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單字卷 翰林高中英文(一)挖空題 得分

Lesson 7
How Light from a Bottle Can Change the World
班級____________ 座號____________ 姓名______________________

共 39 題,每題 2 分,共 78 分
1. If the factory closes, most of its employees will face h______p.
2. In his book, the writer describes all the h______ps his family suffered.
3. After she got the raise, Lucy could a______d to buy an apartment of her own.
4. The store sells many kinds of goods at a______e prices.
5. Storm clouds often contain a huge amount of e______l power.
6. You can switch off lights, computers, and TV sets to save e______y.
7. The number of e______c cars in use is growing all the time.
8. The owner of a computer store pays my brother to o______e the
business for her.

9. The doctor said it wouldn’t be necessary to o______e on my leg.

10. The successful o______n of such a large company depends on

thousands of people.

11. After his heart o______n, my father took two months off work to get well.
12. Mom said she would m______d the hole in my jeans.
13. The only f______e in the living room was an old sofa.
14. The m______c at the repair shop told me my car would be ready
15. It was found that a m______l failure caused the plane to crash.
16. The doctor said my f______t headaches are probably caused by
work pressure.
17. A problem at a power plant resulted in a b______t across the city.
18. The sun’s r______ys are very strong in the early afternoon, so wear a hat.
19. After a period of r______n, Simon understood the mistakes he had made
and resolved to do better.
20. Janice thought she saw a person’s r______n in the window, but
when she turned around there was nobody there.
21. The sky was clear and blue, and the surface of the lake r______ted the
distant mountains.
22. The teacher said he would r______t on our request and give us an
answer the next day.
23. We took p______c cups and plates on the picnic so that there wouldn’t be
any broken glass.
24. The box is made of a very strong p______c.
25. The light won’t come on, so maybe the b______b needs changing.
26. Peter says he has a new i______n that can make a bicycle go faster.
27. Nobody knows where the i______n of the wheel took place.
28. The telephone was i______ed by Alexander Graham Bell in the late 19th
29. Our company uses the latest computer t______y to design new products.
30. This article describes many new medical t______gies.
31. The government will provide money for t______l research.
32. Some new building p______ts will be started in this area in the near
33. You can’t go online until the Internet connection is i______led.
34. The i______n of the downtown Christmas lights was completed on
December 1st.
35. I don’t think we can r______r this microwave oven, so you should
probably buy a new one.
36. Most of my salary last month was spent on car r______rs.
37. Bernard was born and raised in a r______e village.
38. The remote island is d______t on a supply ship that arrives just
four times a year.
39. Farmers in this region d______d on the rainy season to grow their


共 4 題,每格 2.5 分,共 25 分
1. 不用說傑克今天又遲到了。他為什麼就是沒辦法準時呢?

that Jack was late again today. Why can’t he ever be on
2. 我突然想到我禮拜六不能和你出門,因為我要照顧我的妹妹。

It’s just me that I can’t go with you on Saturday because I have to

look after my sister.
3. 煙火點亮了河上的整片夜空。

The fireworks the whole sky above the river.

4. 這個新的音樂應用程式變得很流行,尤其受青少年歡迎。

The new music app quickly , especially among teenagers.

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