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The train ride

It was 11 p.m. I have been hanging out with my friends. We wanted to go home by a train
instead of calling a taxi, and just like that the story begins.

We went to the train station and we boarded a train. There was a crowd of people there as usual.
Everything seemed fine, except 2 passengers. They were weird to me because they wore black
suits and black hats. You know, every horror movie starts with the guys who wear black things,
its so typical. But you know, this is real life, not a movie, right? At least I thought that. At once
those men in black suits stood up and said “All down and do not move”. I just did the same as
others, I just laid down and didn’t want to move. I just waited for them to finish their job and
that’s it. And as I said I just did it and everything went ok. They did their job and left the train
without complications. We were scared but on the other side it was an interesting experience.

At the end of the day, I am pretty happy because of what happened, because it is at least funny to
talk about .

Stefan Matic

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