bus at the corner of First Street
and Sunset Boulevard. I get the bus just a block away from the classroom

6. The receptionist at the power company didn't know why my bill was so high, but she said she
would look

7. I ran Pierre at the mall. He's married and has ten kids!

Prqctice 6. Group B.
Complete each sentence in Column A with the correct phrase from Column B.

Example: Annette speaks both French and English because she comes . . .
Annette speaks both French and English because she comes from Quebec.

ColumnA Column B
1. Annette speaks both French and English a- into your request for medical records.
/b. from Quebec.
2. When Sylvia lost her job, it took her several
c. over the shock.
3. Our office will need several days to look . . . . d. into a taxi and went to the airport.
e. on unprepared students.
4. Vhen a plane lands, the first-class passengers
get.... f. into several friends from high school.
5. !(rhile I was walking in the mall, I ran . . . .
g. offfirst.
6. When he left the hotel, David gor . . . .
7. Mrs. Riley, our math teacher, often calls . . . .

PhrosolVerbs 257
> Proclice 7. Group C.
Complete the examples for the chart.

Group C: PhrasalVerbs (separable)

Verb Definition Example
ask out. ask (someone) to go on a date Tom asked Sue They went to a
call back return a telephone call I'll call you tomorrow.
call off cancel Ve called -. the picnic because of the
call up make a telephone call I called - my friend in NewYork.
give back return something to someone I borrowed Al's pen, then I gazte it
hang up hang on a hanger or a hook I hung my coat in the closet.
payback. return borrowed money to someone Thanks for the loan. I'll pay yo:u
put away . . put something in its usual or proper place I put the clean dishes
put back . . return something to its original place I put my books into my bag.
putout.... extinguish (stop) a fire, a cigarette We out the camof,rre before we left,
shutoff... stop a machine or light, turn off I shut my printer before I left the
try on. put on clothing to see if it fits I tried several pairs of shoes.
turn down decrease the volume Sue rurned
- the music. It was too
turn up increase the volume Al turned
- the radio. He likes loud

> Prociice 8. Group C.

Complete the sentences with particles from the list.

You still owe me the money I lent you. When are you going to pay me

Turn the radio! It's too loud! I can't hear myself think.

Debra put the fire in the oven with a fire extinguisher.

I'll wash and dry the dishes, and you can put them

Before you buy shoes, you should try them to see if they fit.

I can't hear the TV. Could you please turn

You took my toy! Give it
I didn't hear anyone on the other end of the phone, so I hung
You can look at these books, but please put them on the shelf when you're

10. Bob hasn't paid his electric bill for months, so the electric company shut his power

1 1. A: I hear that Tom asked you for next Saturday night.

B: Yes, he did. He called me a couple of hours ago and invited me to a
A: The dance has been called because the musicians are on strike. Didn't
you hear about it?
B: No,I didn't. I'd better callTom and ask him what he wants to do instead.

> Proclice 9. Phrosol verbs: seporqble. (GrouFS A, B, C)

If not possible, write "X."
Complete the sentences with a given particle where possible.

1. out a. Paulo asked oul one of his classmates.

b. Paulo asked one of his classmates out
2. on a. The teacher called on Ted for the answer.
b. The teacher calledTed X for the answer.
3. inn a. The police are looking the murder, but need help from the public
to solve it.
b. The police are looking the murder , but need help from the public
to solve it.
4. into a. Khalifa ran his cousin at the store.
b.Khalifa ran his cousin at the store.
5. up a. Claire turned the ringer on the phone.
b. Claire turned the ringer on the phone
6. away a. Dr. Benson threw a valuable coin by mistake.

b. Dr. Benson threw a valuable coin by mistake.

7. down a. Yumi's baby cries whenever she puts him
b. Yumi's baby cries whenever she puts him.
8. up a. \tr7ould you please wake me in one hour?
b. Would you please wake me in one hour?
9. qwqy a. You can leave the dishes. I'll put them later.
b. You can leave the dishes. I'll put them later.
10. up a. \7hen Joan feels lonely, she calls a friend and talks for a while.
b. I$7hen Joan feels lonely, she calls a friend and talks for a while.
11. off a. The hill was so steep that I had to get my bicycle and walk.
b. The hill was so steep that I had to get my bicycle and walk.
12. from a. This fruit is very fresh. It came my garden.
b. This fruit is very fresh. It came my garden

PhrosolVerbs 259
> Proctice 10. Group D.
Complete the examples.

Group D: PhrasalVerbs (separable)

Verb Deanition Example
cross out draw a line through I crossed the misspelled word'
fill in . ... . complete by writing in a blank space 'We
fill blanks in grammar exercises.
fill out .... write information on aform lfilled a job application.
fiIl up. ... . fill completely with gas, water, Ve filled the gas tank.
coffee, etc.
find out .. . discover information I found
- where he lives.
have on ... wear She ftas a blue blouse
look over . . examine carefully Look your paper for errors before you
hand it in.
point out . . call attention to The teacher pointed a misspelling'
print out create a paper copy from a computer I finished the letter and printed it
tear down destroy a building They tore the old house and built
a new one.
tearout(of)..... remove (paper)bytearing ltoreapage -. amagazine.
tear up ... tear into smallpieces I tore the secret note.
turn around) . . . .
l change to the opposite direction After a mile, we turned
turn back t -
turn over. turn the top side to the bottom I - the
turned paper and wrote on the
-l -.

> Proctice I I. Group D.

Complete the sentences with particles from the list.

around back down in of out over up

1. When I finish writing on one side of the paper, I turn it over and write on the back.
2. When the teacher finds a mistake in our writing, she points it so we can
correct it.
3. When I write words in this practicer l am filling thc blanks.

4. When I discover new information,I find something

5. Whcn l need to scc infOrmation from my computer on papcr,I print it
6. rJ?hen buildings are old and dangerous, we tear them
7. When I turn and go in the opposite direction, I turn
8. When I remove a piece of paper from a spiral notebook, I tear the paper
my notebook.
9. rffhen I write something that I don't want anybody else to see, I tear the paper into tiny pieces.

I tear the paper.

10. When I write information on an application form, I fill the form

I 1. When I make a mistake in something I write, I erase the mistake if I'm using a pencil. If I'm
using a pen, I cross the mistake by drawing a line through it.
12. \tr7hen my juice glass is empty,I fill it again if I'm still thirsty.
13. \Mhen I check my homework carefully before I give it ro the teacher, I look it

> Proctice 12. Groups A, B, C, D

Complete the sentences with the particles in italics. The particles may be used more than once or
not at all.
1. ottt, ctway, back, down, off, on

Carol. . .

a. put off her vacation because she was sick.

b. put her boots to go out in the rain.
c. put the phone when she saw a spider crawling toward her.
d. put her things in her suitcase after the customs offrcer checked them.
e. put the stovetop fire with a small fire extinguisher.
f. put all the groceries she bought before she started dinner.

2. outr'inrup
James . . .

a. handed his financial report before the due date.

b. handed thank-you gifts to his staff for their hard work.

3. into, off, on) up, oaer, out of

a. got the flu in three days and felt wonderful.
b. got the bus and walked home.
c. got the bus and sat down behind the driver.
d. got a taxi to go to the airport.
e. got the taxi, paid the driver, and left a nice tip.

4. in, down, up, out

a. This book has a few pages missing. The baby tore them
b. Before I throw my credit card receipts away, I tear them I don't want
anyone to read them.
c. The building across the street will be torn to make room for a parking

5. ooer, into, up

a. The neighbors asked the sheriff to look a crime in their neighborhood.

b. The sheriff100kcd a suspect's address on the computer.
c. The sheriff took the suspect's ID, looked it slowly, and decided it was fake.

PhrosqlVebs 261
6. off, doun, up, back

a. I called Rita several times, but got no answer. I'm a little worried.

b. The meeting was called because the chairperson was sick.

c. Jack called and left a message. I'll call him after dinner.

7 . oaer, up, in, off, back

a. You can't do your homework with the music on. Please turn it
b. It's cold, and I'm tired. Let's turn and go home.
c. Could I turn the TV? I can't hear the news.
d. Joe, the meat needs to be cooked on the other side. \7ould you turn it

8. inroutrup
a. I forgot to fill a couple of blanks on the test. I hope I passed.

b. Can I take this application home and fill it ? I don't have much time now.
c. Jack carries a thermos bottle to work. He fills his cup when he gets thirsty.
d. Gas is expensive. It costs a lot to fill my tank.

> Proctice 13. Group E.

Complete the examples for the chart.

Group E: PhrasalVerbs (separable)

Verb Deinition Exatnple
blow out . . . . extinguish (a match, a candle) He blew the candles
bring back .. return She brought my books to me.
bring up .... (l) raise (children) The Lees brought six children.
(2) mention, start to talk about He brought t}le news _ in
cheer up . . . . make happier The good news cheered me
clean up . . . . make neat and clean I cleaned my apartrnent.
give away . . . donate, get rid of by giving I didn't sell my old bike. I gazte it
help out . . . . assist (someone) Could you please help me -.
lay off stop employment The company laid 100 workers.
leaveon .....(1) notturnoff(alight,amachine) Pleaseleaae thelight I can'tsee.
(2) not take off (clothing) I left my coat during class.
take back . . . return She rooft a book
- to the library.
take out . . . . . invite out and pay He took Mary They went to a
talk over . . . . discuss talked the problem
think over . . . consider I thought the problem
work out . . . . solve Ve rporked the problem

262 APPENDTx r
> Prqctice 14. Group E
Complete the sentences with particles from the list.

ardray back off on out over up

1. It's pretty chilly in here. You might want to leave your jacket

2. My father speaks with an Australian accent. He was brought in Australia.

3. The Smiths have marriage problems but they are trying to work them

They talk them as soon as they occur.

4. After I lit the candles,I blew the match.

5. My roommate gives his old clothes to homeless people. He tries to help them
as often as possible.

6. I took my elderly parents to a restaurant for their anniversary. Then I cleaned

their house the next day for them.

7. These are bad economic times. Businesses are laying hundreds ofworkers.

8. The store's return policy is that you can bring clothes within two weeks if you
have a receipt.

g. I'm meeting with my supervisor later today. I'm going to bring the idea of a


10. I won't be home until midnight, so please leave some lights

1 1. When I'm sad, my friends try to cheer me

12. Are you sure you want to change iobs? Do you want to think it some more?

13. I hate to bring this problem , but we need to talk about it.

t4. I can't sell this old table. I guess I'll give it-. . Someone will be able to use it.

15. My parents usually help me when I'm having trouble paying my bills.

16. You can borrow my tools, but when you finish, be sure to put them

PhrosolVerbs 263
> Proctice 15. Group F.
Complete the examples for the chart.

Group F: Phrasal Verbs (intransitive)

Verb Definition Example
break down . . stop functioning properly My car broke on the highway.
break out . . . . happen suddenly War broke. between the two
break up ... relationship
separate, end a Ann andTom broke
comein .....enteraroomorbuilding Maylcome
dress up . . . . put on nice clothes People usually dress for
eat out eat outside of one's home \7ould you like to eat
-? tonight?
fall dovrn . . . . fall to the ground Ifell and hurt myself.
get up get out of bed in the morning Vhat time did you ge, rhis
giveup ..... quitdoingsomethingorquittrying Ican'tdoit.
- I gizte
go on . continue Let's not stop. Let's go _.
go out
not stay home lane went with her friends last
hangup -.
..... endatelephoneconversation'$Thenwefinishedtalking,Ihung
move in (to) . srart living in a new home Some people mozted next door to
rnove out (of) . . . . . . stop living at a place My roommate is moaing
showup ..... comerappear lack showed late for the meeting.
sitback . .. .. put one's backagainsta chairback Si, andrelax. I'll getyoua
sit . . . . . go from standing to sitting Please szi
speakup .... (l)speaklouder I can't hear you. You'll have to speak
(2) express one's opinion without fear
stand up . . . . go from sitting to standing I stood and walked to the door.
startover ... beginagain I lost count, so I started
stay up not go to bed I stajted late last night.
takeoff ..... ascendinanairplane The plane took 30 minutes late.

> Proctice 16. Group F.

Complete the sentences with particles from the list. -

back down in off on out over up

l. The plane shook a little when it took It made me nervous.

2. I'm afraid we can't hear you in the back of the room. Could you please speak _?
3. The computer teacher was so confusing. I didn't learn a thing! I think I'll just start
with a new teacher next term.

4. I was late to work. The bus broke and we had to wait for another.
5. Mrs. tylor is in the hospital again. She fell and broke her hip.
6. Tim and Ann aren't getting married. They had a fight and broke last night.
7. Julian's at the doctor's. He broke in a rash last night, and he doesn't know what it is.
8. I'm very nervous when I fly. I can't iust sit and relax.
9. Sometimes when I stand too fast, I get dizzy.
10. Someone keeps calling and hanging It's very annoying.
11. Sorry,I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please go
12. A: Professor rJ7ilson, do you have a minute?
B: Sure. Come and sit
> Proctice 17. Group F.
Complete the sentences with particles from the list.

into of out up

1. Lazy Leo . . .
a. broke up with his girlfriend because she didn't want to wash his clothes.
b. stayed all night and didn't come home until morning.
c. showed late for class without his homework.
d. goes with friends to parties on school nights.
e. eats at restaurants because he doesn't like to cook.
f. moved his apartment without telling the manager.
2. Serious Sally ...
a. goes to bed very early. She never stays past 9:00.

b. gets at 5:00 everY morning.

c. speaks in class when no one will answer.
d. dresses for school.
e. moved an apartment next to the library.
f. never gives when she gets frustrated.
3. Independent Inga . . .
a. moved her parents' house when she was l6 and moved
her own apartment.
b. goes by herself when her friends are busy.
c. speaks when she disagrees with someone.

PhrosolVerbs 265
> Proctice 18. Group G.
Complete the examples for the chart.

Group G: Phrasal Verbs (three-word)

Verb Deanition Example
dropin(on).. ....visitwithoutcallingfirstor 'Wedropped
without an invitation aunt.
drop out (of) . . . . . stop attending (school) Berh dropped
graduate school.
(with) time -my
fool around . have fun while wasting My son likes to/ool
his friends on the weekends.
getalong(with) ...haveagoodrelationshipwith lget well my
get back (frorn) . . . return from (a trip) When did yo:u get
get through (with) . finish
I pot
- mv work
before noon.
growup (in) .. ....becomeanadult Anika grew
lookout(for) . ....becareful Look that car!
runout(of).. ....finishthesupplyof (something) Veran
signup (for) .. .... putone'sownnameonalist Didyou sign the
school trip?
watchout(for) ....becareful lVatch
-gas. that car!

- -
> Prqctice 19. Group G.
Complete the phrasal verbs.
l. I-ook There's a car coming! Look the truck too!
2. I grew up in New Zealand. Where did you grow _?
3. If you want to be in the class, you have to sign it first.
4. I couldn't finish the examination. I ran time.
5. My cousin never does anything useful. He just fools his friends all day,
wasting time.
6. Joe is really tired. He just got a 10-day mountain climbing trip.
7. Jack dropped school last week. His parents are upset.
8. lW'atch the truck! It has a loose wheel.
9. Joanne got her work early, so she's leaving for vacation today.
10. My neighbor likes to drop us during dinner. I think she's lonely.
1 1. A: I want to move to another dorm room.
B: r$(/hy?
A: I don't get my roommate. She's sloppy and plays loud music when
I'm trying to study.

> Prociice 2O. Group G.
Complete each sentence with the correct word from the list.

assignment /gymnastics class paint snakes

cord Hawaii rocks their neighbors

1. Martin signed up for a qJrmnaef,ice claes It starts next week.

2. The Hansens get along well with . They even take vacations
3. I can't finish the living room walls because I've run out of
4. The highway sign said to watch out for . They roll down the hills and
sometimes hit cars.

5. As soon as I get through with this ) we can go to lunch. I have

just one more problem to figure out.
6. Don't fool around with that . You might get an electric shock.

7 . You look very rested and relaxed. \When did you get back from
8. I-ook out for on the path. They're not poisonous, but they might startle

> Prqctice2l. Group H.

Complete the examples.

Group H: Phrasal Verbs (three-word)

Verb Deanition Example

come along (with) . . accompany Do you want to come


come over (to) . . . . . visit the speaker's place Some friends are coming tonight.
cut out (of ) . remove with scissors or knife I ant an article
today's paper.
find out (about) . . . . discover information about When did youfind
the problem?
get -
get together . ioin, meet I-rt's after work today.
goback (to) . . . .. .. returnto aplace I went work after my
go over (to) . (l) approach I went the window
(2) visit another's home I-et's go Jim's tonight.
likes to hang
hang around (with))
' t . .. . . spendtime relaxing John the coffee shop.
hang out (with) ) Kids like to hang
each other.
keep away (from) . . not give to Keep matches
set out (for) . begin a trip 'W'e
ser the mountain
at sunrise.
szi -
sit around (with) . . . sit and do nothing Don't all day. Do something!

PhrosolVebs 267
> Prqclice 22. Group H.
Complete each sentence with two particles.
1. Before we consider buying a home in this area, we'd like to frnd out more about
the schools.
2. The mountain climbers set the summit at dawn and reached it by
3. When my grandma was 65, she decided to go school and get a college
degree. -
4. Some teenagers like to hang friends at the mall, but the management
doesn't approve. -
5. Susie needs to keep the dog. She's allergic to the fur.
6. I'm going shopping. Do you want to come me?
7. I invited my class to come our beach house on Saturday.
8. Oh, no. Tommy cut several pictures his new storybook.
9. A: Did you go Brian's- last night?-
B: No, he wasn't home, so I sat my apartment my cat.

> Proctice 23. Group H.

Complete the sentences with particles that will give the same meanings
- as the underlined words.

l. I'd like to get information about the company. I want to find out about it before I
apply for a job there.
2. The two brothers began their fishing trip to the lake before sunrise. They set early
because they wanted to be the first ones there.
3. What time is the supervisor returning? I'd like to talk to him when he gets
4. Mark won't be home for dinner. He plans to ioin his co-workers for
a party.

They only get once a year, so Mark is looking forward to it.

5. The dog was growling when the dog catcher approached him. The dog catcher went
him very carefully.

> Prqctice 24. Review: Appendix I

Choose the correct particle.

1. Professor Brown always calls the students who sit in the back of the class to answer.
a. on b. off c. out d. back
2. Tommy takes other children's toys and doesn't want to give them
a. away b. back c. in d. to
3. My computer printer isn't working. I can't print any of my work.
a. out b. in c. over d. back
4. Bobby, let's take a few minutes and pick the toys in your room. They're all over the
a. over b. on - c. up d. away

5. Not enough people signed up the math class, so it had to be canceled.

a. for b. in c. into d. with

268 APPENDTx r
6. This cold has lasted too long. I feel like I'll never get it.
a. with b. over c. away d. back
7 . Aren't you going to try these shoes before you buy them?
a. in b. of c. up d. on
8. Keep away the stove! It's still hot.
a. off - b. from c. out d. of
9. Look how nice Jenny's bedroom looks! She spent all morning cleaning it
a. over b. back c. up d. away
10. Steven had problems early in his career, but he seems to have worked them
a. up b. over c. off d. out
1 1. Do you have a fire extinguisher in your house to put fires?
a. off b. out c. back d. down
12. It tookTim only 20 minutes to figure the answer to the puzzle.
a. on b. in c. up d. out
13. Mr. Beem is very wealthy and generous. He wants to give all his money before he dies.
a. away b. in c. into d. from
14. I cut your picture out the newspaper today. Did you know you were going to be in it?
a. in b. off c. of d. from
15. Some friends came last night. \7e talked and listened to music.
a. over b. about c. into d. from
16. This hike is pretty exhausting. I don't think I can go I need to rest.
a. out b. in c. to d. on
L7. There's a gas station. I'll wash the windows while you fill the tank.
a. on b. in c. uP d. out
18. A fight broke among students after school. Fortunately, no one was injured.
a. out b. down c. in d. off
19. I'm sorry, but you wrote about the wrong topic. You'll need to start
a. over b. to c. with d. back

20. Tim didn't finish college. He dropped after two years.

a. in b. off c. of d. out
2l . Mr. Robinson is happy to lend his adult children money as long as they pay it
a.up b. back c. down d. for

PhrosolVerbs 269
Appendi *2
Preposition Combinotions

> Proctice I. Group A.-

Test yourself and practice the preposition combinations. Follow these steps:

(1) Cover the aNswsRS column with a piece of paper.

(2) Complete the sBNreNces.
(3) Then remove the paper and check your answers.
(4) Then cover both the ANSTurERS and the sENTENCES to complete your own REFERENCE LIST.

(5) Again check your answers.

Preposition Combinations: Group A

Answers Sentences Reference List

from He was absent from work. be absent from s.t.**

of I'm afraid of rats. be afraid of s.t./s.o.**
about I'm angry about it. be angry s.t.
at I with I'm angry you. be angry s.o.
about I'm curious many things. be curious s.t./s.o.
to This is equal that. be equal s.t./s.o.
with I'm familiar that book. be familiar s.t./s.o.
of The room is full people. be full Qteoplelthings)
fo, I'm happy you. be happy s.o.
about I'm happy your good luck be happy
to He's kind people and animals. be kind s.o.
to She's always nice me. be nice s.o.
to Are you polite strangers? be polite s.o.
for I'm ready my trip. be ready
for She's thirsty lemonade. be thirsty
★☆St =``SOmcthing''; so =``sOmCOnC

*Appendix 2 presents preposition combinations in small groups to be learned and practiced one group at a time

> Proctice 2. Group A,
Match each phrase in Column A with a phrase in Column B. Use each phrase only once.

Column A Column B
1. Our dog is afraid b a. about his team's win

2. The class is curious /b. of cats

3. Mr.I7hite is angry c. for a glass of lemonade

4. Several nurses have been absent d. for the start ofschool

5. After gardening alt day, Helen was thirsty e. from work due to illness

6, The workers are angry f. about the snake in the cage

7. The baseball coach was happy g. to everyone

8. The kitchen cupboard is full h. of canned foods

9. I'm not ready -. i. about their low pay

-. be kind
10. It's important to i. at his dog for chewing his slippers

> Proctice 3. Group A.
Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. Mr. Porter is nice everyone.

