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Iran admits to supplying drones to Russia


deploy- to use something especially in an effective way

power grid- a network of electrical transmission lines connecting a multiplicity of generating
stations to loads over a wide area (sieć energetyczna)
extent- the area covered by something (zasięg, zakres)
blackout- a time when there is no light or power because of an electricity failure (przerwa w
dostawie energii elektrycznej)
alliance- a group of countries, political parties, or people who have agreed to work together
because of shared interests or aims (sojusz)
leverage- power to influence people and get the results you want (wpływ, przewaga)
irrefutable- impossible to prove wrong (niezbity, niezaprzeczalny)
bolster- to support or improve something or make it stronger (wzmocnić)


1. What excuses does Iran have after admitting to supplying Russia with drones?
2. For what purpose do Russians use drones?
3. What is Iran's position in the conflict in Ukraine?
4. What is another name for the Shahed-136 drone and what does that name come
5. Why did the Iranian authorities decide to supply Russia with drones?

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