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In the story, it tells that there were six “boys heroes” who faced the US army.

They are Vicente

Suárez, Juan de la Barrera, Juan Escutia, Agustín Melgar, Francisco Márquez and Fernando Montes
de Oca.

Juan de la barrera
He was born on June 26, 1828 inMexico City. His father was Faustino de la Barrera and Mrs.
Dolores Valenzuela. From a very young age, at fourteen, Juan entered the Military College and he
obtained the rank of artillery. After finishing school, he joined the Sapper Battalion. North
Americanand help with the construction of fortifications around the Bosque de Chapultepec. Juan
de la Barrera died on September 13, 1847.

Juan Escutia
He was born on February 25, 1827 in Tepic. His full name was Juan Bautista Pascacio Escutia y
Martínez but most of us know him simply as Juan Escutia. We have very little information about
Juan Escutia., it is known that he was a soldier in the San Blas battalion.

Agustin Melgar
He was born on August 28, 1829 in Chihuahua. His full name was Agustín María José Francisco de
Jesús de los Ángeles Melgar Sevilla. At a very young age, Agustín lost his father. However, in
honor of his father, he chose to follow in his footsteps and become a military man. On November
4, 1846, Agustín requested his admission to the Military College and three days later he received
the good news, he had been accepted. Months later, without any justification, he dropped out of
the College. The exact reasons that caused his desertion are unknown, however, days later he
presented himself to re-enter. Later, Melgar was sent to defend Chapultepec Castle. Here he
presented himself as a fierce soldier who died on September 13, 1847, being respected by the
enemy. His body was even recovered by Major Elliot and sent to a hospital.

Vincent Suarez
He was born on April 3, 1833 in Puebla. His full name was José Vicente de la Soledad Suárez
Ortega. With only 12 years he entered the Military College. He was immediately included in the
second company of cadets. In addition to being one of the youngest soldiers, Vicente was the first
of the Boys Heroes to die on September 13, 1847.

Fernando Montes de Oca

He was born on May 29, 1829 in Mexico City. Little is known about this historical character,
except that his parents were José María Montes de Oca and Mrs. Josefa Rodríguez de Montes de
Oca. Fernando, while still very young, was already aware of the danger that the North American
invasion meant for Mexico, which is why he requested access to the Military College. He was
accepted in January 1847 and began his training on the 24th of the same month.

Francisco Marquez
He was born on October 8, 1834 in Guadalajara. He is the son of Micaela Paniagua and Cavalry
Captain Francisco Ortiz. He entered the Military College 10 days before Fernando Montes de Oca,
on January 14, 1847. He was a member of the first Company of Cadets. Francisco was the
youngest cadet of the Children Heroes. However, like the others, he gave his life rather than give
up or flee on September 13, 1847, when the Americans had managed to take Chapultepec Castle.

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