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Prosperity and the First Chakra


Do you have the tendency of making plans but not implementing them?

Do you procrastinate or keep things on hold until it’s too late?

Do you have a hard time finding a job or even, sticking with it?

Do you have work performance issues?

Do you have an inability to focus at one task at a time?

Do you have irrational fears about your safety and security?

Do you have low self-esteem?

Do you have attempts of ending you own life?

If you answered yes to any of the following questions, then take time and get to know more about your first


The first chakra, termed as “Malckut” in Kabbalah , “Muladhara” in Sanskrit, is also known as the “basic
chakra” as it is said to be the seat forming the basic foundation of the coiled Kundalini , the vital Shakti, or
female energy. It is also coined as the “root chakra” as its function is primarily “rooting” or “grounding”
our energy bodies in the physical plane and is said to be the root of all growth and awareness of the divinity
of man. This chakra is marked on the base of the spine or tailbone anatomically called the “coccyx.” It is
clairvoyantly seen to have four petals or lips containing predominantly orange and red prana.

The first chakra is the center for self-survival, self-preservation, dynamism and action. It is , then, of no
surprise that this center regulates the flow of energy to vital organs to propel the said activities like the
musculo-skeletal system, blood, internal organs, urogenital organs and the adrenals. Life energy is said to
be stored in this chakra. It said to be quite impossible for a person to become sick, old, or even to die,
before exhausting one’s own reserves of this vital energy. The very will of life is, thus, controlled by the
first chakra.

This is the center where we store our “core beliefs”, or our “primal urge.” It holds the beliefs of the ‘tribe’
or the family and, in addition, our desire to be in alignment with the ‘tribe’, even if it is not healthy for us
to be in that belief system. As a child opens up one’s consciousness, the child acts out from the first chakra
motivations. Normally, during one’s childhood stage from one to seven years of age, the earth is being
grasped as a new experience. As an infant, one grounds oneself and establish the laws of the world as the
child learns to control one’s patterns of eating, drinking and sleeping being the proper behavior necessary
for securing his/her worldly identity. You can observe a young child’s first chakra motivations in his/her
self-centeredness and consciousness with one’s own physical survival.

The main desire of the first chakra is survival and activities like saving and collecting are manifestations of
this desire. The goals for this chakra are that of stability, grounding, prosperity, right livelihood and
physical health. The primary lesson of survival emanating from this center is the mastery over the tasks
related to the material and physical world as well as the ability to stand up for oneself and dealing with
one’s security issues. The first chakra also encompasses the planes of genesis, illusion, anger, greed,
delusion, avarice and sensuality. All of these aspects are fundamental to human existence. The desire for
more experience and for more information serves as a motivating force, a basic impetus for individual
development. All of these are governed by the basic chakra. As much at it also governs vigor, heredity,
security, passion, trust, physical identity and relationship with money, home and job.


Ideally, this chakra brings us good health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. A person with a
strong and big basic chakra is said to have a strong physical body and will also recover quickly from an
illness and will bounce back quickly from difficult situations. Such a person will also have a good earning
capacity, and have money.

One with a balanced first chakra feels prosperous, secure, and is filled with vitality and energy. One feels
mastery over matters of the material world and embodies courage and success. Physiologically, persons
with a healthy and balanced first chakra also have a healthy colon, a good digestion and elimination, strong
bones and a vital immune system. Moreover, people with strong or active basic chakras tend to be more
dynamic. A dynamic executive or somebody who is successful in business tends to have a highly activated
and energized basic chakra.

But if too over activated, then it manifests as hyperactiveness, restlessness or insomnia.

An underactive basic chakra, on the other end, is manifested as sluggishness, impracticability, and
unrealism, or in some severe cases, the tendency to be completely out of touch with reality. People who are
chronically depressed and/or suicidal tendencies have been scanned by pranic healers to generally have
weak and underactive chakras. There are also people, who, in spite of their qualifications and their
relatively good health conditions have difficulty in getting a job, are said to have partially depleted and
underactive first chakras.

Physiologically, people with malfunctioning first chakra also have poor health and have difficulty
recovering from illness, thus, compounding their diminished earning capacity. Anemia, fatigue, lower back
pain, sciatica, frequent colds or cold hands and cold feet, obesity, hemorrhoids, constipation, anorexia, knee
troubles, other bone disorders are among the few physiological manifestations of an imbalanced root

Psychologically, it is manifested with paranoia or frequent fears, inability to focus, inability to be still on
the physical level and difficulties manifesting physical goals. People with an imbalanced first chakra are
generally self-centered but have low self-esteem, greedy, overly-materialistic and overly-defensive.

