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Write a short essay on what do you understand of the difference of Health Related Fitness and Skill Related
Fitness. Please Elaborate. 30pts.

Fitness so what is fitness? Fitness is an activity where an individual makes or does a physical activity that makes
our body enhanced and improved. So what is the difference between Health related fitness and skill related fitness? Let
us start with Health related fitness. So have you ever been in a situation where you feel fatigue or suddenly you were
tired by just carrying a sack of rice just 20 meters and your hands are fatigued? Well that means you don’t do any fitness
activities, having a good shaped body is important and making sure your body is in a good shape is beneficial in a long
run. Health related fitness tackles the needs of your body to improve your stamina, endurance and strength, jogging
push ups or even lifting weights is a health related fitness it improves your over all body capabilities, while skill related
fitness tackles sports, such as basketball, football and other sports, this each of different type of sports have a different
type of fitness on with part of the body you need to enhance, for example basketball you need to enhance your foot
work and awareness on the court and even your reaction time, this have an impact on the game that can even you carry
the game and become an MVP if your skilled enough, having skill related fitness further enhances your body capabilities
in that field of sports.

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