2. One inch is equal 2.54 centimeters.

3. Joe has good manners. He's always polite everyone.

4. I'm not familiar that book. !7ho wrote it?

5. Anna got a good job that pays well. I'm very happy her.

6. Anna is very happy getting a new iob.

7. Jack's thermos bottle is full coffee. -

8. The workers were angry the decrease in their pay.

9. Half the srudents were -

absent class yesterday. There is a flu virus going around.

10. I'm not familiar that movie. \Vho is in it?

11. Children ask "'Why" a lot. They are curious everything.

12. rU7illiam has been afraid spiders since he was a child.

Preposition Combinolions 271

> Proclice 4. Group B.
The prepositions in the column on the left are the correct completions for the blanks. Follow the
same steps you used for Group A on page 270.

Preposition Combinations: Group B

Answers Sentences Reference List

力r ‐ I admire you your honesty. admire s.o.

礼咆 縦
about I ouer !7e argued




in My parents believe me. believe s.o./s.t.

from Iborrowedabook Oscar. borrow s.t. S.0.

utith I discussed the problem Jane. discuss s.t. S.0.

wirh Please help me this. help s.o.

ta I introduced Sam Helen. introduce s.o. s.o./s.t.
I laughed the joke. laugh " s.t./s.o.

for I'm leaving Rome next week. leave (a place)

at Don't stare s.o./s.t.

卜 Praclice 5. G『 oup B.
Completc thc sentences with prcpositions.

1. I borrowed this dictionary_PedrO・

2. Could you plcasc help ine_theSC hCavy suitcascs?
3. Suc,Iu like to introducc you_____― ――Ed JoncS.
4. You shouldn't starc________Other peOplc. It's not politc.
5, Do you believe________ghostsP
6.Arc you laughing______my mistakcP
7. I adIInire my father_______― hiS honcsty and intclligence.

8. I argucd_Elcna______― ―p01itics.
9. I discussed iny educational plans________my parents.
10. I applicd________adnlission to the univcrsity.
11. We'rc lcaving_____― ―― Cairo next week.

卜 Practice 6.G『 oups A cnd B.

Complcte thc sentenccs with prcpositions.

1. I)an is always nice _eVeryOne.

2. A: How long do you need to keep the Spanish book you borrowed_mC?
B: I'd like to keep it until I'nl ready_________the eXam next week.

3.A:WЪ y weren't you more polite______Alan's friendP

B: Because he kept staring________― rne all evening. He made rne ncrvous.
4.兌 is equal_____夕 .

5。 You did a lot ofshopping.Thc rcfrigcrator is fun_____― ―― fOod.

272 APPENDiX 2
6. May I please borrow some money you? I'm thirsty an ice cream soda,
and we're walking right by the ice cream shop.
7. A: Mike, I really admire you your ability to remember names.
Itrfill you help me -
the introductions?
B: Sure. Ellen, let me introduce you Pat, Andy, Olga, and Ramon.

> Proctice 7. Group C.
The prepositions in the column on the left -are the correct completions for the blanks. Follow the
same steps you used for Group A on page 270.

Preposition Combinations: Group C

Answers Sentences Reference List

the problem. be aware s.t./s.o.

#咆 碁蘇
about Alex is crazy

be bad
be clear
be crazy

fro* Jane is very different mc. be different s.o./s.t.

fo, Venice is famous its canals. be farnous

to I with Shc's friendly everyone. be friendly
fo, Fresh fruit is good you. be good S.0.

for I'm hungry some chocolate. be hungry s.t.

in I'm interested art. be interested

about I'm nervous my test scores. be nervous --- s.t.

with I'm patient children. be patient S.0.

of My parents are proud me. be proud s.o./s.t.

for !7ho's responsible this' be responsible s.t./s.o.

about I'm sad losing my job. be sad
to A lemon is similar a lime. be sirnilar s.o./s.t.
of I abour I'm sure the facts. be sure s.t.

> Proclice 8. Group C.

Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. I don't understand that sentence. It isn't clear me.

2. MarkTwain is famous his novels about life on the Mississippi River.

3. I'm hungry some chocolate ice cream.

4. Our daughter graduated from the university. \U7e're very proud her.

5. A lot of sugar isn't good you. It is bad your teeth.

6. Who was responsible the accident?

7. My coat is similar yours, but different Ben's.
8. Some people aren't friendly strangers'
g. My daughter is crazy horses. She is very interested them.
10. Sara knows what she's talking about. She's sure her facts.

Preposition Combinotions 273

> Proclice 9. Groups A ond C.
Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. Dr. Nelson, a heart specialist, is . . . .

a. proud her work.
b. famous her medical expertise.
c. sure her skills.
d. familiar the latest techniques.
e. patient her patients.
f. aware the stresses of her job.
g. interested her patients' lives.
h. kind her patients' families.
2. Her patient, Mrs. Green, is . . . .
a. sad - her illness.
b. nervous an upcoming surgery.
c. aware her chances for survival.
d. tull _ hope.
e. not afraid dying.
f. curious alternative medicines.
g. ready unexpected side effects.
h. hungry a home-cooked meal.

> Proclice 10. Group D.

The prepositions in the column on the left are the correct completions for the blanks. Follow the
same steps you used for Group A on page 270.

Preposition Combinations: Group D

Answers Sentences Reference List

yOu. agree
that. agree with s.o. S.t.

″ スン )■ ノwe arrived six.

Toronto at arrive (a citylcountry)
at Ve arrived the hotel. arrive (a building/room)
about \7e all complain the weather. cotnplain s.t./s.o.
of A book consisrs printed pages. consist S.t.

with I disagree you. disagree S.0.

about I disagree with you that. disagree with s.o. S.t.

from She graduated College.

Reed graduate (α 夕滋ε

to Ted invited me a picnic. invite s.o. S.t.

to We listened some music. listen s.t./s.o.

for Jack paid my dinner. pay S.t.

ο l talked Lisa on the phone. talk S.0.

about \tr7e talked her problem. tdk S.t.

on A salesman waited a customer. wait

fo, waited the bus. wait
about Sally complained to me my dog. cornplain to s.o. S.t.

274 APPENDIx 2
> Proclice I I. Group D.
Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. Tom paid his airplane ticket in cash.
2. Joan graduated high school two years ago.
3. I waited the bus.
4. Jim is a waiter. He waits customers at a restal,rrant.
5. I have a different opinion. I don't agree you.
6. I arrived this city last month.
7. I arrived the airport around eight.
8. I listened the news onTV last night.
g. The supervisor agreed the employees' decision to work longer days and shorter

10. This practice consists verbs that are followed by certain prepositions.

11. Jack invited me his PartY.

12. I complained the landlord the leaky faucet in the kitchen.

13. Annie disagreed her father the amount of her weekly allowance.
14. Did you talk Professor Adams your grades?
> Proctice 12. GrouPs A, B, ond D.
Complete the sentences with prepositions.

l. Everyone is talking the explosion in the high school chemistry lab.

2. Carlos was absent class six times last term'

3. Fruit consists mostly water.

4. Our children are very polite adults.

5. Three centimeters is equal approximately one and a half inches.

6. I borrowed some clothes my best friend.

7. Are you familiar ancient Greek history?
8. I discussed my problem mY uncle.
g. I admire you
your ability to laugh yourself when you make a silly

10. A: Are you two arguing each other money again?
B: Yeahr listen this.
A: Shhh. I don'r want to hear any of this. Stop complaining me your

finances. I don't agree with either of you.


Preposition Combinotions 275

> Proctice 13. Group E.
The prepositions in the column on the Ieft are the correct completions for the blanks. Follow the
same steps you used for Group A on page 270.

Preposition Combinations: Group E

Answers Sentences Reference List
my trip. ask s.o. s,t. (inquire)
my advice. ask s.o. s.t. (request)
me. belong s.o.
aboutlof Idreamed my girlfriend. dream s.o./s.t.
αιο ″ Do you know anyd■ ing jazz? know

at I'm looking this page. look s.t./s.o.
for I'm looking my lost keys. look s.t./s.o. (search)
like Anna looks her sister. look s.o. (resemble)
to I'm looking forward vacation. look forward s.t.
to Your opinion doesn't matter me. matter
with Something is rhe mafter the cat. be the matter s.t./s.o.
fo, I'm searching my lost keys. search s.t./s.o.
from She separated the boys the girls. separate (lfui) (that)
about / of I warned them the danger. warn s.o. s.t.

> Proctice 14. Group E.

Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. What's rhe matrer Billy? Is he hurt?
2. We can go out for dinner, or we can eat at home. It doesn't mattef me.
3. To make this recipe, you have to separate the egg whites the yolks.
4. I don't know anything _ astrology.
5. I'm looking forward my vacation next month.
6. Dennis dreamed his girlfriend last night.
7. Right now I'm doing a practice. I'm looking my book.
8. Jim can'r find his book. He's looking _ it.
9. Jim is searching his book.
10. I asked the waitress another cup of coffee.
1 1. I asked Rebecca her trip to Japan.
12. Does this pen belong _ you?
L3. The city was warned the hurricane in advance.
14. Do you think Jon looks _ his father or his mother?
15. Magda is always looking her keys. She seems pretty disorganized.
16. I-ook those clouds. It's going to rain.

> Proclice 15. Group E.
Make sentences by matching each phrase in Column A with a phrase in Column B. Use each
phrase only once.

ColumnA Column B
1. The sheriffis searching a. about monsters and dragons
2. The baby keeps looking b. to their 20th wedding anniversary
3. Once again, Rita is looking
-. c. for her glasses. She always misplaces them
4. In this picrure, Paula looks d. about the schools in this area
5. The Browns are looking forward e. about high winds on the bridge
6. Before you do the wash, you need to f. with this car. It,s making strange noises
separate the darks
g. for the escaped prisoner
7. Sometimes Joey is afraid to sleep.
.trre often oreams
h. from the whites

8. matter
Something,s the
i' at theTV screen. It has bright colors

g. The sign on the highway warned j' like her mother' The resemblance is
verv strons
10. 'We're planning to move here. Do you
know much _?
> Proctice 16. Group F.
The prepositions in the column on the left are the correct completions for the blanks. Follow the
same steps you used for Group A on page 270.

Preposition Cornbinations: Group F

Answers i Sentences
* I apologized my friend. apologize
pr @
Ei\ I apologized my behavior. apologize
of /VN) I don'r approve Al,s behavior. approve _
n I with I compared this book that book. compare (zftes) (that)*
on I depend my family. depend s.o./s.t.
of I from He died heart disease. die s.t.
from The teacher excused me class. excuse s.o. s.t.
for I excused him his mistake. excuse s.o. s.t. (forgive)
for I forgave him his mistake. forgive s.o. s.t.
of I got rid my old clothes. get rid s.t./s.o.
to \(rhat happened your car? happen s.t./s.o.
on I insist the truth. insist
ftom I protected my eyes the sun. protect s.t./s.o. s.t./s.o.
on I am rellng you to help me. rely s.o./s.t.
of Mr. I-ee took care the problem. take care s.t./s.o.
.for Thank you your help. thank s.0. s.t.
*Also possible: I compared this and that. (And
is not a preposition. A parallel structure with czd may follow cotnpare.)

Preposilion Combinotions 277

> ProciicelT, GrouP F.
Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. I apologized Ann stepping on her toe.

2. I thanked Sam helping me fix my car.
3. My grandfather doesn't approve gambling'
4. Please forgive me forgetting your birthday'
5. My friend insisted taking me to the airport.
6. Please excuse me being late.
7 . Children depend their parents for love and support'
8. In my composition, I compared this city my hometown'
g. Umbrellas protect people rain.

10. ve,re relying Jason to help us move into our new apartment.

11. \tr7e had mice in the house, so we set some traps to get rid them.
12. rilrho is taking care .- the children while you are gone?
13. r$(/hat happened your finger? Did you cut it?
14. My boss excused me the meeting when I became ill.

15. What did Mr. Hill die

> Proctice 18. GrouP F.-
ITrite sentences. \trrrite "I" beside those that are incorrect. In some
beside the correct-? cases,

both may be correct.

1. a. C John needs to be excused from the meeting'
b. C John excused his co-worker for the accounting error'
2. a. C Do you approve of your government's international policies?
b. I Do you approve on the new seat-belt law?
3. a. I apologized for the car accident'
b. I aPologized to MarY's Parents'
4. a. W'hy did you get rid over your truck? It was in great condition.
b. I got rid of several boxes of old magazines'

5. a. Pierre died ofa heart attack.

b. Pierre's father also died from heart problems'
6. a. It's not a good idea to compare one student to another'
7. a. \tr7e can rely on Lesley to keep a secret'
b. There are several people whom my elderly parents rely in for assistance.
8. a. You can relax. I took care about your problem'
b. The nurses take wonderful care of their patients atValley Hospital.

> Proctice 19. Group G.
The prepositions in the column on the left are the correct completions for the blanks. Follow the
same steps you used for Group A on page 270.

Preposition Cornbinations: Group G

Answers Sentences Reference List

to@ I'm accustomed hot weather. be accustomed s.t.

I added a name my address book. add (this) (滋 αの
:, \gil I'm concentrating this Practice. concentrate s.t.
into I di宙 ded the cookic ●vo plcces. divide (rftri) (that)
from They escaped prlson. escape (a place)
about I heard the prison escape. hear s.t./s.o.
from I heard about it my cousin. hear about s.t.
from The escapees hid the police. hide (s.t.)
for I7e're hoping good weather. hope
by I multiplied 8 2. multiply (rftr) (滋 αの
to I with I spoke the teacher. speak s.o.
about \7e spoke to Dr. Carter my problem. speak to/with s.t.
about I told the teacher my problem. tell s.o.
Irom I subtracted 7 16. subtract (rftr) (that)
about I wonder lots of curious things. wonder

Proclice 20. Group G.

Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. Shhh. I'm trying to concentrate this math problem.
2. How did the bank robbers escape iail?
3. Did you tell your parents the dent in their new car?
4. 'We're hoping good weather tomorrow so we can go sailing.
5. Did you hear the earthquake inTurkey?
6. I heard my sister last week. She sent me an email.
7. I spoke Dr. Rice my problem.
8. I'm not accustomed cold weather.
9. When you divide 6 2, the answer is 3.
10. !flhen you subtract 1 6, the answer is 5.
1 1. lWhen you multiply 6 3, the answer is 18.*
rJ7hen you add
L2. 6 4, the answer is 10.**
13- George wondered his team's chances of winning the tennis tournament.
14. Sally hid her journal her younger sister.

*Also possible: muhiply 6 titnes 3

**Also possible: add 6 and 4; add 6 plus 4

Preposition Combinotions 279

> Prociice 21. Groups E, f, ond G.
Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. My father insisted knowing the truth.
2. I was wondering your birthday. What do you want to do?
3. What's the matter you today?
4. He hid the money his wife.
5. We separated the kids the teenagers.
6. I apologized my boss mY mistake'

7. \7e got rid the insects in our apartment.

8. \U7ho does this book belong
9. The prisoners escaped their guards.
10. Does it matter you what time I call this evening?
1 1. \ile're looking forward your visit.
12. Fresh vegetables are good you.
13. Parents protect their children harm.
L4. Shhh. I'm trying to concentrate my work.
15. I rely my friends for their help.
16. I don't approve Bob's lifestyle.
17 . The official warned us the danger of uaveling in the countryside alone.
> Prqciice 22. Review: Appendix 2.
Choose the correct preposition.
1. What time do you need to be ready work?
a. at b. about c. on d. for
2. One pound is equal 2.2 kilos.
a. for b. to c' in d. on
3. Too many vitamins may be bad your health.
a. in b. about c. for d. with
4. That box looks very heavy. Can I help you it?
a. with b. in c' about d. on
5. Our cat got rid all the mice in our basement.
a. about b. off c. in d. of
O. Everyone admires Mr. Kim his generosity with his time and money.
a. for b' from c. with d' about
7. rtr(rhat happened your hand? It's swollen.
a. on b. to c. in d' about
8. Paul is so smarr. He graduated the university in just three years.
a. of b. at c. from d' to
g. Angela has applied several jobs in the airline industry, but she hasn't gotten an interview

yet. -
a. to b. with c. of d' for

10. This car can't belong Mike. It's too nice!
a. about
- b. with c. to d. at

1 1. Monica loves vegetables, but she's not crazy fruit.

a. over b. in c. at d. about
12. Jackpaid my dinner.
a. with b. for c. on d. in
13. I tried to tell Jessica my trip, but she didn't seem interested. I wonder if she was jealous.
a. to b. about c. with d. off
74. 'We're really happy Professor James. He just received an award for excellence in
teaching. -
a. for b. to c. over d. in
15. People say I shouldn't care what other students think, but their opinions matter me.
a. on b. for c. with d. to
16. Annie eats vegetables only if they are separated the other foods on her plate.
a. between b. from c. with d. to
17. Kristi forgave her twin sister taking her cell phone without asking.
a. about b. from c. for d. with
18. Doctors say that even ten minutes of exercise a day is good you.
a. at b. for c. with d. about
19. I'm sorry. Your explanation still isn't clear me.
a. to b. with c. about d. in
20. My sister complained the manager.
a. for b. with c. at d. to
21 . She complained the slow service in the restaurant.
a. about - b. for c. over d. by
22. The problem with your answer is that you multiplied six eight instead of subtracting it.
a. to b. from c. by d. over

Preposilion Combinotions 281


A Articles (the, a, an),19l-206

As . . . as comparisons, 147-l 49, L62
not as .. . 4s vs. less, 155
Avs. an, l9l
Accustorned to, 187
lsft vs. so.y, tell,250-252
As soon as, 43r 45
Active verbs, 170, 175-180
At, as preposition of time, 100-101
Adjective clauses (a man who lives),207-220
Auxiliary verbs:
Adjectives (good, beautiful), 102-104
after and and but, 5 1, I 38-1 39
following be,102
modal, 116
comparative (more I -er) and superlative
in questions, 14
(mo stl -est), I 50-l 53, | 59 -l 62
in short responses to yes/no questions, 14
with much, a lot,far, 155
in tag questions,90
following get (get hungry),186
nouns used as (a flower garden), 103
participial (interesting, interested), | 84
possessive (my, our), I 08-1 09
Adverb clauses, 140-144 Be:
with because, 1 40, 142-1 44 in questions, 14
with even though I ahhough, | 4l-l 42, I 44 simple past (z{,as, were), 16-18,22' 24
efclausesr 44 simple present (am, is, are), 14, 6-7 Ll' 26
since-clausesr 5'7,62 Be sbout to, 5l
time clauses (before he came),28,43, Be * adjective, 102
45-46,62 followed by that-clause (am sorry that),243
Adverbs (quickly): Because, I40, L42-143
comparative (more I -er) and superlative Before, 43,45
(mostl-est), 150-153 Be going to, 33-35139,48
frequency (alutays, sometimes), 8-9 vs. will, 33-35,40-42
negative (seldom, never), 8-9 Be * -ing (islwas earing),5-7,12-13
Afeu:la little,196 Belieoe so,244
After, 43,45 Be t past participle (be interested in), 172-173,
A lot, rnuchrfar, 155 182-183 (srn arso Passive)
A lot (of),196 followed by noun clauses (be worried that),
Alike,lihe, 166-167 243
Alrnost,162 Be supposed to, 188
Already,59-60 Better:
Although, l4l,143-144 and best, 153-154
Alusays, ezc. (frequency adverbs), 8-9 had better, 16-122
Arn, is, are * -ing (am eating)r 2 like-..better,l29
And,133-139 Be used tolaccustorned to,187-188
with parallel verbs, 133 But,136-137
with so, too, either, neither, 138-139 By,
with subject-verb agreement, 101 followed by -ing (by doing),228-229
Another, LlZ with passive (6y-phrase), 178-180
Ansuter I reply, 25 l-252 with reflexive pronoun (by myself ),109-110
Apostrophe (Tbm\), I 07-1 08 vs. with,23O

C Do as main verb in what-questionsr 82
Does, do, did:
Can, 116
in negative (I don't . . .),4
ability, 116-118
permission, I l7 with haae to, 124-125
polite question, 1 19-120, 127 in questions (Did you. . . ?), 6-7 , 16-17
wit}n what, 82
Capitalizati on, 204, 244-245
Clauses (snr Adjective clauses; Adverb clauses; in short answers (Yes,I do),14,17-18, 7l-74
Double comparatives (the sooner,the better),
fclauses; Noun clauses; Time clauses) I 59-1 60
in adverb clauses, 28r140
in connecting ideas: E
with and,133-134 -Ed (asked, played), 16,22
witl:, but and or, 136-137 past participle,22,55
vs. periods, 133-134, 140 as adjective (a confused person),183-185
in quoted speech, 244-245 spelling, 19,2l
in a series, 134-135 Either,138-139
Comparative s (more I -er), | 5 0-l 52 Enough,232-233
with adjectives and adverbs, 153 -Erlrtore and -estlrnosf, 1 50-1 5 3, 1 62
double (the more . . . the more),159-160 Eoen though, 141-142
with modifiers, 155 Eoer,164
with never, 163 Eoery, LOl
with nouns, 157 Expressions of quantity (some, many), 194-196
repeated (more and more),159
Comparisons, I47-169
es .. . a$ 147-149 F
comparatives (morel-er), 1 50-l 53, 1 57-l 58 Far, tnuch, a lot, 155
with pronouns, 154 Fartherffurther, 153
same, similar, different, like, alike, 166-167 (A) feuol(a) little, 196
superlatives (most I -est), I 50-l 53 For (purpose) (I went to the store for milk)r 231
unclear, 156-157 For and since (time) (I stayedfor tuto days),
Conjunctions (and, but, or, so), 133-139 56-57
Continuous verbs (ser, Progressive verbs) For (someone) to do (something),withit (It is
Contractions of verbs: important for you to study),231
with not: Frequency:
hasn't, haaen't, 57 adverbs (always, sometimes), 8-9
mustn't, 124-125 expressions (a lot, eaery day), 85
shouldn't, l2o-l2l questions about, with how often, 85
zt)asn't, u)erentt, 1 7-1 8 Frotn . . . to, to express distance, 85-86
z1)on't,37-38 Future tirne,33-54
with pronouns: be going to and will, 33-36
am, is, are, 2,33 in efclauses,4446
wiL|,33,37 immediate (be about to),5l
with question words (who's vs. whose), using present verbs to express (It begins
83-84 tomorrozl)r 48-50
Could,lL6 in time clauses (Before he comes, we znill . . . ),
past abiliry 118-120 43,4546
in polite questions, ll9-120,127
possibiliry present/future, I l8 G
Coundnoncount nouns, 19l-206 Gerunds (riding, utorking), 221-236
noncount nouns, 192-197 following by,228-229
following preposition s, 225-226
D as subjects (Ridins horses is fun),230
Dependent clause (sen Adjective clauses; verbs followed by (enjoy working)' 221 -224
Adverb clauses; Noun clauses) Get * adjective/past participle (get hungry, get
Differ ent frorn, | 6 6- | 67 tired),186
Direct speech (sau Quoted speech) Get used tolaccustorned to, 187
Distance (to . . . from, how far), 85-86 Go -t -ing (go shopping),22|