Now take this moment to be aware of your first chakra. Is it malfunctioning? Is it underactivated?
Overactivated? If yes, then go to any energy healer (pranic healer, reiki master, etc) and have the first
chakra cleansed, energized and balanced. You may also engage in some other activities and exercises that
will help you maintain a healthy basic chakra. Just a precaution, though, one must not in any way forcefully
self- activate one’s own basic chakra through other occult practices without proper training as it may cause
a vast series of physiological and psychological problems to your well being like the kundalini syndrome
that is manifested as overheating, hypertension, nausea, vomiting and a wide varied array of conditions.


In times of need, you can stimulate your healthy basic chakra to make your material desires into
manifestation. The root stimulants of the basic chakra are physical exercise and restful sleeps, gardening,
pottery and working with clay. Using oils such as ylang ylang or sandalwood essential oils activates this
chakra as well as it responds to earthy and tribal energies like sounds of nature, tribal music, drumming and
chanting. Smoky quartz is a good gemstone for the basic chakra as it has grounding properties. Garnet
helps us connect with earth energies and issues of self-worth.

At this point, I would like to share a simple physical routine added with occult principles of the basic
chakra, the mantra on the law of abundance, and a little visualization that may aid one to attract prosperity
and abundance in their lives. At the Pranic Healing Center in Cebu, we call this as “Prosperity Exercise.”
This exercise has Kabbalistic as well as Buddhist influences that are integrated by one great healer and
teacher, Master Choa Kok Soi.


This exercise has four components. The first is to do the physical sit and stand routine a number of times
aiding in the activation of the first chakra. The second is swinging the arms side to side and while doing so,
visualizing the energy from the North or earth element center being received by the hands and drawn in
towards the body. Next, is saying the mantra on the Meditation for Prosperity by Master Choa Kok Sui to
release the basic intent and the embodying the law to propel the energy flow. And lastly, the continued sit
and stand physical routine grounds this energy into manifestation.

Sit and Stand Physical Routine

Stand up with spine erect and legs and feet apart facing north. Contract the legs and thighs to a squatting
position until the buttocks are halfway nearer to the ground or as if one is sitting on an imaginary chair.
Then relax the legs and thighs to stand upright again. Do this repetitively for about 52 times.

Swinging arms and visualization

As one “sits” swing the arms forward with palms facing upward as if to receive energy from the prosperous
north. One can also visualize money, gold, rice, diploma, or any item that would symbolize prosperity
being placed in front of you or on top of your hands. As one “stands,” swing arms to the back as if to draw
in this energy to your energy body.
Meditation on Prosperity
Stating the mantra of this meditation is optional to the practitioner but I find it quite important if one has to
embody true abundance in one’s own life. State this in your mind as you do the sit and stand routine and
the visualization of energy flow:

(Note: you can adopt other mantras as well)



It is in giving that we receive

As we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly
This is the divine law
As I give and share abundantly
My life is blessed with great financial and material prosperity
Money flows through me easily, constantly, and in great abundance.
Whatever I invest comes back to me many, many times
My life is blessed with so much abundance,
So much prosperity, so much success
I am blessed with tremendous prosperity and
I live a life of moderation, discipline and spirituality
I am healthy and very happy
I am enjoying every moment of my life
May every person, every being be blessed with good health,
Happiness, prosperity and spirituality
With thanks and in full faith
So be it!

Continued sit and stand routine

You may say the mantra once or repeat it three times. While doing so, continue to do the sit and stand
routine while swinging the arms and visualization. Pull all energy flow towards the basic chakra. The basic
chakra is our connection to the element of the earth and all that we are trying to manifest in this reality. For
this reason, it is quite imperative for any visualization technique to be grounded for manifestation into
physical tangible energy. As the basic chakra is activated, the intent is reverberated and the energy starts to
flow. Continuing to do the sit and stand routine grounds the energy to the earth such that manifestation in
the physical reality is hastened.

The quest for prosperity and abundance has mystified humanity since the beginning of time. We were born
of this world with no road map to our destinations. Kabbalistic teachings imply that we come into this
world to correct negative aspects of our personality. It is these negativistic traits that block the natural flow
of energy and thus prevents us to receive the abundance we seek. We are, therefore, responsible for what
happens to us in this life.

Now that we are aware of how a healthy first chakra affects our life situation as well as know that we have
the capacity to change and gain control over our seemingly helpless circumstance, it is indeed not far from
truth to say that abundance is indeed a reality in everybody’s lives. Thus, I pose the question to you, what
are you going to do about it now?

Namaste! Blessed be all sentient Beings!

1. Advanced Pranic Healing, Master Choa Kok Soi
2. Pranic Psychotherapy, Master Choa Kok Soi
3. Wisdom of the Kabbalah: A Pathway to Health & Happiness, Gilla Mogilivsky
4. Attracting Prosperity Through the Chakras, Bonnie Cehovet
5. The Body’s Energy Centers, Dick Derrick
6. Meditation on Prosperity, Master Choa Kok Sui
7. Prosperity Exercise, World Pranic Healing Foundation, Cebu

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