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Mind Exchange n

• Cost: variable magic points; 1D3 Sanity points

• Casting time: 1 hour

Allows the spellcaster to trade minds with another individual. The caster must
expend magic points equal to one-fifth of the target’s POW the first time the spell
is cast. Thereafter, for the same targeted individual, the cost reduces by 1 magic
point per casting until it reaches 1, where it remains. The target must know the
spellcaster and a significant emotional bond must exist between them (e.g. love).
If that affection is somehow lost, the exchange can no longer occur. Fresh
affection renews the chance.
This spell may be cast at any range. When cast, the caster must win an opposed POW
with the target to perform the exchange (the more times the spell is cast, the
easier it becomes to exchange minds, hence the reducing cost of the spell (per the
terms stated above). When the cost has been reduced to 1 magic point the opposed
POW roll is no longer necessary and the caster can transfer at will, using only a
strong mental effort.
The spellcaster cannot initially stay more than a few minutes inside the target’s
body, but progressively (with repeated use of the spell) is able to stay longer and
Once the cost for transfer is 1 magic point, he or she can stay there indefinitely
as desired.
Note that for the person who mind has been exchanged into the caster’s body, a
Sanity roll is required (1/1D3 or more depending on the circumstances).

Deeper magic: by effectively doubling the magic point cost of the spell the caster
swops the minds of two other individuals. An emotional bond is not necessarily
required, but both individuals must be in the same location (within 20 feet of one
another and the caster). The caster must spend magic points equal to one-fifth of
each of the target’s POW (this cost never diminishes through repeated casting).
The duration is variable, usually 1D10+10 minutes, but may be longer at the
Keeper’s discretion. Reversing the casting returns the minds to their correct

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