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Essay outline

Topic 5: Deforestation is made by cutting trees for housing, agriculture, wood. It causes air pollution.
Human is facing the problem. Some people say that individuals are not responsible for solving air
pollution but the government will take responsibility for solving this? Do you agree or disagree with this



 Regulation and Legislation:

o Governments have the authority to create and enforce regulations and laws
o Regulatory frameworks can ensure that businesses and individuals adhere to
environmentally friendly practices, reducing harmful emissions.
 Cross-Border and Regional Coordination:
o Air pollution often transcends geographical boundaries, requiring regional or
international cooperation.
o Governments can facilitate collaboration between different regions or countries to
address transboundary pollution effectively.
 Investment in Research and Technology:
o Governments can allocate funds for research and development of innovative
o Financial support for clean energy initiatives and pollution control technologies can
accelerate their adoption.


 Resistance from Industries:

o Some industries may resist stringent environmental regulations due to concerns about
increased costs and potential impacts on competitiveness.
o Governments may face challenges in balancing economic interests with environmental
 Complexity of the Issue:
o Air pollution is a multifaceted problem with various sources and factors contributing to
its complexity.
o Governments may find it challenging to develop comprehensive solutions
 Individual Responsibility Neglect:
o Placing the entire burden on governments may lead to a lack of individual responsibility
and awareness.
o Encouraging individuals to adopt sustainable practices and make environmentally
conscious choices


 Awareness and Education

 Support Sustainable Products
 Community Engagement

Topic 7: Nowadays the Internet has become increasingly popular. Many people use it to do business
online. As a result, shopping online has grown rapidly recently. Write an essay to discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of online shopping.



 Convenience:
o Shoppers can browse and make purchases from the comfort of their homes or any
o Online shopping eliminates the need to travel to physical stores, saving time and effort.
 Wide Variety of Products:
o Offer an extensive range of products from various brands
o Can compare prices and features easily.
 Digital Coupons and Discounts:
o Online retailers often provide digital coupons and exclusive discounts, allowing shoppers
to save money on their purchases.
o Loyalty programs and promotional offers further incentivize online shopping.


 Lack of Physical Inspection:

o Lead to dissatisfaction if the received item does not meet expectations in terms of
quality, size, color, or other attributes.
 Shipping Costs and Delays:
o Additional shipping costs can significantly increase the total price of a purchase.
o Delays in shipping or unexpected shipping costs may lead to frustration for consumers
who expect timely and cost-effective delivery.
 Return and Refund Challenges:
o Returning items purchased online may involve complex processes and sometimes
additional costs.
o Not all products are eligible for returns, and the return policy may vary between online


 Research and Read Reviews

 Verify Seller Authenticity
 Understand Return Policies

Topic 8: Nowadays children spend a lot of time using the media such as TV, the radio and the Internet.
This has negative effects on children’s health and their performance at school. Others believe
that the media prepare children for the real world. To what extent should children be
encouraged to use the media? Write an essay to express your opinion.


 Educational Resources:
o Social media platforms can provide educational content, tutorials, and resources that
support children's learning and skill development.
 Creative Expression:
o Children can use social media to express their creativity, share artwork, and engage in
activities that nurture their talents.
 Connecting with Family and Friends:
o Social media allows children to stay connected with family members and friends,
especially those who may be geographically distant.


 Addiction and Screen Time:

o Excessive use of social media can contribute to addiction and increased screen time,
potentially affecting children's physical and mental well-being, as well as sleep patterns.
 Inappropriate Content Exposure:
o Children can inadvertently come across inappropriate or harmful content, including
violence, explicit material, or discussions that are not age-appropriate.
 Online Predators:
o Social media platforms can be a hunting ground for online predators seeking to exploit
and manipulate children. Children may unknowingly share personal details or engage
with strangers.
o Children may experience bullying, harassment, or exclusion on social media platforms,
leading to emotional distress and potential long-term consequences.


 Digital Literacy Education

 Parental Controls
 Promote Positive Content

Topic 9: Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a student. When studying
abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and obtain an international degree
which is an advantage for their future personal development and better job opportunities. However,
students also have a number of difficulties such as language barrier and homesickness. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of studying overseas.



