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In a nutshell, this movie brings a huge inspiration about rape jokes that culturized by rape
culture itself. It cannot be taken for granted and as the teenager reaching adulthood, we
must prevent this issue from happened because it is detrimental to our society mentally
and physically.Thus, many alternatives are considered to overcome this trouble from
resurfaces across the globe.The most practical one is to stop the cycle of victim
blaming.The main reason for this is because if we want to stop the same rotation, we must
stop it’s main point,on which is victim blame. This is equivalent to the old proverb,
“Manners maketh man” which means politeness and righteous behaviour are essential in
human’s nature.To affirm this, we can start it by normalizing ourselves to speak in a soft
and affirmed voice tone rather than using vulgar and taboo language, for example slut,
prostitute and others. This is to ensure no misunderstanding between human interaction as
well. Secondly, we may as well have to practice saying NO to rape jokes. It could create
some sort of awareness deep into society itself.The government should take this seriously
as the rape joke is the core to the rape events to happen.

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