284 rNDEx
Habitual past (used to do something),29 The least, 16l
Had, in past perfect (She had already eaten),67 .Less. .. than, 155
Had better (You'd better study),122 Let's, 128
Hazte, auxiliary in present perfect (They haoe Like, alike,166-167
eaten),62-63 Lihe ... better, 129
progressive vs. non-action, t2-L3 A littlelafeus, t96
Haoe got to, 123-124 Logical conclusion, 126
Hante to, 122-124
do not hante to, 124-125 M
Helping verbs (san Auxiliary verbs; Negatives;
Main clause,28, 140
Questions; individual items)
Hope so,244 Manylrnuch,199
Hous,84r87 May, 116-118
how about,87
permission, I 17, 1 l9-l20
how come,78
polite question, 1 19-120
possibiliry 39, 117-118
how far,85-86
how long,85-86
how many (times),85
vs. may be, ll7
hout muchlhow many, 195
Measure, units of (a cup of, a piece of ),198
how often,85-86
Midsentence adverbs (usually, seldom), 8-9
Might, 117-118
I Modal auxiliaries, 116-132 (sre arso
individual items)
Ifclauses: in passive, 181
expressing future time in, 44-46 tag questions with, 126
as noun clauses, 248-251 Morel-er . . . than, 150-153, 157-158' 162
Iflu:hether in noun clauses,24l The rnostl-est, 150-153
Immediate future (be about to),51 Much, a lotrfar, 155
Imperative sentences (Stop!)' 127 Much, nlany, one, L94
In, as preposition of time, 100-101 Must,116
Indirect speech (snr Reported speech) logical conclusion, 126
Infinitives (to eat), 222-224' 226-228, 23 4 necessity, 122-123
with ir (It is easy to cook eggs),230-231 Must not, 124-126
with modals (have to study)' 116
purpose (in order to),231
with roo and enough,232-233 N
verbs followed by, 222-224 Nearly,147-148
Information questions, 7 5-7 8 Negatives:
-Ing: adverbs (seldom, neaer), 8-9
gerund (Swimming is fun),230 be -t not, 3
present participle (They are swimming)' 22 be * not -f going n, 37
as adjective (an interesting book),183-185 past progressive (waslwere not)' 27
in tenses (sre Progressive verbs) present perfect (haslhaae not), 57 -58
spelling, 19-21 present progressive (amlislare not), 5
In order to,232 should * not (shouldn't),120-l2l
Interested vs. interesting, 184-185 simple past (did not), 16,25
Intransitive and transitive verbs, 177-178 simple present (doesldo not),5,25
Irregular noun plural s (to m ato e s, fi h), 9 4-9 5'
will * not (won't),34r36-37
107-108 (sre arso Contractions of verbs)
Irregular verbs (eat, ate, eaten), 23,55,6l Neither,138-139
ff, to express distance (It is two miles .. . ), 85 Neoer, S-9,163-164
It * infinitive (h is easy to do),230 Next ueek, totnomot J, yesterday, 33, 36
It + take (length of time), 85 Non-action (nonprogressive) verbs (know, want,
J Noncount nouns (furnirure, mqil), 192-197
Just,6l units of measure with (two cups of tea), 198
Just (as... cs), 148 used as count nouns Qtapervs. a paper),198

Nol (see Negatives) Phrasal verbs, 255-269
Not cs. .. as, 155 intransitive, 264-265
Noun clauses, 237-254 nonseparable, 256-257
with iflwhether, 241 separable, 255-256, 258-260, 262-263
with question words (what he saiA,237-240 three-word, 266-268
reported speech, sequence of tenses, Please, ll9-l2}
246-247 Plural nouns, 94-95,104 (see arso Singular
with that (I think that . . . ),242-244 and plural)
with yes/no questions, 241-242 Polite questions using modals (May I? Would
Nouns: you?),127
count/nonc ount (chairs lfurniture) , 19 l-206 Possessive:
plural forms, 94-95, lO4 in adjective clauses (whose), 216-217
possessive (Tbm's), 1 07-1 08 nouns (Tbm's),107
as subjects and objects, 96 pronouns and adjectives (mine and my),
used as adjectives (aflower garden),103 108-109
o Prepositional phrases (on the desk),97-99
Prepositions (at, from, under), 97-1 00
Object pronouns, personal (him, them),
105-107 combinations with verbs and adjectives,
in adjective clauses (whom I met),209-2ll 270-281
followed by gerunds, 225-226
ofa preposition (on the desk),97-99 objects of,97-99
ofa verb (is reading a book),96-97 ofplace,9S-99
On, as time preposition (oz Monday),100-101 vs. timeJ word order, 100-101
placement in adjective clauses, 215-216
One, rnuch, ntany, 194
placement in information questions, 7 5-7 8
Other,ll2-ll3 in stative passive (be married n),183
Ought to, 122
of time (in,on,ar), 100-I0l
used as particle in phrasal verbs (put off, put
P Present participle (eating), 22
Parallel structure witl:, and, but, or, 133 as adjective (interesting), I 83-1 84
with verbs (walks and talks, is zlalking and vs. gerund,22l
talking),5l Present perfect (haae eaten), 55-7 0
Particles, in phrasal verbs Qtut awaU), vs. present perfect progressive, 64-65
255-269 vs. simple past,62-63
Particip ial ad j ectives (inte re s te d v s. intere sting), Present time, 1-15 (see ar-so Tenses)
184,243 Principal parts of a verb (eat, ate, eaten,
Partitives (see Units of measure) eating)r 22
Passive (It was mailed by Bob),170-190 Probably,39
vs. active, 175 Progressive verbs (6e * -ing),5-7, 12-13
6y-phrase, use of 178-180 vs. non-action (I am thinkingvs. I think),12
modal auxiliaries (should be mailed),l8l past (zras doing), 26-28
stative (is married), L83 present (is doing),2, 5-7 , 12-13
summary of forms, 172-173,182 present perfect (has been doing)r 64-65
Past habit (I used to lioe in . . .),29 Pronouns:
Past participles,22 in adjective clauses (who, which), 209-213
as adjectives (be tired, be surprised), 183 in comparisons, 154
following get (get tired),186 contractions with (sm Contractions of
vs. -ing (interested vs. interesting), 184 Verbs)
of irregular verbs,23 personal (1, them), I 05-l 07
in passive, 170-176 possessive (mine, theirs), I 08-l 09
Past perfect (had left), 67 reflexive (myself, themselves), 1 09-1 I 0
Past progressive (zaas eating), 26-28 used as expressions of quantity (many, some),
Past time, 16-32 (see erso Tenses) t99-200
Period, 133-134,140 Punctuation:
Personal pronouns (she, him, they), 105-107 apostrophe (Tom\), 107-l 08

286 rNDEx
comma: Should,120-122
in adverb clauses, 28, l4O Simple form of a verb, 3
vs. a period, 133-134, 140 Simple past, L6-32
in quoted speech, 244-245 vs. past progressive, 27-28
in a series with and, 134-135 vs. present perfect, 62-63
period,244-245 Simple present, 14, 6-7, 11, 26
quotation marks, 244-245 to express future time, 50
Purpose (in order to,for),231-232 in future time clauses,43,45-46
vs. present progressive, 21 61 9, 12-13
Since andfor,56-57
a Singular and plural:
Quantity, expressions of (a lot, several), nouns (a bird, birds), l0
t94-t96 nouns used as adjectives (fl.ower gardens),lO3
Question forms, 75-77 personal pronouns (1, we), I 05-107
passive, l75 possessive nouns (student's, students'), 107
past progressive (were you doing?),27 present tense verbs (eat), l0
present perfect (haae you done?),57 verbs in adjective clauses (man who is, men
present progressive (are you doing?),5 who are),214
simple past (did you do?), l6-18 So;
simple present (do you do?),6-7,18 with and (and so do I),138-139
wit}r will (will you do?),35-36 conjunction (It was late, so we left),136-137,
Questions, Tl-93 140
information (why, when), 7 5-7 8 substituted for that-clause (I think so),244
vs. noun clauses, 237 Sorne, 192,199-202
polite (would you please?),127 Sornetirnes, 8-9
possession (whose car is this?)' 83-84 So I too I either lneither, 1 38-1 39
in quoted speech, 248 Spelling:
in reported speech, 248-249 -ed, L9r 2l
tag (You know Bob, don't you?),90 -erl-est, l5O-153,162
yes/no, l4r 24l -ing,19-21
Question words (see Noun clausesl individual of irregular verbs, 23
items) -s/-es, 10
Quite,147-148 Stative (non-action) verbs, 12
Quotation marks, 244-245 Stative passive (is married),183
Quoted speech, 244-245 Subject pronounsr personal (1, she,they)'
questions in,248 105-107
in adjective clauses (a man who is, a book
R which was),207-209
Reflexive pronouns (myself ), 1 09-1 10 Subjects, verbs, objects, 96-97
Relative clauses (see Adjective clauses) transitive vs. intransitive verbs, 177-178
Repeated comparativer 1 59 Subject-verb agreement, 101
Reported speech, 246-249 in adjective clauses, 214
questions in,248-249 Superlatives, I 50, 1 53, 160-162
Supposed fo, 188
-S/-es.' T
with plural nouns (birds),lO Thg questions (You know Bob, don't you?),90
with simple present verbs (ear), 11 with modal auxiliaries, 126
spelling, 10 Take, with r7 to express length of timer 85
Sanne, sinila4 different, lihe, alihe, Tbll vs. say, ask, 250
166-167 Tenses:
Say vs. tell, ask,250-252 past perfect (had worked),67
-Selfl-seloes, 1 09-1 I 0 past progressive (were working), 26-28
Sequence oftenses in noun clauses, 246-247 present perfect (have worked), 55-70
Seoeral,196, 198 present perfect progressive (haoe been
Short answers to questions, 14, 57-58,71-77 working),64-65

present progressive (is working),2,5-7 , 12-13 w
future meaning, 4849 Was, u)ere, 17-18
simple future (will ztork),33-34 * -ing (was eating),26-28
simple past (worked), 16-17,22,27-28, 62-63 What,79-82
simple present (works), 14, 6-7 , 11,26 in noun clauses, 237-240
future meaning, 50 what about,87
Than: what...for,78
in comparatives (more / -er), | 5O-l 53. | 57 -l 5 8, zlhat * a form of do,82
t62 what kind of, 83
following like better, would rather, 129 what time vs. when, 78
That: When:
in adjective clauses (a book that I read), in noun clauses, 237-240
207-2r3 in questionsr T8
in noun clauses (He said that . . . ),242-244 in time clauses, 43r 45
The, 150,153,200-202 Where,78
with names,203-204 in noun clauses, 237-240
There * be, l0l Whether,24l
Think, progressive vs. non-action, 12 Which:
Think so,244 in adjective clauses, 2ll-213
Three-word verbs,266-268 (see atso Phrasal verbs)
in noun clauses, 237-240
Time clauses: in questions,82-83
vs. be going to, 33-37,4042
with since,56-57
in contractions, 37
Tbvs.for,23l forms, 36-37
Tb . . . hont, to express distance, 85-86
Tbtnorrout, yesterday, next useek, 33r36
in polite questions, ll9-120
To * simple form (infinitive),231
with probably,33-39
(in order) to,232
With vs. byr, 230
Too (excess amount), 232-233
with and (and I do too),138-139
in adjective clauses, 207-213
Transitive and intransitive verbs, 177-178
in noun clauses, 237-240
Two-word verbs, 255-256 (see arso Phrasal verbs)
in questions, 79-81
who's vs. whose, 83-84
U Whose:
IJnclear comparisons, 1 56-1 57 in adjective clauses, 216-217
Units of measure (a cup of, a piece of ),198 in noun clauses, 237-240
Until, 43,45 in questions,83-84
Used to (past habit), 29 Why,78
vs. be used ro, 187-188 in noun clauses, 237-240
Usually, S-9 WlEt don't,128
\tr7ord order, 100-101

v Would,116
in polite questions, ll9-120,127
Verbs: Would rather, 129
parallel, 51
principal parts of r22
reporting, 246-247
singular and plural, in adjective clausesr 214 7 l-7 7' 241
Yes/no questions, L4, 57 -58,
vs. subjects and objectsr96-97 Yesterday, tornorrous, next useek, 33 t 36
transitive/intransitive, 17 7 -17 8 Yet,59-60
(srn erso Auxiliary verbsl Modal auxiliaries;
Passive; Phrasal verbs; Tenses; individual

288 rNDEx
Answer Key


l. plays 6. run
2. conducts 7. cooks
PRACTICE l,p.1 3. collect 8. work
l. is 19. is
4. programs 9. drives
2. name 20. do 5. uains 10. write
3. is OR mect
4. am 22. do
5. am 23. do PRACTICE 5,p.4
6. meet 24. write 1. doesn't point...points
7. are 25. do 2. doesn'tcomc...comcs
8. you 26. like 3.docsn'tsnow.… snOWS
9. am 27. wrltc 4.don't grow.… grow
10. are 28. do 5.doesn't follow.… follows
ll. you 29. you 6. don't
12. from 30. is 7. docsn't revolvc...revolvcs
13. am 31. is 8. don't turn.… turn
14. from 32. Is
15. are 33. is PRACTICE 6,p.4
16. you 34. is 1. do
17. am 35. is 2.0
18. arc 36. is 3. docs
PRACTICE 2,p。 2 5, do
l. am sitting 7. is sitting 6.0
2. sit 8. is working 7.
3. do 9. works 8.0
4. am doing 10. is checking 9.0
5. am looking 1 l. checks 10. do
6. am writing 12. writes ll. Do


Parr r Parι f
l. spcak spcakng
2. speak 2. arc speabg
3. speaks spcakng
4. spcak 4. arc spcaking
5. spcaks 5 isspcakng
Paγ Parι ff
6. `fr
do not/don't speak 6. anl not spcakng
7. do not/don't speak 7. arc not spcaking
8. does not/doesn't spcak 8. is not speaHng
9. do not/don't spcak 9. arc not speaking
10. docs nOt/docsn't speak 10. is nOt spcaHng
Paγ ιfff Parι ffr
ll. Do...spCak ll. Arc...spcaking
12. Do...speak 12.Is.… spcakng
13. Does...speak 13. Are...speakng
14. Do...speak 14. Arc...speaking
15. Docs...Spcak 15, Is...spcaking
PRACTICE 8, p. 5 PRACTICE 14, p. 8
f . is looking 7. is drawing l. a. usually doesn't come
2. is staring 8. is sleeping b. doesn't ever come
3. are texting 9. am trying c. seldom comes
4. is filing 10. is speaking d. sometimes doesn't come
5. are listening l l. is losing e. doesn't always come
6. is moving 12. is falling f. occasionally doesn't come
g. never comes
PRACTICE 9,p.6 h. hardly ever comes
2. a. isn't usually
Group 1 b. is rarely
l. c c. isn't always
2.a d. isn't frequently
3.b e. is never
GT oup 2 f. isn't ever
l. c g. is seldom
3.a PRACTICE 15, p. 9
Gtoup 3 l. always wakes 5. seldom surfs
1.b 2. sometimes skips 6. usually cleans
2.c 3. frequendy visits 7. rarely does
3.a 4. is usually 8. is never

Group 4 PRACTICE 16, p. 9

2.a Part I
3.c Verbs: are, form, have, call, are, occur, travel, cause, like, is
Frequency adverbs: Usually, often, never
PRACTICE 10, p. 6
l. Is he 6. Is he PartII
2. Does he 7. Is he 1.7
3. Is he 8. Does he 2.F
4. Is he 9. Does he 3.F
5. Does he 10. Does he 4.F
PRACTICE 11, p. 7
7. F
l. Isshe 6. Does she
2. Does she 7. Is she
3. Is she 8. Is she
PRACTICE 17, p. 10
4. Is she 9. Does she
5. Does she 10. Is she
l Plural 6. Plural
2. Singular 7. Plural
3. Plural 8. Singular
PRACTICE 12,p.7 4. Singular 9. Singular
l. b 7. a 5. Singular 10. Plural
2.a 8.a
3.a 9.a PRACTICE 18, p. 10
4.c 10.c l. eats 6. studies
5.b 11. c 2. gets 7. pays
6.b 12. c 3. teaches 8. has
4. works 9. buys
PRACTICE 13, p.8 5. does 10. goes
l. usually... O
2. O ... usually PRACTICE 19, p. 11
3. always . .. O Underlined verbs:
4. O ... always l. hops
5. usually.. . O 2. live (I.Io change.)
6. O... always 3.
7. sometimes...O 4. tastes...comes
8. never... O 5. are . . . contain (I.Io change.)
9. O...never 6. bakes... cuts...puts
10. O...usually...Cl 7. is...fixes
ll. O...always...O 8. works...fries... serves
12. O... always 9.go...Fredgoes

2 ANSWER KEY Chopter I

PRACTICE 20, p. 1l PRACTICE 25,p。 14
l. leaves 1.A:Arc
2. He walks B:Iam ORI'm nOt
3. catches 2. A:Do
4. he transfers B:」 ■cy do OR」 ■cy don't
5. He arrives A:Do
6. He stays B:Ido OR Idon't
7. he leaves 4 A: IDocs
8. He attends B:shc does OR shc doesn't
9. He A:Arc
10. studies B: they are(DR they aren't
I l. tries A:Do
12. he goes B:J■ cy do OR thcy don't
13. He has 7. A:Is
B:hcis OR hc isn't
8. A:Arc
PRACTICE Zl,p.12 B:Iam ORI'm not
1. a 6.a 9. A:Is
2.a 7.b B:it is OR it isn't
3.b 8.a 10. A:Do
4.b 9.b B:wc do OR wc don't
5.a 10.a
PRACTICE 26,p.15
PRACTICE 22,p.12 snowing
2. takes
3. drive watching
5. prefcr
6. need
7. understand
8. belongs
9. ls shining

PRACTICE 23,p。 13
1. usually doesn't take 10. are playng
2. needs I l. knows en,oメ ng 12. love
4. are 13. has
5. are cating 14. play CHAPTER 2: PASI IIME
6. are drinking 15. is smiling
7.(are)reading 16. relaxing PRACTICE 1, p. 16 working 17. usually takes l. Did it start early? It didn't start early.
9。 is fccdhg 18. is 2. Did Bob arrive late? Bob didn't arrive late.
3. ttr7as Hal here? Hal wasn't here.
4. Dad plant roses?
Did Dad didn't plant roses.
PRACTICE 24,p.13 5. Mom like the game?
Did Mom didn't like the game.
l. Don is not working now. 6. Kim cook dinner?
Did Kim didn't cook dinner.
2. Florida doesn't have mountains.
7. Nat play tennis?
Did Nat didn't play tennis.
3. This train is always late.
8. Vere they late? They weren't late.
4. Does Marta usually go to bed early?
9. Did Sam invite Ann? Sam didn't invite Ann.
5. Mr. Chin always comes to work on time. 10. Did we do our work? IITe didn't do our work.
6. Shh!The concert is starting now.
7. The refrigerator does not (doesn't) work.
8. Does Catherine have a car? PRACTICE 2, p.16
9. Pam and Bob are getting married. They love each other. Statement QueStiOn Negative
10. Anne does not understand this subject. l. Do you work
I l. Jessica sometimes asks her parents for advice. 2. Did you work You didn't work
12. Do you do your laundry at the laundromat on the 3. She works Does shc work
corner? 4. E)id shc work She didn't work
13. \When the color blue mixes with the color yellow, the 5. They work They don't work
result is green. 6. Did thcy work They didn't work
14. Boris fries two eggs for breakfast every morning. 7. He works Docs he work
15. I07e are studying English. 8. Did hc work He didn't work

ANSWER KEY Chopter 2 3

1.A:Is 6. A:Was Double the
B:isn't B:was consonant. Drop the -e. Just add -rzg.
2.A:Was 7. A:Was hitting coming learning
B:was B:was beginning hoping listening
3.A:Did 8. A:Did cutting smiling raining
B:did B:did hopping taking staying
4.A:Was 9. A:Is winning writing studying
B:wasn't B:is
5.A:Was 10. A:Did PRACTICE 9,p.20
B:was B:did l. waiting, wait 9. starting, start
2. petting, pet 10. permitting, permit
PRACTICE 4,p.17 3. biting, bite 11. lifting, lift
1. E)id hc study 5. Wcrc thcy hungry 4. sitting, sit 12. eating, eat
2. Was he sick 6. E)id you go 5. writing, write 13. tasting, taste
3. Was she sad 7. Did shc undcrstand 6. fighting, fight 14. cutting, cut
4. E)idぬ cy eat 8. E)id he forgct 7. waiting, wait 15. meeting, meet
8. getting, get 16. visiting, visit
l E)id 6 E)id PRACTICE 10, p.21
2. Was 7. E)id
Part I Part II
3.Was 8. Wcrc l. is beginning l. cheered
4.Wcrc 9。 Wcrc 2. are broadcasting 2. shouted
5. E)id 10 Are 3. are running 3. enioyed
4. are competing 4. raced
PRACTICE 6,p.18 5. are racing 5. crossed
l A:Did you pass 5. A: E)id you makc 6. is starting 6. finished
B:I did B: I didn't 7. are getting 7. occurred
2.A:V/ere you 6. A: Was the car 8. are trying 8. crashed
B: I wasn't B:it was 9. are speeding 9. needed
3. A: E)id you practicc 7.A:Did you put 10. isn't raining 10. started
B:I did B:I did I l. are worrying I l. completed
4.A:Was tte test 8. A: E)id you go 12. happened
B: lt wasn't B: I didn't


Double the
End ofverb consonant? Siin,le form …ing …ed
-0 No live living lived
race racing raced
Two Consonants No work working worked
start starting started
TwoVowels * No shout shouting shouted
One Consonant wait waiting waited
One Consonant pat patting patted
shop shopping shopped
listen listening listened
happen happening happened
occur occurring occurred
refer rcfcrring rcfcrrcd
―y No play playing played
reply replying replied
study studying studied

-20 dying died

tying tied

4 ANSWER KEY Chopter 2

PRACTICE ll,p.22 PRACTICE 16, p.26
l. stopped 1. is was
2. picked 2. think thought
3. arrive ). are playing played
4. crying 4. drink am drinking
5. walk, walking 5. teaches taught
6. went 6. swims is swimming
7. practiced 7. are sleeping slept
8. referred 8. reads read
9. made 9. try are trying
10. hopped 10. are eating ate
I l. hoped, hoping
12. put PRACTICE 17,p.26
13. eating 1. were hiding
14. sing 2. weresinging
15. Iistened, listening 3. was watching
4. were talking
PRACTICE 12,p.23 5. were reading. . . were sitting ... looking
Part I Part III PartV
bought blew hit PRACTICE 18,p.27
brought drew hurt l. wasplayrng...broke
fought flew read 2. scored. .. was playing
thought grew shut 3. hurt...wasplaying
taught knew cost 4. washiking...found
caught threw put 5. saw...washiking
found quit 6. picked up . . . was hiking
Part II Part Ill PartVI 7. tripped. . . fell ... was dancing
swarr broke paid 8. wasdancing...met
drank wrote said 9. was dancing . . .got
sang ftoze
rang rode PRACTICE 19,p.27
sold l. were walking
stole 2. waswashing. . . dropped.. . broke
3. saw. . . was eating. .. was talking.'. joined

PRACTICE 13,p.23 4. was singing . . . did not hear

l. was. . . flew. .. spent 5. A: Did your lights go out
B: was taking. .. found. . . ate . .. went. . . slept
2. came. . . took. . . put. . . lost
3. began... sang...became...knew...wore
PRACTICE 20,p.28
PRACTICE 14,p.24 l.d 5.9
l. walked.. . yesterday 2.c 6.h
2. talked...last 3.b 7. f
3. opened.. . yesterday 4.a 8.e
4. went...last
5. met...last PRACTICE 21,p.28
6. Yesterday...made...took l2
7. paid...last L The fire alarm sounded. Everyone left the building.
8. Yesterday...fell 'When
tlle fire alarm sounded, everyone left the
9. left...last building.
PRACTICE 15,p.25 2. Tltey left the building.They stood outside in the rain.
1. didn't fly . . . rode After they left the building, they stood outside in the
2. arett...are rain.
3. wasn't . . . was (answers will vary) 2l
4. didn'tcome...came 3. Everyone started to dance.The music began.
5. doesn'tcome... comes As soon as the music began, everyone started to
6. didn't sleep . . . slept dance.
7. isn' 2L
8. didn't disappear. . . disappeared 4. The music ended.They danced to all the songs.
9. don'tmake...make They danced to all the songs until the music ended.

