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To determine the specific cake resistance () and the flitter medium resistance (Rm) for a given

A filter press is made up of solid plate and hollow frames and assembled alternatively and filter
cloths are kept on either side of the frame. The Filtration is carried out at constant pressure.

When Filtration is continued, the filtrate passes through the pores in the bed of solids under laminar
flow conditions and through the filter cloth. The filtrate coming out gets collected in the filtrate tank.
The specific cake resistance () is given by

K P (P) A 2
= m / kg

The Filter Medium resistance is given by

 (P) A
Rm = 1/m

Solution Preparation Details

Where, 1 gm = 100 ml = 1%, 2 gm = 100 ml = 2 % …..

Kp = Slope, ρ = Intercept
A – Filtration area m2
P – Pressure Drop across filtration N/m2
 - Viscosity of filtrate Ns / m2
ρ - Density of Filtrate kg/m3
C = Cs / (1- ( (mf / mc) – 1) (Cs /p))
C = Mass of particles deposited in the filter per unit volume of filtrate
mf = Weight of wet cake, mc = weight of dry cake
Cs = Slurry concentration, kg / m3

Prepare 12 lts of 2% CaCO3. Slurry and feed it into slurry tanks. Admit air into the slurry tank to
maintain the required pressure of 1.0 kg/cm2-using needle above the slurry tank. Now, Open the
Outlet valve of the slurry tank to start taken for every 1 cm rise of filtrate level in the filtration
collection tank. After filtration loose the arm and take a portion of the cake on a watch glass and
weight to get wet cake weight. Then place the sample in hot air oven at around 100 degree Celsius.
Take the dry cake and weigh for dry cake weight to get cake weight. Calculate V, , V,  / V.
Draw a graph  / V. Vs V. Determine the slope and intercept from the plot and calculate  and Rm.

Number of plates =
Number of frames =
Dia of the collection tank = 15x10-2 m
Density of filtrate = 1000 kg/m3
Viscosity of Filtrate = 0.008 N.s/m2
Slurry concentration w = 15 liters of 2 %
Pressure drop = 0.25 kg/cm2

Cross sectional area of the collection tank = 44.17x10-4 m2
Cross sectional area of the frame = 510.76x10-4 m2
Filtration Area = 2 x Cross sectional area of one frame.m2 =
(1021.02x10-4 m2)
Weight of the Wet Cake = kg.
Weight of dry cake = kg.
m = Weight of wet cake / weight of dry cake

t = tt - t t - 1
Volume of filtrate = [Cross Section area of the collection tank x (Height of filtrate level in the
collection tank) Level in the tank]
V = Vt - V t - 1

t / V =
mf = mass of wet cake
mc = mass of dry cake

t 
Plot Graph Between vs V

From Graph

Slope = Intercept =
Height of Time Δt Volume of V t / V V= (V1+V2) / 2
rise in t Sec. Filtrate m3. s / m3
filtrate Sec. (v) m3 m3

An experiment was performed on plate and frame filter press and the Specific cake resistance and
the filter medium resistance were found to
1) Specific cake resistance () = m / kg
2) Fitter medium resistance (Rm) = 1/m


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