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Name: Larah D.

Soco Course/Year & Section: BIT-Computer 2A


Activity#3: Local and Global Culture

Give three foreign cultures that are adopted by Filipinos at present, its origin and impact to the youth.
Culture Country of Origin Impact to the Youth
1. Fashion and beauty South Korea According the Merriam-Webster
Dictionary, fashion is a popular
way of dressing during a
particular time or among a
particular group of people.
Fashion is a distinctive and
often constant trend in the style
in which a person dresses.
Media places a significant role
on introducing fashion trends.
Through Korean dramas,
Korean fashion has spread and
has gained popularity among
the Filipino masses. Most
Filipino teens mimic the fashion
sense of Koreans. Boutiques
that sell trendy Korean clothing
and accessories can be seen in
most shopping malls around the
country. Korean cosmetics are
also gaining popularity, as we
are influenced by Korean actors
and actresses with radiant and
flawless skin
2. Always looking for a bargain China Frugality is an integral part of
the Chinese culture. In fact, the
classic Chinese text Dao De
Jing states that the three
greatest treasures one can have
are love, frugality, and

In an article by Xin Lu, entitled

Chinese Money Habits—How
My Culture Influences my
Attitude Towards Money, he
explains how, haggling is a way
of life in China. “If you ever visit
China you have to ask at least
50 to 75% off in stores,” he
shared. Lu added that this
Chinese behavior earned the
Chinese the cheapskate
This rings a bell for Filipinos
especially teens who love ukay-
ukay (Philippine adaptation of
flea markets), bargain shops,
and sale items. Those with
street smarts perennially ask,
“walang tawad?” (Can I have a
discount?) everytime he/she
buys. And why not? This means
getting the same quality for a
lesser price.
3. Eating-on-the-go” practice United States Eating-on-the-go” practice in the
or taking meal takeaways US has influenced Filipinos
since people are too busy
running from one appointment
or job to another. This has given
rise to the “instant-cooked” food
industry, lauded and available
nowadays in all countries.

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