ANSWER KEY Chopter 2 5

2 PRACTICE 25,p.31
5. The fans in the stadium applauded and cheered. l. was preparing 12. fell
I 2. was playing 13. hurt
The soccer player scored a goal. 3. rang 14. slammed
'When the soccer player scored a goal, the fans in the
4. was boiling 15. ran
stadium applauded and cheered. 5. turned 16. heard
2t 6. answered 17. was waiting
6. Everyone left the stadium.The game was over. 7. opened 18. opened
Everyone left the stadium as soon as the game was over. 8. saw 19. took
t2 9. was holding 20. thanked
7. I looked up her phone number. I called her. 10. needed 21. signed
Before I called her, I looked up her phone number. I l. screamed
8. The phone rang l0 times. I hung up. PRACTICE 26,p.31
I hung up after the phone rang l0 times. l a 8. b
2. b 9. c
PRACTICE 22, p.29 3. b 10.b
l. used to hate school 4 a ll. a
2. used to be a secretary 5 c 12. a
3. used to play tennis 6. c 13. c
4. used to have fresh eggs 7.b
5. used to crawl under his bed . . . put his hands over his
ears PRACTICE 27,p。 32
6. used to go

7. used to wear
8. used to hate N ∩ 日 A目 ︲ = ∪ M
9. used to eat

PRACTICE 23, p. 30
Part I

Underlined verbs: Do . . . orbit, do . . . orbit, orbit, is, is

means, orbit.
Circled verbs: used to orbit, Did . . . disappear, did . . .
disappear, changed, decided, reclassified, put, reclassified, G R E W
Parι ff

l.T 5.
2. T 6.
PRACTICE 1, p. 33
PRACTICE 24,p.3O l. is going to be
l. \7e didn't visit my cousins last weekend. 4. will finish
2. They walked to school yesterday. 5. will desisn
3. I understood all the teacher's questions yesterday, 8. is going to live
4. Matt and I were talking on the phone when the lights 10. 'll be
went out.
5. When Flora heard the news, she didn't know what to PRACTICE 2,p.33
say. l. am going to leave
6. David and Carol went to Italy last month. 2. is going to leave
7. I didn't drive a car when I was a teenager. 3. isn't going to leave
8. Carmen didn't use(d) to eat fish, but now she does. 4. Are . . . going to leave
9. Ms. Pepper didn't die in the accident. 5. is going to be
10. Did you see that red light?You didn't stop! 6. are going to be
I l. I used to live in a big city when I was a child. Now I 7. am not going to be
live in a small town. 8. Is . . . going to be
12. I-ast night at about seven we ate a delicious pizza. f . is going to rain
Howard made the pizza it his new oven. 10. isn't going to snow
13. Sally broke her right foot last year. After that, she I l. isn't going to shine
hopped on her left foot for three weeks. 12. Is . . .going to rain

6 ANSWER KEY Chopler 3

PRACTICE 3, p. 34 3. a. doesn't arrive
l. is going to wake up b. didn't arrive
2. is going to catch c. isn't going to arrive
3. is going to jump d. will not arrive
4. are going to fall 4. a,
c. Are . . . going to eat
d. ufill
am going to will
5. a. don't eat
are going to will
b. didn't eat
is going to will
are going to will
c, am not going to eat
d. will not eat
are going to will
are not going to will not / won't
is not going to will not / won't PRACTICE 9,p.37
am not going to will not / won't l. 'll enjoy . . . 'll begin ... 'll teach
2. 'll be . . . 'll call
PRACTICE 5, p. 35 3.'ll start...'llride...'lldrive
The Smiths will celebrate their 50th wedding
anniversary on December lst of this year. Their children PRACTICE 10, p. 37
are planning a party for them at a local hotel. Their family 1. A: rtr7ill you / Are you going to help
and friends will ioin rhem for the celebration. B: I will / am on I won't / I'm not
Mr. and Mrs. Smith have three children and five 2. A: rXrill Paul / Is Paul going to lend
grandchildren. The Smiths know that two of their children B: he will / is on he won't / isn't
will be at the party, but the third child, their youngest 3. A: Will Jane / Is Jane going to graduate
daughter, is far away in Africa, where she is doing medical B: she will / is oR she won't / isn't
research. They believe she will not come home for the 4. A: \07ill her parents / Are her parents going to be
party. B: they will / are oR they won't / aren't
The Smiths don't know it, but their youngest daughter 5. A: \U7ill you / Are you going to answer
will be at the party. She is planning to surprise them. It B: I will / am on I won't / I'm not
will be a wonderful surprise for them! They will be very 6. A: \7ill Jill / Is Jill going to text
happy to see her. The whole family will enjoy being B: she will / is on she won't / isn't
together for this special occasion.
PRACTICE 11, p. 38
PRACTICE 6, p. 35
l. \ifill Nick start Part I
Is Nick going to start
l. I'll probably go

2. Will Mr. 2. she probably won't come

Jones give
Is Mr. Jones going to give
3. he'll probably go
3. \fill 4. he probably won't hand
Jacob quit
Is Jacob going to quit
5. they'll probably have
4. r0fill Mr. and Mrs. Kono adopt Part II
Are Mr. and Mrs. Kono going to adoPt 6. I'm probably going to watch
5. Will the Johnsons move 7. I'm probably not going to be
Are the Johnsons going to move 8. they probably aren't going to come
6. \}7il1 Dr. Johnson retire 9. she probably isn't going to ride
Is Dr. Johnson going to retire 10. it is probably going to be

PRACTICE 7,p.36 PRACTICE 12,p.39

1. Tomorrow will be 5. will not be 1000/0 About 90°/o About 507o
2. Will we have 6. tU7ill I pass Certain Certain Certain
3. we will have 7. You will pass /
/ /


4. 'ifill the test be 8. will not pass 2.


PRACTICE 8, p. 36 4. /
l. a, arrives 5. /
b. arrived 6./
c. is going to arrive 7./
d. will arrive 8. /
2. a. eats 9. /
b. ate 10. /
c. is going to eat 11. /
d. will eat 12. /

ANSWER KEY Chopler 3 7

PRACTICE 13, p. 39 PRACTICE 20,p.11
1. are probably going to have 1 . If it rains tomorrow,
2. are probably not going to invite 2. If it is hot tomorrow,
3. mayhave... Maybe...willhave 3. if he has enough time
4. may rent 4. If I don't get a check tomorrow,
5. will probably decide 5. ifI get a raise soon
6. may not be . . . may be 6. If Gina doesn't study for her test,
7. will go 7. if I have enough money
8. probably won't go 8. If I don't study ronight,

PRACTICE 14,p.40
l, a 7. c PRACTICE 21, p. 45
2.a 8. a Sam and I are going to leave on a road trip tomorrow.
3. c 9. c We'll pack our suitcases and put everything in the car
4.b 10.b before we go to bed tonight. We'll leave tomorrow
5. a ll. b morning at dawn, as soon as the sun comes up. We'll
6.a drive for a couple of hours on the interstate highway while
we talk and listen to our favorite music. When we see a
nice rest area, we'll stop for coffee. After we walk around
PRACTICE 15,p.41 the rest area a little bit, we'll get back in the car and drive a
Parι f 乃 γr ff little longer. We'll stay on that highway until we come to
l. 'm going to work l. '1l answer Highway 44. Then we'll turn off and drive on scenic
2. 'm going to watch 2. '1l ask country roads. If Sam gets tired, I'11 drive. Then when I
3. 'rc going to move 3. '1l clean drive, he'll probably take a little nap. We'll keep going
4. 'm gohg tO get 4. '1l pay until it gets dark.

PRACTICE 16,p.42 PRACTICE 22, p. 45

1. 'm gOing tO
2. '11
l. e
3. 'm going to
4. '11
5. 'm going tO...'11
PRACTICE 17,p.42 7. d
2. are going to
3. are going to PRACTICE 23, p. 16
4. are going to l. When Sue has enough money, she is going to buy an
5. am going to apartment. oR
6. am gOing to Sue is going to buy an apartment when she has
7.will enough money.
2. Before m], friends come over, I'm going to clean up
my apartment. oR
PRACTICE 18, p. 43
Underlined clauses:
I'm going to clean up my apartment before my friends
come over.
1. Before Bill met Maggie
2. until he met Maggie. 3. When the storm is over, I'm going to do some
errands. OR
3. When he met Maggie I'm going to do some errands when the storm is over.
4. after he met her 4. If ]rou don't learn how to use a comouter, you will
5. After they dated for a year have trouble finding a job. OR
6. As soon as Bill gets a better job You will have trouble finding a job if you don't learn
7. before they buy a house how to use a computer.
8. when they have enough money 5. As soon as Toe finishes his report, he is going to meet
9. After they get married us at the coffee shop. OR
10. until they die
Joe is going to meet us at the coffee shop as soon as
he finishes his reoort.
PRACTICE 19, p. 43 6. After I-esley washes and dries the dishes, she will put
1. After I finish . . . I'm going to go them away. OR
2. I'm not going to go . . . until I finish I-esley will put away the dishes after she washes and
3. Before Ann watches . . . she will finish dries them.
4. Jim is going to read . . . after he gets 7. If they don't leave at seven, they won't get to the
5. !7hen I call. . . I'll ask theater on time. OR
6. Ms.Torres will stay. . . until she finishes They won't get to the theater on time if they don't
7. As soon as I get . . . I'm going to take leave at seven.

8 ANSWER KEY chopter 3

PRACTICE 24,p.46 PRACTICE 31, p. 5l
1. will be 17. 、
vill comc 1. study
2. 'll get 18. '1l talk 2. set
3. 'll wash 19. '1l havc 3. doing
4. brush 20. '1l rnake 4.go
5. 'll put 21.say 5. fell
7. 'll go 22. '1l flnish 6. is writing . . . is waiting
8. turn on 23. 'n go 7. takes...buys
9. 'll walk 24. is 8. go...tell
10. see 25. has 9. am taking. . . forgetting
1 l. 'll watch 26. '1l work 10. will discover . . . (will) apologize
12. make 27.will ring
13. destroys 28. '1l talk PRACTICE 32,p.52
14. get 29. '1l go l. My friends will join us after work.
15. 'll pour 30. make 2. Maybe *re party wiII end / is going to end soon. OR
16. open 21 willbe The party may end soon.
3. On Friday, our school will close / is going to close
PRACTICE 25,p.48 early so teachers can go to a workshop.
1. I'm going to stay...I'rn staying
4. It will rain / is going to rain tomorrow.
2. Thcy're going to travel...Thcy'rc travel」 ■
5. Our company is going to sell computer equipment to
3. Wc'rc going to gct...We're gctting schools.
4. He's going to start...Hc's starting
6. Give grandpa a hug. He's about to leave.
5. Shc's going to go...She's gohg
7. Mr. Scott is going to retire and move to a warmer
6. My ncighbors are gomg to build...My neighbors are climate.
If your soccer team wins the championship
tomorrow, we'll have a big celebration for you.
I bought this cloth because I'm going to / am going
PRACTICE 26,p.48 to make some curtains for my bedroom.
l. is traveling 5. is... taking 10. I moving to I-ondon when I linish my education here.
2. is leaving 6. are coming I l. Are you going to go to the meeting? OR
3. is speaking 7. am meeting Are you going to the meeting?
4. are having 8. am graduating 12. I opened the door and walked to the front of the room.
13. rtr(/hen are you going to move into your new

PRACTICE 27,p.49 apartment?

1.b 5.b 14. Maybe I will celebrate my 30th birthday with my
2. a 6. a friends at a restaurant. OR I rnay celebrate . . .
3. a 7.b
4. b 8.a PRACTICE 33,p.52
1. am working 28. leave
2. need 29. usually stay
PRACTICE 28,p.49 3. go 30. are
1. a 6.a,b
4. am going to finish 31. are not going to stay
2.a,b 7. a
8 a,b 5. write 32. tried
3 a,b
4.a,b 9. a
6. stayed 33. was
10. a,b
7. was reading 34. may stay
5. a
8. heard 35. will stay
9. went 36. plays
PRACTICE 29,p.50 10. didn't see 37. skips
1. A: does...begin/start I l. went 38. isn't doing
B:bcgins/starts 12. found 39. doesn't study
2. opens 13. made 40. go
3. arrivcs/gets in 14. is watching 41. will / is going to flunk
4. begins/starts 15. always watches 42. saw
5. A: does...close 16. is 43. ran
B:closes 17. is going to mow 44. caught
6. open...starts/begins....arriVe...cnds/inishes 18. am making 45. knocked
7. A: does...depart/1eave 19. is cooking 46. called
B: lcaves/departs 20. were 47. was waiting / waited
B: does.… arrive(gCt in) 2l . used to make 48. got
22. got 49. understood
PRACTICE 30,p.51 23. are gong to go / are going 50. put
1.d 5.b 24. are 51. took
2.f 6. c 25. arc going to see 52. ended
3. a 7. g 26. bought 53. woke
4. h 8.e 27. always buy

ANSWER KEY Chopler 39

PRACTICE 34,p.54 Group III
Sirnple Sirnple Past

Form Past Participle
P win won won
R A │ N S feed fed fed
weep wept wept
0 L T O stand stood stood
7A keep kept kept
B L R R │ V E sit sat sat
stick stuck stuck
A R N G meet met met
had had
B 丁 G │
find found found
L S N buy bought bought
3M catch caught caught
A Y B E fight fought fought
teach taught taught
A pay paid paid
bring brought brought
Y think thought thought

PRACTICE 3, p. 56
l. has taught 6. have played
2. has sold 7. have gotten
3. has loved 8. have gone
4. have had 9. have been
5. have known 10. has been


l. since 6.


2. for 7.

3. since 8.

PRACTICE 1, p. 55 4. for
l. finished 5. for 10.
2. stopped
3. put
4. known PRACTICE 5,p.57
5. been l. I have been in this class for a month.
6. wanted 2. I have known my teacher since September.
7. said 3. Sam has wanted a dog for two years.
8. had 4. Sara has needed a new car since last year / for a year.
9. gone 5. Our professor has been sick for a week / since last week.
10. taken 6. My parents have lived in Canada since December.
7. I have known Mrs. Brown since 1999.
8. Tom has worked at a fast-food restaurimt for three weeks.
Group I PRACTICE 6,p.57
Simple Sirnple Past l. A: Have you ever eaten
form past participle B: have . . . have eaten OR haven't . . . have never
hurt hurt hurt eaten
put put put 2. A: Have you ever talked
quit quit quit B: have . . . have talked OR haven't . . . have never
upset upset upset talked
cut cut cut 3. A: Has Erica ever rented
shut shut shut B: has . . . has rented OR hasn't . . . has never rented
let let let 4. A: Have you ever seen
set set set B: have . . . have seen OR haven't . . . have never seen
Group II 5. A: Has Joe ever caught
Simple Sirnple Past B: has . . . has caught OR hasn't . . . has never caught
form past participle 6. A: Have you ever had
ring rang rung B: have . . . have had OR haven't . . . have never had
drink drank drunk 7. A: Have I ever met
swim swam swum B: have . . . have met OR haven't . . . have never met
sing sang sung 8. A: Have the boys ever been
sink sank sunk B: have . . . have been OR haven't . . . have never been

l0 lNsweR KEY Chopter 4

PRACTICE 7,p.58 PRACTICE 15, p. 63
1. have you been (l) started, was, had, has become, has been
2. havc you madc (2) has led, has made, took, went, have gone, hasn't ended
3.Havc you always en,oyed
4. have PRACTICE 16,p.64
5. havc you travclcd I. have been waiting . . . twenty minutes
6. havc bccn 2. has been watching . . . two hours
7. have ncvcr wantcd 3. has been working . . . 7:00 this morning
8 Havc you cvcrthought 4. has been driving . . . six hours
9. haven't 5. has been writing . . . three years
10. haven't met 6. have been arguing . . . Jim brought home a stray cat
7. has been raining . . . two days
PRACTICE 8,p.59 8. has been losing . . . she began her diet OR her
1.b 5.b birthday
2.a 6.a,b
3.a,b 7. a PRACTICE 17,p.64


4.a 8. a 1.F 3.T

2. F 4. F
PRACTICE 9, p.60 PRACTICE 18,p.64
l. has not started school yet
1.b 5.a
2. has already learned the alphabet
2.b 6.a
3. has already corrected our tests
3.a 7.b
4. has not returned the tests yet
5. has not cooked dinner yet
4.b 8. a
6. has already cooked dinner
PRACTICE 19, p. 65
l. has been getting
PRACTICE 10, p. 60 2. have known
l. haven't met all my neighbers yet 3. have been studying
2. has traveled 4. have collected / have been collecting
3. has already changed 5. have risen
4. has already given 6. has become
5. hasn't invited
6. have just retired
PRACTICE 20,p.66
7. haven't seen
l. need
8. haven't picked 2. is
9. has lived
3. Have you ever worked
10. have already spent
4. have worked /'ve worked
5. had
PRACTICE ll,p.61 6. did you work
1. has...put 5. have met 7. have worked /'ve worked
2. has drunk 6. have...found 8. have never had
3. has...begun 7. have...paid 9. did you like
4. has won 8. have bought 10. did not like / didn't like
I l. was
12. are you working
PRACTICE 12,p.62 13. do not have / don't have
1.C 8.F 14. have not had / haven't had
2.F 9.C 15. quit
3.F 10.C 16. Are you looking
4.F ll.F 17. am going to go / 'm going
5.C 12.F 18. is looking
6.F 13.C 19. will do /'ll do
7.F 14.C 20. have never looked /'ve never looked
2l . will be / is
22. do not know / don't know
PRACTICE 13,p.62 23. will find / 'll find
24. go
PRACTICE 21,p.67
PRACTICE 14,p.63 l. 2 [-,arry called Jane.
1.c,1 4.j,d I Jane went out.
2.k,e 5.1,f 2. 2 I opened the door.
3 a,g 6.b,h I Someone knocked on the door.


I Her boyfriend called. PRACTICE 26,p.70
2 My sister was happy.
4 2 Our dog stood at the front door.
I He saw me putting on my coat.
2 Ken laughed at my joke.
I Ken heard the joke many times.
6. 2 Don opened his car door with a wire hanger
I Don lost his keys.

