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Euthenics 2

Week 15: Why there's so much conflict at work and what can you do to fix it? – ARG

1. According to the talk, are the annoying people considered as the major source of conflicts at
work? Justify your answer.

Annoying people are believed to be the leading source of conflicts regarding connectivity,
entertainment, and education in the workplace, so when it comes to interpersonal disconnects.
Conflicts at work, annoying people being seen as conflicts Through it, humanity can be the
perfect catalyst for growth in Ted Talk. There are many conversations that can help resolve
conflicts in the workplace, but here are three that can help organizations.

2. What are the five (5) steps given by Ms. Schulz to fix conflicts? In your opinion, are the steps
given feasible? Would you try these steps in the current conflict that you are experiencing?

Find a safe place and time to talk about it, but not in front of other employees. This leads to a
loss of professionalism. Clarify the individual perceptions involved in the conflict, as they may be
minor misunderstandings. Practice active and empathetic listening. Sometimes all you need to
do to understand each other is listening. Generate options with a vision of win-win outcomes.
It's not about winning arguments, it's about reaching agreements that help the workplace build
a better foundation for everyone. Create agreements that work for everyone. This helps build
better teams at work. After all, the workplace is made up of teams.

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