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By: Ms.


Beauty can be defined through

objective and subjective view
Objective View:
beauty can be measured.
there is an appropriate measure.
standard - not personal preference.
Subjective View:
David Hume
exists merely in mind.
perceives a different beauty.
standard - personal preference
Objective View - the standard must be unbiased
and not influenced by personal opinions.
Subjective View - the standard depends on how
one will define it and is strongly influenced by
personal biases.
Cognitive Bias - an error in reasoning,
evaluating, remembering, or any other mental
process that is often a result of holding on to
one's preferences.
Halo Effect - physical attractiveness stereotype.
Body Image - it is how a person views his
physical body whether he feels attractive or not
and how he feels some other people like his looks
Culture - has a huge impact on how a person
feels about his/her body image.
Philippines - influenced by western views
about body image.
Positive body image - positive view of self
accept yourself or how you look
your looks will match your standards
your self-esteem will not suffer
"The real problem here is
your own beauty standards
and not with your looks."

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