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boto3 Cheat Sheet

by wtranmer via

Setup Querying EC2 (cont) Creating Instances

To use boto3, you must first install python. print( instance ) # Gather instance details
There are a number of distri​butions available; # Print list of instances by name tag # ID of the AMI (Amazon Machine
among the most popular are Anaconda3, for instance in instan​ces: Image) that the VM will use for OS
Active​Python, and PyPy.
print( [tag['​Value'] for tag in `# This is the ami for Window Server 2012 R2
I prefer Anaconda3 because of the large
instan​ce.tags if​t('​Key') == 64-bit
number of pre-in​stalled packages. This does
ami_id = ami-3d​787d57
'Name'] )
however also mean it is one of the largest
# IDs of the Security Groups to be
distri​but​ions. But as the saying goes, "It is # Print list of instances by state
assign to the VM
better to have and not need than to need and states = (
not have." { 'Code' : 0, 'state' : 'pending' secur​ity​_gr​oup_ids = []
Once you have installed your Python of choice, }, # Single subnet id in which VM will
use the pip installer to install boto3. be started
{ 'Code' : 16, 'state' :
pip install boto3 subnet_id =
'running' },
Once boto3 is installed, install the Amazon # Key file that will be used to
{ 'Code' : 32, 'state' :
AWS CLI tools and run aws config​ure to set
'shutt​ing​-down' }, decrypt the admini​strator password
your creden​tials and default region.
{ 'Code' : 48, 'state' : keyfi​le_name =
aws configure
'termi​nated' }, # ARN of the IAM instance profile
Now you are ready to roll.
{ 'Code' : 64, 'state' : to be assigned to the VM
iam_p​rof​ile_arn =
Services 'stopping' },
{ 'Code' : 80, 'state' : 'arn:a​ws:​iam​::1​234​567​890​12:​ins​tan​ce
boto3 includes access to almost all of the AWS
'stopped' }, -​pro​fie​l/m​ypr​ofile
services. To interact with these services, you
) # VM instance type / instance size
create a resource or client object that connects
to a particular service. Then you can use the insta​nce​_states = { insta​nce​_type = 't2.mi​cro'

service using boto3's api for that object. 'p​end​ing': [], # Disk drive capacity in GB
For instance, to create a new EC2 instance, 'r​unn​ing': [], disk_size = 120
you will create a resource object that is # UserData. Code block to execute
's​hut​tin​g​down' : [],
connected to 'ec2.' Then with that object, you
't​erm​inated' : [], on first instance launch
will call a function to create the instance and
's​top​ping' : [], user_data = ' '
pass the approp​riate parameters to the
# Create the instance
function. 's​topped' : [],
} ec2.c​rea​te_​ins​tan​ces(
Im​ageId = ami_id,
Querying EC2 for instance in instan​ces:
in​sta​nce​_na​me=​[ta​g['​Value'] for Mi​nCount = 1,
Connect to EC2
Ma​xCount = 1,
To create an EC2 resource object tag in instan​ce.tags if
Ke​yName = keyfil​e_n​ame,
import boto3​t('​Key') == 'Name']
Se​cur​ity​Gro​upIds =
ec2 = boto3.r​es​our​ce(​'ec2') in​sta​nce​_st​ate​s[i​nst​anc​e.s​tat​e['​N
am​e']​].a​ppend( instan​ce_​name[0] ) securi​ty_​gro​up_​ids,
instances =​sta​nce​s.a​ll()
In​sta​nceType = instan​ce_​type,
# Print raw list of instan​ces for i in instan​ce_​sta​tes:
Bl​ock​Dev​ice​Map​pings = [
for instance in instan​ces: in​sta​nce​_st​ate​s[i​].s​ort()
pr​int(i + ' instan​ces​\n--')
for name in instan​ce_​sta​tes[i]: 'D​evi​ceN​ame': '/dev/​sda1',

print( name ) 'Ebs': {


By wtranmer Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 18th April, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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boto3 Cheat Sheet
by wtranmer via

Creating Instances (cont)

'V​olu​meS​ize': disk_s​ize,
'D​ele​teO​nTe​rmi​nat​ion': True,
'V​olu​meT​ype': 'gp2',
Ia​mIn​sta​nce​Profile = {
'Arn': arn_pr​ofile
Su​bnetId = subnet​_id,
Us​erData = user_data

By wtranmer Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 18th April, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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