Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Modul 8

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Ujian Modul 7 Semester Ganjil

Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

Bahasa Inggris

Nama : ………………………………………
Setara Kelas : 11 (Sebelas) SMA
Program : Komunitas, Komunitas Online Learning, Distance Learning, & Distance
Learning Tunggal
Waktu : 90 menit
Jumlah Soal : 30 Soal AKM

Petunjuk Umum
1. Isikan nama, kelas, dan tanggal pada lembar jawaban sesuai dengan petunjuk soal ujian.
2. Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum adik-adik menjawabnya.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak,
atau tidak lengkap.
4. Periksalah pekerjaan Adik-adik sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
5. Lembar soal tidak boleh difotokopi atau digandakan.

Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, D atau E pada jawaban yang tepat pada
lembar jawaban yang tersedia!

Paket C | –Bahasa Inggris (Sebelas) SMA | © 2022

Read this passage carefully, then answer the questions 1 - 5 below!

1. What was Sally doing at the park? _________________________________________

2. What was Sally’s position in the last company?
A. Employee
B. Manager
C. Headmaster
D. Principal
E. Vice
3. What kind of the text above?

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4. Match verb 1 in column A with Verb 2 in column B
Walk □ □ Came
Find □ □ Gived
Come □ □ Found
Give □ □ Walked
Read □ □ Gave
□ Read

5. What did Sally receive from Mrs. Nono?

A. A letter
B. A personal letter
C. An invitation letter
D. A news letter
E. News item

The text is for number 6 – 8!

To all members of UNA Society Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
I would like to remind you to come the weekly meeting on Friday, 23 December 2022
from 7 p.m until 9 p.m in our meeting room. There will be some souvenir from Bali.
Best regards,
Ridlo Irman

6. Choose 3 correct answers by giving ¿) in front of the answers.

Based on the invitation text above, which one the following statements are true?
A The meeting held every week

B There will not be souvenir

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C The invitation is for all members of UNA

D The meeting will be held for 2 hours

E The invitation is for all students

7. Where is the meeting will be held?

A. Class
B. Teacher office
C. Meeting’s room
D. Committee’s room
E. Not yet announced

8. Who makes the invitation? _______________________________________________

The text is for number 9 – 11!
Dear Gigih,

Due to the English Debate Competition 2022 event on 20 December 2022, at Dubai,

please come to the selection of English Debate Competition 2022.

The top three students will become UNA’s Delegate and compete with others top

students in the world. I believe that you have the quality to pass the selection.

Best regards,

Atim Sekarwangi

9. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?

A. To invite Atim attend the selection of English Debate Competition
B. To invite someone join the English Debate Competition 2022 at Dubai
C. To invite Gigih join the internal selection process
D. To inform Gigih the selection of English Debate Competition 2022
E. To invite someone join the internal selection process

10. When the event will be held? _____________________________________________

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11. The top three students will become UNA’s delegate and compete with others…”the
word become has synonym to …
A. Participate
B. Watch
C. Register
D. See
E. Having teamwork
12. What is definition of invitation letter?

13. Tick (√ ¿the correct purpose of invitation letter (True or False) based on the previous
Statement True False
1. To invite people to join an event
2. To persuade people to go somewhere
3. To tell a good story
4. To describe a certain party
5. To ask someone to come to the party

Read the invitation below to answer questions number 14 – 17!

To: Keisha (XI IPS)

Health is one of God’s blessings that is given to us
We realize how important health is
Given that importance, we invite you to take part at the event of ‘Run
Together’ with PKBM Kak Seto
that will be held on Friday February 14th, 2022
This event aims to improve the health of us
This event will be held around PKBM Kak Seto from 8 a.m. until finish
The route is attached
RSVP to Gala (085263444200) before February 13th, 2022
Sincerely yours,
Committee Leader
Paket C | –Bahasa Inggris (Sebelas) SMA | © 2022
14. The text above is talking about an invitation to attend ____________________ event.

15. Give a tick (√ ¿ to 3 right answers.

A The invitees are the students of PKBM Kak Seto.

B The committee asked the reader to maintain their health through the event.

C The participants should pay to join the ‘Run Together’ event.

D The event will be held in the afternoon.

E Arista is the sender of the invitation

16. What should Keisha do after reading the invitation?

A. She should call Arista before the due date
B. She should contact Gala to confirm her attendance
C. She has to register in PKBM kak Seto
D. She needs to maintain her health
E. She should run to PKBM kak Seto

17. Draw a line to match the words from the text above on the left column with their
meaning on the right.

Given 1) a. Menyadari

Realize 2) b. Memutuskan

Aims 3) c. Tujuan

Improve 4) d. Diberikan

Attached 5) e. Terlampir

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f. Memperbaiki

18. An invitation letter usually contains some information. Tick (√ ¿ the information
available :
 The host
 The date and time
 Partner
 The place
 How to accept the invitation

19. Invitation letters can be divided into two. Mention!


The letter is for question 20-24!

20. What type of letter is that above?

Paket C | –Bahasa Inggris (Sebelas) SMA | © 2022

A. A private letter

B. A personal letter

C. A special letter

D. A personal matter

E. An individual letter

21. There are some tips in writing letters, you may give more than one tick (√) the
statements below!

⎘ Writing a draft first.

⎘ Make sure your letter can be read clearly

⎘ Make sure you don’t have to check the grammar

⎘ Check your spelling

⎘ Call your friend before sending the letter

22. Explain the definition of personal letter _____________________________________


23. The letter above is writes in ….. form.

A. Informal

B. Formal

C. Private

D. Personal

E. Business

24. Before writing a letter, we should __________________________________________

25. You can write a personal letter about these topics, decide whether it’s True or False!

Statement True False

Paket C | –Bahasa Inggris (Sebelas) SMA | © 2022

1. Daily activities

2. Holiday or some events

3. Expressing condolence

4. Resign letter

5. Job vacation

Read the letter below and answer the question!

26. Who is sent the letter?

A. Aelia
B. Maria

C. Aurelia

D. Marla

E. A sister

27. Translate “paragraph 2” of the letter above into Indonesia!

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28. Match some terms of a letter below!

Salutation To
Endings Dear

29. Mention 5 contains of personal letter!

30. What is the dialogue about? ______________________________________________

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Paket C | –Bahasa Inggris (Sebelas) SMA | © 2022

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