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NIT : 21.42.080


During the last vacation, I made a lot of crafts. At that time, I was crazy about art and creativity. Many
ideas had come to my mind three months earlier. All the ideas were written down in a notebook so I
could read them again. Besides that, I searched for other ideas from the internet. Yep, I use google. I
watch video tutorials and read a lot of blogs about art. My parents helped me prepare materials. They
also give me money to buy the things I need. On the first day, I painted some rocks. People call it rock
art. It was a lot of fun. My brothers joined on the third day. Then, we made paper crafts from old
newspapers and magazines. The papers are rolled, shaped and glued together to make pretty designs.
Many beautiful crafts were created.

The last activity is sewing. My mother is a seamstress so I learned to sew from her. Mother also helped
me. Sewing old clothes and towels is so much fun. We produce many useful items. Finally, I really
enjoyed my last vacation.

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