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‫ م‬1:53 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

Social Questionnaire 
I am Abdullah Al-Bably, I study mental health.
I am interested in societal issues, so I chose the problem of child labor because I believe that all children
have the right to equal opportunities.
Unfortunately, many children nowadays are deprived of educational and health opportunities due to the
living conditions surrounding them, so they are forced to work at a very early age.






YYYY ‫شهر‬ DD

1998 / 02 / 26

* Qualification

High school

Bachelor's degree

Postgraduate studies (Masters or Ph.D.)

:‫أخرى‬… 1/3
‫ م‬1:53 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

University Specialization

English language and teaching methods

* Are you interested in community issues?



* What are the reasons that drive children to work?

Well, I'm going to discuss my reasons from a different positive point of view with keeping in mind good
working conditions. The Middle Eastern countries believe that children have to work at an early age to
help their families, learn more about different fields of life, develop their personalities, prepare them to
the out world, fulfill their needs as their families give them a simple amout of money. It's also a good
activity to do in their free time as children nowadays spend most of their time just scrolling down the
internet. It also helps them to learn more about attitudes and morals. Finally it makes them aware of
.what they want or need

* In your opinion, how does child labor affect society?

.Again, if it was done in good working conditions then it would be something really helpful

* ?How can we improve the mental and physical health of working children

By rewarding them in different ways and reminding them that working at an early age, even if it's
.sometimes against their well, is preparing and shaping their personalities… 2/3
‫ م‬1:53 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

* What is the best solution to this problem in your opinion?

I think it's not a problem. Most of the developed countries are encouraging children to work at an early
age to bulid their characters and help the society. Children have time to play, study, work and to make
.good use of their lives with keeping in mind good working conditions

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 ‫نماذج‬… 3/3

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