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Notes chapter 9 support and movement

Skeletons are used for

Making red blood cells
Define exoskeleton = as animals that have their
.skeleton on the outside of their body
Exoskeletons are made from chitin
All arthropods have exoskeletons
?Why do exoskeletons don't grow much
Animals with exoskeletons never grow very large. if they
did their exoskeletons would become too heavy for their
.muscles to move
Define moulting = every so often the hard covering is
.shed and a new one grows. this is called moulting
Define metamorphosis= as the change in body form as
.an animal grows
Define endoskeleton= animals which have their
skeletons inside their bodies
All mammals; amphibians; reptiles have endoskeletons
And their all vertebrates
Define osteoporosis=elder people are more prone to
fractures due to soft bones ; its caused by lack of
.calcium in diet
=All vertebrate skeletons have the same basic parts
A rib cage
A joined backbone
A skull
Limbs and limbs girdles
Your skeleton is made up of more than 200 bones
Define ossification= the skeleton starts of being
cartilage its then slowly replaced by the addition of
.calcium and phosphorus
Joint Where find in the Type of
body movment
Hinge Elbow;knee;finger Like a hinge in a
Ball and socket Hip and shoulder In all directions
piovt neck Nodding or
fixed Skull and pelvis No movement
gliding backbone Slight movment

Movements at these joints can cause friction. A

=synovial joint is built to cut down friction
the ends of the bones are covered with cartilage. This .
acts as a shock absorber and stops the two bones from
.rubbing together
the synovial membrane encloses synovial fluid. This .
lubricates or oils the joint and makes movement easy
the bones are held together at a joint by tough .
muscles are connected to the bones by tendons. when .
.mucsles work; they pull on tendons and move the bone
When a muscle contracts it gets shorter ad fatter
When a muscle relaxes it gets back to its old shape
Muscles like your biceps and triceps work in pairs
When one relaxes the other contracts so they are called
antagonistic pair of muscles

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