PRACTICE 22,p.67
Underlined words:
(l) had always watched
(2) had always read
(3) had never let . . . had always listened
(4) had always left
(5) 'd never put
(6) had never shared
l. had always watched
2. had always read
3. had never let
4. had always left
5. had never put
6. had never shared


l.c 4.d
2.f 5.b
3.e 6.a PRACTICE l,p。 71
1. c 4. c,a
2.b 5.b
PRACTICE 24,p.68 3.a 6.b
1. A: Didyouenjoy
B: enloyed
2. A: Did you see PRACTICE 2,p。 72
B: was...hadn'tseen 1. Do you like cogtc,
3. A: haven't seen 2. Does Tom like coffee,
B: is...haven'tseen 3.Is Pietro watching:nr,
4. A: Did you get 4.Arc you having lllnch widl Rala'
B: got . . . had already begun 5. E)id Rafael walk to school,
5. had already gone 6. Was Clarita takng a napP
6. have painted 7. Will Ted come to thc inceting,
7. have you painted 8. Is lngrid a good artistP
8. A: were painting . . . walked 9 Were you atthe wcdding'
B: have been painting
PRACTICE 25,p.69 1.A:Is 5:A:Havc
I. 'Where were you? I have been waiting for you for an B: is B:havcn't
hour. 2.A:Is 6.A:Did
2. Anna has been a soccer fan for a long time. B: isn't B: didn't
3. Since I was a child, I have liked to solve puzzles. 3. A: Does 7. A: Are
4. Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? B: docs B: am
5. The family has been at the hospital since they heard 4.A:Do 8.A:Will
about the accident. B:do B:will
6. My sister is only 30 years old, but her hair has begun
to turn gray. PRACTICE 4,p。 73
7. Jake has been working as a volunteer at the children's 1.A:Do 6. A: Does
hospital for several years. B:don't B: does
8. Steve has worn his black suit only once since he 2.A:Are 7. A: Is
bought it. B: aren't B: is
9. My cousin has been studying for medical school 3.A:Is 8. A: Does
exams since last month. B:isn't B: doesn't
10. I don't know the results of my medical tests yet. I'll 4.A:Do 9. A: Will
find out soon. B:do B: won't
I l. The phone had already stopped ringing when 5.A:Do
Michelle entered her apartment. B:don't

12 ANSWER KEY chopter 5

PRACTICE 5,p.74 PRACTICE 9, p.77
1.A:Docs Jane l. Where did apple trees originate (b)
B: shc does 2. Where do apple trees grow (b)
2. A: Docs Georgc 3. Do they grow (a)
B:hc doesn't 4. Do the trees produce apples (a)
3.A:Did Lnc and Anna 5. riThen do they produce (b)
B:they did 6. What do you find (b)
4.A:Did Janc 7. \Ufill some of the seeds become (a)
B: she didn't
5。 A: Did Gcorge PRACTICE 10, p. 78
B:hc did l.d 4.b
6.A:Did Jane and Anna 2.e 5.f
B: they didn't
3.c 6.a
7.A:Did Georgc and John
B: they did
8.A:Will Jane PRACTICE 11, p. 78
B:she will l. a. you are going downtown
9. A:Win George and Ama b. are you going downtown
B:thcy will 2. a. did Paul leave early for
10.た Win》 hn b. Paul left early
B:he won't 3. a. are your clothes on the floor
b. are your clothes on the floor for
4. a. Mira needs money
b. does Mira need money
PRACTICE 6,p。 75
1. does Phil work PRACTICE 12,p.78
2. does Phil work l. Why are you waiting
3. is Marta maHng 2. \7hen does Rachel start
4. did she say 3. lUhy did you miss
5.did Jean and Don宙 sit 4. IIThen are you leaving
6. did they vlsit her 5. When do you expect
6. \U7here did you eat lunch
7. What time did you eat
PRACTICE 7,p.75 8. Why do you eat lunch
1. Does
9. Where does the bullet train go
10. \U7hen will they build a bullet train
2. Where
I l. Vhere did you study
3. Is
12. ttr7hy did you study
5。 Will
6. When PRACTICE 13,p.79
7. Are l. S Who is talking
8. Whcrc 2. O u(/ho(m) do we hear
9. Is 3. O \07ho(m) do you know . . .

10. Whcrc 4. S Who was onTV. . .

ll.Did 5. S tUThat is happening . . .

12.When 6. O $7hat does Jason know

7. O Who(m) did Gilda call
8. S Who answered the phone
9. O !(rhat did you say
PRACTICE 8,p.76 10. S \What is important

QueStiOn Helping Main Rest of

word verb Subfect verb sentence
l.0 Did you hear the news yesterday?
2.Whcn did you hear the news?
3.② ls Eric traveling in South America?
4。 Wherc Eric traveling?
5.0 Will the class end in December?
6.Whcn will the class end?
7.0 E)id the teacher help a student?
8.ヽ bo(m) did the teacher help?
9.0 Will the chef cook his special chicken dinner tonight?
10.What will the chef cook tonight?

ANSWER KEY Chopter 5 l3

PRACTICE 14, p. 80 PRACTICE 20, p. 83
Part I Part II 1. What kind of music .. .

l. lUilhat l. \ilho(m) 2. \7hat kind ofclothes . . .

2. \(ho 2. r07ho 3. lUhat kind ofltalian food. . .
3. Who 3. What 4. !flhat kind ofbooks. . .

4. lUhat 4. What 5. What kind of car...

5. Who 5. rtr7hat 6. What kind of government . . .
6. \(/hat 6. What 7. \trfhat kind of iob . . .

8. Itr7hat kind of person . . .

PRACTICE 15, p. 80
l. rtr7ho knows Julio? PRACTICE 21, p. 83
2. $7ho(m) does Julio know?
l. Who 5. Who
3. \U0ho will help us? 2. Whose 6. r$7ho
4. Who(m) will you ask? 3. rVhose 7. rVhose
5. rU?ho(m) isEric talking to? 4. u7ho

6. !?ho is knocking on the door?

7. \07hat surprised them? PRACTICE 22, p.84
8. What did Jack say? l. \tr7hose house is that?
9. What did Sue talk about? 2. rtr(rho's living in that house?
10. Who(m) did Rosa talk about? 3. '!tr7hose umbrella did you borrow?
4. !tr7hose book did you use?
PRACTICE 16, p. 81 5. Whose book is on the table?
l. Who taught. . . 6. \fho's on the phone?
2. What did Robert see 7. lfho's that?
3. $7ho got... 8. \UThose is that?
4. uflhat are you making
5. $(rho(m) does that cell phone belong .. . PRACTICE 23,p.84
6. \tr7hat is . . . l. 5. serious...serious
2. soon 6. safe
PRACTICE 17, p. 81 3. expensive 7. fresh...fresh
4. busy...busy 8. well ...well
Answers will oary.
1. \flhat does abroad mean
It means in a foreign country PRACTICE 24,p.85
2. What does underneath mean
l. How often 4. How often
It means directly under another object 2. How many times 5. How often
3. \ilhat doesmildmearr 3. How many times 6. How many times
It means fairly warm, not cold (when you are talking
about the weather) PRACTICE 25, p. 85
4. ttr7hat does cool mean l. How far is it
It means very attractive, fashionable, and interesting How many miles is it
(when you are talking about a person) How long does it take
5. \U7hat does industriour mean 2. How high is Mount Everest
It means hard-working How many meters is Mount Everest
How long did it take . . .
How many days did it take . . .
PRACTICE 18, p. 82
l. What Alex doing . . .
3. How long is . . .
How many miles is . . .
2. rtr7hat did you do . . .
How many days does it take . . .
3. \flhat do astronauts do ...
4. What are you going to do . . .
5. What did Sara do . . . PRACTICE 26,p.86
6. What is Emily going to do . . . l. far 7. high
7. \iUhat do you want to do . . . 2. long 8. long
8. \flhat does Nick do . . . 3. often 9. often
4. far 10. far
PRACTICE 19,p.82 5. far ll. long
l. r07hich 6. long 12. often
2. \ilhat
3. \flhat PRACTICE 27, p.87
4. r0flhich...which l. How do you spell your name
5. What 2. How do you like . . .
6. which 3. How do you say . . .
7. What 4. How do you pronounce . . .
8. $7hat...which 5. How do you feel . . .

14 lnswrn KEY chopter 5

PRACTICE 28, p. 87 A: is it
l. a B: No, it isn't
2.b A: is it
3.c B: No, it isn't
4.a A: weren't they
5.b B: Yes, they were
6.c A: will she
B: No, she won't
PRACTICE 29, p. 88
l. will the clothes be dry PRACTICE 33, p. 91
2. did you do l. Who saw the car accident?
3. book did you download 2. How about asking Julie andTim to come for dinner
4. long did it take Friday night?
5. bread do you like 3. What time does class begin today?
6. are you calling me 4. rWrhere do people go to ger a driver's license in this city?
7. are you meeting 5. How long does it take ro get to the beach from
8. is taking you here?
9. you are leaving 6. She is working late tonight, isn't she?
7. Whose glasses are those?
PRACTICE 30, p. 89 8. How tall is ysul father?
l. t!7hat is Jack doing . . . 9. Who did you talk / have you talked to about
2. ttr7ho(m) is he playing . . . registration for next term?
3. $7hat is Anna doing 10. How come you are here so early today?
4. I7hat is she throwing . . .
5. rtr7hat are Anna and Jack holding PRACTICE 34, p.92
6. ttr7hat is . . . l. lWhen are you going to buy
7. r$(/here are rhey 2. How are you going to pay
8. How long have they been playrng 3. How long have you had
9. Who is winning . . . 4. How often do you ride
10. Who won. . .
5. How do you usually get
6. Did you ride
PRACTICE 31, p.90 7. !({ho gave
l. a. don't 3. a. aren't 8. Did you ride
b. doesn't b. is 9. How far did you ride
c. don't c. isn't 10. Does your bike have
d. doesn't d. wasn't I I . \(rhat kind of bike do you have
e. aren't e, wasn't 12. rWhen did Jason get
f. doesn't f. were 13. !(rho broke
g. do 4. a. hasn't 14. How did he break it
h. is b. haven't 15. Did Billy get hurt
i. am c. have 16. Did the bike have a lot of damage
2. a. didn't d. hasn't 17. \flhich wheel fell off
b. didn't e. has 18. Has Jason fixed the bike yet
c. wasn't f. have
d. did
e. didn't PRACTICE 35, p. 93

PRACTICE 32,p.90
l. A: haven't you H
B: Yes, I have
2. A: has he
B: No, he hasn't
ilE H O
3. A: didn't you
B: Yes, I did ヨ LLLLLlll‐ 霊
4. A: don't you K H S E

B: Yes, I do
5. a. haven't they
b. Yes, they have
6. a. hasn't she H
b. Yes, she has
7. a. is it A
b. No, it isn't
8. A: doesn't he 8丁
B: Yes, he does

ANSWER KEY Chopter 5 15

The dog barked loudly
9. Caroline answered the door.

PRACTICE 6,p。 96

subject verb object ofverb

avold thcm.
2.l ε力′″ 4 1 〃々θ l た′ε形ヵ │
“ “
SubieCt VCrb obicCt OfVcrb
Living Furniture Places Fruits 3. I f^ u^g" I ^",i, ' I .a I

things on a rnap and subiect verb obiect ofverb

that Vegetables 4.
breathe subject verb object ofverb
children beds CltlCS apples
5.L伊 滋 レ ⊥ _夕 止 _上 星 崚 冽
foxes lamps countrlcs cherries
subject vcrb object ofverb
mcn shelves lakes carrots “
mlcc tables occans peaches
subiect vcrb obiect ofverb
cats rlvcrs tomatocs
7.LL″ に ⊥ _上 L_上 勤 位 」
subject verb object ofverb

PRACTICE 3,p.95 8.
1. houses 10. fly SubieCt vcrb obiect ofverb
2. door I l. dishes
3. boxcs 12. glasses PRACTICE 7,p。 97
4. shclf 13. dollar 1.N 7. N
5. copics 14. euros 2.V 8.V
6. families 15. roof 3. N 9. N
7. woman 16. lives 4.V 10.V
8. children 17. radios 5.V ll.V
9. flsh 6. N 12. N


Underlined nouns: l. in 6.below
l. Airplanes...wings 2. on 7. bchind
2. babies... teeth 3. on 8. at
3. Children...swings 4. beside 9. hto
4. No change. 5. above 10. out
5. potatoes, beans, peas, . . . tomatoes
6. No change. PRACTICE 9,p。 98
7. animals...zoos 1.f 4.c
8. Humans...feet 2.c 5. b
9. No change. 3. d 6. a
10. Governments . . . taxes

PRACTICE 10,p。 98
PRACTICE 5, p. 96 1. in/into...on
svo 2. in...of
l. Caroline dropped a dish. 3. near.… to
SV 4. above...below
2. \\e dish fell. 5. of
SVO 6. 血rough。 ..on
3. The noise woke her baby. 7. iom
4. The baby cried. PRACTICE ll,p.99
5. Caroline rocked her baby. Paγιr
SV Circled words:
6. The phone rang. (1)h,in,Over,through,on,under,into
SV (2)aftcr,arOund,across,on,against,near
7. A man came to the door. (3)bchind,bCncath

I6 ANSWER KEY Chopter 6

Underlined words: PRACTICE 17,p。 101
(l) Jamaica, sky, beaches, trees, root door, house 1. make 8. pay
(2) storm, neighborhood, street, ground, house, house 2. necd 9. are
(3) clouds, sun Do
3. 】 10. needs
Part II 4. are ll. go
I. Dark clouds appeared in the sky. 5. arc 12. work
2. The water came in under the door. 6. comes 13. arc
3. After the storm, the people walked around the 7. is
4, The tree had fallen on the ground,/ across the srreet, PRACTICE 18,p.102
5. The sun had been behind the clouds. 1. loud― )vOice
6. The neighbors felt happy and grateful when they were 2. sweet→ sugar
standing beneath the hot Jamaican sun. 3. easy―)test
4. 量ee― )alr
5. dclicious→ food... Mc対 can― →rcstaurant
PRACTICE 12, p. 100 6. sick― )child
1. in 9. at 7. sick― )child...warm→― )tea
2. in 10. at
3. on ll. in
4. on 12. on
PRACTICE 19,p.102
1. old 9. safe
5. at 13. in
2. old 10. light
6. at 14. in
3. bad ll. light
7. in 15. on
4. easy 12. public
8. on
5. hard 13. right
6.narrow 14.right
PRACTICE 13, p. 100 7. clean 15。 long
l. at. .. in. . . in.. . on... on 8. empty
PRACTICE 20,p.103
1. page numbers
PRACTICE 14, p. 100 2. paper inoney
l. to the airport tomorrow morning 3. aparment buildings
2. a new job last month 4. rose gardens
3. skis in the mountains in January 5. key chahs
4. has breaKast at the coffee shop in the morning 6. city governments
5. jogged in the park last Sunday 7.brick walls
6. bought a house in the suburbs lasr year 8. egg cartons
9.mountain宙 ews
10。 trafFlc lights
PRACTICE 15, p. 101 ll. apple pics
l. l the driver. 12. steel bridges
2 at a busy intersection.
3 at midnight.
2. 2 on the lake.
PRACTICE 21,p。 103
3 last summer.
1.b 4.b
I a sailboat. 2. c 5. b
3. a 6. a
I several fish.
3 last weekend. PRACTICE 22,p.104
4. 3 at noon. 1.T
I our lunch. 2.T
2 in the park. 3.T
5. I a magazine. 4.T
2 at the corner newsstand. 5. F
3 after work yesterday.
PRACTICE 23,p。 104
1. Thc mountains in Chilc are bcautttul.
PRACTICE 16, p. 101
2. Cats hunt dce
I' are 7. are 3. Mosquitos are small insects.
2. are g. is 4. Everyonc has eyelashes.
3' is 9. are 5. Do you listen to any podcasts whcn you take planc
4' is lo. are tripsP
5. are 11. is 6. Forests sometimes havc■ es. Forcst査 ヒes endanger
6. is
wild attals. “

ANSWER KEY Chopter 6 17

7. Sharp kitchen knives can be dangerous. 3. parents'
8. I couldn't get concert tickets for Friday. The tickets 4. mother's
were all sold out. 5. Carl's
9. There are approdmately 250,000 different kinds of 6. Carl's
flowers in the world. 7. baby's
10. I applied to several foreign universities because I 8. baby's
want to study in a different country. 9. babies'
I l.
Ted lives with three other university students. 10. Ann's
12. In the past one hundred years, our daily lives have I l. Bob's
changed in many ways. \tr?'e no longer need to use oil 12. James's / James'
lamps or candles in our houses, raise our own
chickens, or build daily lires for cooking. PRACTICE 30, p. 108
l. I met Dan's sister yesterday.
PRACTICE 24,p.105 2. No change.
l. a. her --+ Dr. Gupta 3. I knowlack's roommates.
b. She -+ Dr. Gupta 4. No change.
c. them --+ students 5. I have one roommate. My roomrnate's desk is always
d. They -> sflrdents messy.
e. they --+ classes 6. You have two roommates.Your roommates' desks
2. a. him --+ Dr. Reynolds are always neat.
b. He --+ Dr. Reynolds 7. No change.
c. them --+ patients 8. Jo Ann is Betty's sister. My sister's name is Sonya.
d. he --+ Dr. Reynolds 9. My name is Richard. I have two sisters. My sisters'
e. him --+ Dr. Reynolds names are Jo Ann and Betty.
3. a. It-+ myhometown 10 I read a book about the changes in women's roles
b. I --+ Beth and men's roles in modern sociery.
c. They --+ the people
d. me --+ Beth PRACTICE 31,p.108
e. They -+ the people 1. your...yours
f. you + you (the reader ofthis passage) 2. her,hers
g. they --+ the people 3. his,his
h. you --) you (the reader of this passage) 4.your,yollrs
5. theむ ,our,thcLs,ours
PRACTICE 25,p.106
r.o 8.s PRACTICE 32,p.109
2. S 9.0 1. her
3. S 10.S 2. hers
4.0 11.0 3.Our
5.S 12.0 4. theirs
6.0 13.S 5. your
7.S 14.0 6.
7. thelr...thelrs
PRACTICE 26,p.106 8. minc...yours
1. me,them,us,you,her,him
2. He,You,I,Shc,They,We PRACTICE 33,p.109
3. hirn and lnc,you and=nc,hcr and inc,thcm and us 1. mysclf 5. 」hemselvcs
4. Hc and I,Shc and I,You and I 2. ourselves 6. yourself
3. himself 7. yourselves
PRACTICE 27,p.107 4. hersclf 8. itself
1. me 5. she...her
2. me 6. he...him PRACTICE 34, p. 110
3.I 7. l. myself
cut 6. help yourselves
4. She 8. them...They 2. be proud ofyourself 7. takes care of himself
3. talks to himself 8. enfoyed themselves
PRACTICE 28,p.107 4. taught myself 9. worked for himself
l a 6. b 5. blamed herself 10. introduce themselves
2. b 7 a
3. b 8.b PRACTICE 35, p. 110
4. a 9.a l. me...him 7. yourself...your
5. a 10.a 2. yourselves 8. our. . . our
3. itself 9. ours
PRACTICE 29,p.108 4. its. . . its 10. themselves
1.friend's 5. hers ll. itself
2.缶 iends' 6. him 12. himself

1 8 ANSWER KEY Chopter6

PRACTICE 36,p.111 4. The owner of the store is busy at the moment.
(1)1.hiS (3) 1. He 5. The teacher met her students at t}re park after school.
2. He 2 his 6. Everyone wants peace in the world.
3. himself 3. his 7. I grew up in a very large city.
4. hc 4. Hcr 8. This apple tastes sour. There are more, so let's try
5.him 5. ‐ cy another one.
(2)1.Hcr 6. d■ crnselvcs 9. Some trees lose their leaves in the winter.
2. her 7. them 10. I am going to wear my blue shirt to the party.
3. Shc 8. my I l. People may hurt themselves if they use this machine.
4.Our 9. theirs 12. Our neighbors invited my friend and rne to visit
5. We 10. thcir thern.
6. It 13. My husband's boss works for twelve hours every
7. her day.
8. mme 14. The students couldn't find their books.
9. hcrs 15. I always read rnagazine articles while I'm in the
10.I waiting room at my dentist's offrce.

PRACTICE 37,p.ll2 PRACTICE,I3, p. 115

l. one. . . another. . . another.. . the other
2. one. . . another. . . the other
3. one... another... another... another...the other
4. one...theother
5. one... another... another... another... another...
the other

PRACTICE 38,p.112
1. The other
2. Another
3. The other
4. a. Another
b. the other
5. a. another
b. another
c. another
d. another
e. another

PRACTICE 39,p.113
1. Ъ e others 6. Others
2. The others 7. Other
3. Othcrs 8. The others
4. othcrs 9. The other CHAPTER 7:MoDAL AUX:L:ARIES
5. othcr
PRACTICE 1,p。 116
PRACTICE 40,p.113 l.0 7. to
1.a 6.b 2. to 8.0
2. a 7. a 3.0 9.0.… 0
3.c 8. d 4.0 10.
4. d 9.b 5. to H.0.… 0
5.b 6.0

PRACTICE 4l,p.ll4 PRACTICE 2,p.116

l. are 6, us l. zebra 6. cow
2. potatoes 7. its 2. cat 7. horse
3. by myself 8. our...yours 3. Elephants 8. donkey
4. 9. himself 4. Monkeys 9. squirrel
5. vacation 10. the others 5. camels 10. ants

PRACTICE 42,p.114 PRACTICE 3, p. rt7

l. Look at those beautiful mountainsl l. possibility 6. permission
2. T'he children played a game on Saturday afternoon at 2. possibility 7. possibility
the park. 3. permission 8. permission
3. There are two horses, several sheep, and a cow in 4. possibility 9. possibiliry
the farrner's field. 5. possibility 10. permission

ANSWER KEY Chopter 7 19

1. I rnight take a nap. 1. have 5.

2. Maybe shc is sick. 2 must 6.

3. Maybe thcrc will be timc latcr. 3 has 7
4.Ourtcam may win. 4 had 8.

5.You might bc right.

6. Wc may hear soon.
7. It rnay rain.
PRACTICE 14,p.123
1. had to 5. have to
8 1t mightsnow
2. had to 6. had to
9.Maybe she will comc tomorrow
3 havcto 7. have got to . . . have to
10.Maybc she is at homc right no、 ι
4. had to 8. must

PRACTICE 5,p.118
1.b 4.a PRACTICE L5,p.123
2.c 5.b 1. had to study
3. c 6. a 2. had to turn off
3. Did . . , have to work
PRACTICE 6,p.118 4. had to see
1.b 5.b 5. had to be
2.b 6.a 6. had to close
3.a 7.b
4 a 8. a PRACTICE 16,p.124
1. You didn't stop at the red light. You have to stop at
PRACTICE 7,p.119 red lights.
1. e 4.b 2. You've got to be more responsible.
2. d 5. c 3. You have to send them back and get the right ones.
3f 6 a 4. Okay. Everyone must fill out an application. Here it
5. No. He iust has to stay in bed for a couple of days
PRACTICE 8,p。 119 and drink plenty of water.
1.May 5.wil1/could
2. Would 6.Could
3.May 7. Wil1/Could PRACTICE 17,p.124
4。 Would l. must 7. mustnot
2. don't have to 8. don't have to
PRACTICE 9,p。 120 3. must not 9. must not
1.Could,Can,Would 4. don't have to 10. don't have to
2. Could,May,Can 5. don't have to I l. must not
3. Would,Could,Will 6. must not
4.Can,May9 Could
5.Will,Can,Could PRACTICE 18, p. 125
People have to / must
PRACTICE 10,p.120 eat and drink in order to live
1. shouldn't drive a long distancc pay taxes
2. should quit stop when they see a police car's lights behind them
3. should drivc thc specd limit
People must not
4 shouldn't give too much homcwork fall asleep while driving
5. should attcnd all classcs
drive without a license
6. shouldn't bc cruel to aniinals
take other people's belongings
7. should always be on tilnc for an appoinuncnt
8. shouldn't throw trash out ofyour car window People don't have to
cook every meal themselves
say "sir" or "madam" to others
PRACTICE ll,p.121 stay in their homes in the evening
1.j… .i
3.b...g PRACTICE 19,p.126
4.h.… d 1. c 4. a
5. a・ ..c 2. d 5. b
3. e
PRACTICE 12,p.122
1. a 6.c PRACTICE 20,p。 126
2. c 7. a 1. 2 5. 2
3.b 8.c 2.1 6.2
4.a 9.b 3. 2 7. 2
5,b 10.c 4.1 8.1
20 ANSWER KEY Chopler7
PRACTICE 21,p.126 2. Could you bring us more coffee, please?
l. will 7. should 3. Ben can drive, but he prefers to take the bus.
2. can't 8. won't 4. A few of our classmates can't come to the school
3. wouldn't 9. could picnic.
4. wouldn't 10. shouldn't 5. Could / Would / Will / Can you take our picture,
5. can ll. doesn't please?
6. do 12. shouldn't 6. Come in, come in! It's so cold outside. You rnust be
PRACTICE 22,p.127 7 . Jim would rather have Fridays off in the summer than
a long vacation.
1. Itr7ait
8. I must read several long books for my literature class.
2. Don't wait
3. Read 9. Take your warm clothes with you. It rnay I rnig;ht I
snow. OR Maybe it will snow.
4. Don't put 10. It's such a gorgeous day. Why don't we go to a park
5. Comein...have or the beach?

