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Name: Alangui, Hannah Vannerie A.

Year & Section: BSN 1-C Date:

Laboratory Exercise 1.1 Composition and Functions of Blood

1. Complete the following description of the components of blood by writing the

missing words in the answer blanks.

Connective 1. In terms of its tissue classifications, blood is classified as a _(1)_

because it has living blood cells, called _(2)_, suspended in a
Formed Elements 2.
nonliving fluid matrix called _(3)_. The “fibers” of blood only
Plasma 3.
become visible during _(4)_.
Clotting 4.
If a blood sample is centrifuged, the heavier blood cells
Erythrocytes 5. become packed at the bottom of the tube. Most of this compacted
Hematocrit 6. cell mass is composed of _(5)_, and the volume of blood accounted

Plasma 7. for by these cells is referred to as the _(6)_. The less dense _(7)_
rises to the top and constitutes about 45% of the blood volume. The
Platelets 8.
so-called “buffy coat” composed of _(8)_ and _(9)_ is found at the
Leukocytes 9. junction between the other two blood elements. The buffy coat
accounts for less than _(10)_% of blood volume.
1 10.
Blood is scarlet red in color when it is located with _(11)_;
Oxygen 11.
otherwise, it tends to be dark red.

2. Using the key choices, identify the cell type(s) or blood elements that fir the
following descriptions. Insert the correct term and letter response in the spaces

Key Choices
A. Red blood cell D. Basophil G. Lymphocyte
B. Megakaryocyte E. Monocyte H. Formed elements
C. Eosinophil F. Neutrophil I. Plasma

F. Neutrophil 1. Most numerous leukocyte

C. Eosinophil 2. 2, 3, 4 Granular leukocytes
D. Basophil 3.
F. Neutrophil 4.
A. Red blood 5. Also called an erythrocyte; a nucleate
E. Monocyte 6. 6,7, Actively phagocytic leukocytes
F. Neutrophil 7.
E. Monocyte 8. 8, 9 A granular leukocytes
G. Lymphocyte 9.
B. Megakaryocyte 10. Fragments to form platelets
H. Formed elements 11. A Through (G) are examples of these
C. Eosinophil 12. Increases during allergy attacks
D. Basophil 13. Releases histamine during inflammatory
G. Lymphocyte
14. After originating in bone marrow, may be
formed in lymphoid tissue
15. Contains hemoglobin
A. Red blood cell
16. Primarily water, non-cellular; the fluid matrix
I. Plasma of blood.
E. Monocyte 17. Increases in number during prolonged
18. Least numerous leukocyte
D. Basophil
19. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Also called white blood
F. Neutrophil cells
C. Eosinophil 20.
D. Basophil 21.
G. Lymphocyte 22.
E. Monocyte 23.
4.For each true statement, insert T. If any of the statements are false, correct the underlined
term by inserting the correction in the answer blank.

Diapedesis 1. White blood cells (WBCs) move into and out of blood vessels by the process of
T 2. An abnormal decrease in the number of white blood cells isleukopenia.
Kidneys 3. When blood becomes too acid or too basic, both the respiratory system and the
liver may be called into action torestore it to its normal pH range.
7.35 to 7.45 4. The normal pH range of blood is 7.00 to 7.45.
5 5. The cardiovascular system of an average adult containsapproximately 4 liters of blood.
T 6. Blood is circulated through the blood vessels by the pumpingaction of the heart.
Leukocytosis 7. An abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells isleucocytosis.
4.8-5.4 8. The normal RBC count is 3.5-4.5 million/mm3.
hematocrit 9. Normal hemoglobin values are in the area of 42%-47% of the volume of whole
less 10. An anemia resulting from a decreased RBC number causes the blood to become more
monocytes 11. Phagocytic a granular WBCs are eosinophils
lymphocytes 12. The leukocytes particularly important in the immune response are monocyte

5. Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings

1. Erythrocytes lymphocytes monocytes eosinophils

2. Neutrophils monocytes basophils eosinophils
3. Hemoglobin lymphocyte oxygen transport erythrocytes
4. Platelets monocytes phagocytosis neutrophils
5. Thrombus aneurysm embolus clot
6. Plasma nutrients hemoglobin wastes
7. Myeloid stem cell lymphocyte monocyte basophil
Name: Year & Section: Date:

Laboratory Exercise 1.2 Hemostasis

6. Using key choices, correctly complete the following description of the blood-
clotting process. Insert the key term or letter in the answer blanks.

