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BSN 3A | GE 7 (Art Appreciation)

Give your perception about Beauty. What is Beauty for

you? Do you have any standards in considering Art
The most important distinction between art and beauty is that art is defined
by the person who created it, while the latter is determined by the person who
beholds it. There are, without a doubt, standards of beauty that pertain to what is
considered to be "traditionally" beautiful. From my perspective, everybody is
beautiful, but not everybody can perceive it. It is stated that beauty is in the eye of
the beholder, and this proverb is absolutely true. Because of how we see them,
beautiful things appear much more beautiful. The concept of beauty refers to more
than just physical attractiveness; it also encompasses qualities such as acts of
kindness, love, respect, honesty, and loyalty. A person experiences beauty in
whatever quality that or any other thing contributes to a positive mood or a sense of
gratitude in them. Art cannot be defined by beauty alone; rather, art can be created
from, about, or for beautiful things. Since artworks express ideas, feelings, and
emotions that may or may not have an impact on you, I can certainly say that I do
not have any standards that I use to determine whether or not I find a piece of art to
be beautiful as long as it doesn't promote scrutiny and evil.

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