PRACTICE 23,p.127 PRACTICE 29,p.132

3. 4,2,1,3

PRACTICE 24,p.128
Part I Part II Part III
l. flv 5. go 8. have
2. sail 6. shop 9. do
3. walk 7. see 10. plan
4. listen I l. tell

PRACTICE 25,p.129
1. prefer
2. like
3. would rather
4. would rather
5. A: prefer
B: likes. . . would rather
6. B: prefer
A: like

PRACTICE 26,p.129
l. Alex prefers swimming to jogging. CHAPTER 8: CONNECTING IDEAS
2. My son would rather eat fish than beef.
3. Kim prefers salad to dessert PRACTICE I, p. 133
4. In general, Nicole likes coffee better than tea. noun *noun + noun
5. Bill would rather teach history than work as a l. My kitchen has a new sink, refrigerator, and oven.
business executive.
6. rJ7hen considering a pet, Sam likes dogs better than adjective * adiective
cats. 2. Danny is a bright and happy child.
7. On a long trip, Susie prefers driving to riding in the verb + verb
back seat. 3. I picked up the telephone and dialed Steve's number.
8. I would rather study in a noisy room than study in a noun+noun+noun
quiet room. 4. I have a computer, a pru11gelr and a scanner in my
9. Alex would rather play soccer than baseball. home office.
verb verb
PRACTICE 27,p.130 The cook washed the vegetables and pg! them in
l. must 7, might boiling water.
2. has to 8. wasn't able to
adj. + adi.
3. might 9. rVould you
My feet were cold and wet.
4. could 10. must
5. must I l. ought to adi.+adi.+adi.
6. isn't able to 12. should Anita is responsible, considerate, and trustworthy.
noun +
PRACTICE 28, p. 131 8 The three largest land animals are the eleohant, the
l. Before I left on my trip last month, I had to get a noun + noun
passport. rhinoceros, and the hippoootamus.

ANSWER KEY Chopter 8 2I

verb + verb PRACTICE 6, p. 136
9. A hippopotaimus rests in water during the day and feeds 1. I talked to Amy for a long time, but she didn't listen.
on land at night. 2. No change.
3. No change.
4. No change.
PRACTICE 2,p.134 5. Please call Jane, Ted, or Anna.
SVSV 6. Please callJanerTed, andAnna.
l. Birds fly, and fish swim. 7. No change.
SVSV 8. I didn't call I-eo, Sarah, or Hugo.
2. Birds fly. Fish swim. 9. I waved at my friend, but she didn't see me.
SVSV 10. I waved at my friend, and she waved back.
3. Dogs bark. Lions roar.
SV SV PRACTICE 7, p. 136
4. Dogs bark, and lions roar.
S V SV 1. a 5.e
5. A week has seven days. A year has 365 days. 2.d 6.f
SV SV 3.g 7. b
6. A week has seven days, and a year has 365 days. 4.h 8.c
7. Ahmed raised his hand, and the teacher pointed at him. PRACTICE 8, p. 136
SVSV 1. c 5.b
8. Ahmed raised his hand. The teacher pointed at him. 2.b 6.c
3.a 7. a

PRACTICE 3, p. 134 4.c 8.c

l. No change.
2. I opened the door, walked into the room, and sat PRACTICE 9,p.137
down at my desk. 1.C
3. No change. 2.c
4. Their flag is green, black, and yellow. 3.C
5. No change. 4. I I bought some applesr peachese and bananas.
6. Tom made a sandwich, poured a glass of juice, and 5. I I was hungryl so I ate an apple.
sat down to eat his lunch. 6.C
7. Ms. Parker is intelligent, friendly, and kind. 7.C
8. No change. 8. I My daughter is affectionater shyl independentl and
9. Did you bring copies ofthe annual report for Sue, smart.
Dan, Joe, and Mary?
10. No change. PRACTICE 10, p. 137
I !. Can you watch television, listen to the radio, and read l. James has a cold. fle needs to rest and drink plenty of
the newspaper at the same time? fluidsr so he should go to bed and drink waterr fruit
juices, or soda pop. IIe needs to sleep a lote so he
PRACTICE 4,p.134 shouldn't drink fluids with caffeine, such as tea or
l. I Amy jogged along the road. I road my bicycle. coffee.
2.C 2. Tlte normal pulse for an adult is between 60 and 80
3.C beats per minute, but exercise, nervousness,
4. IMy mother trained our dog to get the newspaper. excitement, and a fever will all make a pulse beat
My father trained it to bark at strangers. faster. The normal pulse for a child is around 80 to
5. I The river rose. It flooded the towns in the valley. 90.
6.C 3. Edward Fox was a park ranger for 35 years. During
7,C that time, he was hit by lightning eight times. The
8.C lighming never killed himr but it severely burned his
9. I Sharon's children don't believe in astrology. They skin and damaged his hearing.
dismiss the information she gives them.
PRACTICE 11, p. 137
PRACTICE 5, p. 135 Gina wants a iob as an air trafftc controller. Every air
Answers may aary. traffic controller worldwide uses Englishl so it is important
l. The twins' first names mean silver and gold. for her to become fluent in the language. She has decided
2. In Japan, many people live a long time and receive to take some intensive English courses at a private
respect when they are old. language institute, but she isn't sure which one to attend.
3. The twins were old and healthy. There are many schools availablel and they offer many
4. The wins often laughed and smiled. different kinds of classes. She has also heard of air traffic
5. The twins always had a simple lifestyle and always control schools that include English as part of their
walked everyuvhere. coursework; but she needs to have a fairly high level of

They enioyed people, and they enioyed each other. English to attend. She has to decide soonl or the classes

Kin and Gin had many children and grandchildren. will be full. She's planning to visit her top three choices

When they died, Kin and Gin weren't together. this summer and decide on the best one for her.

22 ANSWER KEY chopter 8

PRACTICE 12,p.138 PRACTICE 18, p. 140
1.did 7.will l. lose weight-Eric went on a diet because he wanted to
2. does 8. am lose weight.
3.didn't 9.won't 2. didn't haoe monelt---The family couldn't buy food
4. do 10. has because they didn't have money.
5.wasn't ll.don't 3. hazte seoeral children-Our neighbors are very busy
6. is 12. docsn't because they have several children.
4. be tired-Because I am tired, I am going to bed.
5. exercise eaery day-Because Susan exercises every day,
PRACTICE 13,p.138 she is in great shape.
l. does 7. would 6. haoe a high fezter-Because Jennifer has a high fever,
2. doesn't 8. does she is going to the doctor.
3. isn't 9. can't
4. are
ll does PRACTICE 19, p. 140
5. will l. a. He was hungry; so he ate a sandwich.
6. can 12. did
b. Because he was hungryl he ate a sandwich.
c. He ate a sandwich because he was hungry.
PRACTICE 14,p。 138 2. a. Because my sister was tired, she went to bed'
1. does Tom 5. did Jason b. My sister went to bed because she was tired.
Tom docs Jason didn't
c. My sister was tired, so she went to bed.
2. does Brlan 6. can Rick 3. a. Schoolchildren can usually identifu Italy easily on
Rick can't a world map because it is shaped like a boot.
Brian docsn't
3.was I 7. does I-aura
b. Because Italy has the distinctive shape of a boott
schoolchildren can usually identifu it easily.
I was I-aura does
4. did JCan 8. does Alice c. Italy has the distinctive shape of a bootl so
schoolchildren can usually identiff it easily on a
Jean did Alice doesn't

PRACTICE 15,p。 139 PRACTICE 20,p。 141

Parι f 1. like 5. didn't change
l. can't either 2. don't like 6. didn't pass
2. doesn't clther 3. is 7. atc
3. did too 4. stayed 8. wcre
4. did too
5。 couldn't cithcr PRACTICE 21,p.142
6. would too 1.b 5.a
Parι fr 2. a 6 a
7. so ls 3.a 7.b
8. neither did 4.b 8.b
9. neither is
10. ncithcr havc
ll. so did
PRACTICE 22,p.142
12. so docs 1. because 6. Even though
2. even though 7. Because
3. evcn though 8. Because
PRACTICE 16,p.139 4. even though 9. Even though
1.h 5.g 5. becausc
2.c 6.d
3.b 7.a PRACTICE 23,p.143
4.f 8.c 1. becausc
2. because
3. although
PRACTICE 17,p. 140 4. Bccause
l. Because his coffee was colde Jack didn't finish it. He
left it on the table and walked away.
6. although
2. I opened the window because the room was hot. A 7. because
nice breeze came in.
3. Because the weather was bad, we canceled our trip
into the city. We stayed home and watchedTV. PRACTICE 24,p。 144
4. Debbie loves gymnastics. Because she hopes to be 1.c 6.c
on an Olympic team, she practices hard every day. 2.a 7.b
5. Francisco is very good in math. Because several 3.c 8.b
colleges want him to attend, they are offering him full 4.b 9.a
scholarships. 5.b 10.c

ANSWER KEY Chopter I 23

PRACTICE 25,p.145 PRACTICE 3, p. 148
l. I don't drink coffee, and my roommate doesn't Part I
either. l. not nearly as
2. T\e flight was overbooked, so I had to fly on another 2. almost as / not quite as
airline. OR Because the flight was overbooked, I had 3. not nearly as
to fly on another airline. 4. just as
3. Many people use computers for email, the Internet,
and word processing. Part II
4. Even though my father works two iobs, he always has 5. just as
time to play soccer or baseball on weekends with his 6. not nearly as
family. 7. almost as / not quite as
5. I saw a bad accident, and my sister did too. 8. not nearly as
6. Oscar always pays his bills on time, but his brother Part III
doesn't. 9. just as
7. Although / Even though my mother is afraid of 10. not nearly as
heights, I took her up to the observation deck at the 1 l. almost as / not quite as
top of the building. OR Because . . . I didn't take Part IV
her. . . 12. iust as
8. Janey doesn't like to get up early, andJoe doesn't 13. almost as
either / neither does Joe. 14. iust as
9. My mother and my father imrnigrated to this 15. not nearly as
country 30 years ago. 16. almost as / not quite as
10. Because Maya is very intelligent, her parents want to
put her in an advanced program at school.
PRACTICE 4,p.149
PRACTICE 26, p. 146 Part I Part II
l. as snow I l. cold as ice
2. as ice 12. quick as a wink
3. as a picture 13. blind as a bat
4. as a bat 14. white as snow
5. as a bone 15. quiet as a mouse
6. as a pillow 16. pretty as a picture
7. as a wink 17. easy as pie
8. as a mouse 18. free as a bird
9. as a bird 19. soft as a pillow
10. as pie 20. dry as a bone

PRACTICE 5, p. 150
l. stronger. . . the strongest
2. more important . . . the most important
3. softer. . . the softest
4. lazier. . . the laziest
5. more wonderful . . . the most wonderful
6. calmer... the calmest
7. tamer...thetamest
dimmer. . . the dimmest
more convenient . . . the most convenient
10. more clever / cleverer . . . the most clever / the cleverest
CHAPTER 9: COMPARISONS l l. better . . . the best
12. worse...theworst
PRACTICE l,p.l47 13. farther / further . . . the farthest / the furthest
l. (iust) busy as Jason (is).
as 14. slower. . . the slowest
2. (nearly) as busy as Jason (is) 15. more slowly . . . the most slowly
3. (nearly) as tired as Susan (was).
4. (nearly) as tired as Susan (was). PRACTICE 6, p. 151
5. (iust) as lazy as her sister Amanda (is) I.
older than
6. (nearly) as lazy as Alan (is) 2. more expensive than
3. larger
PRACTICE 2,p.147 4. hotter than
l. aren't as strong as 5. slower than
2. is as tall as 6. creamier than
3. isn't as wealthy as 7. worse than
4. isn't as polluted as 8. faster than
5. isn't as studious as 9. more important
6. aren't as diffrcult as 10. quicker than

24 ANSWER KEY chopter 9

I l. heavier PRACTICE 15, p. 156
12. safer than l. arbrc 4. brc
13. more difficult than 2. arc 5. arb
3. arbrc 6. a
PRACTICE 7,p.l5l
l. colder than . . . higher PRACTICE 16,p.157
2. foggier...sunnier l. Sam enjoys football more than his best friend does.
3. drier...healthier 2. No change.
4. more international .. . 3. The coach helped Anna more than Nancy did. OR
more expensive. . . cheaper The coach helped Anna more than she / he helped
PRACTICE 8, p. 152 4. Sara likes tennis more than her husband does.
I. prettier 5. No change.
2. morc careful 6. No change.
3. more energetic 7. Charles knows Judy better than Kevin does. OR
4. more comfortable Charles knows Judy better than he knows Kevin.
5. more generous
6. richer PRACTICE 17rp.l57
7. quietly...quiet l. more books 4. more readers
8. quiet.. . noisier., . more noisily. .. morenoisily.. . 2. more enioyment 5. more cell phones
more noisily 3. more news 6. more things

PRACTICE 9, p. 153 PRACTICE 18, p. 158

1. the worst 5. the worst Part I. Adjectives
2. worse 6. worse 1. more pleasant
3. the best 7. the worst 2. louder
4. better 8. better 3. more diffrcult
Part II. Adverbs
PRACTICE 10, p. 153 4. more clearly
1. a, b 4.b 5. more carefully
2.b 5.b 6. faster
3. arb 6. arb Part III. Nouns
7. more homework
PRACTICE 11, p. 153 8. more snow
l. more slowly (adv) 6. more polite (adj) 9. more friends
2. slower (adj) 7. more careful (adj) 10. more problems
3. more serious (adj) 8. more carefully (adv) l l. more cars
4. more seriously (adv) 9. more clearly (adv) 12. more money
5. more politely (adv) 10. clearer (adj)
PRACTICE 19, p. 159
PRACTICE 12,p.154 l. better and better
l. I did / me 6. he has / him 2. bigger and bigger
2. sheis/her 7. Iam/me 3. warmer and warmer
3. she did / her 8. he is / him 4. noisier and noisier
4. Iwas/me 9. Iam/me 5. madder and madder
5. he will / him 10. she is / her 6. longer and longer
7. more and more expensive
PRACTICE 13, p. 155 8. friendlier and friendlier / more and more friendly
1. a 6.a 9. worse and worse
2. b,c,d 7. b,c,d
3.a 8.a PRACTICE 20,p.159
4. brc,d 9. b,c,d l. more .. . stronger
5. b,c,d 2. softer.. . easier
3. simpler. . . more relaxed
PRACTICE 14, p. 155 4. longer...moretired
2. not as friendl], as --+ less friendly than 5. harder...more
-+ less interesting than
not as difficult + less difficult PRACTICE 21, p. 160
3. not as convenient as + less convenient than l. more she talked, the more excited she got
not as close . . . as (1.{o change.) 2. more he talked, the hungrier I got
not as exciting as + less exciting than 3. the older you are, the more you understand
4. not as comfortable . . . as -+ less comfortable . . . than 4. faster he talked, the more confused I became
not as unhaooy as --+ less unhappy than 5. the more the fans clapped and cheered, the better
not as bad as Q.,lo change.) their team played

ANSWER KEY Chopter g 25

PRACTICE 22,p.160 3. thebest...better
1. the tallcst mountain 4. more exhausting . . . the most exhausting
2. thc biggest organ 5. happier. . . the happiest
3. thc most cominOn word 6. more entertaining . . . the most entertaining
4. dlc farぬ est planct 7. harder. . . the hardest
5. Thc most popular sport 8. hotter. . . the hottest
6. the most intclligcnt anirnals
7 the worst■ ood.… thc highcst level PRACTICE 27,p. 164
8. thc bcst policy l c 6. a
2 c 7. b
PRACTICE 23,p。 161 3. c 8.c
4. a 9. a
Parr f 5.b 10. c
l. thc rnost difrlcult...ever
2. 」hc caslest...cVCr
3. the rnost
PRACTICE 28,p.165
4. thc best.. of
l. more intelligent than . . . the smartest. . . in
5. thc wiscst...CVer
2. the most popular . . . in
6 the fastcst...of
3. smaller than
7. dlc most artlstiC Of
4. More potatoes . . . than
8. dlc most brilliant. .in
5. the closest . . . faster than
9. thc most
6. the largest. . . in... the smallest. .. of
10. thc busiest.. in
7. more information
ll. the rnost gencrous...cvcr
8. kinder. . . more generous
12. thc mostimportant
9. morehonest...than
10. the worst
Parι ff 11. the safest
13. thc lcast ambitious of 12. faster...than
14. the least expensivc...cvcr 13. bigger than
15. the lcast populatcd...h
16. thc lcast anxious...ever
PRACTICE 29,p.166
l. alike 6. like
PRACTICE 24,p.162 2. likc 7. alikc
Paγ ιf 3. alikc 8. likc
l. A pcncil...a phone 4. alikc 9. like
2. A diamond ring...a papcr clip 5. likc 10. alikc
3. A cup ofcoffcc...a bag of coffee beans
4. Radios...MP3 players...big scrccn η Vs PRACTICE 30,p。 166

5. A compact car...a house 1. dinた rcnt fron1 7. thc same as
6. Footballs,soccer bans,...baskctballs...table― tennis 2. similar to 8. 」hc same as
balls 3. thc samc as 9. ditterent from
Parι fr
4.dittcrcnt from 10.similar to
7. Angcl Falls...than Niagara Falls 5.血 e same as ll.diffcrent from
6. similar to
8. Giessbach Cuquenin Falls
9. Angcl Fans...。 f an
10。 Niagara Angel Fans PRACTICE 31,p.167
ll. Gicssbach Cuquenin Falls Parι r
Paγιrfr l.A is like D.
12. Air.… than iron 2. A and D arc alikc.
13. Iron...than wood 3.C is sIInilar to A and D.
14. iron.. of all 4.B is di3ercnt from A,C,and D.
15, water Parι rf
16. air...of an 5. similar to
17. air 6. thc samc as
18. Watcr...iron...than wood 7. dirercnt
8. 」he samc as
PRACTICE 25,p.163 9.differcnt from
1. a 5. a
2.b 6.b PRACTICE 32,p.167
3.b 7.a 1. like
4.a 8.b 2. likc
3. alikc
PRACTICE 26,p.164 4. A: alikc
1. ぬ e mnniest.… hnnier B: the samc...thc samc...」 hc samc
2 saddcr...thc saddest 5. likc

26 ANSWER KEY Chapler9

6. A: like PRACTICE 3, p. 171
B: similar Present Present perfect
7. alike... alike... different l. c 13. p
8. the same... the same... different 2.a 14. n
3.b 15. m
PRACTICE 33, p. 168 4.d 16. o
l. My brother is older than me. Past Progressive
2. A sea is deeper than a lake. 5.e 17. r
3. A donkey isn't as big as a horse. 6.9 l8.q
4. Ellen is the happiest person I've ever met. 7.h 19. s
5. When I feel embarrassed, my face gets hotter and 8.f 20. t
6. One of the largest animals in the world is the Future
hippopotamus. 9.k

7. The traffic on the highway is worse than it used to


8. Jack is the same age as Jerry / as old as Jerry.
9. Peas are similar to beans, but they have several
pretty mild. This winter is cold and
PRACTICE 4, p. t72
10. I-ast winter was
l. brought Il. hit 20. saved
rainy. It's much rainier than last winter. 2. built 12. hurt 21. sent
11. Mrs. Peters, the substitute teacher, is friendlier than 3. bought 13. left 22. spoken
the regular instructor. 23. spent
4. carried 14. lost
12. Although alligators and crocodiles are similar, 5. done 15. made 24. taken
alligators are not as big as / smaller than crocodiles. 25. targ}:t
6. eaten 16. planned
13. Mohammed andThrek come from different countries, 7. found 17. played 26. visited
but they became friends easily because they speak the 8. given 18. pulled 27. worn
same language, Arabic. 19. 28. written
9. gone read
10. grown
PRACTICE 34,p.169
PRACTICE 5,p.172
B f. is spoken 7. is going to be visited

E B E S 丁 2. are written 8. will be played
A 3. are read 9. are going to be taken
丁 F 4. was built 10. have been grown
T A M R 5. were found 11. are being worn
6. has been eaten 12. was being carried
O R S T 0

PRACTICE 6,p.173

E 'E A S E R I Part IV

Itnrlo In S S
L 1.
are collected
are wriften
15. will be discovered
16. will be visited
丁 T 3. is grown 17. will be saved
4. are eaten PartV
5. am paid 18. is going to be hurt
6. is understood
Part II
19. are going to be offered
20. is going to be chosen
7. were collected PartVI
PRACTICE I, p. 170 8. was built 21. is being announced
l. active, grow 6. passive, was explained 9. were written 22. arc being covered
2. passive, is grown 7. passive, are desigred 10. was destroyed
8. 23. am being treated
3. active, wrote active, desigrr
4. passive, was written 9. active, are fixing
Part III 24. was being followed
5. active, explained 10. passive, is being fixed I l.
have been visited 25. were being washed
12. has been spoken
13. has been read
PRACTICE 2,p.170 14. has been worn
l. is delivered
2. is being delivered
3. has been delivered PRACTICE 7,p.175
4. was delivered l. a 5.b
5. was being delivered 2.b 6.a
6. is going to be delivered 3.b 7. b
7. will be delivered 4.a

ANSWER KEY Chopter I0 27

PRACTICE 8, p. 175 PRACTICE 13, p. 178
1. r$(/asthe game seen by many people? Checked sentences: 2, 4, 6,9
2. r0fil Pat be shocked by the news?
3. Is lunch being served by the restaurant now?
4. Are the rules understood by everyone? PRACTICE 14,p.178
5. Is the solution going to be explained by the professor? passive verb action perforrned by
6. Have you been accepted by the university? l. are used unknown
7. Has the contract been signed by both the buyer and 2. was opened Shelley
the seller? 3. will be translated unknown
8. Was the thief found by the police? 4. was stolen unknown
5. was designed a famous architect
PRACTICE 9,p.176 6. is going to be built unknown
l. collect taxes 7. has been rented a young family with two
2. use the tax money small children
3. provides many services 8. has also been rented. unknown
4. use these services
5. build and repair roads
6. train police forces PRACTICE 15, p. 179
7. operates the fire department 1. The soccer game has been canceled
8. pays teachers 2. The meeting has been canceled by the president.
f. issues professional licenses
3. Ethnic dishes are served at that restaurant.
10. runs the postal system
4. I was confused in class yesterday.
I l. maintain armies
5. I was confused by the teacher's directions.
12. manage health care
6. The dishes haven't been washed yet.
7. They should be washed soon.
8. \tr7as this sweater washed in hot water?
PRACTICE 10,p.176 9. I was invited to the party by Luis.
1. The City Film Society will show a new film from 10. Have you been invited to the party?
India, Falling Rocks.
2. Movie critics have reviewed the film.
3. Audiences gave the movie good ratings. PRACTICE 16,p.179
4. Did a famous writer write the movie? 1. Sometimes keys are hidden under cars.
5. A new actress plays the main female part. 2. Cats hide under cars.
6. Does someone commit a murder in the movie? 3. Students are taught by teachers.
7. Does a spy kill the main character? 4. Students study a lot.
8. $fil many people see the movie? 5. Cereal is often eaten at breakfast.
9. Is the movie going to win an award? 6. Cats eat cat food.
7. Mice are eaten by cats.
PRACTICE 11,p.177 8. Songs are sung to children by their mothers.
l. transitive letter 9. Thai food is cooked inThai restaurants.
2. No object. 10. Chefs cook in restaurants.
3. No object.
4. No object.
PRACTICE 17, p. 180
5. the ball
l.b 5.b
6. No object.
2.b 6.a
7. No oblect.
3.a 7.b
8. the vase
4.b 8.a
9. the book
10. intransitive No obiect.
PRACTICE 18, p. 180
PRACTICE 12,p.177 l. I It happened many years ago.
1. No change. 2. C (No change.)
2. rne; I was awakened by loud sounds around midnight. 3. I I went to school yesterday.
3. a tree; A tree was struck by lightning. 4. I Two firefighters were iniured while they were
4. No change. fighting the fire.