Key Choices

A. Break D. Fibrinogen F. Serotonin

B. Erythrocytes E. Platelets G. Thrombin
C. Fibrin F. Prothrombin H. Tissue factor

A. Break 1. Clotting beings when _(1)_ occurs in a blood vessel wall.

Almost immediately, _(2)_ cling to the blood vessel wall
E. Platelets 2.
F. Serotonin and release _(3)_, which helps to decrease blood loss by
constricting the vessel. _(4)_ is also released by damaged
H. Tissue 4.
factor cells in the are. This chemical substance causes _(5)_ to be
F. Prothrombin 5. converted to _(6)_ . Once present, thrombin acts as an
enzyme to attach _(7)_ molecules together to form long,
G. Thrombin 6.
threadlike strands of _(8)_, which then traps _(9)_ flowing
D. Fibrinogen 7. in the blood.

C. Fibrin 8.

B. Erythrocytes 9.
Name: Year & Section: Date:

Laboratory Exercise 1.3 Blood Groups and Transfusions

7. Correctly complete the following table concerning ABO blood groups.

Blood Type Agglutinogens Agglutinins or Can donate Can receive

or antigens antibodies in blood to type blood from type

Type A A Anti-B A, AB O,A

Type B B Anti-A B, AB O, B

Type AB A and B NONE AB O,A,B, AB

Type O none Anti-A and Anti-B O, A,B, AB O

What blood type is universal donor? Type O

The universal recipient? Type AB

Boore, J. (2016). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for
Nursing Practice 1st Edition. Sage Publications Inc.

Roiger, D., & Bullock, N. (2019). Anatomy, Physiology, & Diseases

Foundations for the Health Professions (Second ed., Vol.
1). New York, New York: McGrawHill.

Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. H. (2017). Tortora’s Principles of

Anatomy and Physiology (15th ed., Vol. 1). John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.

Online Resources:

Boore, J. (n.d.). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing

Practice. Retrieved October 27, 2020, from
Boore, J., Cooke, N., & Shepherd, A. (2016). Essentials of Anatomy
and Physiology for Nursing Practice. Retrieved August 07,
2020, from

Odya, E., & Norris, M. (2017). Anatomy & physiology for dummies.
Hoboken, NJ, New Jersey: Wiley. Retrieved August 07,
2020, from

Thompson, G. S., & Thompson, G. S. (2020). Workbook to

accompany Understanding anatomy & physiology: A visual,
auditory, interactive approach. Philadelphia, MA: F.A
Davis. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from
Module Feedback Questionnaire
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
2nd semester, School Year 2020 to 2021

The purpose of the student evaluation process is to improve the quality of learning
and teaching. Evaluations are not intended to monitor the individual performance of
members of academic staff, nor to be channels for student complaints, for which other
procedures exist. Module evaluation may be either qualitative or quantitative in
emphasis. All modules offered by a School must be evaluated on every occasion the
module is taught. All forms of evaluation, including questionnaires, should be made
available to and collected from students in such a way as to permit students sufficient
time for a considered response, proportionate to the nature of the evaluation. Schools
should aim to achieve an optimal rate of return.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Instruction: Tick the box to rate the module based on your experience. The results will
be used to improve the student experience of the module. Thank you!

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

agree agree nor disagree
A. Learning/academic value of the module
1. The module was intellectually
stimulating.     

2. I have learned something that I

    
consider valuable.
3. My interest in the subject has
increased as a consequence of this     
4. I have understood the subject
    
materials in this module.
B. Skills development
1. This module has helped me to
    
develop my problem-solving skills.
2. This module has sharpened my
    
analytic skills.
3. This module has improved my written
    
communication skills.
4. This module has helped me develop
    
the ability to plan my own work.
5. This module has helped me to
    
develop my research skills.
C. Module content
1. I understood the aims and objectives
    
of this module.
2. I was informed of the expected
    
learning outcomes for this module.
3. I found this module interesting.     
4. I found this module challenging.     
5. I found the module content
appropriate for helping my learning
    
and preparation for assessment for
this module.
D. Organization
1. The module was well organized.     
2. I can easily understand the contents
    
of the module.
E. Resources
1. The electronic learning resources
(e.g. ebooks, Youtube links) for the     
module were appropriate.
2. I found the recommended reading
    
F. Teaching and Academic Support
1. I have been able to contact the
    
teaching staff when I needed to.
2. I have been satisfied with the
academic advice given by teaching     
staff on this module.
3. I was able to obtain guidance from
the instructor to support my studies     
when needed.
G. Assessment and feedback
1. I understood the assessment
arrangements and marking criteria     
before starting the assessment.
2. The methods of assessment on this
module gave me a fair opportunity to     
demonstrate what I had learned
3. Assessment deadlines were
    
4. I received timely and helpful
feedback on my learning in the     
Overall, I am satisfied with the quality     
of the module.

What would you say were the best features of this module?

What problems did you encounter in the course of your studies?

Other comments/suggestions:

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