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Vlog script:

Hey guys! Welcome to my educational vlog for my final exam in TCW

In this vlog we will know what is migration and how we can survive the challenges of migration. t he
United Nations defines migration as the movement of a person or persons from one place to another,
involving a permanent move of home for over 1 year.

Benefits of migration are it can fuel growth, innovation

and entrepreneurship in both the
countries people come from, and in those they move to. It can also provide
opportunities, and raises incomes and living standards.
But there are also disadvantages and challenges and here are some :

1. Language Barriers - it affects the ability to communicate with others when we are in a different
country because, not all immigrants can adopt, understand and learn the language that is being used in
the country they’re in.

2. Lack of Employment Opportunities & security of employment – Immigrants are most likely to face
discrimination on the job

3. Housing or the affordability of the cause of living – some immigrants specially jobless immigrants are
unable to find a decent home because most of the house in other countries are much more expensive
and thy are having a hard time to pay rent

4. Access to Medical Services - immigrants have low rates of medical insurance coverage and poor
access to health care services; in some countries there are limited access to insurance and health care
for the immigrants

5. Cultural Differences – some immigrants lack knowledge about their chosen country; it may results
in painful personal and social encounters
Here are some tips how to survive migration:

First and foremost, my advice if you’re planning to migrate. Please do settle your legal and
complete documents first.
a) Make a plan
Medical plan
Financial plan
Secure your insurance plan
b) Before migrating research about the country you’re about to migrate.
Know the country’s history
Know its capability (especially during catastrophes)
Know the do’s and don’ts
Their culture
c) Search for a decent job
A job that can provide enough money for your expenses
A job or agency that don’t discriminate another race
d) Find a home
A home that you can afford
A home that is near to the city where there is hospitals and other establisments that
can help you
e) Follow the laws
f) Avoid folks that will only take you to a bad situation.
g) Lastly ready yourself.
Ready yourself in changes you will experience.
Ready yourself in unfamiliar situations and complications you might face.
Migrating is not that easy. You will experience loneliness when you are alone and thousand
miles away from your loved ones.

That’s all for this vlog I hope you learn something from me!
Thank you byee guys!!!!!!!!!!!

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