5. m], neiehbor's can My neighbor's car was hit by the tree. Sara accidentally broke the window.

6. the car alarpqjThe car alarm was activated by the (I.{o change.)

impact. Timmy was eating when the phone rang.

7. No change. I agree with you.

8. the roof of the car; The roof of the car was damaged The little boy fell down while he was running in

by the tree. the park.

9. No change. The swimmer died from a shark attack.

10. my neighbor; My neighbor is going to be upset by the (I.Io change.)

damage. I slept for nine hours last night.

28 ANSWER KEY Chopter l0

PRACTICE 19,p.181 PRACTICE 24,p.184
1. has to be returned 6. can be put away 1. intcresting 6. fascinating
2. should bc rcturncd 7. may be thrown away 2. interested 7. boring...confusing
3. must be sent 8. might be picked up 3. exciting 8. bored...confused
4. could be sent 9. will be cleaned up 4. excited 9 interesting
5. should bc sent 5. fascinated 10. fascinating. . . surprising

PRACTICE 20,p.182 PRACTICE 25,p.184

l. a. The animal should be treated by a veterinarian. l. interested
b. The animal will be given medicine. 2. confusing...confused
2. a. No, the last paragraph has to be changed. 3. excited...exciting
b. No, it must be signed by Mr. Hayes. 4. surprising. . . surprised
3. a. It might be bought by a famous hockey star. 5. embarrassing. . . embarrassed
b. It may be converted into apartments. 6. fascinating. . . fascinated
4. a. The credit card company should be called 7. satisffing. . . satisffing
immediately. 8. inspiring. . . inspired
b. The mistake ought to be frxed right away.
5. a. It should be read by everyone.
b. A movie of the book will be made. PRACTICE 26,p.185
1.cottsi導 6.interested
6. a. It should be shortened. 2. ■ustratcd 7. lnterestlng
b. It has to be done soon. 3. conごLsing 8. cxhausting...urcd
4.embarrassed 9.■ ightenmg
PRACTICE 21,p.182 5.embarrassing 10.■ ightened
l. were used . . . appeared. . . were made. . . were
worn. . . began. . . were called . . . became. . . PRACTICE 27,p.185
remained . . . were put . . . wore . . . have been 1.c 4.a
manufactured 2.a 5。 c
2. are being sold. . . is displayed. . . aren'tneeded. ..
have never worn . . . may disappear. . . will be
PRACTICE 28,p.186
1.g 5.b
PRACTICE 22,p.183 2.c 6.f
乃 γιI 3.a 7.d
l. to 6. of 4.h 8.e
2 about 7 with
3. from
4. of 9. about PRACTICE 29,p.186
5 in/with 10 with 1. Gct
2. got
Parι II
3. am getung
ll in 15. to
4. got
12 with 16.with
17. from 5.Gct
13. of
6. gct
14. to
7. got
Paγ 8. get
18. `frf
of 20. with 9. am getmg
19. in 21. for 10. am gettlng

PRACTICE 23, p. 183 PRACTICE 30,p.187

l. The little girl is excited about her birthday party. 1. b,c 5. a
2. Mr. and Mrs. Rose are devoted to each other. 2. a 6. b,c
3. Could you please help me? I need directions. I arn 3.b,c 7. b,c
lost. 4. a 8. a
4. The studenls are bored with their chemistry proiect.
5. The paper bags at this store are composed of
recycled products. PRACTICE 31,p.187
0 0 i

6. Your friend needs a doctor. He is hurt. t.o 6.

7. How well are you prepared for the driver's license 2. is 7


test? 3. are. .. am 8.

8. Mary has been engaged to Paul for five years. \7i11 4.O 9.

they ever get married? 5. is 10.

ANSWER KEY Chopter l0 29

l. used to get
2. is used to working NOUNS AND ARIICTES
3. used to play
4. used to be PRACTICE 1,p.191
5. is used to working l. a 9. an 16. a
6. is used to eating 2. an 10. an 17. an
3. a ll. an 18. a
4. an 12. a 19. an
PRACTICE 33, p. 188 5 a 13. a 20. a
l. I was supposed to return this book to the library. 6 a 14. an 21. a
2. \tr?'e are supposed to read Chapter 9 before class 7. an 15, a 22. an
tomorrow. 8. a
3. I was supposed to go to a party last night, but I stayed
4. We are supposed to do Exercise l0 for homework. PRACTICE 2,p。 191
1. a chair 6. Somc
5. It is supposed to rain tomorrow. 2. chalrs 7. Furnlturc
6. I am / you are supposed to take one pill every six
3. chalrs 8. somc
4. chalr 9. dcsk
7. I am supposed to dust the furniture and vacuum rhe
5. 負 rniture 10. dcsks

PRACTICE 3,p.192
PRACTICE 34, p. 189
Mail Fruit JeWelry
l. The moving boxes were packed by Pierre.
bills applcs bracclcts beds
2. My uncle died in the war.
chccks bananas earrings chairs
3. Miami is located in Florida.
letters Orangcs nccklaces sofas
4. I was very worried about my son.
packagcs strawbcrrics rings tables
5. Mr. Rivera is interested in finding a new career.
6. Did you tell everyone the shocking news?
7. After ten years, I am finally used to this wet and rainy PRACTICE 4,p.192
climate. 1. watcr 4. gold
8. The newspaper is supposed to come every morning 2. light 5. help
before eight. 3. thundcr 6. fun
9. The Millers have been married to each other for 60
years. PRACTICE 5,p。 192
10. I used to drink coffee with cream, bur now I drink it 1.0._0
black. 2. 0。 ..boOts...soCkS
11. ttrilhat happened at the parry last night? 3. cookies.. 0
12. Several people almosr got killed when the fireworks 4。 ② … ② .… 0
exploded over them. 5。 ② .… bOncs
13. A new parking garage is being built for our office. 6.0.… 0
14. I have been living in England for several years, so I am 70.… 0
accustomed to driving on the left side of the road.
PRACTICE 6,p.193
PRACTICE 35, p. 190 1.word wOrds
2. ② vOcabulary
3.O slang
4.O hOmewOrk

5. assignmcnt assignmcnts
6. dress drcsses
7.O c10血

8. family families

9.O knOwledge
10.O informatiOn

L ∩ 円

ll. fact facts

12.0 1uck

PRACTICE 7, p. 193

︲ 日

1. Tom lived in q big city for many years. However, three

years ago he left the city. It had O pollutionar,d@

F │ H smog, and he couldn't breathe well. Now he lives in a

small town in the mountains. He breathes O clean air

V W E H 丁 丁 丁 and drinks O fresh water. He knows that it was a good

idea to leave the city because his health is better.

30 ANSWER KEY Chopter I I

2. Cornell University is named for Ezra Cornell. Ezra PRACTICE 13,p.196
Cornell was a philanthropist who lived in lthaca, New 1.a little.… ②
York. He loved the area and wanted to improve it. 2.a littlc.… 0
People there didn't have a library, and so he built one 3.a few oranges
for them. Then, he wanted to build a university where 4.a little.… ②
people could gain O knowledge in O practical 5.a littlc.… 0
subjects, such as farming, as well as in O history, O 6.a fcw suggestions
literature, and O science. Cornell owned a large farm 7.a fcw qucstions
in the area, and in an act ofgenerosiry he donated it 8.a fcw.… 0
as the site for the new university. Cornell University 9.a few.… minutcs
opened in 1865, and today it is known as an excellent 10. a little...0
university one of the best universities in the world. 11.a little.… 0
- 12. a littlc...0
PRACTICE 8, p. 194
l. bread, corn, peas, and rice. PRACTICE 14,p.196
2. apple trees, grass, lakes, mountains, and scenery. 1.d,tg,h 5.a,c,th
3. bracelets, jewels, iewelry, and rings. 2. c,c 6.d,g
4. equipment, machines, machinery, and tools. 3.c,d
PRACTICE 9,p.194
l. one 9. one PRACTICE 15,p.197
2. much 10. much
I l. many (1)
3. many
(2)■ owerS・ ・・trees.… descrts.… oceans.… mountains
4. much 12. much
(3)Rice.… crop… .world.… crops.… weather.… flelds
5. much 13. much
(4)PlantS.… hcalぬ .… air.… trccs.… cardl.… air
6. much 14. one
7. much 15. many
8. many 16. manY PRACTICE 16,p.198
1.c 6.h
PRACTICE 10, p. 194 2.a 7.b
l. a. apples,vegetables 3.g 8.f
b. coffee, fruit, sugar 4.i 9 c
2. a. answers, persons (OR people), things 5.j 10.d
b. English, slang
3. a. ideas, suggestions PRACTICE 17, p. 198
b. homework, information, work l. jar 6. bag / box
4. a. police offtcers 2. bottle 7. iar
b. crime, garbage, traffic, violence 3. box 8. bottle
4. jar 9. bag / box
PRACTICE 11, p. 195 5. can / tin 10. can / tin
l. many letters are
2. much mail O
3. many men have PRACTICE 18, p. 198
4. much English literature O l. cup
5. many English words 2. pounds / kilos
6. much gasoline O 3. glass
7. much petrol O 4. gallons
8. many grandchildren 5. bottle / carton
9. much fun Cl 6. piece
10. many islands are 7. pieces
I l. many people O
8. piece
12. many zeroes / zeros are 9. sheets / pieces
10. loaf
ll. piece
PRACTICE 12, p. 195 12. piece
I.a ll. a
2. some, many 12. an
3.a 13. some, many PRACTICE 19, p. 199
4. some, much 14. some, much l. many suitcases
5. some, many 15. a 2. much sunscreen
6. some, much 16. some, much 3. many pairs of sandals
7. an 17. a 4. much toothpaste
8.a 18. an 5. much luggage
9. an 19. some, much 6. much money
10. some, many 20. some, many 7. many days

ANSWER KEY Chopter I I 3t

PRACTICE 20,p.199 PRACTICE 26,p.203
l. a 9. some t.a
2. some 10. an 2.O
3. some 11. some 3. A ...the
4.a 12. a 4. The...O
5. some 13. some 5. O ...O
6. an 14. a 6. O ...O
7. some 15. some 7. O
8. a 8. The...q...b
PRACTICE 21,p.200 r0. o ...@ ...o
1. a...some...a...some...some 11. The
2. somc..。 some...somc...some 12. The ...O ...The... the
3. some...somC...a...a...somC
PRACTICE 27, p.204
PRACTICE 22,p.200 l. the Dead Sea
1.A 2. the Amazon River
2. 」hc 3. Shanghai
3.a...a...a 4. the Sahara Desert
4. thc...the 5. theThames River
5. thc 6. Europe
6. a 7. the Alps
7. a...a 8. I-akeThnganyika
8. the...the 9. North America
9. a 10. the Indian Ocean
10. thc I l. the Netherlands
ll. a...a 12. NorthAmerica
12. Ъ c...the...thc 13. Nepal
13. a 14. the Urals
14. the 15. I-agos
16. the United Arab Emirates
PRACTICE 23,p.201
1. sorne...a...1「he...the PRACTICE 28, p,204
2. some...a...a...a...The...Thc...the I . I'm taking Biology 101 this semester.
3.A:an 2. I'm taking history, biology, English, and calculus this
A:A.… a.… a semester.
B:the 3. Some lab classes meer on Sarurday.
A: ]日he...the...thc 4. My roommate likes Vietnamese food, and I like Thai
4.]「 hc..・ the...the...thc...the food.
5. Shelia works for the Xerox corporation. It is a very
large corporation.
PRACTICE 24,p.201 6. Pedro is from Latin America. He speaks Spanish.
1. a 11. a 7. My favorite park is Central Park in New York.
2. a 12. thc 8. No change.
3. a 13. thc 9. I like Uncle Joe and Aunt Sara.
4. The 14. the 10. Susan W. Miller is a professor.
5. a 15. the I l. I am in Prof. Miller's class.
6. the 16. a 12. InJanuary, it's winter in Canada and summer in
7. thc 17. thc Argentina.
8. thc 18. thc 13. I would like to visit Los Angeles.
9. the 19. the 14. It's the largest city in California.
10. thc

PRACTICE 29,p.205
PRACTICE 25,p.202 Correct the errors.
1.a.… ② .… 0 l. The mail carrier brought only one letter today.
2.0 2. Mr. Dale gave his class a long history assignment for
3. The the weekend.
4. Ъ e...a...ぬ c...`υ ...`ら ...`ら 3. Thriq speaks several languages, includingArabic and
5.A:thc German.
B:the 4. I usually have a glass of water with my lunch.
6. the...the 5. A helpful police officer gave us (some) information
7.0.… 0.… 0 about the city.
8.A:ぬ c 6. This recipe calls for two cups of nuts.
B:the.… 血 e 7. Many vegetables are believed to have cancer-fighting… A.… a.… a.… 0.… the.… thc.… the ingredients.

32 ANSWER KEY Chaplerll

8. Only applicants with the necessary experience SV
should apply for the computer position. 5. who teaches at the university
9. rU7henVicki likes a movie, she sees it several times. SV
10. No change. 6. who is training to play basketball in ttre Special Ol5T npics.
I l. Is it possible to stop all violence in the world?
12. Some of the hornework for my English class was PRACTICE 3, p. 208
but many of the assignments were unclear.
l. Long sentence 1: The woman who answered the
13. Diane has been to Rome several times recently. She phone was polite.
always has a wonderful time. Long sentence 2: The woman that answered the
14. Many parents need advice about raising children. phone was polite.
15. A person doesn't need rnuch equipment to play 2. Long sentence 1: The man who played the guitar
baseball: just a ball and a bat. is also a singer.
Long sentence 2: The man that played the guitar
PRACTICE 30, p. 206 is also a singer.
3. Long sentence 1: I read about the soccer player

│ N F ○ R M A TII101NI Long sentence 2:
who was iniured yesterday.
I read about the soccer player
D 一V 一︱ 一C

that was injured yesterday.

日 4. Long sentence

Long sentence 2:
1'. I know a man who has sailed
around the world.
I know a man that has sailed

円 around the world.


1. who / that cuts hair
N 2. who / that makes pizza
E 3. who / that plays tennis
4. who / that teaches English
S 5. who / that trains horses
6. who / that eats meat
T 7. who / that drink tea
Y 8. who / that fight fires
PRACTICE 5,p.209
1. The woman that Tack met was polite.
CHAPTER I2: ADJECTIVE CIAUSES 2. The woman Tack saw was very tall.
3. The woman that Iack knows is a professor.
PRACTICE l,p.2O7 4. The student that the teacher helped was thankful.
l. who helped me move the refriserator 5. The student I helped was happy about the exam.
1: I thanked 6. The student who I just met won a scholarship.
2; He helped 7. The student whom you see over there is the class
2. who was wearing a gralr suit president.
.1.' A woman asked
2: She was wearing PRACTICE 6, p. 210
3. that was wearing a blue coat l S 7.O wh・ o
1.' I saw 2.O that 8.O whe
2.' He was wearing 3. S 9. S
4. who had pulled his brother from the icv river 40接 厳 10.O that
1: The parents hugged 5. S ll. S
2: He had pulled 6. S
5. that broke the vase
.l: The girl apologized
2: She broke PRACTICE 7,p.210
1.a,b,c,d 4.c,d
2.c,d 5.b,d
PRACTICE 2,p.208 3.a,b,c,d 6.a,b,c
Adjective clauses:
l. who live next to me PRACTICE 8,p.211
SV 1.who/that
2. wt,o live across the street 2.that/0/who/whom
SV 3.that/0/who/whom
3. that is from India 4. who/that
SV 5.who/that
4. who have children 6.that/0/who/whom

ANSWER KEY Chopler I2 33

PRACTICE 9,p.211 PRACTICE r7,p.216
1. b 5. a I. I enjoyed the CD [we listened to ar Sara's apartment.]
2. a 6. a 2. l paid the shopkeeper for the glass cup [I accidentally
3.b 7.b broke O.l
4.b 8.b 3. The bus [we were waiting for] was only three minutes
PRACTICE 10,p。 212 4. Mrs. Chan is someone [I always enfoy talking to
1.OJ畿 暮 5.S about politics.l
2. S 6. S 5. I showed my roommate the letter [I got from a co-
3.O that 7. S worker O.]
4.Ow暴 ぬ 8.0 4at 6. One of the subjects [I've been interested in for a long
time] is astronomy.
PRACTICE ll,p.212 7. The people [I talked to at the reception] were
1.that/which/② 4.that/which/②
2. that/which 5, that/which
8. One of the places [I want to visit O next year] is
Mexico Ciry.
9. The website [I was looking at] had useful reviews of
new computers.
PRACTICE 12,p.213 10. The book [I wanted O] wasn't available at the library.
1.I宙 sitcd I I . English grammar is one of the subiects [O which I
2. that l drank enjoy studying the most.l
3. I was wcaring 12. The friend [I waved to / at] didn't wave back. Maybe
4. that I've known and loved he iust didn't see me.
5. who I married
6. that we have had
7. which we bought PRACTICE 18, p.216
l whose daughter is a test-pilot
PRACTICE 13,p.213 2.' His daughter is a test-pilot.
1.a,b,d,e 6.c,d,e 2. whose husband is out of work
2.a,d 7.a,b,d,c .1; The woman found a job at Mel's Diner.
3.c,d 8.c,d,e 2: Her husband is out of work.
4.c,d,c 9.a,d 3. whose wallet I found
5.a,d 10. c,d 1: The man gave me a reward.
2; I found his wallet.
PRACTICE 14, p.214

l. students... are PRACTIC

2. peoole... are

3. compound.. . consists pgso11. . . makes 1. The firefighters are very brave. Their department has

4. students...soeak artists...make won many awards.

5. peoole... know - The firefighters whose department has won many
awards are verv brave.
PRACTICE 15, p. 215 2. I talked to the boy. His kite was caught in a tree.
l. a. we went to - I talke4 to ths_EtfybSle_Elgwas caught in a rree.
b. we went to The family is staying in a motel. Their house burned
2. a. yortintroduced me to
b. you introduced me to
3. a. I am quite familiar with - The family whose house burned down is staying in
a motel.
b. which I am quite familiar /ar-\
4. a. you should talk with 4. I watched a little girl. Her dog was chasing
a ball in
b. whom you should talk the park.
5. a. we are waiting for - I watched a little girl whose dog was chasing a ball
b. we are waiting for in the park. .,.
6. a. I'm interested in The reporter won an award. Her articles explained
b. I'm interested in global warming.
+ The reporter whose articles explained global
PRACTICE 16,p.215 warming won an award.
1. a. that... for 3. a. that. in /a--\
b. which...for b which.… in
6. I know a man. His daughter entered college at the age
c. O ...for c.0.… in
of 14.
d. which... O d. which. 0 - I know a man whose daughter entered college at
2. a. 4. a. that.. .with
the age of 14.
b. bo ② .… with 'We
observed a language teacher. Her teaching
c. @ c.who.… with methods included role-playing.
d. which...O d.血 at.… wi血 - We observed a language teacher whose teaching
e.whom.… ② methods included role-playing.

