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Find the mistakes in the following essay and correct them.

I don’t agree with this statement because computers and technology equipment only support me to study. They can’t
not give me the knowledge and experience I need in for life. On the other hand, teachers teach me and give me lots of
things, such as skills, knowledge and experience. So I think money should be spent mainly on teachers.

Example,I am very shy and I don’t talk to anyone, I personally think that they don’t want to talk with me. I study and play
on my own. I have an iphone and a laptop but I don’t have any friends. One day, my teacher talked to me, shared my
favorites to my classmates and that changed my life. After that day, I have lots of friends. I don’t need a laptop or a
mobile phone, I already had my teachers and my friends. They all support me and help me grow up everyday. I want to
say that: if I had to choose between technologies and teachers, I’m sure that I would choose teachers and spend my
money on them.

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