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An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Approved by AlCTE, New Delhi and Accredited by NAAC - 'A+ Grade KNOWLEDGE-CHARACTER - UNITY

DATE: 02-07-2022
Ref No: NMIT/CSE/Higher Studies/2021-22/426

Letter of Recommendation
It is with pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation to Ms. K S Thanmayee in support
of her application to pursue a Master's degree in your esteemed university. Currently, I hold the
designation of Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science Engineering in Nitte
Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. I have known Thanmayee for the past four years
as an undergraduate student and she has studied various subjects at our institute.

I have handled Python Programming as an elective during her sixth semester of her undergraduate
studies. Though the course was for a period of six months, she has shown immense interest and
curiosity to gain more knowledge. Her competitive nature and impressive grasping power of the
technical concepts have made her achieve outstanding grades in her academics.

Thanmayee is a hardworking and an honest student which is evident from her consistent efforts to
be among the top percentile of the class. She is an active participant of all the classroom
discussions. She has the ability to understand the presented concepts and has clarity in her
thoughts. She has good understanding of fundamentals in programming languages such as Java
and Cprogramming. Her ideas are creative and innovative which was demonstrated in herproject
Typing Speed Test". It was designed such that it tests the speed ofthe user's typing and also gives
data about how accurate the typing is done by the user. She is always enthusiastic about new
opportunities to strengthen her knowledge and makes best use of them.

Apart from academics, she has been active in most of the extracurricular activities that take place
in the institute. She is a disciplined student with excellent time management skills. With her
optimistic attitude and keen desire to explore and learn, I consider her as a potential candidate for
admission into your university.

Istrongly recommend Thanmayee for the Master's program in your University and be considered
for any scholarships that you might offer. Please feel free to contact me for any further queries.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Sowmya M R
Department of Computer Science & Engineerng Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology
Bangalore, Karnataka- 560 064
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology
E-mail ID: Yelahanka, Bangalore-560 064.
Phone: +91 9880338564

9 PB. No. 6429, Yelahanka, Bengaluru - 560 064 +91 80 2216 7800 C+91 80 2216 7805
Karnataka, India.

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