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25 Grand Theory

1. Need For Achievement

a. Need for Achievement
b. Thematic Aspperception Test (TAT)
c. Implikasi bagi manajemen
d. Kuesioner mengukur kekuasaan, prestasi, dan afiliasi
2. Motivation-Hygiene Theory dan Dual-Factor Theory
a. Teori motivasi – Higiene
b. Teori dua faktor
c. Menurut teori dua faktor ada empat kemungkinan kombinasi
d. Kuesioner
3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
a. Hierarki kebutuhan maslow
b. Kebutuhan transedensi-diri
c. Kuesioner hirarki kebutuhan maslow
4. Expectancy Theory of motiovation
a. Teori pengharapan
b. Harapan:usaha
c. Instrumentality
d. Valence V (R)
e. Motivasi force
5. Goal Setting Theory
6. Equity Theory
7. Teori x dan teori y
8. Teori z
9. Hipotesa pasar efisien
10. Manajemen keuangan perilaku (Behavioral Finance)
a. Behavioral finance
b. Teori prospek
c. Bias kognitif
d. Overconvidence, optimism, and narcissism
11. Teori kontingensi
12. Teori keagenan dan stewardship theory
13. Corporate governance
14. Theory of reasoned Action, Theory of planned behavior, technology acceptance model
(TAM), unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
15. Teori dimensi budaya Hofstede
16. Stakeholders theory
17. Teori legitimasi dan teori institusional
18. Teori akuntansi positif
19. Resource based view
20. Signaling theory

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