 Cultural Exposure:
o Living in a different country exposes you to diverse cultures, perspectives, and ways of
life, broadening your worldview.
o Immersion in a foreign culture provides an excellent opportunity to improve language
skills by daily interaction with native speakers.
 Academic Opportunities:
o Some countries offer unique academic programs or specializations that may not be
available in your home country.
o Access to resources, faculty, and research facilities that may not be available in your
home country.


 Financial Strain:
o Studying abroad can be expensive, including tuition, living expenses, travel, and other
associated costs.
o Fluctuations in currency exchange rates can impact the cost of living and tuition.
 Legal and Health Issues:
o Navigating visa requirements and complying with immigration regulations can be
o Accessing healthcare in a foreign country may be different from what you are
accustomed to, and health insurance coverage may vary.
 Cultural Differences:
o Differences in communication styles, social norms, and values can lead to
misunderstandings and cultural clashes.
o Some students may experience discrimination or prejudice based on their nationality or
cultural background.


 Preparation and Research

 Social Support
 Financial Planning

Topic 15: Some people say that tourism is developing in many countries, which brings a lot of benefits to
the countries. Thanks to tourism, countries earn a lot of money. However, some other people believe
that tourism is also causing a lot of problems. Discuss both views and give your personal opinion



 Economic Boost:
o Tourism generates employment opportunities in various sectors such as hospitality,
transportation, entertainment, and local services.
o Tourists spend money on accommodations, food, transportation, attractions, and
souvenirs, contributing to the local economy.
 Cultural Exchange:
o Tourism fosters cultural exchange as visitors interact with local residents, learn about
traditions, and engage in cultural activities.
o Cultural sites and traditions may be preserved and maintained due to the economic
benefits derived from tourism.
 Cultural and Historical Preservation:
o Tourism revenues can be directed towards the preservation and restoration of historical
and cultural landmarks.
o Cultural events and festivals may receive financial support from tourism, ensuring their


 Environmental Impact:
o Popular tourist destinations may suffer from overcrowding, leading to environmental
degradation and wear and tear on local ecosystems.
o Increased tourism can put a strain on natural resources, leading to issues such as water
scarcity, deforestation, and habitat destruction.
 Economic Dependence:
o Areas heavily dependent on tourism may be vulnerable to economic downturns, natural
disasters, or geopolitical events that impact travel.
o The benefits of tourism revenue may not be evenly distributed among the local
population, leading to economic disparities.


 Environmental Conservation
 Infrastructure Management
 Cultural and Social Impact

Topic 18: Using public transport has become familiar to everyone in Vietnam. Millions of people today
are travelling by lots of kinds of public transport. Some people think that using public transport brings a
lot of advantages to the society in general and to themselves in particular; others argue that they have
to face disadvantages when using public transport.



 Cost-Effective:
o Public transportation is often more cost-effective than owning and maintaining a private
vehicle, especially when factoring in expenses like fuel, insurance, and maintenance.
 Reduced Traffic Congestion:
o Public transit systems help reduce traffic congestion by taking multiple passengers in a
single vehicle, minimizing the number of private vehicles on the road.
o Reduced traffic congestion contributes to lower emissions, improving air quality and
decreasing the environmental footprint of transportation.
 Environmental Sustainability:
o Public transportation, especially when powered by clean energy sources, can
significantly reduce carbon emissions compared to individual car travel.
o Shared transportation reduces the overall demand for fuel and raw materials,
contributing to resource conservation.


 Limited Flexibility:
o Public transportation operates on fixed schedules, limiting the flexibility for users who
need to travel at unconventional times or change plans on short notice.
 Limited Routes and Coverage:
o Public transportation systems may not cover all areas, leaving some communities with
limited or no access to transit options.
o Some regions may have limited route options, making it challenging for users to reach
specific destinations without multiple transfers.
 Security Concerns:
o Some public transportation systems may face safety and security challenges, including
the risk of crime, accidents, or harassment.
o Even if crime rates are low, the perception of insecurity can discourage some individuals
from using public transportation.


 Enhance Reliability and Punctuality

 Enhance Safety and Security
 Optimize Routes and Transfers

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