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I, script (double, triple)

A total of 100 scripts for pairs and 50 scripts for trios are required
Composition: Each script consists of two parts, the general overview form + the body of the
script. The following English script is an example of a script that needs to be written by a French
native to simulate a conversation between 2 or 3 people according to the area of need, as

1. Business meeting conversation (two-person meeting)

① 1 Scene script, business meeting for two people, 20 minutes in length (starts
with a greeting and ends with a greeting)
② Vary the type and content of the industry as much as possible.
③ Customers and consulting, superiors and subordinates, colleagues, etc.
change scenarios (it is not necessary to change all scenarios script).
④ Complete the necessary number of scripts per demand instruction.
⑤ No grammatical errors, smooth and natural writing
(6) For each language, up to 2 groups of different pronouncers are allowed for
the same script.

2. Business meeting conversation (three-person meeting)

① 1 Scene script for a three-person business meeting, 20 minutes long (starts
with a greeting and ends with a greeting).
② Vary the type and content of the industry as much as possible.
③ 1 customer and 2 consultants, 1 superior and 2 subordinates, colleagues and
other multi-shift scenarios (not necessary to change all)
(Scene script).
④ There are no grammatical errors and the text flows naturally.
二,Conference Outline
A total of 200 copies of a two-person outline and 150 copies of a three-person outline are
Composition: Each outline consists of two parts, general overview form + specific outline, the
following English outline for example, need native according to the field of demand simulation of
2 or 3 people to write the outline of the dialogue, the specific needs are as follows.

1. Non-scripted, in particular the topic of the session or the issue to be

discussed, 20 minutes for a single topic, between 2 and 3 people. 2 and 3 people
should not repeat the content of the session. Written in French native.
2. Anticipate conversations between workplace peers and work-related people such
as business parties. Avoid the use of so-called entertainment
The Le Gossip-like theme is based on the premise that dialogue is an extension
of work. Nor is it necessary to limit oneself to a discussion of social issues
On. If there is a strong "conversational" component, talking to each other
about hobbies and interests, then the personal information of the speaker
It is likely to be included in the conversation, so be careful not to do so.
3. The conversation is guaranteed to last 20 minutes.

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