34 ANSWER KEY Chopter 12

8. The teabhers
are very popular. Their methods include CHAPTER l3: GERUNDS AND lNFlNlTlvES
+The teachers whose methods include role-playing
are very popular.
PRACTICE l,p.22l
l. moving 7. reviewing
2. living 8. finding
PRACTICE 20rp.217 3. taking 9. driving
Tiue (checked) ansr.t)ers : 4. buying 10. retiring
1. a, c 4.c 5. giving I 1. getting married
2.c 5.a 6. doing 12. working
3. b,c 6. arc
PRACTICE 2,p.221
l. went dancing 6. go sightseeing
PRACTICE 21,p.218 2. is going to go hiking 7. go
1. who / that 3. went shopping 8. go
2. who / that 4. go swimming 9. go
3. that I whict^ I O 5. goes fishing 10. went skydiving
4. whose
5. that / which
6. Olthatlwhoi whom PRACTICE 3,p.222
7. whose 1. to wait INF
8. that / which 2. walking cER
9. who / that 3. to help INF
lO. Olthatlwho/whom 4. cleaning cER
ll. who / that. . . O I that/ who / whom . . . whom 5. to order INF
6. quitting cER
7. to work INF
PRACTICE 22,p.218 8. to grow INF
l. a 5.a
2.b 6.a PRACTICE 4, p.222
3.b 7. a
l. to invite
4.b 8.b 2. being
3. to pay
PRACTICE 23,p.219 4. mailing
l. A movie that looks interesting opens tomorrow. 5. to pass
2. My family lived in a house that / which was built in 6. to consider
1900. 7. accepting
3. There's the man that we saw onTV' 8. reading
4. I don't know people whose lives are carefree. 9. visiting
5. It is important to help people who have no money. 10. to hurt
6. At the airport, I was waiting for friends O I that I I 1. asking
who / whorn I hadn't seen for a long time. 12. to look
7. The woman who / that lives next door likes to relax 13. to try
by doing crossword puzzles every evening. 14. to enjoy
8. My teacher has two cats whose names are Ping and 15. opening
Pong. 16. to keep
9. I enloyed the songs which we sang. 17. to give
10. The person to whom you should speak is Gary Green. 18. to support
19. to finish
PRACTICE 24,p.220
PRACTICE 5,p.223
1.b 9.a
2. arb 10. a, b
P Y G 丁 3. arb I l. a, b
4.b 12. a,b
5. arb 13. b
6. a,b 14. a
7. a,b 15. b
PRACTICE 6,p.224
l. togo... to pay... to apply... to receive
2. to take.. to go... to go...being... to go...
skiing. .. swimming. .. sailing
N 3. getting. . . to tell. .. leaving. . . tohave. . . to

ANSWER KEY Chopter I3 35

PRACTICE 7, p. 224 Part II
Part I 7. i
l. to work 7. to work 8.k
2. working 8. to work 9. I
3. to work 9. working lo. g
4. working 10. to work ll. h
5. to work I l. to work 12. i
6. to work / working 12. working
Part II PRACTICE 11,p.227
13. to leave 18. leaving (l) doing. .. doing/to do . .. to do
14. to leave 19. to leave (2) to write . . . doing. . . thinking
15. leaving 20. to leave (3) forbeing. . . to thank. . . sending. . . wearing. . . to wear
16. leaving 21. leaving (4) to seeing . . . for taking
17. leaving 22. toleave
Part III PRACTICE 12,p.228
23. to know 28. to know 1. going
24. to know 29. to know / knowing 2. ofdriving
25. to know 30. to know 3. watching
26. knowing 31. to know 4. cooking / to cook
27. to know 32. to know / knowing 5. ofgoing
6. about becoming
PRACTICE 8, p.225 7. having
Part I 8. running
l. offlying 9. on washing
2. for hurting 10. from hitting
3. in helping ll. tobe
4. at listening 12. about seeing
5. ofworking
6. about walking
7. of/ about owning PRACTICE 13,p.228
8. about bu].rng l. by holding 4. by watching
2. by reading 5. by running
Part II 3. by telling 6. by treating
9. for closing
10. for lending
I l. on becoming PRACTICE 14, p.229
12. for taking l. by taking 5. by saving
13. on eating 2. by pouring 6. by following
14. to finishing 3. by suetching 7. by looking
15. from makins 4. by working 8. by counting
16. about...having
PRACTICE 15,p.230
PRACTICE 9, p.226 1. ardre,f
l. for . . . for interrupting
2. a,b,c
2. rn . .. in learning
3. brc,d,f
for...forhelping 4. arbrd,e,f
like...likegoing PRACTICE 16, p.230
7 . at . .. at drawing l a. Itis...tolearn 4. a. ltis...toswim
8. in...insaving b. b. Swimming.. . is
9. about. . . about forgetting 2. a. 5. a. Isit...tolive
10. about. . . about going b. Itis...toear b. Is living
11. to...togoing 3. a. Driving . . .is 6. a. Is it . . . to complete
12. of.. . ofstaying b. It is . . . to drive b. Is completing

PRACTICE 10,p.226 PRACTICE 17, p. 231

Part I l. It is difficult for shy people to meet . . .
I.e 2. it is customary for young children to sleep . . .
2.f 3. It is necessary for airline pilots to have . . .
3.a 4. It is hard for many teenagers to wake up . . .
4.b 5. It is important for elderly people to keep . . .
5.c 6. It is boring for people to listen . . .
6.d 7. It is impossible for scientists to know . . .

36 ANSWER KEY Chopter 13

PRACTICE 18,p.231 PRACTICE 24, p.234

oお お t
1. a. for 2. a. 1. Studying b. 2. writing
c. tO C. 3. to be

d.for d. 4. B: flying

oお Ю
c. tO e. A: crashing
f. to ■ 5. A: arguing . . . to disagree
g.for g. B: raising...toyell
A: to get
6. A: to have
PRACTICE 19,p.231 B: to learn
1. t0 7. to 7. A: doing
2. for 8. for B: going shopping
3. for 9. to A: shopping
4. to 10.for 8. A: putting
5.for ll. for B: forgetting to send
6. to
PRACTICE 25,p.235
1. I decided not to buy a new car.
PRACTICE 20,p.232 2. Tlne Johnsons are considering selling their antique
I . rurned on the TV (in order) to watch the news. store.
2. goes to the laundromat (in order) to wash his clothes. 3. Sam finally finishedbuilding his vacation home in
3. runs (in order) to get to class on time. the mountains.
4. open the bedroom windows (in order) to let in some 4. My wife and I go dancing at the community center
fresh air. every Saturday night.
5. calls his parents (in order) to ask them for some money' 5. Suddenly, it began to rain and the wind started to
6. have the radio on (in order) to listen to a baseball blow.
game. 6. The baby is afraid ofbeing away from her mother for
7. go to the library (in order) to srudy in peace and quiet. any length of time.
7. I am excited about starting college this September.
8. You can send your application by fax.
PRACTICE 21,p.232 9. My country is very beautiful.
1. a. enough time to go 10. It is exciting to drive a sports car.
b. too busy to go 11. My grandparents enioy traveling across the country
2. a. tallenough in a motor home.
b. too short 12. Elena made this sweater by hand.
3. a. enough money 13. Running is one of the sports we can participate in at
b. too poor school.
4. a. too hot 14. Swirnrning with a group of people is more enjoyable
b. cool enough than swimrning alone.
5. a. too sick 15. Meeting new people is interesting.
b. well enough
6. a. isn't old enough PRACTICE 26, p.236
b. is too young

PRACTICE 22,p.233
l. O ... enough
2. too...O
3. O ... enough
4. too...O
5. too...A
6. O ... enough
7. too...O
8. O ... enough

PRACTICE 23,p.233
l. being 8. sitting
2. to spend 9. thinking
3. being 10. to think
4. being 11. speaking
5. to frnd 12. making
6. being 13. to discuss
7. to talk / talking

ANSWER KEY Chopter l3 37

1. people are saying . . . all the buildings are . . . my
classes start. . . I register. . . I am taking. . . my
PRACTICE l,p.237 professors will be
1. . noun clause 7. ? question
2. itwilltake... I came... I am
2. ? question 8. . noun clause
3. . noun clause 9. . noun clause
4. ? question 10. , question PRACTICE 8,p.241
5。 ' question ll. ? qucsdon l. if / whetherTom is coming
6. . noun clause 12. . noun clause 2. if / whether Jin has finished medical school yet
3. if / whether Daniel has any time off soon
PRACTICE 2,p.237 4. if / whether the flight is on time
l. Helen works 5. everyone went
5. if / whether there is enough gas in the car
2. Adam said 6. people believe 6. if / whetherYuki is married
3. we are doing this 7. believes that story
7. if / whether the Nelsons are going to move
4. the new semester starts 8. cell phone is ringing
8. if / whether Khaled changed jobs

PRACTICE 3, p. 238 PRACTICE 9, p.241

l. Vince lives I . if I'm going to need
2. that woman is 2. what you want
3. Henri did 3. if there is going to be
4. her phone number is 4. where birds go
5. keys these are 5. ifyou can borrow
6. Clara met 6. if Nasser has already left
7. Carlo is absent 7. why Harold left
8. it is
9. Sam is studying PRACTICE 10, p.242
10. called 1. rains 5. run
I l. Ms. Gray will call 2. gcts 6. takes
12- the president is going to say 3. 1lkc 7. enjoy
13. is in that room 4. runs 8. seems
14. is in that drawer
15. a GPS system costs
PRACTICE ll,p.242
PRACTICE 4,p.238 1.c 5。 h
1. did Marcos leave,...when Marcos leftP 2.f 6.b
2.did he say,...what he said. 3. a 7. d
3. is the pOst ottce,...where the pOst Omce is, 4. g 8. c it,.… what ume itis,
5, did Da宙 d and,cP.… whcn David arnved. PRACTICE 12, p.243 Ana■ om,.… what cOuntry Ana is■ om. l. I'm sorry that , . .
7.was Kathy… .why Kathy was… 2. Ipredictthat...
8. lives.… who lives.… 3. I'm surprised that.. .
car is...WhOSe car is...
4. Are you certain that . . .
10. books arc thesc,...whOse boOks thesc are, 5. Did you norice that . . .
6, It's a fact that . . .
PRACTICE 5,p.239 7. A: How do you know that . . .

1. who】 Ielen talked to A: I'm still worried that . . .

2. who lives 8: A: I heard that . . .
3. what hc sald A: Some people assume that. . . I think that . . .
4. what kind Of car Pat has
5. h呻 old thcir children arc
PRACTICE 13,p,243
6. why you sald
I . are pleased that their granddaughter graduated from
7. where l can catch
the university
8,what this word means
are glad that she was offered a good job
2. were worried that Po had been injured
PRACTICE 6,p.240 they were happy when Po called
1.b 7.b 3. was afraid that he had failed
2.a 8.a was not surprised ttrat he had done well
3.a 9.a 4. was angry that Mark lied to her
4.b 10.b is sorry that she lent him money
5.b ll.a 5. that exercise can be good for the heart
6.a 12.b that eating a lot of red meat is bad for the heart

38 ANSWER KEY Chopter14

PRACTICE 14, p.244 PRACTICE 19,p.247
l. that Alice has a car l. (that) you didn't have
2. that the library is open on Sunday 2. (that) you hadn't found
3. that Ann speaks Spanish 3. (that) the Smiths had canceled
4. thatAlex passed his French course 4. (that) it wouldn't rain
5. that Mr. Kozari is going to be at the meeting 5. (that) theri7hites had gotten
6. that these pants are clean 6. (that) Mei didn't exercise
7. (that) your computer wasn't working
PRACTICE 15,p.244 8. (that) Ali was coming
l. Alex asked, "Do you smell smoke?"
2. "Something is burningrt' he said.
3. He asked, "Do you smell smoke? Something is PRACTICE 20,p.248
burning." I. how old I was
4. "Do you smell smoke?tt he asked. "Something is 2. if he was going to be
burning." 3. if she had
5. Rachel saidr"The game starts at seven.t' 4. ifhe had changed his
6. ('The game starts at seven. We should leave here at 5. how long I had been
sixr" she said. 6. if she could speak
7. She saidr ttThe game starts at seven. We should leave
7. if he would be in his office
here at six. Can you be ready to leave then?"
8. why she was laughing
f. ifl had ever considered
PRACTICE 16,p.245
One day my friend I-aura and I were sitting in her PRACTICE 21,p.248
aparunent. We were having a cup of tea together and l. "Have you ever gone skydiving?"
talking about the terrible earthquake that had iust 2. q07il1 you be at the meeting?"
occurred in Iran. I-aura asked me, "Have you ever been 3. '(Are you going to quit your iob?"
in an earthquake?" 4. ttlU7here is your car?"
ttYes, I haver" I rePlied.
5. "What did you do after class yesterday?"
'(\7as it a big earthquake?" she asked. 6. '(Do you know Italian?"
ttl've been in several earthquakes, and they've all been
ttHave you ever been in an 7. "Can you pick up my daughter at school?t'
small onesr" I answered. 8. (\7hy aren't you working at your desk?"
ttThere was an earthquake in my village fle years agor"
I-aura said. "I was in my house. Suddenly the ground PRACTICE 22,p.249
started shaking. I grabbed my little brother and ran 1. why I had come here
outside. Everything was moving. I was scared to death. 2. if I had met many peoPle
And then suddenly it was 3. what I was going to study
"I'm glad you and your brother weren't hurtr" I said.
ttYes, we were very lucky. Has everyone in the world 4. how long I would stay
5. how I liked it here
felt an earthquake sometime in their lives?" I-aura 6. where I was from
wondered. t'Do earthquakes occur everywhere on the 7. if the local people were friendly to me
ttbut I don't 8. how I had chosen this school
"Those are interesting questionsrt' I said, f . if I liked the weather here
know the answers."

PRACTICE 17,p。 246 PRACTICE 23,p.249

1. he...his l. (that) he was going to call me
2. his...thcm 2. (that) he had to talk to her
3. shc...hcr 3. (that) she could meet me
4.him.… ぬ em 4. (that) she wrote / had written him
5.ぬ ey 5. she would see him
6. shc...her 6. what he was doing
PRACTICE 24,p.250
PRACTICE 18,p.246 1. told
fbr″ α′ Informal 2. sald
1. would incct will meet 3. asked
2. was going to bc is going ro be 4. told
3. had has 5. said
4. nccdcd needs 6. told...said
5.had■ own has flown 7. askcd...told...said
6. were planning are planning 8. told...told
7.didn't want doesn't want 9. told
8. could takc carc of can take care of 10. askcd...said...asked...told

ANSWER KEY Chopier I4 39

PRACTICE 25,p.251 PRACTICE 29,p.254
1. asked me where I lived.
2. asked me if / whether I lived
3. told him / replied / said that I had W O N D E R E D N

D N 丁

4. told me / said that he was looking
5. told me / said that he didn't like living │ X M N
6. asked him if / whether he wanted to move in with
me. N C P D
7. asked me where my apartment was.
8. replied / told him / said that I lived Q 丁
9. told me / said that he couldn't move
10. told me / said that he would cancel his U R E P l\ r)(r/p Y
I I . asked me if / whether that was okay.
12. told him / replied / said that I was looking forward to l P W R " 丁 N

having him
R C S I 0 N

N   D
PRACTICE 26, p.251
1. b,e
2. arbrcrd
3. b,f
4. a,d
5. arcre
PRACTICE 27, p. 252
l. that it was a beautiful day and he loved playing in the PRACTICE 2,p.255
sun 1.o∬ .… On
2. what he was doing . . . where he was going 2. up
3. that he was carrying food to the nest 3. up...down
4. why he was working so hard in the beautiful summer 4.or.… h
weather 5. down...up
5. that if he brought food to the nest in the summer, he 6. up
could have food in the winter 7.up… .Off
6. if he could take a break rhen, and play with him 8. away
instead of working 9. out.… out
7. that he couldn't
8. that if he didn't bring food to the nests in the PRACTICE 3,p.256
summer, he wouldn't have any food for the winter 1.山 el、 the stove
9. that he wasn't worried about the winter because he 2. my coat,my wcddhg ring
had plenty offood 3. his shOcs
10. if those ants ever had any fun 4. a storyD a fairy tale,an cxcuse
11. that the ants were smart because they had prepared 5. some rottcn food,an old shirt
for the winter 6. a doctor's appointincnt,a inecting,a trip
12. that it was always a good idea to prepare for the 7. a puzzle,a math prOblcm
future 8. a report,some latc hOmework
9. a incssagc,a phone number
10. a box,a sack of rnail
PRACTICE 28,p.253 ll.山 e light,山 e cOmputer,thc car cngme
l. Excuse me. May I ask how old you are?
2. I wonder if Rashed picked up something for dinner.
3. I'm unsure what Lawrence does for a living. PRACTICE 5,p。 257
4. Fernando said, 6'The best time for me to meet would 1. on
beThursday morning." 2. over
5. Eriko asked me if I was coming ro the graduarion 3.on.… off
party. I told her rhat I wasn't. 4. into/in...out of
6. I hope that I will do well on my final exams. 5.on.… or
7. I'm not sure if the price includes the sales tax or not. 6. into
8. My mother asked me, "How many hours did you 7. into
spend on your homework?"
9. I asked my brother, "Are you going to marry Paula?" PRACTICE 6,p.257
10. I'd like to know how you do that. 1. b 5.f
Il. My parents knew what Sam and I did. 2 c 6. d
12. It is a fact that unexpected things happen in 3.a 7.c
everyone's lives. 4. g

40 ANSWER KEY Appendix I

PRACTICE 8,p.258 PRACTICE 17,p.265
1. back l. a. up 2. a. up 3. a. out of . . . into
2. down b. up b. up b. out
3. out c. up c. up c. up
4.away d. out d. up
5. on e. out c. lnto
6. up f. out of f. up
7. back
8. up PRACTICE 19,p.266
9. back 1. out . . . out for 7. out of
10.or 2. ,ap 8. out for
ll. out...up… .off.… back 3. up for 9. through with
4. out of 10. in on
PRACTICE 9,p。 259 5. around with 11. along with
1. out...out 7.down.… X 6. backfrom
2. on...X 8. X...up
3. into... X 9. away... X PRACTICE 20,p.267
4. X...lnto 10. up… .up 1. gymnasdcs class 5。 assignment
5. up...up ll.o∬ .… X 2.thet neighbors 6.cord
6. away...away 12. 缶om.… X 3. paint 7. Hawali
4. rocks 8. snakes
PRACTICE ll,p.260
1. over 8. out of PRACTICE 22,p.268
2. ottt 9. up l. out. .. about 6. along with
3. in 10. out 2. out for 7. over to
4. out ll. out 3. back to 8. out of
5. out 12. up 4. out with 9. A: over to
6. down 13. ovcr 5. away from B: around...with
7. around
PRACTICE 23,p.268
PRACTICE 12,p。 261 l. out about 4. together
1. a. off 5. a. into 2. out 5. up to
b. on b. up 3. back
c. down C. OVCr
d. back 6. a. up
PRACTICE 24, p.268
e, out 1. a 12.d
f. away c. back
2. b 13. a
2. a. in 3. a 14. c
b. out b. back
4.c 15.a
3. a. over c. up 16.d
5. a
b. off d. over
6.b 17. c
c. on 8. a. in
7. d 18. a
d. into b. out
c. up
8.b 19. a
e. out of 9.c 20. d
4. a. up d. up
lo. d 21. b
b. up
ll. b
c. down
l. on 9 up
2. up 10. on
3. out ll. up PRACTICE 2,p.271
4. over 12. over 1.b 6.i
5. out 13. up 2.f 7.a
6. away...out 14. away 3.j 8.h
7. out...up 15. out 4.c 9.d
8. off 16. away 5.c 10.g

PRACTICE 16,p.264 PRACTICE 3,p.271

1. off 7. out 1. t0 7. of
2. np 8. back 2. to 8. about
3. over 9. up 3. to 9. ■om
4. down 10. up 4.宙 th 10.宙 th
5. down ll on 5. for I l. about
6. up 12 in...down 6. about 12. of
ANSWER KEY Appendix2 4l
PRACTICE 5,p.272 PRACTICE 14,p。 276 7.for 1.with 9.for
2.with 8. with.… about/over 2. to 10. for
3. to 9.with 3. from ll. about
4. at 10. for 4. about 12. to
5.h ll.for 5. to 13. about/of
6. at 6. about/of 14. like
7. at 15. for
8.for 16. at
PRACTICE 6,p.272
1. to PRACTICE 15,p.277
2.A:from 1.g 6.h
B:for 2.i 7. a
3.A:to 3. c 8.f
B:at 4.j 9.c
4. to 5. b 10.d
5. of
6. 壼om。 ..for
7.A:for.… with
PRACTICE 17,p.278
1. to...for 9. from
2.for 10. on
3. of ll. of
4.for 12. of
PRACTICE 8,p。 273 5. on
1. to 6. for 6.for 14. from
2.for 7. to...from 7. on 15.of/from
3.for 8. to / with 8. to/Ⅵ ith
4. of 9.
5. for...for 10. of/ about
PRACTICE 18,p.278
Corrcct scntenccs:

PRACTICE 9,p.274 1.a,b 5.a,b

1. a. of 2. a. about
2. a 6.a,b
b. for b. about 3.a,b 7. a
4. b 8. b
c. of/about c. Of
d.with d.Of
e. with c. Of PRACTICE 20,p.279
i of i abOut 1. on 8. to
g. in go fOr 2.from
h. to h. fOr 3. about lo。 ■om
4. for ll. by
5, about 12. lo
PRACTICE ll,p.275 6. from 13. about
1. for 8. to」 h.… about 14. from
2. 壼om 9,with
3.for 10 of PRACTICE 21,p。 280
4. on ll. to 1. on 10 to
5。 with 12. to...about 2. about ll. to
6. in 13. with...about 3.with 12. for
7. at 14. to...abOut 4. 仕om 13. from
5. ■om 14. on
6. to...for 15 on
PRACTICE 12,p.275 7. of 16 of
1. about 8. to 17. about
2. from 9.5Ю m
3. of
4. to PRACTICE 22,p.280
5. to 1. d 9. d 17. c
6. from 2.b 10.c 18.b
7. with 3.c ll. d 19. a
8. with 4. a 12.b 20 d
9. 5. d 13.b 21 a
10. A: with. . . about 6. a 14.a 22 c
B: to 7.b 15.d
A: to...about 8.c 16.b

42 ANSWER KEY Appendix 2

Stacy.A.Hagell. :‐ , ・ ・│ ●`: `
: 1 1 , │ ` ‐ ■│ ●` :■ ●: : ■│ ●1

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